Deadlands Hunt (12 page)

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Authors: Gayla Drummond

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Westerns

BOOK: Deadlands Hunt
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The shape shifter led the horses closer, feeling as though he were intruding. Amethyst dashed away a tear when she noticed him. In an apologetic tone, Chase said, "It's getting late. We need to find a place to camp."


"Of course. Would you mind doing me yet another favor? I can't manage the catch one handed. Would you put this on me?" She held up the necklace while making the request.


"Sure." Looping both sets of reins over his arm, the Weren took it and fumbled the clasp open. Lifting it over her head as she turned and moved her hair out of the way, Chase fastened it. Unable to resist the opportunity presented, the shape shifter brushed his fingertips over the soft skin at the nape of her neck before dropping his hand. "I'll help you on your horse."


Turning, she responded with a soft smile.


As he was lifting her into the saddle, Chase caught the thick, heavily acrid scent of orcs. Several and they were close. Growls rumbled from his three pack mates and he snapped his order. "Ride!"


They obeyed, taking the other three humans with them. Amethyst grabbed her bow up as Chase leaped into his own saddle, dragging her horse alongside. Kicking his black gelding into motion, he sent it after the others, only to pull up short as half a dozen orcs appeared in front of them. A bolt took the closest in the face, slamming its body backwards to the ground. Both drew their pistols, but Amethyst's bay screamed and lurched heavily away, the reins snapping from where Chase had dropped them over his saddle horn.


Chase fired twice, hitting one orc and sending it to the ground. The flat of a heavy blade smashed into his wrist, knocking the pistol from his grip. Amethyst shrieked as he turned his horse. Catching her wide-eyed gaze, Chase shifted. His clothing shredded while his body grew. The Weren leaped, but wasn't in time to catch her as the bay screamed and reared, two orcs slashing away at it. She hit the ground and rolled, stopping in a sprawled, motionless heap.


The horse fell over backwards, thrashing wildly, and crushed one orc. Chase ripped the head off another, then disemboweled a third while lunging past it. Whirling around, he found the last raising its sword over the red head's unmoving body.


Chase could hear shots and the howls of his pack mates fading in the distance as he leaped towards the orc.



Snarling, Chase slammed into the orc standing over Amethyst. The resulting tangle of dark bodies landed near the still struggling horse; a hoof glanced off the Weren's shoulder, causing him to flinch while the orc snarled back. It was trying to free its’ knife arm, but Chase got a large hand around the orc's thick neck.


A crack stopped the noise and fight. Rising, Chase glanced at Amethyst, then the bay. It was bleeding from the knife slashes and one foreleg was broken. His own horse had disappeared. Sighing, the Weren moved, quickly breaking the suffering animal's neck. One shudder followed the dull crack and it was over. Hurrying to the woman's side, he let out a second sigh, this one of relief that she was breathing.


The Weren carefully checked her limbs for broken bones. The smell of blood was strong in the air. Orcs, the horse's and hers, he realized when he spotted the wound at her hairline. Talons were useless for exploring it and Chase didn't dare change back just yet.


Lowering his muzzle, he licked it clean, already feeling a lump forming as his tongue slid over the spot. Drawing back, he inspected it before welling blood obscured it from view again. It wasn't bad, just a small gash. Satisfied, he bent and licked it clean a second time before rising. They had to get away from this spot before the blood scent drew more orcs.


The Weren hoped the others had managed to stay together, or that at least each human had one of his pack by their side. Gathering Amethyst's saddlebags and bedroll from the fallen horse, Chase looked around. To his surprise, her crossbow laid undamaged close by the horse. Collecting it, he found his gun belt before tying everything together and slinging the saddlebags over one shoulder.


Crouching beside Amethyst again, he cleaned the wound a third time, feeling uneasy about moving her.
What if her back or neck is injured
? A murmur sounded. One slender hand rose to push weakly at his muzzle. Another wave of relief filled the Weren as he sat back to watch her eyes flutter open. She blinked, her gaze not as direct as he'd have liked. "Chase?"


Nodding, the shape shifter waited patiently. Another blink and some awareness seeped into her expression. "My head aches dreadfully, but I don't think anything else hurts."


Pleased with her lack of panic, Chase responded with a low croon while sliding one arm under her knees. Amethyst understood he meant to carry her and pushed herself upright. She winced and swayed, biting down on her bottom lip. "Ooh, my head."


Other arm wrapping around her, the Weren quietly whined. To his surprise, she smiled. "I'm sure I'll be all right."


Moving slowly, he rose with her cradled to his chest and Amethyst spotted her horse. "Oh! The poor thing. He was a grand horse."


Grunting softly in agreement, Chase began walking. The sun was setting and they'd need shelter from the coming night and rain he could scent on the air. Preferably, some place easily defensible.


Laying her head on his shoulder, Amethyst lifted a hand to tangle fingers in the long fur adorning his chest. "You're quite soft."


She didn't say anything else, having fainted. Tilting his head, Chase regarded her for a long moment. Maybe she wouldn't refuse him outright. Maybe she'd give him a chance.




The faint smell of fresh water led him to a small cave just as the sky began to leak. Bending almost double to enter the cave's mouth, Chase found he could stand upright inside. Dried detritus crackled underfoot as he took a step while scanning the space. It was the scattered remains of some long gone animal's nest. There was a small pool of water near the back and a crack close to the roof allowed the flow of fresh air. There were no signs the cave had been flooded at any point.


Satisfied, Chase moved to the far left of the entrance and used a clawed foot to scrape an area free of the debris before gently laying Amethyst down. Shrugging the saddlebags off his shoulder, the Weren used the tips of his talons to untie knots. A crack of thunder heralded the true arrival of rain, a downpour that drummed relentlessly on the stony ground outside. Ignoring it, Chase unrolled the bedroll, moved the unconscious woman onto it, and covered her with the blanket.


A sniff and cautious touch of his tongue assured him her wound had stopped bleeding and scabbed over, so he went to work scraping all of the old nesting material littering the place into a large pile. Studying it, Chase decided there would be enough to keep a small fire burning all night long. Separating a starter pile, he used loose rocks to build a fire ring.


They'd need the warmth. Even through his fur, he could feel the temperature rapidly falling. Returning to her saddlebags, the shape shifter carefully dug through them until he found the fire starter and packets of jerky and dried fruit he'd insisted everyone carry. A faint moan called his attention back to Amethyst when she stirred.


Whining softly, he bent to snuffle at her hair and brushed the backs of two fingers across one cheek. Her eyes opened, but it was much too dark for her to be able to make anything out. Chase stayed close long enough for her to raise a hand, lightly touching his. He blinked when she smiled.


Gently disengaging, he turned back and began working to light the fire. It was harder to use the fire starter with his larger combination of paws and hands, but at last, flames began to flicker.


"Oh, that's better," Amethyst said quietly. "Now I can see you again."


Turning, the Weren anxiously surveyed her face, searching for revulsion or fear. She'd been dazed earlier, but neither was present as she smiled. "I wouldn't have believed you could be more impressive, Chase. I now stand corrected."


Chuffing quietly, he returned the fire starter to her saddlebags before offering her the packets of food. Amethyst sat up, wincing and exploring the site of her injury with cautious fingertips while leaning against the cave wall. "I don't believe my stomach is willing to welcome any dinner just yet, but thank you." She shivered, drawing the duster closed around her. "Bit chilly, isn't it?"


The fire would take a while to warm the little nook the wall made. Chase knew her injury, even if not serious, would contribute to her feeling chilled. He was feeling the cold beginning to seep through his fur; it had to be much worse for her. Moving slowly, he scooted onto the bedroll beside her to sit, sharing what warmth his much larger body radiated.


Amethyst wasn't able to keep from taking a quick peek as he settled beside her. His clothing had been ruined with his shifting. She was relieved to see that there wasn't anything inappropriate on display.


Feeling him shiver, she retrieved the blanket before scooting closer to his side and spreading it over both sets of their bent knees. "This will help."


Chase looked down at her. Her gesture made sense, yet he felt a tiny thrill that she was willing to snuggle up without any sign of fear marring her face. Raising the arm between them, the shape shifter was even more pleased that she fitted herself closely to his side, allowing him to drape the arm over her.


"Much better, don't you think?" Amethyst asked, re-arranging the blanket a touch. A nod answered her. They both sat quietly as the small fire slowly began warming the air directly in front of their nook.


"I do hope the others are all right," Amethyst said, breaking the silence. "I meant to come alone, you know, but Sally absolutely refused to hear of it. I suppose Brian would've come whether I wished him to or not, and of course Peter wouldn't have thought of not coming, with Sally along."


Chase rumbled comfortingly, unable to speak in his current shape. He could shift back, now that they'd found shelter for the night, but while his nudity wouldn't bother him, it wouldn't be proper in front of her. So far, that was the only drawback to her not being Weren he'd discovered.


Though he did hope that one day, she might think it was proper. Did human women sleep in the nude? If not, maybe he could talk her into trying it out.


That thought caused a problem, since it led to him trying to imagine what Amethyst would look like without her clothing. Her surprising choice of travel garb had given him a good idea. The shape shifter was suddenly grateful for the cover of the blanket she was sharing with him, since a certain neglected portion of his anatomy responded to the images. Chase desperately tried to think of something else.


To his relief, a memory of Delphine took care of the rising problem. His former lover held no attraction for him with the red head snug against his side. Chase realized Amethyst might not have been so quick to suggest the arrangement if he'd been in his human shape.


Strangely enough, the thought amused him. His second shape was one that had made more than a few grown men break and run upon seeing it, whether they'd been armed or not. And here was this beautiful little city lady, perfectly comfortable cuddling with him as though he were some overgrown house pet she'd purchased for companionship.


Amethyst hadn't screamed when he shifted either, Chase remembered. She'd seen it; had been looking directly at him and yet not a flicker of fear had crossed her face.


But why should it have? If nothing else, she had to know that saving his life would've made her safe around him no matter what. Not that he would have harmed her before that.


"I'm afraid this day has taken quite a toll on me, Chase," her voice broke into his thoughts. "I believe I need to lie down."


Moving reluctantly, he lifted the blanket and prepared to slide out from under it, but her hand touched his and Chase froze, tilting his head down to look at her.


"This is terribly forward of me, but under the circumstances, I hope you'll overlook that. It's cold even with the fire, so perhaps we should share the bedroll?"


The idea of sleeping with her curled up against him was one the shape shifter had an instant liking for. Nodding, he pointed at the fire, then the fuel for it before gesturing at himself. Amethyst understood his intention and lifted her hand from his.


Moving, he added more fuel and did what he could to insure the fire would burn for a while before he'd have to add more. Finished, he turned back and crawled behind her on the bedroll. There were a few minutes of adjusting, as he managed to spoon her smaller body while she spread the blanket out over them.


Amethyst was a bit stiff at first, but gradually relaxed as the heat of his body sank into hers. The Weren figured it was the first time she'd lain next to a male body, and his wasn't one she'd likely ever thought to be doing so with. Not with him covered in fur and three or four times her size.


The shape shifter liked it; her warmth felt right against him. It felt as though she belonged exactly where she was.


"You're very warm," she sleepily mumbled. "Thank you."


Rumbling softly, Chase let his eyes close while she fell asleep.




Rain was still pouring down outside the cave when Amethyst woke. Her eyes fluttered open to find the fire burning low; however, she was warm and comfortable, head pillowed on a firm, softly covered surface and a large source of heat at her back.


A long and rather odd-looking black furred hand passed over her to scoop up a handful of fuel, adding it to the fire. The red head studied the thick fingers and the slightly curved claws jutting from their ends. They looked frighteningly sharp and deadly.

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