Dorthena (8 page)

Read Dorthena Online

Authors: Sharon Barrett

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #paranormal, #violence, #bad language

BOOK: Dorthena
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“Thena it’s me
Ryker,” his deep baritone voice seeped into body, “settle down in
the bed you’re badly hurt and need to recuperate from the hell you
went through last night.” Ryker looked worried. Then he new from
the look on her face what was coming next.

“What the hell
are you doing here? I never ask you to come! Get the hell out of my
motel room! I can handle the situation just fine without your help!
I don’t want you here! Get out or I’ll call the motel manager!”
Thena tried to reach for the phone by the bed and found no table.
Thena began to scream at Ryker. “Ryker where is the damn table and
the phone, where is my gun from under the pillow? Damn it, Ryker
answer me right now or so help me you will regret it! Answer me
Ryker, where the hell am I?”

Ryker never
said a word he just let Thena rant and rave on and on until she
couldn’t rant and rave any more. When she threw herself back into
the bed she waited silently as tears ran down her cheeks, Ryker
spoke softly, “I am here, because Ned called me. I know you didn’t
ask me to come, but I am here now. We are not in your motel room;
you were in no shape to be left there to tend to yourself. As for
the handling the situation love, I think you were doing great up
until last night! The man Cullen is dead I killed him one bullet to
the head took care of him. Since I am here now, I am staying as for
lending you a hand if you want it fine I’ll help, if not fine, I
have another job to do! There is no phone in this cabin we are
staying in and your gun is under the mattress on your right.”

sitting up Thena was glad she could not see Ryker’s face with some
self satisfied smirk on it. Or the, I told you so look! Truth was
there was no smirk or I told you so look, just a worried frown.
Thena laid back down in bed she felt defeated, tired, warn out, and
half dead inside. Come to think of it she felt half dead inside
since her and Ryker split a year a go, she was not going to tell
him that. Here she was twenty six years old and she felt like a
hundred years old. Thena turned on her side and shut out the

Then it
crossed her mind what day it was. She turned in bed and smiled,
“Ryker,” when he walked into the room Thena sat up, “Happy birthday
Ryker your thirty today. I hope you have many more, “With that
Thena laid back down turned on to her side and shut out the world
and tried to fall a sleep. Sleep would not come easy not with Ryker
in the same cabin. Thena felt desire shoot through her body but was
too weak to do much about it.

“Ryker smiled,
she had remembered it was his birthday, Ryker slipped out of the
cabin locked the door walked down to the local store purchase some
groceries, two candles and two candle holders, a box of chocolates,
an apple pie stopped at the liquor store and purchased a bottle of
wine! Ryker walked back to the cabin unlocked the door and walked
in. Closed the door behind him and started dinner for the two of
them. When the steaks were cooked both loved them medium done, wine
opened, salad and mashed potatoes and sweet corn he walked to the

Thena looked a
lot better, her eyes were not swollen shut any longer, but they
were a beautiful color of reds, purples, yellow and even black,
more then likely still tender. Her color was extremely pale and
didn’t like the pasty look she had about her. It was not just her
face but her arms and legs as well. He walked to the bed; Thena
wake up love dinner is ready. Thena had slept the better part of
the day away.

Thena turned
onto her back from her side and looked up at Ryker; he was still so
handsome her heart skipped a few beats. His smile warmed her heart,
and she felt warm between the legs, desire shot through her body.
She wanted him, yet was so scared to let him know her desires for
him still ran strong with in her body. Her body remembered the
satisfaction Ryker could give her. The long hours of love making;
and her body demanding more, what was she to do now with these
feelings racing through her body?

“Come dinner
is ready your steak is getting cold.” Ryker said with a big smile
as if he had read her mind. He had not but his mind was racing
along the same lines of thinking. And his shaft was growing hard.
Dismissing the uncomfortable feelings he waited for Thena.

“Slowly Thena
moved the covers from her and slid her legs over the side of the
bed. She sat for a moment feeling dizzy then got up. Ryker took her
by the arm and led her to the table. When she was seated he put
wine in her glass, lit the candles turned down the lights, served
up steak, potatoes and corn. Thena said little at the table almost
scared to say anything it might ruin the dinner. Ryker talked on
about jobs he had done over the year, he didn’t mention any girl
friends and Thena would not ask. He did not ask her about men
friends which was fine with her since there had only been two with
Seeker being the most recent if you could call it anything but one
morning sex.

When dinner
was over he cut her a slice of apple pie and gave her a box of
chocolates. Thena set the chocolates aside. They were her favorite
chocolate covered nuts. When dinner was over Thena suggested she do
the dishes but Ryker said absolutely not, she needed her rest and
wanted her to go back to bed immediately after dinner.

Thena got up
from the table and started for the bedroom when she was half way to
the bedroom door Thena felt funny and she stopped walking leaned
her head off to one side as if she were listening. Thena began to
sway slightly back and forth. Then suddenly Ryker was picking her
up off her feet and carrying her to the bed. He laid her down, “Are
you ok Thena? You do not look to well!”

“Just need
time to recover is all I have lost a lot of blood in the past few

“How much
blood have you lost Thena? Damn it answers me?” Thena was
unconscious in his arms he laid her back.

“Rushing to
Thena’s cell phone he dialled Zand, “Zand here!”

“Zand it’s
Ryker I need a doctor and a doctor fast, who can I call?”

“Zand gave
Ryker, Paige’s number and he dialled it.

When the phone
rang, “Jake and Paige, what can I do for you?”

“Please let me
speak to Paige Zand gave me her number.”

Jake turned
yelled, “Paige it is for you honey.”

Paige came to
the phone, “Hello.”

Paige my name
is Ryker I am a friend of Zand’s please help me?”

Paige smiled;
certainly I will help what is the problem.

Ryker smiled,
“Woman twenty six, multi shape-shifter mostly cats. Lost a lot of
blood from two different situations one from being shot, bullet
went through the shoulder. It is now healed, beating last night
nose bleeds, mouth bleeding, cut on arm was bleeding, a lot of
swelling she is unconscious feel it is from lose of blood.

Paige looked
worried, “she needs a blood transfusion right away must be a
werewolf’s blood human blood will not work Are you a werewolf or
multi shape-shifter?”

“Yes I am a

“Then you need
to give her blood right away. Is there someone there to help you?”
Paige said with authority.

“No I am a
lone but I can do it. Ok run a needle with a tube from your vein to
the females arm. Make sure you arm is up higher then the females,
you should be able to go to a drug store and purchase what you will
need say it is for a horse just purchase smaller needles. Call me
and let me know how you make out!”

Ryker rushed
off to the drug store and when he got back Thena was still out on
the bed. Half and hour later Thena was resting comfortable and
sound a sleep. Her color looked so much better. He had given her a
pint of blood and his werewolf blood was coursing through her veins
healing her and helping to reproduce blood. Ryker undid the needles
and tube. He had sneaked out to the local hospital and managed to
get a bottle of IV for Thena, and set it up for her. Ryker was
exhausted and laid next to Thena on the bed sound a sleep.




The sun was up
and it was sixty thirty in the morning. Thena woke up her arm was
sore, but other wise she felt great. She had not felt this good in
a long time she thought. Must have been that steak dinner last
night, must eat more steak she thought. She straighten her arms out
and felt someone next to her she turned her head and Ryker was
sound a sleep he was laying on his back on top of the bed. Thena
smiled, she suddenly wanted him so badly she could cry. He smelled
so good, like musk, warm breath of air on the face in the summer
time, he smelled of leaves and the woods, her inner wolf growled.
Suddenly she could stand it no longer and she purred with desire.
She ached in her tummy and between her legs, she felt wet between
the legs. She sat up leaned over Ryker and kissed him hard and
deep. When he returned the kiss she began to undo his shirt, his
pants, when they were gone he flipped her over onto her back and
looked at Thena her eyes were black from desire, her body was hot,
she pulled him in but he refused, she cried out ,. “Ryker I need
you, I want you know! Please! Thena ran her hand down to his shaft
it was hard and large. She rubbed him until the need inside of her
was out of control.”

Ryker looked
at her scented her, “no Thena. We are working together, no

She tried to
pull him towards her he refused again. She tore at her night grown
until it was gone!

“Damn it Ryker
I need you now please! I am on fire for you, please Ryker!” Thena
said as her body was hit with a wave of heat.

“Thena listen
to me your starting your heat likely in day or two, we can’t do it,
and we are not a mated pair. I’ll get you some medication or you
will have to bear this week out, please don’t beg me again.” Ryker
got up out of bed picked up his clothes and walked out of the

screamed, “Damn you Ryker if you don’t then I find someone else!”
Thena dressed quickly walked out of the bedroom marched across the
room and went to open the door. Suddenly she was grabbed from
behind by Ryker and he held her tight. Thena began rubbing her butt
into Ryker and she felt him growing hot and hard. She purred she
tried to turn but he refused to let her move. Then undid the front
of her jeans and let them fall to the floor. She bent over rubbing
her butt against his shaft.

Ryker held
Thena to him his desires were growing beyond what control he had,
His inner wolf wanted to dominate Thena and take her. He hoped it
was just from the blood transfusion and it would pass. Thena
shifted down into a wolf turned on Ryker he shifted down as well.
He snapped at Thena trying to gain control over her. She snapped,
growled, and snarled, bearing her teeth. Ryker knew she meant
business and he had to get the upper hand on her now or it was over
between them. Ryker hit Thena with his body knocked her down
grabbed her by the throat and put pressure on her until she
whimpered in defeat. When Ryker released her Thena shifted back to
human form got up and rushed to the bathroom crying. She turned on
the shower got in clothes and all, the cold water helped and when
she was shivering she turned off the water crawled out of the tub.
She wrapped a towel around herself walked to the bedroom and
dressed. She knew that cold water nothing would work to help once
she got into the heat.

When Thena
walked out of the bedroom she looked at Ryker with big sad eyes.
Picked up her purse and keys and walked to the door.

“Where the
hells are you going” Ryker said in anger.

“I have a job
to do and I am going to go do it.” With that she marched out of the
cabin and up to the motel she knocked on the door of the motel that
Cullen’s were staying in, no answer she opened the door stepped
back, and to the side. When she did a small explosion went off and
Thena was thrown ten feet landing in the parking lot. Thena jumped
up looked around in a daze.

Ryker came
rushing up to her. “Thena are you alright?”

Thena looked
down at her denims, brushed them off. Checked her self over and
walked away from the scene. She walked over to her vehicle, noticed
the passenger side door unlocked the rest of the doors were locked.
She moved away from the vehicle bent down looked under the SUV saw
a bomb attached. Ryker saw her and got down and looked he crawled
over to the vehicle and took the bomb out from under the vehicle.
Cut the wires and tossed it in a garbage container.

Thena walked
back to the cabin grabbed a couple scanners from a box walked back
to her vehicle starting at the engine she scanned the vehicle found
three more bombs and disabled them. Once that was accomplished she
got into her vehicle and drove away leaving Ryker standing in the
parking lot.

Ryker was
angry with him self she wanted him and he turned her down that was
a mistake maybe, once they made love maybe she would have hated him
for taking advantage of her. Or she might have hated her self for
coming on to him. Either way it would have been a mistake, now she
is off by herself and nearly in heat and more then likely looking
for a male once she gets hit with another wave of desire. He also
knew that if she was in heat there was no female she could not
destroy. Females were known to be very jealous when in heat, and
they saw there mates as there’s alone.

Thena drove
out towards Seeker place of work. When she arrived she saw Seekers
truck. She walked up to it ran a scan over the truck. She found two
bombs and quickly disposed of them as fast as she could. Then moved
her vehicle out of the way and out of sight, but where she could
watch his truck and the door he existed out of.

Three hours
later she was hit with another wave of desire when she thought of
Ryker and had to do something, she pulled her vehicle out and moved
away from the buildings and down a side road when she came to a
mountain stream she walked out into the water and sat down and
cried. When she was shivering and could not stand the cold water
another second she got up and walked to her vehicle. Got in soaked
to the skin and drove back to where Seeker was working. When she
got there she realized that it was after five and everyone had left
work. She drove back to the cabin, walked up to the door still wet
and cold. When she reached the cabin door she listened and heard
nothing. She tried to open the door found it locked. She walked
behind the cabin pushed open a window and crawled in. She was
shivering and in bad condition she picked up fresh clothes from her
suit case and walked to the bathroom taking a gun with her. She
turned on the hot water when the tub was full she took off her wet
clothes, stepped into the tub and sat down. A half an hour later
she was still shivering. The mountain stream had been below
freezing she knew, and only stayed in long enough to cool her body
down; it must have been to long. She put a bath robe on instead of
getting dressed, walked to the tiny kitchen put coffee on and sat
down shivering waiting for it to perk. Two cups of coffee, the sun
was going down and she moved to the bed in the bedroom, slipped on
pj’s and put the bath robe back on took two quilts added them to
the bed and crawled in. Breathing was getting difficult and she
propped herself up with the two pillows. She fall into a deep
sleep, but was still shivering.

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