Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (94 page)

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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As Cole moved
the chair and opened the ladder, Geoffrey poured himself two thick fingers of
scotch. He picked up a file and planted himself on the cardamom leather couch
in front of the window, pretending to read while he surreptitiously took in the
show he’d staged. The whiskey warmed his throat, filling him with a heat which
trickled through his veins and headed straight to his crotch.

“Your office is
stuffy,” Cole observed after returning from the bathroom with a light-bulb from
the storage closet. He noted with perverse pleasure it was another cheap bulb
which would probably burn out in a few weeks.

That meant Cole
would have to come back.

“Maybe you
should check the air conditioning unit,” Geoffrey suggested casually, as if he
hadn’t been checking out the other man’s ass.

“Maybe I

His back to
Geoffrey, Cole unbuttoned his white shirt then tossed it on the chair. The
armpits were sweat stained and the desire to bury his face in the garment for a
deep inhale of the man’s scent overcame him. Throat suddenly dry with want,
Geoffrey took a hefty swallow of scotch. Choking back a gasp from the burn in
his nose and throat, he was glad the
went unnoticed.

No one ever
affected him like Cole McCarthy did. And the way he took the steps of the
ladder in slow, sensuous movements only made it worse. Hastily, he crossed a
leg to hide his growing erection. He’d never understand how the man could
render the most innocuous chore sexy. Cole held the new bulb in his mouth so
his hands were free to climb the ladder safely. The way his plush, dark lips
wrapped around it made Geoffrey long to see those same lips sucking down one of
his balls. Damn, he loved to have his balls sucked on, tugged.

Okay, now he
really was hard.

Cole’s long
tattooed arms stretched upwards, reaching the burnt out light easily. Grease
smudged the knees of his Carhartts. He must’ve slid the caramel-colored canvas
pants over his jeans because he’d been working somewhere dirty. A thrill went
the length of his spine knowing the man had dropped whatever he’d been doing
when Geoffrey demanded his presence.

Unaware he was
the main act, Cole unscrewed the old bulb. Geoffrey had to bite the inside of
his cheek to stop the groan when his tank-top inched up, showing off sculpted
abs and a line of dark hair trailing temptingly below his jeans. Damn, the man
was a fine specimen.

The whole
project took less than five minutes and though, obviously, the new bulb
functioned, Geoffrey came over to inspect the work. Standing several feet from
Cole, the scent of his sweat affected him so strongly the steadiness of his
voice amazed him. “That’s better.”

“You know what
would be even better?” Cole asked.


You treating
me with respect.”

His stomach
jumped in his throat. He’d never heard that particular note of irritation in
Cole’s voice before. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me,
Mr. Winters.”

Heat rushed
throughout his extremities when the bigger man took a step closer. Feeling like
cornered prey, Geoffrey’s feet rooted to the spot.

“Do you have
any idea what I was doing when you called me to change a
?” He
advanced again, until they were less than a foot apart.

The dominant presence
of the bigger man made Geoffrey’s dick snap to attention, a surge of unexpected
pre-cum wetting his boxers. “I’m the boss. You should come when I call,” he
blustered, jutting out his chin in a feeble attempt to regain the power he’d
lost. However, when he thought about it, he didn’t really want the control
back. Not this time.

“I’m not your
lapdog,” Cole snapped. “And last I checked, you don’t sign my checks.”

The Adam’s
apple on his throat rolled as Cole towered above him, so close the heat of his
body almost scorched him.

“You know what
I think I outta do?”

Geoffrey shook
his head, heart racing and dick like a rock. “What?” Dammit, his voice
squeaked. He cleared his throat. “File a complaint with the building owner?”

A wicked smile
flashed across Cole’s face, his next words laden with sarcastic taunt. “I don’t
think so, Mr. Winters. I like to fix things myself. And the only way I see that
you and I are going to work this out is if I bend you over this desk and paddle
your round little ass.”

A violent
shudder rolled the full length of Geoffrey’s body. Never in his wildest dreams
had he expected Cole to say that. Nor had he expected it to make him so goddamn

Cole’s lips
quirked in a grin. “Hmmm. You like that solution, don’t you?”

His head bobbed
up and down though he didn’t recall telling it to do so.

The deep rumble
of his chuckle incited more fluid to seep from Geoffrey’s dick. “I thought as
much. Then maybe I’ll fuck you till you learn some manners.”

It was a damn
good thing Cole seized him by the shoulders then, because his knees gave out
under the weight of those wicked promises. The other man slanted his mouth over
his, tongue probing in possessively. Moaning under the sudden intensity, he
clung to Cole and gave himself over, knowing in the back of his head the
gesture granted the man more than permission to kiss him.

It gave him
total control.

hungrily into the bigger man, he made a desperate noise in the back of his
throat. God this had been exactly what he’d wanted! How had Cole known when
Geoffrey himself hadn’t?

Cole ended the
battle of tongues but Geoffrey’s lips wantonly followed his. The man chuckled,
the power of it undoing his insides. “Looks like somebody likes being told what
to do.”

He was nodding
again, dammit, but he couldn’t help himself. He loved this wild shift in Cole’s
normally cool and reserved behavior. When Cole released him and stepped away to
lock the door, Geoffrey actually whimpered— whimpered like a fucking little girl.

When Cole
returned, he delivered his order with the certainty of ready obedience. “You’re
gonna suck my cock first. Now get on your knees.”

hesitation, he dropped to the floor as Cole unzipped and pushed down the front
of his jeans. Reaching through the flap of his striped, dark purple boxers,
Cole pulled out his rigid cock. Leaving his balls hidden inside, he waggled the
shaft in invitation. “Come and get it. You know you want it.”

Geoffrey had
never wanted anything more in his entire life.

Like a hungry
calf, his mouth chased that long, stiff thing, tongue questing after it, too.
Cole teased him for a minute, keeping the prize just out of reach. Then he
released himself, his tumescence holding the dick straight out. With a moan he
took the proffered cock, the meatiness of it in his grip making his mouth
water. He licked the smooth head then swallowed half the length. Spit dribbled
freely from his lips and down the shaft, lubricating his fingers. When he had
it soaked and could pump his hand in rhythm with his mouth, Cole started to
thrust into his mouth.

“That’s it,”
Cole said, the authoritative tone tempered slightly with lust. “Suck it like
you mean it. Like the little bitch boy you pretend not to be.”

he sure is enjoying this
Then again, it had been a long time since Geoffrey had been this hard himself.
The taunting way Cole talked nearly drove him to the edge. He reached down to
unfasten his pants and release his cock.

“Don’t you dare

The sharp
command shocked Geoffrey. Releasing him, he gave Cole a pleading look. He
didn’t mean it, did he?

and shook his head. “Don’t look at me like that. You won’t touch yourself until
I say. And you sure as fuck better not cum in your pants either. You understand?”

He nodded,
unsure if he’d be able to obey the last order. He’d been ready to come since
that kiss.

Cole took hold
of the back of his head and drew him forward. “Now get back to work. Suck my

earnestly obliged, moaning and making a slobbery mess of his face and Cole’s
boxers. He sucked and licked, relishing the silken heat of the dick in his
mouth, on his tongue and in his fist.

“Oh, yeah,”
Cole groaned, a hand still cupping the back of his head as he drove into his
mouth with slow studied movements. “You’re such a slut for my cock. Suck it
harder, boy.”

A visceral jolt
of desire went straight down his back and he felt his balls tighten up. Damn,
every time the man spoke he made Geoffrey hornier than before. His hips began
to make tiny undulations. The feel of Cole’s fingers massaging his scalp and
the hot dick gliding passed his lips again and again, had him increasing the
movement unknowingly. If he kept it up, the fabric of his boxers across his
head would make him cum, regardless of Cole’s ban.

“What do you
think the people in the building would say if they could see you now?” Cole
wanted to know. “On your knees sucking me off?”

couldn’t answer, refused to. Because damn, the idea turned him on. His reply
was to open his throat and take Cole all the way down to the root.

“Oh, fuck!”
Cole hissed and Geoffrey got a thrill as the bigger man shuddered. “That’s
right. Suck it,” he whispered before he went back to goading him. “You walk
around this building like you own it. No one knows what you’re really like.
That you’re nothing but a cock slut. But I knew. I’ve always known.”

The more he
taunted Geoffrey the stiffer the dick in his mouth became. He never would’ve
dreamed Cole got off on dirty talk. Hell, he never would’ve expected to like
being called a cock slut, either.

But hot damn,
he loved it.

Cole kept up
his slow thrusting, setting their pace and controlling the entire scene. “You
like being on your knees in front of me, don’t you? You’ve always wanted a man
to put you in your place. Make you his bitch boy. You just never had the balls
to ask for it.”

A wash of shame
swept over him and he stopped sucking. Heart racing wildly, the thought of
looking up into those brown eyes terrified him. Eyes which could see deep into
his soul, clear to all the things Geoffrey tried to hide from everyone. His
need to let go completely. But with Cole, he didn’t bother to disguise the
tears in his voice. It wouldn’t have worked anyway. “How did you know?”

“Shhh,” Cole
whispered, his large hand petting Geoffrey, soothing him. The shame and tension
melted away. Cole understood. Maybe he always had.

Something moist
struck his cheek a few times, drawing his attention back up.

Cole slapped
him lightly with his cock. “Say it, Geoffrey.”

He blinked in
surprise. “Say what?”

The wet head
thumped his face again. “Say you’re a cock slut, Geoffrey. Tell me you wanna be
my bitch boy.”

He looked away,
unable to look at the man. Fire burned up his neck, scorching his face with
embarrassment. Ironically, his penis twitched and he realized pre-cum had been
leaking in such a steady stream he’d made a wet spot on the front of his
trousers. Lips swollen from sucking and cheeks wet with
spit, his tongue felt twice its normal size. He couldn’t speak.

“Geoffrey,” he
warned, rolling his head in wet circles over his cheek and lips.

His mouth
instinctively followed that dick as it withdrew and Geoffrey gave up
pretending. “I’m a cock slut. I wanna be your bitch boy.”

Cole let out a
low puppet-master laugh. “Say it again.”

“I’m a cock
slut,” he said, the distinct note of begging in his voice. “I wanna be your
bitch boy.”

“Then stand up
and get naked.”

Geoffrey leapt
to his feet, pulling off shoes and clothing. Down to only pants, he noticed
Cole hadn’t moved removed any of his clothing. The glint in his eye gave him
pause. He didn’t like the idea of being completely naked while Cole remained

Cole sensed his
hesitation. “Why are you stopping? You’re my bitch boy. Do as I say.”

A blush
traveled across his face and naked chest. But he decided he trusted Cole. Well,
at least he thought he did. They had known each other a year, but he’d never
seen this side of him. As arousing as the sudden shift between them felt, it
frightened Geoffrey how quickly he fell into obeying Cole. He hadn’t put up any
resistance. He needed this. Needed to experience the other man dominating him.

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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