Deadlands Hunt (13 page)

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Authors: Gayla Drummond

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Westerns

BOOK: Deadlands Hunt
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Not that she was frightened, as they were Chase's, and she was certain he'd never harm her. "Is it morning?"


A grumbling sound answered her question; Amethyst decided it sounded like a 'yes'. "I suppose we'll stay here until it stops raining?"


The sound repeated, confirming her assumption of it being a 'yes'. Levering into sitting position, the red head winced as her body protested, head and hand clamoring the loudest. Reminded of the injuries, she said, "I hope it rains all day. I feel quite abused this morning."


Chase whined in concern. She'd taken a hell of a beating the day before, and the Weren realized that she was likely covered in bruises. Reaching while sitting up behind her, he collected the two packages of jerky and dried fruit to offer.


Taking them, Amethyst smiled. "Thank you."


She untied them and sat by his side. Selecting a long strip of the jerky, she offered it to him. "You must be hungry as well. Do you require a lot of food in this shape?"


Carefully taking the strip, Chase nodded. It did take a lot of food to keep Werens in good shape. He could leave the cave to hunt if necessary. Collect more firewood too, he decided, giving the remaining, unburned pile a critical glance. Some hot food would likely be welcomed by Amethyst. He'd be clumsy in skinning whatever he caught, but the shape shifter didn't think she would balk at sharing his prey.


They ate a few pieces of jerky in companionable silence, and Chase waved away her offer of some of the dried fruit. In his current shape, meat was the only food he hungered for. Amethyst ate a few small bits before wrapping the pouches back up.


Gesturing towards the fire, the small amount of fuel, and the cave entrance, Chase was pleased how quickly she understood. Nodding, Amethyst assured him, "I'll stay inside and keep my pistol handy while you're gone. Maybe you'll find some sign of the others."


Carefully running his palm over her red tresses, Chase rose and made his way out into the rain.


He was lucky, finding a couple of rock rabbits huddling under a bush not too far from the cave. Breaking their necks, the Weren gathered the limp bodies in one hand and proceeded to find the driest pieces of wood possible until he had a huge armful.


Moving silently, he returned to the entrance, pausing out of sight of it after realizing he hadn't thought to give her some kind of signal that it would be him returning. Cautiously edging up to it, the Weren did the only thing he could think of, and quietly barked.


"Chase?” He barked again. "All right, I promise not to shoot."


Giving her a sheepish look while entering, Chase set the armful of wood and rock rabbits down before moving back to the entrance to drop to all fours and shake. A giggle made him glance at Amethyst as he rose. Her blue eyes were bright and expression amused. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh, I suppose, but it's so odd to see you walking about on two legs then doing something like that."


The Weren supposed it was and her amusement didn’t bother him in the slightest.




Amethyst was pleasantly surprised by the prospect of a hot meal and learning that Chase didn't smell like wet dog. "Would you like for me to use the blanket and dry you a bit more?"


He shook his head. His long pointed, tufted ears were erect as he gazed back.
He looks quite noble
, she decided, taking in the clean, elegant lines of his muzzle and the intelligence shining from pale, golden eyes. "While it's much easier to converse with you in your human shape, you're quite handsome like this, Chase."


If he'd had a tail, the Weren would've wagged it clean off at the sincerity in her voice. The most he could offer was a pleased, soft grunt and slow blink, which earned a smile from her. Building the fire up, he did his best to neatly skin and clean the two rabbits before spitting them. Taking them to the small pool, he splashed water out to rinse them. Back at the fireside, he 'asked' her to hold them while he collected the fur, heads and entrails to dispose of outside.


She giggled again when he dropped and shook, task completed. Chuffing, Chase rejoined her and claimed the two spitted rabbits. He dipped them directly into the flames, searing them with a whirl.


They would take a while to cook, so Chase settled into the rhythm of turning them to make sure they did so evenly. Amethyst paid close attention to the process. Watching her from the corner of his eye, he studied her profile. Even tired, bruised, dirty and with tangled hair, the Weren thought she was beautiful.


After a few minutes, she glanced at the small pool of water. "I believe I'll wash up a bit."


Chase tried not to be obvious about watching her splash her face and run wet hands over her hair. She found her saddlebags and retrieved a brush, then sat back on the bedroll to brush her hair out.


By the time she'd finished and twined it into a long braid, which she secured with a bit of ribbon dug from the bottom of one bag, the rabbits were finished and smelling delicious. Chase ripped off a haunch from one to offer her. She accepted it with a bright smile, meeting his gaze squarely. "Thank you."


The Weren attempted to eat as neatly as possible. If his efforts weren't enough, Amethyst made no sign she was disgusted by the sight. "This is good."


Rumbling nonsense at her, he was rewarded by another smile. Chase decided her smiles were worth being stuck in Weren shape for so long. Not that it was uncomfortable for him, but it would've been nice to talk to her, instead of being constrained to noises.


She seemed to understand him with ease, which the shape shifter found a little astonishing. Maybe it was because she wanted to understand him? That had to be it, he decided.


After eating, there wasn't anything to do but sit and stare at one another. She looked tired. Chase whined softly, pointing to the bedroll. Amethyst nodded after a minute. "I am rather tired. Are you going to nap as well?"


An ecstatic shiver wiggled its way down his spine, and Chase nodded. It
cold, the Weren thought while briefly tending to the fire before crawling into place behind her. She spread the blanket over them and composed herself, head once again on his offered arm. The shape shifter couldn't resist a quick snuffle of her hair before resting his head on his hand.


It was amazing how peaceful he felt, with her so trusting and comfortable against him. That breakneck pace had ended, the Weren realized. He wasn't sure if he'd won or lost the race, but he was certain of something: he was definitely in love with Amethyst.




The day passed quietly, Amethyst sleeping much of it, recovering from the rough day prior. She woke when the Weren gently shook her shoulder to let her know he was going to hunt again and gather more wood.


Chase stayed close to the cave. He caught another couple of rock rabbits and a small turkey hen. This time, he butchered them on the spot. The rain washed them clean while he gathered more wood before returning.


Amethyst carefully repeated his earlier actions as he walked back to the entrance to shake, dipping each into the flames, and turning them to sear. Chase let her handle the hen, since it was the smallest of the three. She followed each move he made. "I've never cooked before, so this is a new skill I'm learning. Though I suppose it's not one that I'll use much."


No, she wouldn’t need to learn how to cook over an open fire if she returned to Taryton. Chase didn't want her to leave, never seeing her again. He was already entertaining thoughts of building a home, having children and Amethyst greeting him when he returned home at the end of each day's work.


He decided to speak to her, once they were safely back in Adersol. If things continued the way they were going, with her returning his interest, he'd propose.


He’d need to find some kind of work that wouldn't require any absences. Maybe the warehouses? He could handle that, if that’s what it would take to insure he was home every night. His father would give him a job; would be pleased to have his only son so close to home again.


Chase knew that Curtis would be happy to return home. Even happier if they did so with Chase married. The burly shape shifter had his eye on a woman, who had been eying him back. He knew they traded letters, and since Curtis hadn't balked at his decision to hit the border and be a patrol member for a while, Chase figured no harm was done to the other’s chances.


Kyle wouldn't care. He wasn't ready to take a mate and marry yet. He was popular with the unmarried females. Chase supposed he'd eventually pick one. Bran likely wasn't ready to settle down either, but he'd have time to get to know the available women before he was. The Weren thought his youngest pack member would likely enjoy settling into Rockshelme.


Would Amethyst? Rockshelme was home. It would be strange to her, living among people who went about in either shape as they pleased. Yet she'd handled everything else so calmly, Chase thought she'd handle that just as well.





After eating dinner, Amethyst washed up again, pretending not to notice Chase quietly licking his odd combination of hand and paw clean. Or the fact his long, pink tongue could reach rather surprising distances while he cleaned his face, clearing away the juices that had spattered over it.


She thought he'd been making a noticeable effort to eat as though he were in human shape, and appreciated those attempts.


What she appreciated even more was his solid, comforting presence. She felt more comfortable with him than she'd ever felt with Brian. She wondered if she should be shocked for thinking so, considering Chase was Weren and not human.


Looking at him, Amethyst decided his being Weren wasn't the drawback she'd been taught to expect. He wasn't a ravening beast. Chase and his three companions were well mannered, courteous, and interesting. Even in his beast shape, so large and alien, he still behaved as he had in his human shape.
Just with less talking
, she thought, smiling a bit.


"I am feeling better, so I'm certain I'll be ready in the morning, if it's stopped raining. I hope we can find the others quickly," she said.


She was wondering if he would decide they shouldn't share the bedroll again. Yet after a questioning look, the Weren tended to the fire and lay down behind her. Shaking the blanket out over them, Amethyst sighed quietly.


Yes, Chase was a most comfortable presence.


The fur was nice, too. Very warm against the chill air.




A faint jingle outside the cave woke Chase before dawn. Moving slowly, he rose without disturbing Amethyst's slumber. The rain had stopped falling during the night, and the Weren silently sniffed at the air while walking to the entrance.


His quiet rumble of recognition was answered by a soft nicker and the black gelding stuck his nose inside, unperturbed by his rider’s furriness. Chuffing, Chase ducked outside and stroked the horse's neck while surveying it for injuries. Satisfied the gelding was fine, he unsaddled the horse to allow it to graze without a bit in its mouth.


Carrying everything inside, Chase felt a spark of mischief creep up as he paused to check on the sleeping Amethyst. Silently, the Weren shifted and dressed from the clothing packed in his saddlebags. Then he slipped back in place on the bedroll and waited for her to wake up.


It was about an hour or so before she did. Chase hastily closed his eyes to pretend he was still asleep. She shifted onto her back, surprised that he was again human and dressed.


Still warm, she thought almost lazily, turning to face him. His arm had stayed across her waist during the maneuver. Feeling daring, Amethyst edged closer, flattening both hands on his chest while resting her forehead against him.


The red head squeaked in surprise when Chase spoke. "You're a good cuddler."


His arm tightened as she blushed at having been caught. "Am I?"


"Yeah. My horse has turned up, so I guess we should get moving and see about finding the others."


"Yes, we should," she agreed. Neither moved immediately, but finally, reluctantly, Amethyst raised her head just a touch. Chase responded instantly, lifting his arm away. She rolled over and sat up, not daring to look over her shoulder at him while he did the same.


Chase stared at her back, torn between amusement at her embarrassment, and a certain smugness. She hadn't vacated the bedroll after realizing that he was in human shape.


He wasn't sure how humans went about courting each other. Werens tended to just ask out right and act upon it if the answer was yes. He'd never witnessed a human male doing that, except with saloon girls. The Weren decided he'd figure it out; he was a natural hunter, and Amethyst had already done quite a lot to show that she was interested.


They ate a quiet breakfast of dried fruit and jerky before Chase filled his canteen. Pulling his duster off his saddle, the Weren shrugged into it before digging out his old boots and pulling them on. He was glad he'd thought to keep them. He'd never been fond of mud squishing between his toes.


As he went out to saddle the horse, Amethyst grimaced at her bandaged hand, realizing the gauze was filthy. Unwinding it, she washed the wound as best as she was able before following Chase outside.


Crossbow in hand, she walked off to some bushes a short distance away to handle a call of nature. Once finished, she found it a struggle to refasten the buckskin pants with only one hand, but finally managed.

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