Dorthena (10 page)

Read Dorthena Online

Authors: Sharon Barrett

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #paranormal, #violence, #bad language

BOOK: Dorthena
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Ryker smiled,
“Let’s pack honey and move out of here we will follow you




Half and hour
later Ryker turned in his rented vehicle paid rent for his plane to
stay at the air port for a while, and followed Zand to Storms
place. The drive was a good eight hours and they would stop a long
the way get gas and eat. They could have taken the plane, but that
would have left them without a vehicle. Zand had made it clear they
would need one. Starting out in the dark would help Thena because
she would sleep hopefully through some of her first day’s heat.

Four hours
into the drive they pulled over got gas, Ryker picked up some
sandwiches, treats, and a gift for his new mate. She was a sleep in
their vehicle. When Ryker pulled out behind Zand, Thena woke up
half an hour later, she was feeling hot, and she needed attention
and she needed now. Ryker gave her an ice pack to put on her head
and one to stick on her tummy but they didn’t work to well. In the
end Ryker was driving and rubbing Thena between the legs he had her
clitoris swollen and hot, when she came she cried out lay back with
her legs apart and smiling at Ryker. “Ryker I need you to come in
me this will not last long. I need to be joined with you. I need
your hot hard large shaft inside of me Ryker.”

Ryker smiled,
“I know honey we will be there in another three and half hours if
you can just hold on until them. In the meantime my fingers are
going to have to do.” Ryker smiled sheepishly.

“Well if worse
comes to worse find a creek for me to sit in for a few minutes that
will cool my body down and then I can mange it for a while it is
not going to work for long I am now into my second date of heat.
Thena stated firmly.

Two hours down
the road and Thena was crying, begging for Ryker to take her.
“Please Ryker take me now. I need your shaft deep in side me. Damn
it Ryker give it to me, drive your shaft into me please make me
come all over you. She was screaming at him, Ryker if you don’t
give it to me now I swear I will jump out of this vehicle and go
find some one,” she screamed “Ryker I hate you, your punishing me;
me your mate, damn you Ryker if you don’t screw me now I swear she
screamed like a Panther! Give it to me please and Thena began to
cry. Her body was on fire and she was burning up. Please Ryker
please she begged”. Ryker tried using his finger on her and when
she came she cried more please. Ryker I need you in side of me not
your damn fingers. She tried to crawl on to his lap while he was
driving and that didn’t work. Thena looked at Ryker. “Pull the damn
SUV over Ryker now and give it to me. Thena burst into tears and
crying out really loud began to beg Ryker to take her. Ryker felt
sorry for her she could not control what was happening to her.

Ryker picked
up the cell phone called Zand. “Zand I need a creek real fast is
there one near?”

Zand frowned,
a creek for what? Then it dawned on him why, yea there is one about
two miles up the road I think or is it three miles. See if Thena
can control her urges for a few more minutes”. Zand could hear
Thena crying and begging to get laid. Ten minutes later Zand pulled
over and so did Ryker. He went around opened Thena’s door picked
her up she tried to undo Ryker’s pants. He rushed her to the creek
before she had his pants completely down and dumped her in the cold
water. She landed with a big splash and was soaked to her waste in
the water. As she sat there Zand felt sorry for her, he remember
Alexis and how she had a hard time dealing with her first full out
mating heat. It seemed once a female was mated the heats were out
of control of the female! When they had there second heat is more
controlled and the female knew what to expect and it made it easier
on them he was not sure if the urges were not as great as the first
heat or the males were available more because they understood what
the female was going through.! He could not let them go off into
the woods and mate they might not come out for a few hours or it
might take entire day.

Thena picked
her self up out of creek shivering and Zand went to his vehicle got
a blanket out of the trunk and gave it to Ryker. “Get her warmed up
we have another hour and a half maybe a little more, before we
reach our destination. Another fifteen minutes we are on Storms

Thena crawled
into the back of the SUV leaned over the back seat and opened her
suit case pulled out a pair of Pj’s and a towel. She stripped
herself down and dried herself off slipped on the Pj’s. She sat
there not knowing what to do.

Ryker realized
it was getting more and more difficult to resist Thena. Her scent
was driving him into a sexual height of sexual awareness he didn’t
know existed. Ryker was finding hard to control. Ryker looked in
the mirror at her, she looked so unhappy so miserable. “Thena come
up here honey I have a surprise for you. I think you will like what
I got for you.”

Thena crawled
into the front seat and burst into tears, “I am so sorry for all
the mean things I said to you it was like I had no control over my
mouth or my feelings.”

“It’s alright
honey I’ll take good care of your problem once we get to the cabin
Zand is showing us. Here open this box; I found it in that small
store, they had a little jewellery section. Ryker was thinking
maybe he should have purchased a vibrator it might of helped her
with her heat.

Thena smiled,
and when she opened the box her mouth dropped to her chest. In the
box was a pair of ear rings. They were little tiny wolves made of
sterling silver. Thena hugged Ryker and kissed him. Then she took
out her diamond stud’s put the wolves in check the mirror on the
passenger’s side and smiled. “I love them Ryker they are so sweet.
They match my necklace and bracelet of gold.” Thena leaned into
Ryker and he put his arm around her. “They are so perfect Ryker.
You’re so thoughtful, so romantic. I love you darling.” Thena was
all smiles and contented.

Ryker at that
moment felt like a King, Thena always had a way of making him feel
special and loved. She started rubbing him in all the right places.
Her hand slipped inside his shirt she rubbed the hair on his chest
and smiled. Then asked, “what is to eat I am starved.”

Ryker smiled,
“in the bag on the floor behind you”

Thena turned
reached down picked up the bag and smiled, she licked her lips when
she saw turkey sandwiches, potato chips, chocolates, cold drinks,
slices of pie and a small box at the bottom. She pulled the bag up
front and smiled, “another gift Ryker.” You’re going to spoil me
rotten. You know the cats inside me love turkey now another

Ryker looked
at her, “what no, no more gifts not at the moment sweet heart!”

Thena lifted
out the sandwiches, chips, chocolates, cold drinks and pealed back
the bag and looked at the box. “I don’t remember having this box do
you Ryker”

Ryker leaned
over looked into the bag, “toss it out now!”

Thena leaned
over opened the window and tossed the bag, when it hit the ground
it exploded! She looked behind her out through the back window,
“Damn, that was to close for comfort!”

Ryker frowned,
“Don’t swear honey! That was close!”

Thena pushed
the button and up went the window Zand saw the explosion in his
rear view mirror, kept on driving and Ryker was close behind

Thena opened
one of the sandwiches handed half to Ryker and she took half, then
opened the chips and stuck one in Ryker’s mouth. After they ate she
fed him chocolates all the cream filled ones she ate the ones with
nuts and cherry’s. Ryker ended up with more chocolate then she did,
but she was having fun feeding him.

Ryker saw Zand
slow down and then pulled over; he figured they had half an hour
more or less to go before reaching there destination. So he pulled
over as well when Zand pulled off someone came out of the woods on
the other side walked up to Zand’s vehicle they had some
conversation. Zand stepped out of his vehicle and Zand and the man
came to his window. Ryker opened the door and stepped out.

Zand smiled,
“Storm this is the friend I told you about Ryker and his mate in
the vehicle is Dorthena, call her Thena. Ryker this is my alpha

Storm put out
his hand to Ryker and smiled. Ryker took his hand in greeting
shaking it firmly. Storm smiled, “You have some trouble and I have
a cabin you can use for as long as you need it. Storm leaned down
and looked into the vehicle, “hello Thena I am Storm Walker. Thena
smiled at Storm and thought wow much man like Ryker. Both men were
over six feet with Ryker half an inch more. Both had black hair and
blue eyes, with Storms much darker then Ryker’s. Ryker also had a
day’s growth of beard on his face and Storm was clean shaving.
Thena decided she would ask Ryker to keep a days growth it made him
really handsome looking and she desired him to the core of her

Ryker, Zand
and Storm stood talking along side the road and Thena was getting
warm again and she needed attention, she bit her lip, then growled
the men leaned over and looked at her, Storm smiled, “I think your
mate needs some attention Ryker and the sooner the better for her,”
he said to Ryker. “Zand you had better show them the cabin it is
twenty minutes from here. I will see you Zand back at the alpha
house, Alexis and the pups are there with Wind they had been out
shopping today for the pups.”

Stormed moved
off the road and thought with a smile the times Wind had been in
heat it was exciting, thrilling, and a lot of work well worth it.
He didn’t get out of bed for the first heat at all. The second heat
was not as bad as the first but almost.

Zand walked up
to his vehicle and got in Ryker started the SUV up as he did he
noticed Storm shift down into a wolf and took off running. He
smiled to himself he wanted to do the same thing.

Ryker was
trying to drove down the second back road and not get lost by
making a mental note of where he was. Thena was perspiring and was
hot again. She was right in the middle of her second day of heat
and this would be next to the worse day for her. The sun was up and
he was tired from driving, but knew he had to take care of Thena
first once they got to the cabin.

Ryker drove
another fifteen minutes made a couple more turns and was now
driving down a path. Suddenly it turned to the right and their sat
a brand new cabin never been used. Zand pulled his vehicle around
in a circle got out handed the keys to Ryker, “see you in a couple
of days everything you need is in there.”

The cabin was
made of cedar logs, cedar shakes on the roof, large glass windows
it looked like a cabin he saw in Switzerland years ago.

Zand got into
his truck and drove out. Ryker looked at Thena and she had pulled
off her Pj’s bottoms and had her arms out to Ryker, he walked up to
her and kissed her. After an hour of driving his shaft into her
wolf style she seemed contented for the moment. Ryker had to admit
he was really getting into enjoying this mating heat. It made him
larger, harder, and crazier for Thena.

Ryker started
taking things out of the vehicle with Thena’s help and finally had
everything in the cabin. The cabin had a large living room, kitchen
off to the right it was large and open, Fire place in the living
room, a small den off the left and a stair case that went up stairs
to what appeared to be six rooms up. There was a bathroom down
under the stair case. Ryker walked up stairs with suit cases in
hand checked all the rooms, one full bathroom connected to master
bedroom, and four other bedrooms, and a bathroom. He put the suit
cases down in the master room. Thena was in the kitchen eating
again the sandwiches had not filled her up. They were using up a
lot of energy mating and he headed for the kitchen as well. Thena
had opened the frig found all kinds of sweets, vegetables, meats,
the cabinets held boxes of food, canned food, the freezer had ice
cream, and frozen meats of all kinds she noticed two large packages
of Salmon and she opened them both, put butter on them placed them
on a plate put them under the grill of the oven and turned it on
low to defrost and on grill to brown the salmon. Thena smiled at
Ryker and he smiled back winked at her which made her laugh.

As the Salmon
was cooking Ryker was hard and uncomfortable from Thena’s scent he
grabbed Thena pulled her into his arms stripped off her clothes and
started kissing her, he set her up on the counter pulled her legs
apart and she wrapped them around his waste, he dropped his pants
drove his shaft into Thena as she rested on the counter. Ryker then
pulled her legs from around her waist and pulled them apart and up
over his shoulders, he grabbed her by the shoulders pinned her down
and drove his shaft as hard and as fast and as deep as he could
into her spilling his seed deep in side of her. He stood there for
five minutes until his shaft relaxed inside of her. Ryker smiled,
“Thena you driving me crazy to mate you. I cannot seem to stop
myself from dominating you and taking you. I want you as much as
you want me.”

Thena smiled,
“that was great got to do it again after we eat!”

After they ate
both cleaned up and headed up to their bedroom for the night. Ryker
was a sleep in seconds and Thena was a sleep in half an hour. They
slept half of the day, made love several times, ate and slept until
early in the evening Thena woke she was hot and she wanted Ryker
right then and she was going to have him. She slipped out of her
clothes purred and nipped at Ryker he turned over on his back. She
pulled the covers down and used her tongue on his neck and she
nipped him, then she ran her tongue around his belly and down his
sides to just retrace the spots again. Then she ran her tongue over
the tip of his shaft that was now hard and ready for her, then she
slipped up and on top of Ryker placing his shaft inside her tunnel
and she began to work up and down on his shaft until she cried out,
Ryker flipped her onto her back and drove his shaft into her for
another half an hour making Thena orgasm five times. After ward he
walked to the bathroom filled the tub and called Thena to come in
and she was there in seconds. She purred and stepped into the tub
in front of Ryker sat down and he rubbed her chest, and then worked
his hands down between her legs rubbed her clitoris. Ryker leaned
in, “I can smell your arousal Thena it turns me on. I can smell
your heat and it’s driving me crazy for you. He pushed her away got
up out of the tub lifted Thena up put a towel on her back picked
her up higher until he could enter her and he pushed her up against
the door, and drove himself deep in side of her after she came
twice he set her on the edge of the sink pushed her back so her
back was up against the wall pulled her legs apart and up and over
his shoulders and he drove his shaft into her over and over again
until Thena cried out. After he released his seed deep inside of
her he slipped the two of them back into the tub turned on the
shower and rinsed them off. When the water ran without soap he
turned the water off. Thena eyes were dilated and she was ready for
more sex. Ryker smiled as he watched his shaft grow hard with her
touch. He carried her to the bed used his tongue on her until she
cried out. Then he used his fingers on her G-spot until she
screamed and came all over him then he drove his shaft into her and
spilled his seed deep inside. Ryker felt her muscles clamp down on
his shaft and hold him deep in side, when she had worked his shaft
with her muscles she came again and Ryker released more seed deep
inside of her tunnel. Both fall a sleep on the bed with nothing

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