Desired: Loving An Alpha Male (12 page)

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It was a cold, brisk Saturday night, and I was trying to understand why I was wearing this short ass dress in this freezing cold weather. For some reason, I was dressing like I was in Miami when I’d been in Philadelphia for the last few months. Dara of course said it wasn’t cold, but then I showed her the temperature in Miami in September and she just said, “Ah yeah. Well, okay, it’s cold.”

I’d been in Philadelphia the entire summer getting to know my siblings. I ended up getting the DNA test done just for my sake and Greg’s, and it came back ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent. I was Gregory Sayers’ daughter. In a matter of days, I found out I wasn’t alone.  I actually had family.

So I stayed to get to know them and decided to teach a course online that year, allowing myself more time with my family.
My family
… that sounded so strange to say, but being around them wasn’t strange at all. I met my grandparents, and when my grandmother took one look at me, she just smiled and embraced me.  She said, “I knew the moment I saw your eyes.  You’re my grandbaby.”

So let me give you a rundown: My father never looked for me.  I guess he assumed that I was well taken care of and didn’t imagine my mother would fall apart like she did. I was glad that my father let it be known in his letter that my mom didn’t know anything about his so-called family in Philly.  It felt better knowing that my mom just trusted and gave her whole heart to the wrong man. She paid for it.

Wow, that sounds so familiar.

I shared some of my story with my siblings, not all of it but some, letting them know where my anger stemmed from. Greg, hearing what my mom went through never said anything else about her sleeping with a kept man.  He stayed loyal to his own mother, which by the way I met one day. It was awkward, to say the least, but she was cordial to me. By the way, Greg is only older than me by four months.

I found out that Deidra was the mother hen of the group.  She was three years older than I was, but she acted as if she was much older.  She was married, but they didn’t have any kids as of yet.  Her husband, Rafiq, was a cool guy.  He worked in the family business that I later learned was real estate, both residential and commercial. Sayers Real Estate Inc. is a large company solely based in Philadelphia, but they were working towards expanding in the metroplex, New Jersey, and Delaware.

Rafiq was one of the residential sales guys working for the company.  Greg, as you may have guessed, was acting CEO with a Board of Directors he reported to that consisted of their mom, our grandfather, who ran the business until he retired, Deidra, Dara and me. Yup, that’s right; I inherited being a stakeholder in the company. I was vested, whether I liked it or not. I could have sold my stock but once I sat in a few meetings, I wanted to stay.

Greg and I were as cool with each other as we could be, considering how we met.  We figured out a way to co-exist and get along. I stayed out of his way mostly, and he stayed out of mine.  I’d been staying at the family’s house out in King of Russia, but, after a month of staying there, I needed my own space. At times, I would just stay in the city and get a hotel room for a while.  I still needed my space, and I was still learning my new family.

Dara was two years younger than me, and I had established a closer bond with her than with any of my other siblings.  She was so feisty and full of fire. “She’s my idol,” I liked to say behind closed doors.  She was everything I wasn’t; like her fantastic looks and smoking hot body.  Guys turned their heads and broke their necks just to look at her. 

Dara had been on a mission to get me over Gavin. I’d confided in her and told her all about both of my exes. I had to talk her down from making a trip to “whoop some ass.”  She was amazing to me, and she was the main reason why I hadn’t left yet.

So Dara had been dragging me to every club in Philly multiple times a weekend. I’d danced and even went out on a few dates, but no one stood out to me.  I won’t admit that in the back of my mind, every time I went out, I hoped I would see someone.  I don’t want to sound pathetic but… Oh hell! I looked for Drake everywhere I went.  I hadn’t told Dara about him because, well, there’s nothing to tell.  I mean, I know his name. I could’ve tried to find him, but for what? He made it clear that he didn’t want anything to do with me, so there it was. What we had in Cabo was a fling; nothing more, nothing less.

“Girl, can you slow down? These four-inch heels you have me in are starting to hurt,” I told her and she slowed down for me.

We were going to this club on Delaware Ave. that she said was “guaranteed filled with hotties.” She said that every time we went out. Mind you, our definitions of “hottie” weren’t similar.

We had to park a few blocks from the club because Dara refused to pay for valet. She figured it should be free.

Walking two blocks from the club can really sober you up…

When we got to the club, there was a freaking line. But the music coming from the place was great. I started bopping my head, waiting patiently for us to get inside. The line I will say went quick, and the moment we got inside, she and I went straight to the bar.  Dara could drink as much as I could, if not more.

That night, we got wasted and drank a few guys under a few tables.  We danced on the dance floor and had a blast.  I forgot about who I was. I forgot about my feet hurting. I didn’t even care when I was groped on the dance floor. I was so free, and I felt amazing. And that’s when I saw him…

He was in all black, head shaved, and a five o’clock shadow etched his perfect chiseled features.  He was wrapped around a perfect ten, and when I tell you they looked like the perfect couple, I’m not exaggerating.  She was beautiful. Long black hair with a dress short as hell and tight, showing a great pair of legs and perfect toned body. He was moving his hands all over her body, and she smiled and moved her hips along his crotch. The smile on his face showed that he was enjoying every movement. He never danced like that with me in Cabo. I mean, we danced together. Don’t get me wrong. But not like that.

Suddenly, I felt sick. I kind of stood there staring at them until, to my horror, his eyes left the beauty queen and fell on me. He stopped moving and just stood there, looking at me with shock on his face. He then started to smile and head towards me.

Well, I didn’t wait for the embarrassment; I left the dance floor and went straight to the front door.

I couldn’t tell you where Dara was. I just knew I had to leave. I hit the front door and started walking.


I heard my name, but I kept moving. My vision was getting blurred, and I didn’t know where the hell I was going, but I knew I had to get away from him.

“Georgia…” I think it was his voice, but I wasn’t sure.

I nearly collided with a car at an intersection and was pulled back quickly. Drake pushed me up against the nearest wall, but I wasn’t having that.

“Get off me, you son of a bitch. Don’t touch me…” I swung, and he backed off.

He looked so confused and hurt, but I didn’t let that sway me. I was hurt too.

“Okay, baby, I won’t touch you,” he said calmly.

I pointed at him. “Don’t call me baby! Is that who she is? Huh? Your baby?” I pushed him in his chest. Well, I tried to anyway. He was still fucking solid.

I continued defiantly. “Is that what you call her? “You men are all alike, you know that?”

I think my words started to slur, but I couldn’t stop my fury.

“Hey, you get the fuck away from my sister!” I turned to see Dara coming up to me.

I smiled and folded my arms.

Drake being Drake ignored Dara and said, “Can you just talk to me for a second?” He smiled, but I shook my head.

“I don’t have shit to say to you! Why don’t you go back to your ‘baby’? Or whatever she is to you.”

As if the cards to my life fell into place, the very beauty queen appeared. “Lincoln, what’s going on?”

She looked at me with disdain evident all over her face.

I looked at Drake. “Leave me alone, Lincoln.”

I turned and felt a strong grip on my arm. Then I heard a voice say, “Hold the fuck up a second.”

When Drake spun me around, I was so ready to light into him. Dara came between us, holding a black oblong object in her hand. 

“Get the fuck back before I mace the shit out of you,” she fussed.

Drake stared at me hard before regrettably letting go of me and stepping back.

“This isn’t over, Georgia,” he said simply.

I shook my head and replied, “It is now.”

He didn’t say another word, so I turned and started to walk away. I heard Dara’s footsteps behind me, but I didn’t turn around to see if she was catching up. I was about to lose it right there on the sidewalk, and I refused to let that happen over him.

I thought Dara would drill me about Drake, but she didn’t.  She stayed uncharacteristically quiet, but I was thankful for that. We went to the hotel that I booked for us, and I closed myself in the bathroom for a while just trying to get myself together.  All this time I had been hoping to see him, but never did I think he would be with someone else when I did.


Chapter 11

“So what did she do?” Angel asked.

We had just come back from a meeting with his father and a few other bosses from a couple of families around Philly. I went to his father’s refrigerator and pulled out some covered dish sitting there and some water. 

On the way back from the meeting, I told Angel about last night, only because of course he heard about it from Eleanor, the chick I was with.

“She didn’t do anything.  She left with some woman that claimed to be her sister.  But I know for a fact she doesn’t have any siblings… or at least that’s what she told me anyway.”

I grabbed some plates and started piling it with some anti-pasta seafood dish. Angel did the same, laughing. “Yeah, well, Elle said you were pissed.”

I frowned. “What hasn’t she said? Damn, that bitch runs her mouth.”

Angel shrugged. “Not really. She told Lucy and Lucy told me.”

I grunted and warmed up my food.

I never thought I would see her again, much less last night.  I had just come back from taking care of business for my uncle overseas which took weeks.  I traveled all over Italy and didn’t get a chance to enjoy the sights or the women.  So when I got back, I needed to get into something. Lucy, Angel’s “sometimes,” hooked me up with Eleanor weeks ago, but I just never called.  She seemed too hungry, you know? Like she wanted to be with a bad boy so bad she’d do anything; one of those users.

When I called her last night, she practically jumped through the phone; she was so fucking eager.  So I took her to dinner… Pleasant enough.  Then we went to the club I’d just opened up and hung out there.  I introduced her to some people, and she loved it.  It was like she was made for this life.  So having all the drinks I could get in me, I took her out to the dance floor for a little foreplay.  What I didn’t expect, as I was feeling her body, was to see the very woman that had been haunting my dreams ever since I left Cabo.

She looked sexy as shit in that dress, but when I traveled to her eyes, that’s what made me move toward her.

I don’t chase women. I just fucking don’t, but I found myself following Georgia as she practically sprinted out of the club, and then almost got hit.

“So are you going to look her up? Give her a call?” Angel asked me and I shook my head.

“If she wanted to talk to me, she would’ve. I don’t have time to be chasing her.”

Angel grunted. “Uh huh. Whatever… Did you at least seal the deal with Eleanor?”

I finished my plate, cleaned it and placed it in the dishwasher. “What did Lucy tell you?”

“She said you stayed the night with her all night long.”

“Then you know I didn’t ‘seal’ anything,” I told him and walked out of the room.

I headed for the office of my uncle, checking in before I left for the night, and I heard my cousin talking to his father.

“Pops, we need to act now.  If we don’t, we’re going to seem weak.”

I told you I hated Eddie, right? Well, I’m not exaggerating. If I could, I would gut shoot him and watch him painfully die; that’s how much I fucking hate him. He’s a hothead who’s always so quick to react to someone or something, and the reaction is always violent. And guess who has to always clean up his mess when he fucks up? And believe me, he fucks up often. 

“Son, you need to calm down first and think about what would happen if we do something now.  Things are too hot for them. If we get involved, it’s going to put attention on us; unwanted attention.”

“I know, Pop, but this is a steal.  They are heavy hitters down south.  If we can supply to them what they need, that solidifies us in the south market.”

My uncle nodded just as I walked into the room. Eddie looked over at me and frowned.

Yeah, the feeling is mutual. He hates me too.

“I’m having a family discussion with my father. You ain’t family,” he scuffed.

I ignored him and looked at my uncle.  Eddie wasn’t worth a pot to piss in.  He was one of those goons that used his power for everything, to get respect, and most of all to get women.  He was shorter than both Angel and me. No matter how much he tried to work out to bulk up, the muscle mass gods looked past him all the time.

So instead he took Jujitsu lessons all his life. I will say he was a bad motherfucker, but I’d beat the shit out of him any day of any week.

“Uncle, I’m heading out for the night. Do you need anything else before I go?”

My uncle was as tall as Angel and me and built solid just like us. I guess Eddie took after his mother’s side of the family. Uncle Bruno was feared among Philly for the power his father and father’s father had throughout this city for decades.  The name Leonetti was synonymous with loyalty, fuck that up and you’re gone… and not just you… It could be your entire family right along with you.  Back then, this family didn’t play. 

My uncle was into gambling, guns, and the lending business, if you get my meaning. My uncle, with my help, had invested in a few legitimate businesses as well.  We’d invested in a lot of lucrative markets overseas that was bringing us millions, as well as the illegal stuff. 

We still got our hands dirty from time to time, but it had been a long time since someone tried to take what we had. You have no idea how at home I felt with this family.  Ever since the incident with the CIA, my Uncle and this family welcomed me.  I’m not saying the shit was easy, but I’m fucking glad I’m among like minds, minus Eddie, of course.

“Sit down, Lincoln.” Uncle Bruno grabbed a Cuban from his personal stash and handed me one.  He and I were the only ones in the family that smoked cigars.  Angel; it just wasn’t his thing, but, Eddie, he fucking hated that I had that bond with his father.  He tried to smoke one and threw up for days… Fucking pussy.

I took the cigar, clipped it and lit it.  Angel came into the office right at that moment and sat down too.  Angel and Eddie were about three years apart; Eddie being the oldest.  Angel was nothing like his brother.  He was more like his father.  Angel went to college and actually got his Master’s degree in business and international finance.  He was also just as ruthless and callous as I am. If my uncle lost his life that day, it wouldn’t be Eddie that would take over; it would be Angel. Guess who would be his right-hand man?

“What’s going on, Pops?” Angel asked.

Uncle Bruno took a few puffs and let the smoke slowly escape his nose before he spoke.  I leaned back and enjoyed a fantastic fucking cigar.

“Your brother has connected with a cartel in Miami that wants a shipment of my guns delivered within the next few months.  It’s a rather large shipment that we would probably have to bring in.”

Angel nodded. “Okay, we’ve dealt with the Russians the same way in New York. You don’t think we can swing it?”

“I know we can. The problem is this family has some unwanted attention after them.”

“The Feds?” I asked.

“That hasn’t been communicated; just some internal turmoil that’s plaguing them.”

Eddie rolled his eyes and leaned closer to his father’s desk from his chair. “Pops, it’s not like that really.  I mean, yes, they have some internal shit, but what family doesn’t.” He looked over at me. I smirked as Eddie continued, “All I’m saying is, let’s set up a meeting.  They are willing to pay a lot of money, and I think we can capitalize on this deal and be set for life.  They will pay big dollar, and they have connections in South America too.  I know you’ve wanted to get connects down there. This is our shot.”

I watched Eddie adamantly talk to his father and something seemed off about everything.  He knew his father wouldn’t be pushed to do anything he didn’t feel comfortable doing. But Eddie was trying to do just that.

I took another pull and blew the smoke toward Eddie to get him to shut the fuck up.  He started waving at the smoke as I said, “Uncle, do you want me to look into it for you? See what’s really going on, see how volatile the situation is?”

Uncle Bruno took a few puffs of his own cigar, then studied me for a minute before he nodded. “Yes. Find out what’s going on and report back to me.  Sooner rather than later, eh nephew?”

I nodded. “Understood. Who am I looking at?”

I looked over at Eddie, who, by the way, was fuming with rage.

He said to his father, “We don’t need him to do anything for this family.  He’s not even a Leonetti, for fuck sake.”

My uncle, ever the calm, cool and collected one, just looked at his son. Nothing ruffled the man. He was like steel. He had the patience of a hawk. Me; I barely had enough patience to deal with life. 

Uncle Bruno stood, walked around the desk and said simply, “Give Lincoln the information that he needs.” Then he walked out of the room.

When he closed the door, Eddie’s eyes fell on me. “Don’t fuck this up for me, Lincoln. So help me God, you will regret it.”

“Stop being a bitch. If the shit is legit, there will be nothing to fuck up.” I leaned forward in my chair and blew more smoke in his direction, being an asshole, of course. I said to him, “Before I start digging, is there something you want to tell me?”

Eddie coughed and stood. “Go fuck yourself!” Then he walked out of the room.

I smiled to myself and leaned back in my chair.

“You know you’re playing with fire, right?” Angel asked me.

“How so?”

“My brother thinks you’re taking his spot in the family.  He already knows he will never be number one; over my dead fucking body. But he won’t let you be number two.”

he would make a move.”

Angel stood and moved over to me.  He sat on the desk in front of me. “What do you have against Eddie?”

“I don’t have anything against him.  He is the one with the problem.  From the first day I came here, he’s been in my shit. Throwing who my mother is, his fucking aunt, in my face. Throwing who my father is in my face. But one thing is, and best believe this on your left nut, when the fucker comes at me at any point, his life is forfeited.”

Angel studied me closely.  I didn’t trust Eddie. Both my Uncle and Angel knew this.  He was a loose cannon, someone who screamed for power and money, but wouldn’t make the right decisions to survive. He was a fucking idiot, and I knew one day he was going to bring this family down.

Loyalty is what this family was founded on, and it was what I believed in. Fuck that up, and it’s game fucking over.

Angel stood, “Yeah, for his sake, I hope he doesn’t test you. See you tomorrow.”



I kept myself busy for a few days, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Georgia.  What the fuck was she doing in my city? Why did she run away from me? 

I could answer that last question on my own; Eleanor.

Back in Cabo, I figured Georgia was starting to catch feelings, but I figured we both subconsciously agreed her seeing me outside of the island was a bad idea.  But seeing her hurt like that, I felt compelled to find her and tell her what she saw was nothing. But finding her wasn’t going to be easy.

I called in a few favors and checked every hotel in the area and surrounding cities. I got nothing. 

Maybe she’s staying with someone. That girl she was with the other day maybe.

I searched for Sayers in the area just for kicks, and a few came back that I could check out. But before I did that, I thought about something she told me the last night we were together. I asked my contact to search for Chloe McDaniels. He came back with a hit for the Hyatt downtown, not too far from my apartment.

I drove there hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.  I parked at the curb and climbed out of my black on black Charger that I called “monster” and walked toward the hotel.  I saw a truck pull up to the front door. A tall, well-dressed Black man got out and walked around to the passenger door. He looked familiar to me, but my mind suddenly went to shit when I saw Georgia walk out of the doors of the hotel and right to this man.

What the fuck?

It was my turn to stand in that spot fucking stunned. I wasn’t prepared for the fucking worst.

She was stunning in an all-black dress that hugged the curves that I can’t seem to take my mind off of.  The man looked over at me, and he stood there staring. Just before Georgia got in the truck, she turned as well.

Our eyes met, and I willed her to do the same thing I had done.  It didn’t matter to me that I was dancing with Eleanor, the moment I saw her, I went to her instantly.  But she didn’t move from her spot.  She frowned at me and got completely inside the car.

It took me a minute to gather myself.  I didn’t realize how pissed I was until I unclenched my fists and saw my hands were red.  The thought of someone else touching her was driving me mad.  I had half a mind to follow the truck, pull her out of the vehicle and to make her talk to me.

I moved to the car with the intention of doing just that when my cell rang.  I saw it was Angel, and I answered.

“What?!” I barked loudly into the phone as I watched Georgia be driven away.

My cousin chuckled, which fucking pissed me off.

“I take it you didn’t find her?”

Again I don’t know why I talk to this son of a bitch.

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