Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (98 page)

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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I nodded mutely
and licked my lips. Kneeling, I pulled Earth's dick towards me. Air sprung up,
swung one leg over my head and placed it next to Earth, presenting his own cock
for Earth to savor. I paused to watch as Air pushed his meat into Earth's
mouth. I wrapped my own mouth back around Earth's shaft and took it deep into
my throat. All three of us groaned as we began a steady rhythm.

The heat grew
within me, radiating out from my cock and balls. Earth and I changed places;
Earth guided Air's cock into my mouth before sucking greedily on my own.

It felt like
flames licked at my balls and shaft. Lost in the sensation I suddenly became
aware that Air now presented his ass to me. I buried my face in him as Earth
rocked back onto his heels and watched his lover push back onto me.

"I think
we've found your fire," Earth said, and he positioned me so I sat on the
edge of the bed. He stood, wrapped his arms around Air's waist. He snatched him
up from the floor and lowered him onto my cock very slowly before pushing us
both back onto the bed. Air lay on top of me so we both faced upwards. Earth towered
above us, playing with his cock while he watched me push into his lover from

forwards, Earth placed one hand either side of my shoulders. Bending his knees
he guided his cock towards mine. I felt his shaft touch mine and a thrill ran through
me as it slid upwards. Air gasped as it nudged against his hole but Earth
pressed on, intent on entering him too. As Air opened to accommodate him I
slowed my own thrusts to allow Earth smooth passage.

Air came first.
The contraction of his hole triggered Earth's orgasm and he cried out and
stabbed savagely into Air as he came. He came so hard that I felt his cum
squirt back out of Air's hole and down my balls. Rather than douse the flames
that now raged within me, it fuelled my fire and I exploded. I cried out to the
gods as I came inside Air. This prolonged Earth's orgasm and our cocks throbbed
together, held tightly inside Air.

As we pulled
out of him, Air slumped sideways and Earth and I wrapped
around him, laughing. The intensity of our coupling had surprised us all.

After kissing
us both deeply, Earth grabbed my left hand and turned it upwards. A new tattoo,
three flames in an infinite loop, had appeared there. "Did you feel

I nodded.
"I thought it was my orgasm. It burnt straight through me."

Earth laughed
and kissed me again before taking Air's hand.

We all felt the
power then. Water, Earth, Air, and – finally! – Fire.

"We are
going to bring peace to the world my brothers," Earth smiled. "We are
complete in our power and in our love."


Author bio:
I’ve always been creative, with a
background in art, fashion, theatre costume, acting, and direction. These
interests waxed and waned throughout my life.

I’ve always written.

first novel, an M/M Romance called Body of Water, is due for publication in
September 2011



[email protected]


Alex Whitehall
– HOLD ME TIGHT (Hurt-Comfort/BDSM Light)

Selected by Alex

Dear Author,

This photo screams D/s
to me.

A very young
man with pale skin and dark hair is pinned up against a wall. The older man
behind him has a hand on the boy's forehead, tipping his head back until his
pale neck stretches. His cheek is against the boy's hair. Despite the
controlled pose, or perhaps because of it, the young man shows closed-eyed

I believe the
young man has run away from home the day after his high school graduation to
escape an abusive step-father who molested him while his mother was too sick to
know what was happening. He's living on the streets (or beach) and looking for
love (someone to give a damn) in all the wrong places including gay bars and
dark alleys.

The older man rescues
him from someone taking advantage of him (hurting him) and takes him home for a
few days till the boy gets on his feet. What the older man didn't count on was
the kid getting to his protective and dominant instincts with the boy's
submissive (calming) reaction to the slightest touch of skin on skin. What
happens then is up to you. HFN or HEA with D/s works for me.


Dee Wyeth


hurt-comfort, age-gap, light-BDSM
(rough/bossy), barely-legal (he’s 18), boy off the streets



by Alex

"Hey, you
alright?" Trevor asked, studying the pale kid sitting--for lack of a
better word--with his back against the brick wall. His hair was dark and
sticking up from where the brute had been grabbing it, and although he couldn't
see it in the poor light, Trevor imagined the skin was pink on his cheek. The
kid nodded, tossing out a carefree smile that didn't quite match his ripped
shirt and the tear hanging onto his left eye.

He started
pushing himself up. "Thanks, yeah, I'm fi--shit!" The kid would have
collapsed if Trevor hadn't grabbed his flailing arm and yanked him the rest of
the way up, immediately taking the weight that depended on him. "Fuck.
Sorry, mister." The kid hopped on one leg until he got his balance then
leaned away with another sunny smile. "Looks like I sprained my
ankle." He
. "Guess that'll teach me."

Trevor wasn't
sure exactly what the kid had learned, but he doubted it had anything to do
with picking up men in alleyways, or whatever it was that he'd been doing with
that guy. "Right." He watched as the kid put his foot on the ground
and immediately picked it up again with a wince. "Do you have a car
nearby? Or can I call you a cab?"

The kid stilled
like a hunted rabbit, though he wasn't staring at his predator with wide eyes. Nope,
when the kid looked up, he gave Trevor the same giant smile he'd been dealing
since Trevor had scared the other guy off. "A cab would be great."

"Do you
have cash on you or need
to cover it? Come
put your weight on me." Trevor snatched his gym bag
off the ground then wrapped his arm around the kid and helped him hobble out to
the street.

probably not enough to pay for a cab." Another grin--least this one was a
bit sheepish. Trevor was starting to get the idea.

I think I have enough to get you home. Unless you're okay with me driving

and that smile was a little too bright, "can't be getting in cars with
strangers, even nice ones, you know?"

"Uh huh.
Just go down dark alleys with them, right?"

He didn't know
why he said it; maybe he wanted the kid to get pissy at him. He should have
known better. All he got was a smile. "Never going to find love if you
don't take chances."

you mean. Chances are going on dates with someone when you don't know if you'll
have anything in common. Risks are going in back alleys for blow jobs."

never know when love'll show up."

He set the kid against the light post and stepped to the curb, keeping his eyes
open for a taxi. It wasn't long before he flagged one down, the kid gave his
address and Trevor made sure he left him enough cash to get home. As the taxi
pulled away, Trevor suddenly felt old. He was only twenty-eight, so when did
teenagers become kids? When he rescued them from danger, he guessed. With a
shake of his head, he turned and walked back to his car.


He'd just
finished a three-mile run on the beach to make up for skipping the gym the
night before when he saw the kid again, this time asleep on a bench in
well-worn jeans and a long-sleeved tee. His leg was propped awkwardly away from
his body and half his face was a nasty bruise. Trevor slowed from a jog to a
walk, glancing at how much time he had until he needed to leave for work,
before heading over to where the kid slept and gently shaking his shoulder.
"Hey, kid."

The kid sat up
with a jolt, hands automatically grabbing his bag before the movement
registered as pain in his brain. His fingers knotted in the bag he'd been using
as a pillow as he hissed, then jerked his body to stand. "Sorry offic--"
his left eye puffy but open as he realized
who was standing next to him. He gingerly sat back on the bench. "Oh, it's
you." He tried to give one of his smiles, but it resulted in a wince and
he just looked at his bag before dragging it onto his lap. "Sorry, did you
want to sit down?"

He had time.
Not much, but he couldn't just walk away from the kid sleeping on a bench. So
he sat. "What are you doing here?"

locked out?" The kid gave him a glance and Trevor just leveled a
disbelieving glare. "Yeah, didn't think you'd buy it." He laughed
humorlessly and winced again, gently touching his cheek. "Same old story:
bad situation, trying to make it on my own, blah blah blah, whine whine

considered this. "So you were turning tricks?"

No!" The kid glared at him, even though it had to make his face hurt.
"I'm not desperate. I really was just looking for someone to go home

"Well, you
got it."


He held out his
hand. "My name's Trevor, Trevor Hart."

He automatically took it. "What are you talking about?"

inviting you back to my place."

His eyes did a more thorough scan of Trevor's body, taking in the sun-kissed
skin and hair, his strong jaw and muscles. "Yeah. Sure."

"Not for


you're hurt and need a few days to get back on your feet--literally. Anyway,
you're just a kid."

"I'm not a
kid! I'm 18. Be 19 next month."

you're not a kid, but you're still hurt. You can stay at my place for a while,
that's it. No strings."

Yeah. Of course." He flashed a smile and winced, but kept the smile.

"I live
just down the block, think you can make it?"

Sam nodded,
hoisting himself onto his one foot. Before he could put weight on his wrenched
ankle, Trevor stood and balanced him out and they hobbled down the street. It
was warm and they were both sweaty by the time Trevor hit the button for the
elevator, but he was still doing okay time-wise. Sam was leaning on him--not
just his weight, resting his head on his shoulder, his body relaxed against his
support, even though Trevor had said no sex. Still, it was oddly comforting to
have him there, knowing he was going to be in a safe place.

The elevator
took them up six stories and then it was just down the hall to his apartment.
It was only two bedrooms, one of which was his office, but he figured Sam could
take his bed while he healed and Trevor could sleep on the couch--he did that
often enough anyway.

sweet place."

you. Come on, we'll set you up on the couch for today."

Thank you." Trevor watched with a certain amount of amusement as the cocky
kid from outside hesitated, then hopped over to the couch with minimal help.
Once he was situated, Trevor started stripping off his shirt and heading toward
the bathroom. A glance at the clock said he had twenty minutes for a shower and
breakfast. "Umm..."

He turned, tossing his shirt in the laundry, followed by his socks and then his
shorts. Sam was turned on the couch, staring at him with dark eyes that darted
up to his face.

"Umm. What
should I do?"

Trevor smiled
at his uncertainty. Where was the kid from before? Probably all just a front.
"Why don't you sleep? I might be gone when you wake up, but you can watch
TV and I'll leave you a lunch in the fridge."


"Yep. I'm
kind of winging this, so..."

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
13.28Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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