The UFO Singularity

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Authors: Micah Hanks

BOOK: The UFO Singularity
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The UFO Singularity


Why Are Past Unexplained Phenomena Changing Our Future?
Where Will Transcending the Bounds of Current Thinking Lead?
How Near Is the Singularity?

Foreword by Scott Alan Roberts

Copyright © 2013 by Micah Hanks

All rights reserved under the Pan-American and International Copyright Conventions. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher, The Career Press.

Images on
pages 163
are courtesy of NASA and are available
via Wikimedia Commons. Image on page 96 by Scotty Roberts was used
with permission. All remaining images are property of the author.

Cover design by noir33
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Hanks, Micah.
   The UFO singularity : Why are past unexplained phenomena changing our future? : Where will transcending the bounds of current thinking lead? : How near is the singularity? / by Micah Hanks ; foreword by Scott Alan Roberts.
       pages cm
  ISBN 978-1-60163-240-1 -- ISBN 978-1-60163-240-1 1. Unidentified flying objects. 2. Human-alien encounters.
3. Technology and civilization. 4. Extraterrestrial anthropology. I. Title.
    TL789.H356 2013


or Lisa, whose care and encouragement has helped to show me the path to gratitude, wisdom, and the manifestation of infinite possibilities, in a world that continues to amaze me increasingly with each passing day. Put that in your coffee


here are so many individuals who were instrumental in helping me complete this book, whether by direct influence, or merely through the support they provided. My sincerest thanks go out to my mother and father, for helping foster a sense of curiosity and an insatiable interest in the unexplained since an early age, and for allowing me to call or visit them in the evenings to ramble on about my odd theories and interests to this day. I would also like to thank my brother, Caleb, whose creative ideas not only contributed to the concept that became this book’s cover, but also introduced me to Singularity and Transhumanism, both of which this book incorporates toward understanding the UFO mystery a bit better. Lisa Northrup, to whom I’ve dedicated this book, provided so much support, encouragement, and brilliance with her ability to take concepts I would present in our discussions, and re-order them more simply so that they made perfect sense; great minds like hers are seldom encountered in this life, and I am so grateful for the beauty and wonder she is capable of seeing in our crazy world, which she then brings to those around her. More importantly, I am grateful just to be one of those who get to be around her.

My special thanks to Scotty Roberts who, despite any great distance that may exist between friends, always provides me with insightful discussion, rapt attention, keen intellect, and philosophical wisdom that seems limitless; it has been my privilege to be awake and on the phone with him in the still hours of the early morning, as he finishes doing interviews on late-night radio, only to continue our discussions about man’s origins and spirituality as the sun begins to rise. Brad Steiger, for being a cosmic brother, and far more of an influence and mentor to me than he probably realizes; Nick Redfern, for being a great writer, researcher, and one hell of a fine guy (despite MIBs chasing him relentlessly); Mike Reese for his friendship, and for sharing his remarkable encounter with an exotic saucer craft in 1973; Michael Pye, Kirsten Dalley, and the fine folks at New Page Books for making this book possible; and, of course, Chris Heyes, Matthew Oakley, Vance Pollock, Marti Marfia, Billy Sanders, Susan Davidson, Dakota Waddell, Charles Wood, Tim and Laura Gardner, and Christopher McCollum, for being the finest friends and supporters anyone could ask for. Also instrumental for their help, insight, and wisdom have been Greg Bishop, Thomas Fusco, Jeffery “Muffin Man” Pritchett, Marie D. Jones, Wes Owsley, Ben Grundy and Aaron Wright at Mysterious Universe, Tom Cameron, Nancy Planeta, Alexei Turchin, Ben Goertzel, PhD, Tim Beckley, Peter Robbins, and so many others who have helped through their research and support.

Finally, I must express my unending appreciation and thanks to my enigmatic colleague Dr. Maxim Kammerer, for his thoughts on the illusory nature of space-time, and
for his incredible insights into ufology. Like some great secret born out of the cosmic stuff of the stars, his limitless knowledge helped shape and refine my own theories in profound ways. Without his wisdom and guidance, this book would never have come to fruition, and my sincerest thanks go out to him, wherever in space-time he may be at this, or at any, moment.

After all, time doesn’t
exist in the grand scheme of things, does it?



Foreword by Scott Alan Roberts

Introduction: Conception: An Introduction to New Possibilities

Chapter 1: Convergence: Human Life in the Year 2112

Chapter 2: Assembling an Anomaly: The Collation of Future Science and Alien Technology

Chapter 3: Divergent Potentials: Mysterious New Technology

Chapter 4: Evidence of the Impossible: Case Studies of Unidentified Aircraft

Chapter 5: People From the Sky: Abducted…by Humans?

Chapter 6: Transcendent Biology: The Science of Alien Visitation

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