Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (97 page)

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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Rounding the
corner of the largest beach-front building, I saw a small crowd forming behind
the Network's combat mecha.

people ain't got the sense they was born with," muttered Drew.
"Assuming their folks had any to pass on..."

The scene
played out like so many times before. Oceanica's war machine boasted sonic
weaponry which disintegrated flesh and bone. Buildings fell, people died
screaming. Network personnel did the best they could but the machine cut their
cruisers and mecha into pieces before they could even scratch it.

Eventually the
priests arrived. The war machine stopped and they offered up their sacrifice, a
boy aged seven, who bore a tattoo just like mine. No, not quite like mine. Both
his palms were tattooed with the same symbol, three waves in an infinite loop.
Only my right palm bore a tattoo. I wondered when I'd slip up and leave it
uncovered, when someone would notice it, look into my eyes and notice the shape
of my irises; subtly different to theirs.

And realize
that I was the weapon Oceanica sought.

I am Water. I
lived in secrecy among the citizens. My eyes were an uncanny shade of blue that
glimmered like water in sunlight. That's why I rarely met someone's gaze. They
didn't know that I not only served them as a fire-fighter, but also as an
elemental force. My ability to control water was a perfect fit for the job.

Two other
elements were known to me, Air and Earth. Born on the same day, in the same
place, albeit by different parents, we met every seven years. I remembered all
three meetings to date, the last at twenty-one. We'd turn twenty-eight soon.

Back at the
the debrief
was somber. Oceanica's war
machine had devastated the coastline before the offering of the boy could be
made. It would take time for the machine to return to its city, and longer
still for the boy to be identified as an imposter. I didn’t like to think what
would happen to him, or those before him, once discovered. I wondered how many
times this cycle would repeat. How long I could hide my true nature.

Oceanica wanted
me and me alone. War Hawks from Aeron, the floating city, hunted Air. The
underground city of Terrania hunted Earth.

Aged just seven
years old, it was Earth who suggested we remain concealed. An element was
missing; Fire had not been born with us and was the key to our collective
power. Earth held Air's hand as he vowed that Terrania's Worms would never
catch him and urged us to do the same. We agreed.

At our second
meeting, I noticed the way Air gazed at Earth while he spoke. The rich, dark
tones of Earth's skin were reflected in his voice. When Earth spoke, we
listened. He remained resolute in his vow to remain free.

At our third
meeting, Air made his feelings for Earth known. Air loved him. Earth gathered
him up in his arms and kissed him. I witnessed the beginning of their
relationship and wondered if I would feel the same about Fire should he ever
appear to us. Earth and Air left together and I wished them well.

the debrief
ended, I started my journey to the temple. It
would take several days to climb the mountain range behind the city. I prayed
that Fire would join us this time. It was written that we could bring balance
to the world when united in our fourth meeting. The warring nations, each led
by their capital city, would be consumed by each element and war would end.
Without war there would be only love.

I arrived at
the temple first and spent the day preparing for the arrival of my elemental
brothers. The power from the adjacent waterfall energized me, as would the fierce
winds grant Air greater strength and the bedrock fuel Earth's powers.

They arrived
the following morning, hand in hand. Earth hugged me tight and Air pecked me
lightly on the cheek.

We waited for
Fire but he did not arrive so we lit branches as a symbol and celebrated our
birthdays together, catching up on the past seven years.

Earth turned to
me. "You do your city a great service, Water. We are proud of you, and
wish that we could do the same." I liked his formal way of talking. His
rich baritone soothed me.

"If I
can't save the world with you, I want to do some good in my own way, I

Placing his
hand on my thigh, Earth squeezed it in unspoken approval. "We have been
considering why Fire has never joined us. I know that you have pondered on this,

Air offered an
explanation. "We think we need to summon Fire."

I pointed to
the glowing embers of our pyre. "Isn't that exactly what we've done?"

Earth shook his
head. "There are many kinds of fire; fires of Hell, of hatred, of
religious fury, of war… of love."

I raised my
glass to them both. "You've discovered the fire of love, my friends."

Air leaned in
towards me. "But have you, Water? Have you discovered it?"

I dropped my
gaze to the temple floor, letting my eyes drift across the mosaic tiles as I
spoke. "No, I haven't. I had hoped that Fire would be to me what Earth is
to you."

Air smiled and
took Earth's free hand. With Earth's hand still on my thigh we were connected.
A shiver ran through me and I shuddered.

Earth stood up.
"We should reflect on this. I will consult the temple writings." And
he was gone.

Air and I
talked into the night, expecting Earth to return with a stack of texts. Hours
passed without him so we finally bid each other goodnight and retired to our

It was still
dark when I was shaken awake. At first I thought it was Earth using his powers
but, with his handsome face close to mine, I realized he used only his hands.
"Water, wake up. I have discovered something of importance."

Rubbing my
eyes, I focused on him. Air stood close behind him, looking anxious. Only Earth
was clothed. He must have woken Air as abruptly as he had me. Air shivered and
I gestured for him to join me under the furs that covered me. He scooted under
those by my feet and his shivering stopped almost immediately.

Earth knelt on
the floor between us, and rested a text on the furs. "It is written that
all four elements are always born together, without exception, but that one
body need not represent each element."

I frowned.
"What do you mean?"

Earth took
Air's hands and turned them face-up before doing the same with his own. In all
our previous meetings only our right hands had been marked with our specific
symbols. Now both Earth and Air had symbols on both of their palms. I thought
at once of the sacrificed boy. The priests knew that a mature element would be
marked on both palms.

I was reluctant
to look at my own hands. "When did they appear?"

Air said. "While we slept. Earth fell asleep while he was reading next to

Earth sat back
on his haunches. "I think Fire lives in you, Water. Show me your

I turned my
palms upwards but only my original tattoo marked my skin. "What do you
think, Earth?"

He sighed
deeply, as if disappointed. "I believe that you quench Fire. Do you not
think it curious that you labor to extinguish fire with your elemental power?
Have you not admitted yourself that you have never known love?"

"What does
love have to do with fire?"

recall our conversation of love?"


"You have
never known love, passion. Perhaps you subconsciously quench your desires? That
may be our problem."

The only thing
that stopped me from arguing with him was that he had used the phrase 'our
problem.' Until that moment I thought he was calling me weak. "What do you

"You need
to give in to the fire within you. Our time is running out." Earth closed
the text, took Air's hand, and left me alone with my thoughts.

Sleep evaded
me. My mind raced with Earth's suggestion. I combed through my memories,
searching for clues, until I remembered one night when my colleague Lewis had
crawled into my bunk. I could smell the alcohol on his breath and had assumed
that he had mistaken my bunk for his own – until he kissed me. Lewis was a
handsome man with a good physique, and I caught myself looking at him whenever
we showered together at the station, but I shrank from him when his lips met
mine. Had I been human I might have welcomed his advances but as he touched me
in the darkness a fundamental part of me rejected him – my elemental self.

Throwing the
furs aside I padded out of my room to find Earth and Air and share this with
them. But I froze on the threshold of their room.

They were
awake, naked. Earth held Air's legs apart while he lapped at his hole. Air
writhed beneath him, his mouth open in mute pleasure. When Air finally
whimpered, Earth stood up and let a long stream of spit leak from his pursed
lips. I followed the fluid's journey down to Earth's magnificent hooded prod.
He lazily pulled back his foreskin and rubbed the fluid down his shaft and up
again over the tip.

I was
fascinated to see them this way. Earth's body was beautiful, his frame wrapped
with sculpted muscle and that smooth, dark skin. Air was slightly built in
comparison but beautifully constructed nonetheless. His almond eyes were closed
in rapture as he ran his hands over his own body, lost in anticipation.

Earth caught
Air's legs again, pulled them up to rest on his chest, and began to guide his
cock towards its goal.

As the head of
Earth's cock connected with Air's flesh he looked at me and smiled. I
hesitated, not knowing what to do or say but Earth looked down at Air, saw that
his eyes were still closed, and gestured for me to stay both quiet and still.

I nodded my
compliance and the movement made my cock, now painfully hard, bounce between my

Earth's eyes
traveled down my body and rested on my shaft. His cock jerked in response to
the sight of my excitement and he pushed into Air who cried out. Earth clamped
his hand over his lover's mouth. Tears spilled from the corners of Air's eyes
and I saw his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed down his cry.

Pulling out of
Air, Earth growled softly, his gaze still fixed on my cock. With one smooth
stroke he shoved his dick back in. He looked too big for Air, who thrashed on
the bed, eyes still clamped tightly shut.

I began to
stroke my cock as I watched them, feeling heat build in my body.

As Earth began
a rhythmic thrust, he uncovered Air's mouth but covered his eyes instead. He
hunched over his lover and whispered in his ear, just loud enough for me to hear.
"What does fire need to burn?"

Air made a
sound of confusion but Earth repeated the question, gentle yet firm, as he
pushed himself all the way into Air and stayed deep inside him. "Fire
needs air."

Earth kissed
him. "Fire needs you. Would you give yourself to him?"

Air squirmed
beneath him. Fluid drooled from his own rigid cock and formed a puddle on his
abdomen. "Y-Yes."

As I touched my
own cock it began to drool, too.

"You will
enjoy this, Air, I promise." Earth said the words softly as he beckoned me
over to them. He spat on his hand and fingered Air's hole so I could see his
fingers disappear into him. "Feel him, Water. He's tight, hot, and


Earth took my
hand in his and sucked my fingers into his smiling mouth, making them wet.
"Feel him."

I circled Air's
glistening entrance with my fingertips before pushing against it. His body
responded immediately, hard cock jerked and his hole tightened around my

Earth stroked
himself, his white teeth exposed as he opened his mouth, bent down, and took my
cock between his lips. I shuddered at the sensation burning inside me. Earth
had lit a taper deep in my body.

Once my shaft
was coated in his spit, Earth took my hips in his firm grip and guided my cock
into his lover.

As I entered
Air, I leaned forwards to kiss him. This wasn't just about passion or lust,
this was about love. It felt so good - his tight hole clamped around my dick
and his beautiful mouth on mine.

For several
blissful minutes I remained hunched over Air's body until I felt Earth's hand
close around the base of my cock and ease it out of his lover. He nodded down
towards his own rigid shaft. "Would you like to taste me?"

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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