Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (45 page)

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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“Yeah, but-”

“I can’t
freakin’ believe it!”

“Will you give
me a minute to explain?”

“You just said
all I needed to hear.” Ash spun, marching away from him.

Jackson stood
still, watching him leave. He glanced around, seeing everyone staring at him.
Embarrassment rose in him, but even more, hurt filled him. How could Ash think
he’d taken the spot on purpose? He didn’t have any say where he played in the
concert, and it had all been arranged before he and Ash ever talked. Obviously
Ash still hadn’t bothered looking at the new list.

A voice near
him spoke up. “Guess things aren’t as friendly as you guys made it seem, huh?”

Jackson shot a
glare at the smirking paparazzo. He walked forward, turning in the direction of
the artists’ area, despite how badly he wanted to follow after Ash. Talking to
him would have to wait, no matter how much it hurt him. The show had to go on.



Ash rushed for
the stage, shoving between people. It seemed all day, people had done nothing
but get in his way, and now his patience with everyone was at an end. He
to reach the stage. This is what he got for being an ass…again.

Ahead of him,
Ash saw the stairs leading up to the stage, and at the bottom of them stood
Jackson. Jackson had his head bowed, his eyes closed, seeming lost within
himself. The MC’s voice blasted through the stadium, announcing him as the next
performer. Jackson crossed himself, lifted his head, and jumped up two of the
stairs to run up the rest.


Jackson froze
and whipped around, his gaze searching the people and resting on Ash.

Ash reached the
bottom of the stairs and smiled up at him. “Go kick some ass.”

Jackson glowed
with a bright smile. He nodded and turned for the stage, grabbing the mic from
a stagehand and greeting the raucous crowd as he walked to the center.

“Looks like he
forgave you.”

Ash looked to
Jeremy, who’d caught up to him and now stood at his side. “Yeah. Again. We might
not be good at communicating, but at least we’re good at forgiving so far.”

Devin stopped
behind Ash, puffing for breath. “Goddamn, I’ve never seen you move so fast.”

“I wanted to
see him before he hit the stage. And look at you, you’re about to pass out. You
need to start doing less weights and more cardio in your workouts.”

“Hey, we’re
coming off the road after this. I don’t need to do shit but get out of bed

Chad stepped
around to Ash’s other side. “And maybe you wouldn’t have had to rush if you
would’ve pulled your head out of your ass sooner.”

Devin clapped
Ash on the back. “You and
really will make a
perfect couple, though. What with how you fly off the handle and him being so

“There’s been a
little forgiveness on my end, too,” Ash said, then silenced as Jackson’s band
launched into his most popular single, “No Lookin’ Back.”

Two electric
guitars blasted to life with a pounding beat from the drums and a steady
undercurrent rhythm coming out of the bass. This was one of his favorite songs
by Jackson. It had a country vibe, but Jackson rocked it out. As Jackson let
his deep voice flow, Ash felt his heartbeat quicken. He never denied how sexy
of a voice Jackson had, but hearing it now after knowing what it sounded like
in pleasure, the low growling groans and higher moans, gave it a whole new

Jackson moved
with such confidence across the stage, owning it for every second he was on it,
inviting the crowd into his song. Ash knew Jackson wasn’t much of one to dance
when performing, but he didn’t have to. His charisma and talent held people
captivated with him just being who he was.

After the song,
Jackson’s band shifted gears with a ballad, changing once again after that to a
song that was a throwback to classic country style. Every artist was doing a
three song set for the concert, and for his, Jackson demonstrated just how diverse
he was in his music. Ash almost laughed aloud at himself. He was slipping into
fanboy mode. But he had good reason. Jackson was more than deserving of his
admiration, in many ways.

Jeremy shook
his head as the last song drew to a close. “Gotta admit, he’s damn good.”

“Tell me about
it,” Ash said.

Devin looked at
Ash with an expression both confused and concerned. “You okay? You sounded

Ash glanced at
him. “All what?”

Chad finished
for Devin. “All like you’re crushing hardcore.”

Ash let out a
doubtful snort. “I don’t
.” He turned his attention to Jackson
jogging down the stairs. “Hey! You freakin’ rocked-”

snatched Ash by the back of the arm, dragging him forward a few quick steps.
“My trailer. Now.” He dipped his head in acknowledgement toward the other
members of From Ashes as he marched by. He released Ash’s arm, but kept his
pace quick.

Ash navigated
around people, working to keep up with Jackson. “So I’m guessing you’re still
pissed after all.”

The only
response Jackson gave him was a backward glance.

Ash sighed
loud. “I shouldn’t have gotten mad earlier. It was stupid to get upset at you
taking the spot. I’m sorry, okay?”

“And now it’s
you wanting to do the talking when I want to do something else.”

Ash stared at
Jackson’s back. He saw a glimpse of Jackson’s profile and the smirk he wore,
and it hit exactly what Jackson was saying. Ash walked faster, catching up to
Jackson and moving a little ahead of him. “You said your trailer, right?”


“Walk quicker,

Ash heard
Jackson softly laughing, but also noticed he did walk faster.

They reached
the trailer, Jackson unlocking the door. Ash bounded up the stairs, turning to
find Jackson close behind him. Jackson took Ash’s face in both hands, claiming
his lips in a passionate kiss. He pushed his tongue into Ash’s mouth and held
him in place as he thrust into it over and over again.

Ash wrapped his
arms around him, gripping the back of Jackson’s tank top in two fists. With the
day being so warm and the exertion Jackson had just put out on stage, the
material was wet with sweat. Ash breathed deep through his nose, pulling in
Jackson’s scent, the spicy cologne edged with sweat. His arousal hit a new
level. The only thing that could make the scents better would be if the smell
of cum was mixed in. Ash broke the kiss and touched his tongue to the bottom of
Jackson’s throat. He licked a long line up it, savoring the salt of Jackson’s

As he drew
back, Jackson steered him toward the small bed in back. Ash lifted his shirt
off on the way and heard Jackson’s removing his as well. Reaching the bed, Ash
finished stripping as Jackson collected lube and a condom. Sitting on the bed’s
edge, Ash spread his legs wide and took his cock in hand, watching Jackson remove
the rest of his clothes. As Jackson’s leather pants came down, Ash’s gaze went
to Jackson’s cock, a rush of desire and excitement going through him at knowing
he’d get to have the long, thick rod inside him.

Jackson stepped
in front of him, and with his index finger, beckoned him to stand.

Ash stood and
moved close to him, his cock brushing Jackson’s. He angled his head so their
lips nearly touched. “I like this assertive side of you.”

Jackson drifted
his fingertips down Ash’s arm. “After I got over being hurt at your fit
earlier, all I could think about was getting you alone and fucking you until
you were too tired to give me attitude.”

A few deep
chuckles sounded in Ash’s throat. “If that’s how you’re going to handle me
every time I get shitty, I’ll be sure to throw attitude at you constantly.”

Jackson gave
him another kiss with smiling lips, ending it with a light bite to Ash’s bottom
lip. He spun Ash around and pushed him. Ash dropped forward, catching himself
on the bed with both hands. He glanced back at Jackson. “Damn, you’re not
holding back.”

Jackson laid a
firm slap on Ash’s ass. Ash sucked in a breath at the sting of pain giving him
a rush of pleasure.

“You said you
like it rough,” Jackson said.

“I did and I

Jackson cracked
Ash’s other ass cheek. “Then get the rest of the way up there.”

Ash crawled
fully onto the bed, Jackson close behind him. He started to lower to his
elbows, stopping as Jackson slipped an arm under his chest. With his other
hand, Jackson gripped Ash’s hair and pulled, making him kneel upright. He
pressed tight against him, his hips working his cock on Ash’s ass.

Jackson yanked
Ash’s head to the side, licking and sucking at his neck. Ash reached back and
grabbed one of Jackson’s firm ass cheeks, encouraging him to grind on his ass
harder. Jackson pressed against him more and rubbed down Ash’s abdomen to his
cock, wrapping his fingers around it in a tight fist.

Ash rocked his
hips toward Jackson’s hand. Jackson’s hold on him tightened, humping against
him faster. Knowing neither of them were going to last if they kept it up, Ash
laid a hand over Jackson’s that was stroking him. “You need to get in me before
I lose it.”

Jackson nodded,
his breathing already quick. He pushed on Ash’s back between his shoulders, and
Ash went forward to his elbows, lifting his ass for him. Jackson grabbed the
lube and coated his fingers, pushing one inside him.

Ash groaned low
in his throat. Finally. It felt so good to have something inside him. But, it
was also a tease for what he really wanted. He shifted back, trying to get
Jackson’s full finger inside him. “Don’t take too long with the prep work.”

Jackson rotated
his hand back and forth, his finger turning inside Ash. “We’ve got plenty of
time before you have to go on.”

“But not so
much before I spontaneously come and I’d rather you fuck me to it.”

Jackson worked
a second finger into him. “Don’t make me get out a cock ring.”

Ash whipped his
head to the side, trying to see him. “You don’t seriously have cock rings.”

answered him with a wicked smirk.

Ash closed his
eyes, smiling. Jackson became a great match for him more with each second.

Jackson pulled
his fingers out him. At the sound of the condom wrapper crinkling, Ash shifted
his legs further apart. He felt Jackson slide up close to him. He waited,
trying to keep his body calm despite the need inside him. Instead of Jackson’s
cock, three lubed fingers pushed into his hole.

Ash dropped his
head to the bed between his arms. “Damn it.”

Jackson rubbed
the palm of his other hand over Ash’s ass. “You really want my cock, don’t

“My ass in the
air isn’t a big enough hint?”

Jackson swatted
Ash’s ass again. “Sarcasm doesn’t belong in the bedroom.”

“Maybe not, but
fucking does, so let’s get to it.”

grinned, but still withdrew his fingers from him.

Ash felt the
wet and wrapped tip of Jackson’s cock on his hole. A moan escaped him just at
knowing what was to come. Jackson pressed into him. Ash sucked in a deep
breath, letting it out in a rush as the broad cock-head stretched his rim.

Jackson sank
into him until he was buried to his base. He held Ash’s hips in both hands,
taking a moment to enjoy the heat and tightness of him. Before he could start
thrusting, Ash’s impatience took over with him bumping back against Jackson.

Jackson looked
down, watching Ash fuck himself on his cock. The sight of Ash once again
holding nothing back in working to get his pleasure snapped Jackson’s control.
Holding Ash’s hips, he yanked him back hard. A choked gasp slipped from Ash’s
throat, but from how he slammed against him in return, Jackson knew he’d given
Ash what he wanted. He pulled Ash back again as he thrust forward, setting a
hard, fast rhythm.

Ash panted
short moans each time Jackson’s body met his. He stopped trying to move and
surrendered his body to Jackson’s control. He craved it like this, and
Jackson’s cock filled and worked him so beautifully. Pre-cum dripped from his
own. Gripping the sheet in one hand, he reached under himself with the other, jerking
it in quick strokes to match Jackson’s thrusting.

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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