Desired: Loving An Alpha Male (10 page)

BOOK: Desired: Loving An Alpha Male
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Chapter 9

As the cool ocean breeze touched my face, I leaned farther back into the cushion of the lounge chair, sitting on the patio off of my room. The nicotine flowing through my system combined with my smoke filled lungs had brought me to a state of calm after the storm that was Georgia Sayers.

Fuck, that woman was a piece of work.  She was full of energy and life, and wouldn’t you know it; she could practically drink me under the table. We had spent the last four days getting very familiar with what Cabo had to offer.

Since I’d managed to get her to snorkel, she was hooked, and we’d been going every morning bright and early ever since. We’d continued to take tour after tour; from learning about Los Cabos culture and history, to submarine tours to tequila tasting.  We’d swam with the dolphins, took Kayaks out on the Sea of Cortez, and she even got me to whale watch with her.

Besides the shopping and the sightseeing, being with her had been an adventure. I had talked more in four days than I had in years.  The nights that we shared had been eventful all on their own. We had partied hard, going to multiple clubs and getting shit-faced. Then we’d go to her room or mine and have mindless drunk sex. It’d been a long time since I’d had drunk sex, but those last three nights had been uh… something else.

I said this woman could drink, and I’m not lying.  It took a lot to get her drunk, but once I did it, she let go completely.  She was fun, exciting, sensual and fucking amazing. We danced all night and fucked each other’s brains out until the sun came up. We’d gotten intimately familiar with each other’s bodies so much that I could tell the moment when she was aroused just by looking at her.

The reaction she had on me blew my mind, and I couldn’t get a hold of it.  I couldn’t understand how I responded to her so well. The only thing I could think was,
She’s changing me
. Now I wouldn’t say she’d changed me completely. I still had my dark, twisted urges, but I didn’t sightsee, I didn’t swim with fucking dolphins and fuck if I whale watched.  But just seeing the excitement in her eyes, the life in them, I couldn’t turn her down.

I felt the phone that my cousin gave me vibrate on the table. I quickly reached for it hoping he finally had some news for me.


My cousin chuckled, “Damn, am I interrupting your night with the glorious Georgia?”

I sighed. I regretted telling Angel about Georgia the very moment her name left my lips that the other day.

“I hope you’re telling me some good news or that you got the information on that piece of shit that tried to take Georgia.”

“Well, yes, I do have some news, but I’m not sure you’ll think it’s good.”

I sat up. “You found the son of a bitch shot in the fucking head with his brains splattered all over the place?”

“Well, no. Actually I haven’t been able to find any action down there that you mentioned or the guy you described. The car was a rental and the name it was under came back with a bogus. Cabo is pretty clean, as far as crime goes.  I don’t know, Cuz. Are you sure she just wasn’t fucked up? Or maybe she was taking something and didn’t want you to know about it?”

I shook my head. “No, I’m sure about that.  Georgia isn’t the type.  Besides, the woman can drink and hold her own.  I told you the bartender that night was serving weak ass drinks, so I know for a fact she wasn’t fucked up. No, there has to be some reason why he was trying to take her.”

“Well, if there is, I haven’t found one.  Why don’t you find the bartender and ask him?”

“Yeah, I’ve tried that. He hasn’t been to work since that night.”

My cousin paused a beat, and then said, “Do you have a name?”

“Manuel Agosto.”

“All right. I’ll check it out to see if I can find out something about him based on your description.”

“Yeah okay. Keep me posted then… I’ll talk to you later.”

He cleared his throat. “Uh, don’t you want to hear the news I have?”

I frowned. “I thought you already told me the news?”

“No, I said the news I have to tell you is good news, but you might not think so.  That shit wasn’t it.”

“Well, stop pussying around and just tell me.”

He chuckled again before he said, “You’re clear to come home.”

“You shittin’ me?”

“Nope. The lawyers got back to me, and the Feds have nothing.  They claimed they were slipped the information, but none of the evidence they gathered matched to you. Also the people that you allegedly took out, I know for a fact you didn’t.  The family had no beef with them, so you are good to come back.”

I took a drag on my cigar and smiled.  Finally, I get to go home and leave this… Oh shit…

“Yeah, bittersweet, isn’t it?” Angel added as if reading my thoughts.

I didn’t reply.

“Pops says he needs you home ASAP though.”

I nodded my head self-consciously. “Yeah alright. Get someone to book me a flight some time tomorrow and text me the info.”

“Will do. See you then,” I heard Angel tell me before he hung up the phone.

If my Uncle said he needed me home ASAP that only means my cousin Eddie is into some shit, and he needs me home like yesterday. I knew I was going to have to take the next thing smoking out of there if I could.

Shit… I didn’t want to leave Georgia there by herself.  Even though I’d been looking out for any backlash from the other night, it didn’t mean she was safe.  I didn’t like having loose ends, especially since Angel didn’t get any information on the three goons from the truck.

Georgia told me she wasn’t leaving for another two days, and I knew I couldn’t wait that long.


I heard my door open, but I didn’t turn around to see who came inside- I knew it was her.

“Hey, I’ve been calling the room for the last ten minutes. Are you okay?”

When she stepped out on the balcony, my eyes went to her, and I froze. She looked fucking amazing. Her braids were up and away from her face, giving the world full view of her beauty.  She wore eye makeup that made her brown eyes come alive and gloss on a pair of beautiful full lips that made me want to devour them every chance I saw her.  But the dress she wore...

“Damn, baby, you look beautiful.”

I stood on shaky legs… Wait, what?
Get a fucking grip, Lincoln.

I shook my head to clear it and walked toward her.  She absently ran her hands down the front of her dress and looked down.

The dress was a white strapless dress that started just at the bottom of her neck and traveled down past her hips and thighs, caressing her body like silk. It contoured every curve of her hips and stomach, falling to the ground with ease. Her heels brought her almost eye level, which was a fucking turn on all by itself.

She smiled, her eyes averting a direct look into mine, “Drake, it’s just a dress.”

She’s finally gravitated to calling me Drake instead of Lincoln, unless she’s pissed at me or wants to get a rise out of me. I have to say, I prefer it and, to be honest, I love hearing my name leave her lips. Hearing her say my name while trying to get my attention, or in the middle of us claiming each other’s body, seems to always make me want her more. She doesn’t know what I am or what I do, and she doesn’t have a clue about who I am.  So I let her say the name that most men in the world would never use and live to tell about it, and no woman has parted their lips to say. It’s the power I gave her, and she doesn’t have a clue what it means.

When I finally got to her, I cupped her cheek in my palm, and she put her head down.

No, no, that won’t do.
  I tilted her chin up, so she had no choice but to look at me, and damn if the intensity in her own eyes was causing me to want to look away.

But I don’t.  This may be the last night I have with her and I want to make this count.  I wanted to embed myself into her soul so she never in her life forgets about me.

“Georgia, you are beautiful, strong and sexy as shit. This dress is just enhancing what you already possess, baby.” I looked at her lips, daring myself to touch them.  I knew if I did, she would be out of this dress faster than I’m sure it took her to put it on. “You. Are. Stunning.”

She gave me that smile that I would kill for and turned away from me.

“Come on, baby. Let’s get out of here,” I said to her, saving each of us from what undoubtedly was starting to happen between us.

We took a cab to the Marina of Cabo and found a romantic Italian restaurant, with outdoor upscale dining and a fantastic view of the marina and the sun setting. The moment we arrived, valet greeted us and led us inside. We didn’t have to wait that long, which I was thankful for, and a hostess escorted us outside to a small table in a corner with a panoramic view of the bay.

Every table was sitting outdoors, using the marina and the horizon as its wall, paintings, and décor.  There were tall lamps that illuminated the area as the sun set, giving this place even more of a romantic feel.  Yeah, if Angel had seen me there… This woman was definitely changing me.

Our conversation was light.  We managed to maintain that throughout the time we spent together. We shared childhood experiences, favorite cartoons as kids and movies we liked to watch- that type of shit.  She asked me how many girls I banged in high school, and I just made up some number and told her.  Chicks threw themselves at the bad seed when I went to school but rarely did I bite. I don’t like to be used by anyone unless it’s on my terms, of course.

Dinner came. She’d ordered a simple spaghetti dish, and I had the beef tenderloin with Pacchero style breaded pasta, Mozzarella tomatoes, and organic pesto.  The food wasn’t half bad, and the wine we drank wasn’t half bad either.

I felt my phone vibrate signaling a text message. I knew it was my cousin giving me my flight information for tomorrow. I hadn’t figured out a way to tell her that I was leaving yet. For some reason, the words just wouldn’t form in my mouth. I knew I needed to tell her. I was regretting the moment that I had to just as I heard her say, “I plan on going home tomorrow.”

The way she blurted that out took me by surprise.  I was actually stunned, especially since I was sitting there trying to figure out how to tell her the same thing.

I took a sip of my wine as she added, “I know I said I was going to be here for another two days, but I think it’s time.  I can’t keep running from my problems, can I?”

“No, you can’t,” I finally said to her.  I signaled for our waiter with my wine glass as I said to her. “What are you running from exactly?”

It was her turn to take her wine down fast.  When she sat her empty glass down, she looked at me.  Sadness colored her face that put me on edge.  I knew this wasn’t going to be a story that I would like.  It seems the life this woman has led was one she didn’t deserve.

She took a deep breath and said, “Well, I’m running from my fiancé.”

Yeah, I wasn’t expecting that shit…

“I’m sorry; you’re what?” I know my tone was a little harsh but fuck… What the fuck?

I leaned back in my chair and looked at her. She shook her head quickly and moved to touch my hand, but I moved it. She said, “No, Drake, please don’t think…”

“Yeah well, help me fucking think, Georgia, and really quickly.” This was fucked up…

She took another deep breath as my fucking blood pressure started to rise.

“You’re not fucking talking fast enough,” I told her.

“The night before my wedding, I found out my fiancé was cheating on me.” She blurted that out so fast that I barely made out what she said.


She sighed again and moved her chair closer to me. She inhaled, closed her eyes and repeated what she said slower.

I didn’t reply, but my temper calmed.

“My relationship with Gavin was good, or so I thought.  I mean, we had problems but, all in all, it was good.”

“Was he the one filling your head with bullshit?” I asked her.

She shrugged and shook her head, “Yes and no.”

“Then your relationship wasn’t good, Georgia.”

She blinked at me a couple of times, and then said softly, “I know.”

Yeah, I knew I was being an asshole but shit, I needed a minute to grab some sensitivity for this shit.

“Anyway, so yeah, I did finally realize that maybe he and I weren’t really good for each other.  I mean, I felt he loved me, but he loved me only if I ate or drank what he wanted and spoke how he wanted.  I was losing myself, and I wanted to talk to him about it.  So the night before our wedding, I went to see him.”

She went through the whole story of how they met to how she was losing weight to look better for him; she stopped drinking and just became someone she didn’t recognize.  I wanted to tell her she was fucking stupid for doing that shit, that he clearly didn’t love her, but I found some restraint, not sensitivity, and kept my mouth shut.

When she got to the night before her wedding, I was on edge.  I already wanted to fucking kill this man for causing her pain, but I didn’t expect what she told me.

“So let me get this straight, you went to his hotel and heard someone having sex in his room?”

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