Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (89 page)

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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The second they were in the bedroom, Jonah turned on
him. “So…you and Travis.”

It wasn’t a question. Laurie answered anyway. “Yeah.”

Jonah crossed his arms. Normally his expressive face
showed everything he was feeling, but Laurie couldn’t get a read on him in the
semi-darkness of the room. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Why were you going into the woods with him?” Laurie

“I asked you first.”

Laurie sighed and raked his fingers through his hair.
“It was a long time ago.”

“It happened here, right? In the guesthouse. That’s
why you got weird when I suggested it that night.”

Laurie hesitated then nodded. “Yes.”

Jonah was silent for a few moments. “I went with him
because I knew something had happened between you guys. I was hoping he would
tell me what.”

“It’s in the past, Jonah. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

“Did he rape you?”

The raw tone in Jonah’s voice made Laurie flinch,
rather than the question itself. “Not exactly.”

“But he hurt you.”


Laurie watched Jonah’s throat work as he swallowed

“I don’t understand why you didn’t tell me,” Jonah
said, the words thick with emotion.

Laurie was glad then that if he couldn’t see Jonah’s
expression clearly, it meant Jonah probably couldn’t see his either. He was
pretty sure the look on his face would be some combination of pain and remorse.
Yeah, maybe he
have told Jonah
given the circumstances. But it wasn’t a story he was proud of. “I’m sorry.”

“Fuck, don’t be sorry! I just…I wish I could go hit
that stupid shithead again.”

Laurie shrugged. “He’s not worth it.”

“But you are! You’re worth it to
. He hurt you and it makes me want to hurt him back.”

“Don’t waste your anger on him. Believe
I’ve wasted enough of my own.”

Suddenly Jonah was in front of him, his hands gripping
Laurie’s shoulders. “I hate that you were hurt.”

Laurie wrapped his arms around Jonah’s waist and
pulled him close. “It could’ve been a lot worse. It was my fault, too. I
should’ve been more careful. This is why I told you that it’s okay to wait for
the right person instead of rushing into things.”

“That’s why I waited for you,” Jonah whispered. Then
his lips were on Laurie’s, soft and gentle as the brush of butterfly wings, and
all thoughts of Travis were lost in the warmth that spread through Laurie’s
body at that simple touch.

For a while that’s all it was, softness and comfort,
slow touches that were meant to soothe not arouse. Laurie couldn’t say exactly
when the touches grew bolder and the kisses evolved into something more.
Jonah’s hands seemed to be everywhere—on his ass, pulling his shirt off,
yanking his belt free and shoving his pants down.

Their frantic strip got held up when they got to the
shoes. Jonah was able to easily kick off his well-worn pair of Ed Hardy
high-tops, but Laurie’s combat boots proved to be a bigger challenge. It took a
minute, but then they were naked on the mattress, bodies flush together. Jonah
was practically undulating beneath him and Laurie knew right then that just
jerking or sucking each other off wouldn’t be enough.

Laurie grabbed the lube from the drawer of the bedside
table and gave Jonah an inquiring look.

“Yeah.” Jonah nodded and jerked Laurie’s head down for
a quick kiss. “Yeah. Right now. I’m ready.”

Laurie chuckled against his mouth. “Not yet. But you
will be.”


Jonah quivered as Laurie lived up to the promise in
those words. Laurie licked him and sucked him, pressed two slick fingers inside
and twisted and stretched until Jonah didn’t know whether to cry or to beg. All
he knew was that he’d passed ready about three exits back. Next stop:

“Now, Laurie.” Jonah moaned and rocked his hips,
alternately grinding down into Laurie’s touch and thrusting up into his mouth.


Laurie pulled off his cock with a messy, porno-quality
pop that made Jonah’s entire body break into goose bumps. “Yeah.” He flexed his
fingers one last time and Jonah shuddered. “On your side.”

Jonah followed Laurie’s instructions and adjusted the
pillow under his head as Laurie settled onto the mattress behind him.

“Draw your legs up.”

Once again, Jonah obeyed. He pulled his knees up to
his chest then trembled when he heard the click of the lube being opened. A few
seconds later, the blunt tip of Laurie’s cock was at his entrance. Jonah tried
to press down, but Laurie’s hand gripped his hip and held him still.

“You sure?” Laurie murmured, his lips brushing the
sensitive skin below Jonah’s ear.


“Try to relax. I’m gonna go nice and slow.”

Jonah nodded and closed his eyes. He tried to will the
tension from his muscles, but he couldn’t help from clamping down the moment
Laurie tried to breach that first tight ring of muscle. He felt Laurie’s groan
as it rumbled from his chest.

“It’s okay.” Laurie’s hand moved soothingly over his
hip, and the touch helped to calm Jonah somewhat. “Push out a little bit…yeah,
just like that.”

Jonah whimpered as the head of Laurie’s cock finally
slipped in. It hurt more than he’d thought it would, and he was abruptly glad
for all the time Laurie had spent preparing him despite his impatience. After
that, it wasn’t so bad, though. Not so much pain as discomfort and pressure,
but Laurie took it slowly enough that Jonah’s body had adjusted to the feeling
of being penetrated by the time he was all the way inside.

Laurie’s arm curled around Jonah’s waist and a soft
kiss brushed across his nape. “Okay?”


“Tell me if it’s too much.”

“Just move. I wanna feel it.”

Laurie withdrew nearly all the way and slid back in. A
few more of those careful thrusts, steadily increasing the pace each time, and
then his hips snapped forward and the head of his cock hit Jonah’s prostate
just right. Jonah cried out and arched his back. His erection, which had
flagged due to the initial pain, hardened in a tingling rush.

“Y-Yeah,” Jonah said shakily as he reached down to
take his dick in hand. “Harder.”

Laurie complied, and the depth and force of his
thrusts increased. Jonah moaned long and low at the slick stretch, the aching
pressure as Laurie pushed forward and the exquisite relief as he pulled back.
And when the underside of Laurie’s cock brushed that sensitized bundle of
nerves inside him, Jonah bit his lip and quaked at the agonizing, bone-melting
pleasure. It started as a pinprick and spread up his spine and through his
limbs, like dye moving over fabric, slow and drenching.

Jonah’s dick pulsed and he jerked it roughly as he
shoved back against Laurie’s pelvis. He couldn’t believe how quickly the
feeling had gone from discomfort to bliss, but Jonah’s mind was still screaming
for something else, something
“Laurie, I…I need…”

“What do you need, Jo?” Laurie’s voice was breathless
and strained.

“I want…” Jonah trailed off, embarrassed to ask for
what he wanted, even as his body begged for it.

“Tell me.”

“I want you on top of me. I want you to hold me down
and just…take me.”

Laurie made a tormented sound. “
But I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t. Please, Laurie.” Jonah turned his head and
met Laurie’s mouth for a hot, tongue-tangling kiss. “Please.”

“Okay.” Laurie gave Jonah another fierce kiss and
slowly withdrew. Jonah whimpered at the empty ache he left behind. “On your

Jonah rolled over and shoved the pillows aside so he
could rest his head directly on the mattress. He felt the bed shift as Laurie
moved and then Laurie’s fingers gripped his hips, tilted them up, and his cock
slid back inside in one slow, torturous glide.

Unlike the first time, Laurie didn’t pause to let
Jonah’s body adjust. His hands settled on Jonah’s shoulders, pressed him down,
held him immobile, and he set into a pounding that robbed Jonah of both breath
and coherent thought.

Jonah gripped the sheets and squeezed his eyes shut.
The change in position brought some of the pain back, but not enough for him to
ask Laurie to stop. Never that. Laurie was giving him exactly what he’d wanted
and he knew it wouldn’t be long before it got good again. And it wasn’t. Soon
the feel of Laurie’s weight on him, those strong hands holding him still, that
hard, steady tempo, sent him spiraling toward ecstasy once more.

Jonah groaned and spread his legs as wide as he could,
tilted his hips even more so that thick cock rubbed his sweet spot at the
perfect angle. And, oh, yeah, that was it. That was it
right there
. Jonah heard Laurie gasp, felt that relentless rhythm
falter, and realized that Laurie was just as close as he was. One more deep
thrust and Jonah came, almost sobbing from the intensity, the warmth of his
release pooling on the sheets beneath him.

Laurie went still as Jonah’s muscles spasmed, and
judging from the noise that escaped him, the moment was as amazing for him as
it was for Jonah. His hips jerked once and Jonah felt a rush of heat as Laurie
followed him over the edge. Laurie moaned as if something inside of him was
breaking, his fingertips digging into the muscles of Jonah’s shoulders. After
that, the harshness of their breathing was the only sound in the room.

When Laurie finally withdrew and collapsed beside him,
Jonah shifted so they were face to face. He was sore and tired and a bit, well,
soggy, but Jonah couldn’t remember ever being happier. And if Laurie’s blissed
out expression was any indication, then Laurie was right there with him.
Laurie’s eyelids were half-closed, his cheeks pink from exertion. His lips were
dark and swollen from rough use, his hair damp and clinging to his forehead
with sweat. But to Jonah, he’d never looked more beautiful.

“I love you.”

Laurie’s eyes snapped open. His lips parted, but Jonah
shook his head and pressed a finger to Laurie’s mouth to keep him from

“You don’t have to say anything. Just…I wanted you to
know.” Jonah laughed lightly. “I think I’ve been in love with you since I was
thirteen years old.”


“Don’t say anything, okay? Just hold me.”

Laurie’s arms wrapped around him and Jonah snuggled
against his chest. With the sound of Laurie’s steady heartbeat in his ear, he
felt safe. Warm and protected. Nothing could touch him. Nothing else mattered.
He wished they could stay that way, just the two of them, forever.

He was drifting on the edge of sleep when the soft
sound of Laurie’s voice made him stir. “Jonah?”


“Me, too.”

Jonah blinked and lifted his head. “Huh?”

“I love you, too.”

Jonah gave Laurie a drowsy smile. “Yeah?”

Laurie’s lips quirked and he dropped a light kiss on
Jonah’s chin. “Yeah.”

“Good.” Jonah laid his head on Laurie’s chest again,
closed his eyes, and hoped he wasn’t dreaming.



Jonah spent the next morning bouncing between guilt
and euphoria. Laurie was his.
Laurie loved him.
God, it felt
so surreal. How long had he dreamed of hearing those words? A lifetime, it
seemed. And Laurie had said them more than once. He’d whispered them again
while they showered together before leaving the guesthouse. As his soap-slick
hands moved over Jonah’s body, cleansing and rubbing away all of the little
aches and pains, he’d said them, just loud enough to be heard above the water.

Jonah kissed him then. The kisses led to more touches,
and the touches led to Laurie palming both of their cocks and jerking them off
together under the warm, pulsing spray of the shower. All things considered,
not a bad way to start the day.

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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