Desired: Loving An Alpha Male (13 page)

BOOK: Desired: Loving An Alpha Male
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I walked back towards my ride, regretting everything I’d told him. “What the fuck do you want?”

“I see you didn’t which may be a good thing for me… We have a problem. Do you think you can get to the warehouse off of I-495 in Delaware?”

“What’s going on?”

I heard Angel start up his Mustang through the phone, “A little territory dispute.”

I grinned. “I’ll be there in twenty.”















Chapter 12

I wanted to cry.

This had to be the fourth time I’d emptied my stomach through my esophagus and throat, and it wasn’t even twelve o’clock yet. Hell, I wasn’t even eating anything. I was drinking water and still that wouldn’t stay down. I felt run down and tired all the time. I’d been waiting for the flu, cold or allergies to hit me for a few days now and nothing.  Just tiredness and I couldn’t keep anything down.

I crawled back into the bed and pulled the covers over my face. I didn’t want to leave that spot, but I needed to grade papers and get my lesson posted online before the end of the day. 

I didn’t know what was going on with my body. I assumed it was torturing me for ignoring Drake the other day, but I couldn’t help it.  I was still hurt from seeing him plastered all over that woman. I knew I shouldn’t have been.  I could have easily given him my number in Cabo, but I didn’t.  So I shouldn’t have been mad at him for doing what any full-blooded fine ass male, such as himself, would do.

But a part of me wished to God that Drake had held out for me.  I wish he thought of nothing but me. I kept dreaming that the moment I saw him again it would be amazing. I felt like a fool.  And it’s my own damn fault. 

Seeing the look on his face when I left him there, I can’t forget it and wonder if that’s the reason why I’m sick all the time now.  I swear, the moment I started throwing up was the same night I saw him outside of my hotel.

I turned over, and I swear the room started spinning like crazy. “Oh no. Not again.”

“Hey, Georgia. Are you feeling any better?”

I lifted the covers from my eyes and saw Dara and Deidra walk in. Deidra held some tray with something I could only imagine was food.

Oh… no… Is that…?

I raced from the bed and got to the toilet just in time to throw up absolutely nothing. This blows… literally.

As I came back out Deidra looked at me and said the words that almost made me pass out. “Do you think you may be pregnant?”

I blurted, “Um, excuse me? What?”

“It’s not uncommon, you know? Have you had sex with anyone in the last few weeks?” she asked me.

I started to shake my head, but instantly got dizzy, so I opted for words, “No, I’ve not been with anyone but you guys. No, this is just some stupid bug.”

Dara and Deidra looked at each other again, then Dara spoke up, “Why don’t we just rule it out and take this test?”

I didn’t want to argue.  I wanted them out of my room and for them to take that God awful chicken noodle soup with them.

“Fine go and get one, and I…”

Deidra stood. “I have one right here.”

Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting on my bed trying to figure out what the hell happened.

I can’t be pregnant… I just can’t be. There’s no way… Immaculate conception? I think not. My name isn’t Mary.

Deidra called her OBGYN and scheduled me an appointment for the next day. I couldn’t speak.  I just nodded trying to get myself together.  I was pregnant with Gavin’s baby… This can’t be happening.

Deidra left, but Dara stayed with me. “Are you going to be okay?” she asked.

I nodded. “I’m going to lay down for a little while longer,” I told her as I crawled back in the bed.  I’d been avoiding Gavin for so long
the thought of seeing him again, of talking to him again, was making me feel worse than I already did. I had no clue what to do.

The next morning, Deidra had to get me up, or I would have missed the appointment.  Both she and Dara came with me, and Deidra held my hand as the doctor splattered some goo on my stomach. She said, “Since your periods are irregular, Georgia, and you can’t pinpoint when your last period was, let’s see if we can tell using the machine.  I don’t want to have to make you uncomfortable for any reason.”

“Yes, I’m uncomfortable as it is right now, and you haven’t touched me. Will you be doing some type of um… vaginal exam?”

Dr. Platt just smiled. “No, dear, not yet.  Let’s see how far along you are using this machine.  If not, then, yes, we will have to use a different method.”

We all watched as she maneuvered the device on my stomach and stopped when she saw a tiny picture, then smiled. “That’s your baby.”

I couldn’t breathe. “That little blip on the screen is my baby?”

“Yes it is. And let’s see… Do you want to hear the heartbeat?”

All I could do was nod, and the next sound that came through was a heartbeat so fast I looked at the doctor alarmed. “Is it supposed to sound like that?”

Deidra laughed and smiled. “Yes, girl.”

“Now let’s get some measurements and we can determine roughly how far along you are.”

As Dr. Platt did her thing, I looked at my sisters.  Everything in my life was happening so fast. I found out I had a whole family that I knew nothing about.  I gained so much in a few months that finding out I was pregnant made everything so much better.

“Okay, my dear,” the doctor said as she started wiping off my stomach.  “I’m going to give you a tentative date of March, roughly the second or third week.  When we get a more thorough examination of the baby, we can confirm the due date.”

I looked at her confused. “I’m sorry, but is that right? I expected to be a little further than that.”

The doctor shook her head. “Uh no…  I may be a few weeks off, but you’re roughly about three and a half months pregnant.”

“I’m what? No, that can’t be. I should be about five months pregnant. That’s the last time I slept with Gavin.” I looked at Dara and Deidra, “He put us on a sex hiatus about two months from our wedding day so… and I haven’t been with anyone else since him.”

Dara and Deidra looked puzzled at each other, then at the doctor.  I started to say something else when it suddenly hit me… “Oh… My… God…”

My hand instantly went to my mouth, and I hopped down from the table, stumbled, trying to catch my balance, and went right for the garbage can.  I threw up the breakfast Deidra made me eat as well as the Ginger Ale I drank.

“God, this can’t be happening,” I said softly to myself, but I wasn’t alone in a small space, so they heard me.

“Georgia, are you okay?” Deidra asked, and I just put up my hand for her to give me a few minutes.

I can’t be… I can’t be pregnant with Drake Lincoln’s baby… I just can’t.

During the ride home, I remained quiet, sitting in the back seat of the car while Deidra drove.  Every time I began to try to say something, I got sick to my stomach.  I couldn’t believe this was happening. Yes, we had unprotected sex, but I didn’t think I could even get pregnant so easily.  I was always told it would be hard for me to conceive so the thought of Drake even being a possibility just didn’t click. Maybe my mind discounted him because of all the bad things Dara said about him.

The day I saw Drake at the club, Dara had told me he belonged to some very bad people. She told me that he owned the club we were at as well as a few others, and his uncle was this big shot mafia guy. She said he was as dangerous as they come.

I wasn’t an idiot. I knew when I approached him in Cabo he was bad. Living in one of the worst neighborhoods in Baltimore told me he wasn’t a stand-up citizen. But because of the way he treated me, how he touched me and kissed me, and the things he did to my body and my soul, I became blind to what he really was.

Now I’m having a baby by the man.

When we got to the house, their family’s house, my father’s estate, I instantly went upstairs, and I heard footsteps following me.  When I got to my room, I left it open for Dara, and she closed it when she walked through the doorway.

“Do you know who the daddy is?” she asked.

“Yes, I know who he is.”

She frowned. “Is it your ex? It would suck if…”

I shook my hand frantically. “No, it’s not him either… It’s … Argh…” I fell back against the pillows on the bed and wanted it to swallow me whole if it could. I couldn’t say his name.

Dara accepted my moment of silence. Tears started gathering in my eyes, and I closed them. I asked softly, “Do you remember that guy I saw at the club?”

“Um no. Not really. We’ve been to a lot of clubs, Georgia… Wait… Do you mean Lincoln, the guy I said was bad news?… The one that Greg said was in the mafia?”

I nodded my head first, and then said, “Yes.”

She shrugged. “What about him?”

I didn’t reply.

My silence told her what I couldn’t, and she said, “That can’t be possible, could it?”

I didn’t reply, still not wanting to admit anything.

“How, Georgia? I mean, you were with us the whole time you were here.”

I sat up and looked at her, wiping my eyes. “Drake and I met in Cabo two weeks before I got here. We…” I took a deep breath trying to swallow down the preverbal knot forming in my throat. “We spent so many nights together, tangled together… but this one night….” I put my head down and didn’t say anything else.

Dara was quiet… Then I heard her say, “Jesus H. Christ, Georgia… How could you be so irresponsible?  Not only did you fuck one of the baddest, no good dudes on the planet, but you went raw? And never mind the fact that he’s white. Shit, girl… Weren’t you engaged at the time?” Dara got up and stepped back from me, shaking her head. “I can’t believe this. You fucked up big time, just in case you didn’t know.” She turned from me and left the room.

I stared at the place she once was dumbstruck.  I couldn’t believe what she was saying to me.  I get what I’d done was reckless, but I would have expected this from Greg, maybe even Deidra, but not Dara. We’ve shared so much together. For her to judge me like this, to treat me like this was hurtful, to say the least.

I stood up on shaky legs. Tears were streaming down faster now as I went to grab my bags and started stuffing clothes in them.  Here I thought I was surrounded by family. Granted I didn’t know them all that well, nor them me, but I thought I would be able to trust them, to lean on them.

I guess not.

I carried my bags down the steps and found Dara’s voice ringing through the house. I sat my bags at the door and thought about just leaving. Considering the names I could hear her calling me right now, I knew no one would care if I just left. But I didn’t want to end it like that, not on my end anyway.

When I walked in the family room of the house, Greg had his arms crossed in front of him, and he looked more pissed than he ever did before. He was standing by the mantle, staring out through the sliding glass door into the backyard.  Deidra was sitting on the couch, and Dara was pacing the floor.

“That bitch ruined everything. You’re the one that told me to hang out with her, and I did. But I draw the line with a crime family. No fucking way.”

I cleared my throat now wishing I did just leave instead of hearing that shit. “I thought about saying goodbye and telling you where I’d be, but never mind about that.” Dara folded her arms in front of her and looked at me as if I was a piece of shit. Deidra looked sympathetic with a sorrowful look on her face… No, pity is more like it.  And Greg; hell, Greg just looked like Greg.

“I don’t know why life brought me here and brought us together.  At first, I thought it was so I could really and truly feel what a family is like. But fuck it. If it’s like this, I don’t want it. I can do bad all by myself.”

I turned and started to leave when Dara said, “He’s going to ruin your life. He’s going to destroy you and get you, and that baby killed.  That’s all he’s good for.  Don’t be stupid enough to go to him. That’s suicide.”

I didn’t turn around fully. I just turned my head and said, “Then I guess I’ll be stupid because so far, he has been the only loyal person I’ve had in my life.”

Greg then had his parting words, “If you go to him, you’re not welcomed here again. I will not bring that kind of life in our home.”

That made me turn around. “What life? The life of fierce loyalty and love? The kind of people that put family before anything? Yeah, I know Drake isn’t good for me… And hell I may never tell him about the baby, but damn it I know if I did, he would do his best to protect the both of us.  That’s something I do know.”

“All they know is how to destroy. You’re naïve to think otherwise,” he said to me.

“He protected me when he knew nothing about me,” I told them.

“He wanted some ass… If you spread your legs for scum, that’s what you become,” Greg bit out. “And that’s not wanted in my father’s house.”

“Wow,” I exclaimed and backed out of the room still looking at them, “Your father cheated on your mother, probably not just once… He left his daughter out there and didn’t bother to ever look for me to make sure I was okay. That makes him admirable in your eyes?”

“Hey you…” Greg started, but my voice got louder and I spoke to him. The hell if he wasn’t going to hear what I had to say.

“I was raped … in the home I was left in when my parents died of an overdose; the ones I discovered when I was nine and had to wait with their rotting bodies for four hours before the cops came and took them away.  I was fourteen when I was raped, and some seventeen-year-old kid thought it would be fun to fuck the fat, quiet girl.  I had no one to turn to, no family in my life… but if I had a father that gave a shit about me… that bothered to stay connected with me… maybe,
just maybe,
I wouldn’t have gotten raped.  So before you pass judgment on someone you know nothing about, think about your own fucking house.”

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