Deadlands Hunt (6 page)

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Authors: Gayla Drummond

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Westerns

BOOK: Deadlands Hunt
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Inside the general store, Amethyst told them, "Sally and I've a few things we need for ourselves and I doubt either of us will be of much use in this area. Just remember: no potatoes."



"Right." Chase grinned and walked towards the back, Kyle and Curtis following. The two women watched before putting their heads together.



"Amy, I really don't think I can..."



"You could wear them under a skirt, you know," Amethyst interrupted. "Though I suppose that might make it a bit difficult when we need to use the toilet. Not that there will be one available."



Sally made an 'O'. "Then how will we..."






"I'm not sure I can do that, Amy," the blond protested. "These outhouse things are quite bad enough."



"Well, then you'll have to stay here if you can't," Amethyst pointed out.



"Oh, I can't let you go alone with all those men! What would people think?" Sally shook her head. "No, I'm going. I'll manage somehow, I'm sure."



"If you're certain. You're a good friend, Sally." Amethyst hugged her. The blond could be trying at times, but she was kind and loyal. "Let's take a look, shall we?"



While the men carried off supplies, the two women had their selections wrapped and Amethyst settled with the shopkeeper. By then, both were enthusiastic over their idea and trading secretive looks that had the Werens wondering what they were planning.



Back at the inn, before dinner, the two women took to the bathing chamber, unaware that Chase and Curtis could overhear their conversation.



"I've decided that they are quite nice," Sally confided. "I was dreadfully frightened, but they're just people. Large people. They're quite tall, don't you think?"


"Yes, they are," Amethyst agreed, lazily washing her shoulders. "Taller than either Brian or Peter."


"Brian behaved horribly this morning. Do you think he'll do better now? Oh, and did you hear them?" Sally's eyes widened. "They all growled at him! That was rather frightening."


"I would presume growling to be something quite natural to Werens. He deserved it. Perhaps I can learn to growl like that. Grrrrr."


"That wasn't scary," Sally informed her. "Try again."


"Grrrrr!" Both women began giggling.


"Let me try!" Sally demanded. "Grrrr."


In the next room, Curtis chuckled. "Those two are almost as entertaining as Kyle."


More high-pitched growls erupted from the two women. Chase smiled, shaking his head slightly while rolling up newly clean clothing. "They're like a couple of pups."


"Cute pups," Curtis observed, shoving clean socks into one saddlebag.


"Yeah," Chase agreed. "She's cute."


Behind him, Curtis grinned.







Brian regarded the shawl he'd purchased for Amethyst with a touch of distaste. Cotton lace instead of silk, but the thing would have to do. At least the deep green color was one of her favorites. It would remind her that he cared enough to pay attention to such things.


"Is that for Amy?" Peter asked, busy packing his saddlebags with the items Bran had recommended.


"No, I thought I'd look pretty in it," Brian snapped, tossing the offending garment onto his bed. "Yes, it's for Amy." He wasn't pleased with Peter, who'd returned looking entirely too comfortable in the Weren's company for his peace of mind.


"I'm sure she'll like it." Peter finished packing by adding his leather personal kit to the top of one bag. "There. We should probably go down."


Snatching up the shawl, Brian followed him out into the hallway then paused. "You go ahead. I'd like to speak with Amy privately."


"All right, old man." Peter nodded and left. Only a few impatient moments of waiting were endured before the two ladies exited their room. After glancing from the waiting Brian to Amethyst, Sally went on. The red head merely looked at him.


"I'm sorry, Amy. I've gotten you something." Brian offered her the shawl, which she accepted with the barest of glances.


"Thank you, Brian. It's lovely." Her blue eyes narrowed slightly. "I do hope there won't be a repeat."


"No, Amy." He hid the flash of anger caused by her failure to apologize in return. She should apologize for slapping him in front of them all, but it was obvious she wasn't about to do so.


"Excellent. Shall we go down?" Brian offered his arm. To his relief, she took it.




Their appearance, together and in apparent accord, wasn’t unnoticed when they began descending. Kyle leaned towards Bran, breathing in his ear. "Damn. They've made up."


The younger shape shifter batted at him, ear twitching. "I wish you wouldn't do that. It tickles."


Chase and Curtis had also seen the twosome. Curtis scowled faintly before schooling his expression into something less disgusted. Chase merely blinked a single time before turning his attention back to Peter. The human had earned Bran's enthusiastic approval, and they were all inclined favorably towards him for his easygoing acceptance.


"Oh, we all grew up together," Peter was saying. "Amy's family lives next door to my own, you see. Well, now it is just her, the poor dear. She must be lonely there, rattling about."


"Hush," Sally warned him. "Here they come."


Peter obediently hushed, a smile appearing. Brian seated Amethyst with a possessive air while she beamed a smile around the table. "Good evening. Were the horses satisfactory?"


"Yeah. You've got a good eye for horseflesh," Bran responded, having learned from Peter that she'd personally selected each animal.


"Excellent." Amethyst noticed the other diners were surreptitiously glancing at their group. Having grown accustomed to the aura of deadly competence the Weren exuded, she now thought those others were quite silly.


Plates arrived at their table and she watched Kyle while he studied his. After a few seconds, he glanced at Bran's, then across at Brian's before noticing her gaze. Amethyst smiled and winked. The Weren grinned broadly and began eating.


Feeling pleased the maid had remembered her request to leave potatoes off Kyle's plate, Amethyst took a bite of her own. She realized Chase was staring at her. Raising an eyebrow, she stared back until he tilted his head a touch, a rueful smile appearing. She'd outmaneuvered him.


Brian hid a frown. Amethyst was behaving as though she was comfortable with the beast men, and he didn't like it - not at all. The fact each topped him by a good five inches wasn't helping. Back home, he'd cut a dashing figure in their group, or so he'd always been assured. Here, he looked like he'd yet to finish growing in comparison to the Werens' powerful builds.


"Our host has agreed to store our trunks until our return," Amethyst remarked. "So that's been settled."


"We're not taking them?" Sally asked, surprised.


"No, dear. That's what the saddlebags are for. I'll help you pack yours before we retire," Amethyst promised.


"Oh, that's all right then." She smiled placidly at Curtis, who was looking at her. "Amy's quite organized about such matters."


Brian kept his dinner conversation limited to Amethyst and his eyes skimming past the others to avoid seeing the amusement in Kyle and Bran's expressions each time they looked at him. Which they did often, usually nudging each other before doing so.


Once the meal was finished, Brian immediately rose, intending to avail himself of some time alone with his companions. "How about a brandy before bed?"


"Only one this time," Amethyst sternly agreed. To his dismay, she smiled at Chase. "Do join us, please."


Chase nodded in agreement, since that would allow the after dinner drinkers to do their drinking as usual. As the group rose from the table, Bran asked in a whisper, "What's brandy?"


Kyle shrugged, following the others. "Guess we'll find out, huh?"


Once in the drawing room, the two women pressed glasses on everyone before settling. Sally sat in a chair, with Peter perched on the arm of it. Amethyst briefly hesitated, seeing that Brian had claimed the settee. She then chose to perch on the arm of the couch, next to where Chase sat.


She didn't notice the dull red flush of Brian's face, but Curtis did and delivered a vulpine smile at the human that made him drop his face towards his glass. Conversation was limited to some trail rules being firmly laid out. To Brian, it seemed the Werens' leader was taking too much delight in pointing out that he was in charge.


They were told to listen to the Weren, but most importantly, to Chase. Glancing at Peter and Sally, he found neither particularly fussed about the orders. Amethyst's expression was tranquil while she delicately sipped brandy.


Fuming silently, Brian tossed off the last of his as soon as the shape shifter had finished. "All right, I suppose. I'm off to bed."


"We should all probably retire," Amethyst decreed, rising. "Come on, Sally. Sleep well, gentlemen."


As nighttime courtesies were exchanged, Chase wondered if she'd again seek the privacy of the drawing room later to mourn her sister.



Choking off a cry, Amethyst woke and immediately looked at the other bed to see if she had disturbed Sally. In the almost complete darkness, the other woman was merely a lump under the bedclothes. Relieved, Amethyst slipped quietly from bed to reach for her dressing gown. Shrugging into it, she crept out of the room and made the left turn towards the drawing room.


This time, she paused on the threshold before entering, to make certain the room was unoccupied. Seeing no one present, Amethyst walked to the window and looked down into the yard between the inn and stables. The grief at not having dissuaded Pearl from leaving overwhelmed her.


Down the hall, Chase stared at the ceiling and debated going to check on her. It seemed wrong for her to suffer in silence, instead of sharing with her companions. The Weren assumed it was some obscure human social rule that made her do so.


Straining his ears, he listened in an effort to learn whether she was crying again, but heard nothing. Deciding that she might want someone to talk to, Chase quietly rose. This time, he pulled on jeans and a shirt, though the shirt was unbuttoned.


Curtis' eyes opened as Chase slipped out of the room; the Weren pursed his lips before a grin escaped. His pack leader might have said he wasn't interested in the little red head, but his actions were telling a different story.


Padding silently down the hallway, Chase paused at the door of the drawing room to peer inside. Spotting her standing before the window again, the Weren almost turned back since she wasn't crying. Just before he moved, she raised a hand and wiped at her cheek, dashing away a tear. That decided him. Entering quietly, he spoke in a whisper. "Amethyst?"


She startled, half turning, then relaxed. "Did I wake you? You must be a light sleeper, Chase."


Feeling a little more confident, the Weren crossed the room. "Sleeping light is a natural trait. Are you all right?"


Amethyst turned back to the window, both touched and vaguely embarrassed by his concern. To her surprise, she answered honestly, instead of with the polite lies expected. "I'm not sure."


"I know we don't really know each other well, but if you want to talk..." Chase left the offer dangling in the air between them, watching her brush away another tear. After a silent moment passed, he muttered, "Or I can go. Didn't mean to bother you."


"Oh, you're not! It's just that, well, it's considered terribly impolite to burden others with some things. At least unpleasant things."


The explanation made the sting of rejection he'd felt disappear. "Not among Weren. We share, good or bad."


"Do you?" She glanced at him. Another tear slipped out and Chase raised a hand to gently thumb it away before it slid down her cheek.


"It's natural for us." Her skin felt soft under his calloused thumb. "Those who don't, tend to lose control of themselves after a while. And that's not a good thing."


Reminded of what he was, Amethyst nodded. "I suppose it wouldn't be, at that."


Cautiously, the Weren offered his opinion. "I don't think it's a good thing for anyone to dam things up, Amethyst."


"I suppose you're right. I have been feeling a bit," she hesitated. "Out of sorts lately."


Out of sorts
. Chase mentally snorted in amusement. The woman had lost her last remaining relative, was willing to risk her own life in order to learn the truth. ‘Out of sorts’ seemed a mild way of expressing everything she had to be feeling. "Do you want to talk about it?"


"I'm not entirely sure I can." Amethyst looked back out the window. "I'm not certain I know how to explain it. I'd probably make a terrible muddle of the attempt."


For some reason, it became intensely important to him that she make the attempt. "That'd be all right. You don't have to make sense, Amethyst."


Gazing down at the yard, she hesitated before blurting out, "It's my fault that Pearl left."


Chase hadn't expected that. "Why?"


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