Deadlands Hunt (16 page)

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Authors: Gayla Drummond

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Westerns

BOOK: Deadlands Hunt
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They were packed rather closely together, the horses in a natural corral surrounded on three sides by rock; the people settled in the space before the one open side. Curtis was also watching Brian stare at the couple. The shape shifter's instincts were still on high alert where the human was concerned.


Sally rested against Peter's side, his arm around her. She was also wrapped in a blanket against the chill. The men had all skipped blankets. Getting used to the sound of the drums would eventually happen, and getting warm and cozy would lead to deeper sleep that might miss something.


There wasn't a set watch, not with everyone just dozing occasionally. Curtis or Kyle would go for a look around every so often. Bran stayed put, sitting on Sally's other side. The youngest Weren had asked permission to help keep his human friend's lady safe. Chase had granted it with a nod, none of the humans noticing a thing. The shape shifter was certain he could keep Amethyst safe, or could with Curtis and Kyle's assistance, if needed.


If worse came to worse, the two women would be together anyway, with all of the men ringed around them for as long as possible. Chase was sincerely hoping things wouldn't get that bad.


Orc clans warred with each other constantly. This movement might be an indication that they were massing along the border to attack the towns. Chase had briefly considered sending Curtis or Kyle out alone, with orders to return to Adersol and send out the message of orc activity. He'd changed his mind upon discovering the drums were coming from deeper in the canyon they were so close to the mouth of.


Surrounded, Chase decided they might have to go to ground. It would depend on how the situation looked in the morning.


Assuming they weren't attacked before then.




The ground seemed to be shaking. Amethyst woke with a start, sitting up. Chase snatched her against his side, holding a finger to his lips to warn her to stay quiet.


Nodding, she exhaled carefully, letting out the air she'd drawn in to ask what was going on. The tramp of feet sounded too close, just beyond their hiding place. Orcs - hundreds of them from the sound of it. Amethyst felt her insides turn to ice as terror swept over her.


Looking up at Chase, she marveled at his calm expression. The Weren smiled faintly before bending enough to brush a kiss on her forehead. She snuggled closer, craving his warmth and the confidence he seemed to exude. Closing her eyes, she counseled herself to remain silent, despite the nerve-wracking tramp of feet. It continued for what seemed like hours. When it faded, Chase spoke in a low voice.


"Time to move. We'll end up pinned in here if we don't do it now. Lead the horses, but be ready to mount up at a second's notice." As everyone rose, he added for her ears only. "You stay right beside me."


"Of course," Amethyst agreed. She felt much better when her hand was enveloped by his larger one.


Horses collected, Chase led off, still holding her hand. The moons were up, but the heavy clouds made it difficult for the humans to pick their way over the rough ground.


The group reached the canyon's mouth for the second time and cut east. Somewhere along the line was the entrance of the canyon they'd first travelled along.


They were doing well until they ran across a small group of laggards. Chase cursed silently, realizing the shots would draw more, but there was no way to avoid it.


Brian grinned, realizing his chance had arrived. Maneuvering around his horse, the human picked Chase out as orcs howled and shots began sounding. Aiming for the Weren's back, he paid no attention to a movement nearby.


Curtis grabbed Brian and flung him towards the orcs closing in. There was a scream, followed by the meaty sound of a blade biting into flesh. Grinning, the shape shifter shot the orc that had taken care of Thompkins.


"Mount up!" Chase ordered as the last orc fell. In the rush, no one seemed to notice immediately that Brian wasn't with them. Amethyst clung to Chase, seated across his lap instead of behind him, since he'd simply bent and swept her up after leaping into the saddle.


They rode fast for a mile or so before he slowed, satisfied that they'd put enough distance between the battle scene and themselves. Turning his horse, he did a head count and saw Brian's rider less horse. "Where's Thompkins?"


"Couple of the ugly bastards tried to flank us. One of them got him," Curtis replied with a solemn expression.


"Oh, no," Amethyst murmured then buried her face in Chase's chest. "Poor Brian."


Chase stroked a hand down her hair, his eyes boring into Curtis'. The other glanced around, noted neither of the other two humans looking at him, then mouthed 'he was gonna shoot you in the back'. A muscle jumped in Chase's cheek before he nodded.


Drums sounded from before them and everyone looked in that direction. Sighing, Chase made a decision. "We need to find another hiding place."




"There's a cave about a mile ahead. It’s well hidden and big enough with some room to spare. Fresh water and we can even have a fire," Curtis reported upon returning to the waiting group. "I left Kyle to start preparing it."


"Good. Let's move. Quietly," Chase ordered the others.


The cave's entrance was a narrow passageway that zagged once before opening into a space roughly thirty feet across. Each 'side' of it held three alcoves that were deep and large enough to stable two horses. After issuing orders, Chase led Bran and Kyle out to gather wood, among the other things they'd need for a few days’ stay. Returning with their horses loaded down, they found everyone busy.


The three horses left to the humans were stabled. A ring of stones was in place for a fire pit and to Chase's amusement, it appeared Sally and Peter had decided to claim one of the remaining alcoves for their own. A glance showed Amethyst had claimed another, and his gear, removed earlier from his horse, lay alongside hers in front of it. After unloading the horses, Curtis went back out in Chase's place, leaving him to teach the three city folk how one went about making a cave more comfortable.


Showing them the fern fronds, Chase explained how to pad the stone floor under their bedrolls. Amethyst immediately collected an armful and carried them off to their bedroom. Chase decided there really wasn't anything else to call it, under the circumstances. He took care of his pack's sleeping places, while Sally and Peter tended to their own.


The alcoves would be in darkness even with a fire burning, the Weren realized as his pack mates returned. Curtis grinned, winking slyly as he saw where Chase was standing and what he was looking at. Chase moved to help him unload the bundles of grass he'd collected as fodder for the horses. They went out for a third trip, and caught a few rock rabbits while gathering more grass and such. Kyle set to work the minute they returned, preparing dinner. Chase noted a blanket was strung across the opening where the small pool of water lay.


"The ladies wanted a bath. Since the water comes from above, I told'em to just use the pool," Curtis remarked.


In fact, by the time the group had settled down around the fire to eat dinner, everyone had taken a bath. Clothing was rinsed and laid over rocks to dry, while blankets had been pressed into service to preserve a semblance of decency.


Chase took first watch, estimating it would be a while before Amethyst was able to don any clothing. Kyle relieved him after a while, blinking owlishly.


To the Weren's surprise, he found a blanket strung across the opening of their alcove. Ducking inside, the shape shifter stared at the sleeping Amethyst for a long moment. Kneeling beside her, he gently shook her shoulder to wake her.


"You're back," she murmured, then stole his breath away with "Come to bed."


The Weren crawled under the blanket and gathered her close. The warmth of her against his bare chest was soothing.


"Are you having wicked thoughts?"


The question startled a chuckle out of him. "You could say that."


"I believe I’m beginning to as well."


With a quiet rumble, the Weren kissed her. “Good night, Amethyst.”


“Good night, Chase.”



A roar of pure rage woke them. Chase lunged upright, then to his feet, racing for the cave’s entrance. Outside of it, he found Kyle staggering back with an arrow through his left shoulder. Bran and Curtis were on his heels. “Guard the entrance!”


Catching Kyle, he dragged him inside. The three humans jumped to help. Sally moaned at the sight of blood, but took the injured Weren’s hand and forced a smile. Kyle chuckled. “I’m all right, Miss Sally. Go ahead, Chase.”


Shots rang out as Chase yanked the arrow free. “Shift. We’re going to need you.”


Rising, he patted Amethyst’s arm. “Help me get the extra ammo.”


“Of course.” Everyone helped while Kyle stripped and shifted to beast form, then back to human. Rolling his shoulders, the Weren grinned at Sally.




“Yes, I do.” The blond blushed, then finished loading her pistol, as Curtis yelled for Chase.


“There’s a whole damn clan of the bastards,” the burly shape shifter snarled once Chase was at the entrance. “If we stay here…”


We’re dead
, Chase silently finished, studying the dark landscape. They would run out of ammunition long before the orcs ran out of bodies to throw at them.
But if we make a run for it, we might have a chance.
“Bran, go tell the others to saddle up. We’re getting out of here.”


“Damn no sense orcs. Why can’t they stick with a regular pattern of some sort?” Curtis complained, firing at another one that ran towards them. “I hate orcs.”


“We’ll shift, and they’ll ride. Straight through, and let’s just keep going until we hit another canyon. Maybe it won’t be infested with the damn things,” Chase said, shooting another one. “Unless you have another idea?”


“Nope.” They traded a grim look, and then went back to shooting.


“No matter what, keep riding east.” The instructions weren’t sitting well with Amethyst.

“What if any of you are hurt?”

Bran answered, “You keep going. We’ll either catch up, or we won’t.”

She stared at him. “I can’t just ride off and leave you. Any of you.”

“Of course you can.” Kyle grinned. “We’re not all that easy to put down, Amethyst. You do what you’re told, and we’ll handle the rest.”

Chase ended the discussion by picking her up. Setting her on the back of his gelding, he smiled. “Don’t worry about us. Just ride. We have to get past them, and worrying about any of you stopping isn’t going to help.”


“Please?” he asked, smile fading. Biting her lip, Amethyst nodded. “Thank you. Everything will be fine, I promise. Trust me.”

“I do,” she replied as Sally and Peter drew up alongside, also mounted on black geldings. The fourth was rider less, but wore bridle and saddle, as well as burdened with the supplies. “What about the other horses?”

Chase grimaced. “Uh, we’re going to send them out first, as a distraction.”

A protest formed and died before nodding. “I hope they make it.”

“So do we. Preferably taking down a few orcs on their way,” Curtis muttered, beginning to shift. Bran and Kyle followed suit. The three humans kept their eyes averted while Chase stepped back to strip off his jeans and do the same.

Amethyst took the offered piece of clothing, tucking them into a saddlebag. The shape shifter stood tall enough to look her in the eyes. Chase rumbled softly, claws touching her hair, while Bran and Kyle herded the three horses down the passage.

With a howl, they set the terrified animals running, and seconds later, the rest of the group was out in the open and resulting confusion. The plan was mostly successful. The group of Weren and humans did break free of the circle of orcs, and two of the other horses did as well.

Sally shot one orc – the one that cut her former mount’s legs out from under it after it had bowled over a few of the ugly creatures. The blond woman was weeping, and Chase felt terrible for being party to the cause of it.

They ran until the sky lightened, then paused for a break. It was a brief one, because some of the orcs had decided to give chase. Snarling, the Werens held them off long enough for the humans to remount and start away. Amethyst looked back, her heart pounding, and was relieved to see the huge, wolfish shapes racing after them.

And so it went for the next four days, until they found another canyon and finally reached the end to find themselves forty miles from the nearest town, which happened to be Adersol.

When they rode into town, filthy and haggard, Amethyst almost cried with relief. A hot bath, a meal, and a real bed sounded like heaven. She glanced at Chase.

How were they going to handle this? She wasn’t certain that she was up to any negative scrutiny, not as exhausted as she felt. And what were Sally and Peter going to do?

The red head soon realized she really didn’t care. She’d love to sleep in Chase’s arms, but she was so tired, sleeping alone also seemed wonderful. Just as long as it was in a real bed.

“I’ll get the rooms, if someone doesn’t mind taking my horse?” Peter suggested as they pulled up in front of the inn. Bran took the reins after he’d slid off. “Ah, how many rooms should I request?”

“Whatever they have,” Chase replied, twisting to help Amethyst dismount. “You and Sally should go ahead inside. We’ll take care of the horses.”

“All right.” Giving him a weary smile, she followed her two friends into the inn to find only three rooms available. Once those were theirs, she requested baths readied and their trunks brought to one of the rooms. Peter left to help the Weren with the horses.

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