Deadlands Hunt (15 page)

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Authors: Gayla Drummond

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Westerns

BOOK: Deadlands Hunt
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Laying his duster on the stone floor as he dropped to sit on his bedroll, Chase made short work of tugging his boots off, aware of the steady gaze on his back. Sliding under his blanket and turning, the Weren met her eyes. "You're still awake."


"Yes," she agreed then before she could lose her nerve, hurriedly added, "I was waiting for a good night kiss."


Smiling, Chase scooted a bit closer and propped himself up on a forearm. "From me, I hope."


"Of course," Amethyst smiled back, despite feeling a little shocked at her forward behavior. A finger under her chin guided her into turning her head a bit, and then his lips were against hers. Eyes closing, she found herself more shocked with her behavior as her lips parted.


A soft noise of query from Chase and a touch more pressure was the result of that. Uncertainly, Amethyst opened her mouth to his. The first gentle brush of his tongue felt strange; she hadn't been aware the inside of one's mouth was a place for caresses to be delivered. She learned the lesson well before Chase drew back enough to put an inch of space between their lips.


His golden eyes seemed darker and his lips were a tight line, nostrils flared slightly with quick breathing. Amethyst wondered if she'd done something wrong and started to ask, but Chase suddenly smiled.


In a low voice, he informed her, "You make me think of all kinds of wickedness, Amethyst."


"Do I?"


"Yeah, you do." Chase lowered himself and tucked his arm under his head, his other hand moving so that he could stroke the pad of his thumb over her full lips. They curved under his touch. There was a quicksilver gleam of eyes flashing as she settled to face him, mirroring his position.


"What if I said I was cold?"
Where are these questions coming from?
Amethyst wondered. Her behavior was definitely in need of an overhaul.


"Then I'd say 'come here'," Chase replied, one corner of his mouth quirking.


"I suppose it
be warmer under two blankets, wouldn't it?" Their bedrolls were already touching; Chase lifted his blanket in invitation. Without pausing to think the matter over, Amethyst wiggled closer.


His arm slid under her neck and around her. Amethyst discovered his shoulder made a tolerably comfortable pillow. The Weren draped his blanket over hers; adjusting both until certain she was well covered. Sighing in contentment, Chase took her hand and pulled it onto his chest.


A few minutes of silence passed. Amethyst tilted her head to gaze at his profile. Since her inner wanton seemed to have deserted now that she was so close to him, she shyly murmured, "I quite like this."


"Me too," Chase whispered back, hand holding hers over his heart. "Me too."




"What the hell...release her immediately!" Brian roared, halting at the foot of their bedrolls and glaring down at the couple. A deep growl rumbled through the cave as Chase's eyes slowly opened to promise death to the one challenging his right to hold the soft warmth of the woman in his arms. He had no intention of letting her go because of the human angrily staring at him.


"It appears that I'm the reason he's unable to rise," the red head remarked from somewhere underneath her tangle of hair. She was lying across the Weren's chest, her legs curled against his side. With a giggle that surprised everyone, she added," Ooh, I win! I've pinned you, Chase."


Distracted from their staring match, both men looked at her. Or rather, Chase attempted to, but the angle was wrong since her head was on his shoulder, forehead resting against his jaw. All he caught a glimpse of was red tangles.


"Amy, this is completely unacceptable behavior," Brian stated, his face flushed almost as red as her hair. "Sleeping with a man you aren't married to! If anyone heard of this, you'd be labeled a who..."


He found himself blinking up at a looming Chase, hand touching his suddenly painful jaw. The Weren was a fierce sight from one's backside, the human noted, somewhat awed. The shape shifter had moved so quickly, Brian hadn’t realized he was doing so.


Chase fought the urge to rip the smaller man's head from his shoulders with grim determination. In a low, threatening voice, he warned, "Don't even think that word in her presence. If you ever call her that again, I won't be pulling the next punch."


Having been hastily, though carefully, set aside as Chase lunged to his feet, Amethyst fought hair away from her face to see what had happened. Everyone had frozen in place. Peter and Sally were both gaping with wide eyes and pale faces.


The other Weren were still, sensing any movement could send their normally calm pack leader across the thin line he was struggling to stay behind.


Brian, fool that he was, said exactly the wrong thing. "She's not yours, Weren. She's


A snarl answered that claim as Chase reached for him, lips skinning back to bare white teeth.


"I should think it's my decision who I belong to, or rather, who I belong with," Amethyst snapped out, her icy tone causing the shape shifter to halt all movement, his hands just about to close around Brian's neck. "And it's not you, Brian. I'll have no more of this silly posturing you've been doing. Not only is it unbecoming in a gentleman, it's unwelcome. You're neither my guardian nor my keeper."


"You've lost your mind, Amy. Losing Pearl has caused you to fall insane," the felled man said, still staring up at Chase, who was only inches from snapping his neck. "He's Weren!"


"How very astute of you." Rising, Amethyst walked the few steps to join them. "I think perhaps you don’t comprehend something rather important, Brian."


"And what, pray tell, would that be, Amy?"


Chase obediently eased back at the grasp of her hand to his sleeve, forcing himself to relax and drop his arms to his sides.


"His being Weren doesn't matter. Who he is, that's what intrigues me. Not what he is." Amethyst slid her hand into Chase's as she shrugged. "Though I do admit his ability to sprout fur is most welcome on cold nights."


With an imperious tug of her fingers, she urged Chase to turn away, which he did, following her and sitting as she did, both reaching for their boots. Peter nervously coughed, breaking the spell of immobility everyone else was suffering from. Bran released the breath he hadn't realized that he was holding as silently as possible.


Kyle's quiet "Don't see what's so bad about whores" earned him a cuff to the back of the head as Curtis passed him. Sally sighed, her eyes blinking furiously in response to the drop in tension. Eyes tracking from Chase to Brian, she made an exasperated sound. "Do get up, Brian. You look perfectly ridiculous, sprawled on the ground like that."




Brian grew unhappier with the situation when Amethyst mounted up behind Chase after breakfast. The idea of losing her to the Weren wasn't one he could accept. She belonged to him. She had from the first time he'd seen her, at the debutante ball.


Amethyst had stood out in the crowd like a rose. One look into her blue eyes, as they were introduced, had been all that he needed, to know she was meant for him and him alone.


He'd been waiting for the right time to propose to her since she'd turned eighteen. The right time never seemed to occur; she was a popular girl, always busy with friends, and he could never manage to arrange a moment completely alone with her in order to tender a proposal.


It had never once occurred to him that she might not accept. He'd made it clear to the other young men who chased her that she was his and he'd brook no opposition. One by one, they'd given up, leaving him the victor and her constant escort to dances and dinners.


Brian had been patient, but this year he was determined to propose, no matter what. He'd thought the trip to search for her sister would provide plenty of opportunities. Unfortunately, that fluff headed Sally had stayed glued to her side up until the night the Werens had appeared at the inn and Amethyst had sent the three of them upstairs like naughty children.


She'd always been rather opinionated, but her behavior had changed immediately after she'd secured the Werens as their guides. Striking him, treating him so foully in front of them…Brian ground his teeth in frustrated anger. Once they were married, she would have to learn that he was the master of their home.


be married. Her statement of the morning meant nothing. She couldn't be serious about the beast man. It was just that he was new and exciting, Brian supposed.


Brian knew she hadn't lost her virginity to the Weren. Amethyst was a proper young lady, who wouldn't ruin herself like that. She would realize she couldn't throw away her life on someone she'd barely known for a week. He'd make certain of it.


Or...the Weren could be removed from the picture. Gazing sullenly at her back, Brian thought the matter over. During another attack, and in the heat of the battle, all manner of mistakes might occur.


Slowly smiling, Brian was completely unaware of Curtis' narrow eyed gaze.




The Thompkins fellow has to go
, Curtis decided. He was fixed on Amethyst, who was now, as far as the shape shifter was concerned, their pack leader's woman.


She'd stated her preference for Chase plain and clear enough for even an idiot to understand, but Thompkins was apparently more than an idiot. He didn't seem to consider that the end of it.


, Curtis decided,
he considers that a reason for murder, from that look on his face
. Werens weren't indestructible; a head or heart shot would do it. He'd keep a close eye on Thompkins to make sure the bastard didn't get the opportunity to deliver either.


Shoot him first, if he so much as waved one of those pistols in Chase's direction.


, Curtis thought,
that's exactly what I'll do




They followed the new canyon's path to its end, finding themselves on the grasslands and hearing the sound of drumming thundering across the wide open area. Chase raised a hand to call a halt, realizing the orc clans were on the move.



"Our best bet's going to be to find a place and hole up," Chase quietly told them. "There are too many groups of them on the move right now. We'll have to wait them out."



"How long is that likely to take, or can you even estimate?" Peter asked, his voice low and serious.

"A few days. Maybe a week." Chase shrugged. "That'd be my guess, but that doesn't mean I'll be right."

"I think we should duck back and find a camp for the night before trying to cut across the grasslands and find the other's entrance," Kyle said. The four Werens exchanged glances, and then Chase nodded.

"We'll probably have to camp cold tonight. Let's turn back."

They rode until they found another fall of rocks that trees had grown up around. The cover was thick enough that it would hide them from all but the most determined of prying eyes, without a fire to give them away. There were plenty of rocks to provide places to fire from behind, if needed.

"This will work," Chase said while helping Amethyst slide down from his horse before dismounting. Landing beside her, he offered a reassuring smile in return to her worried expression. "All we have to do is be careful. Don't worry."

"I'm not," she stoutly replied, lips curving into an answering smile, but her eyes were still worried. Chase didn't attempt to resist the urge to embrace her. Pulling her close, the Weren nuzzled her hair while ignoring the heated glare from Brian.

"Everything will be all right," he murmured. "I promise."

Amethyst melted against him, feeling his strength, and hearing the confidence in his voice. She smiled as he released her. He would know how to handle things and get them all back to Adersol safely.


Brian's jealousy knew no bounds as he watched the two from across the space separating them. Amethyst's statement that morning burned through his mind with a mocking overtone.


He grimly told himself that he had to wait for the proper moment to rid himself of the Weren. He'd have to be alert to keep from missing the first opportunity that arose. This business about orc clans being on the move would surely provide one quickly. The Weren made a large target, and he was an excellent shot. There'd be no missing.


Then, he'd comfort Amethyst over the beast man's death. They'd return to Adersol and be married before they boarded the coach back to Taryton.


She'd learn soon enough who was in charge. He just had to remain patient a bit longer.



Chase dozed, leaning back against a rock. His left leg bent at the knee, his forearm resting on it. Amethyst's head was pillowed on his right thigh, his hand on her blanketed shoulder. Every few minutes, it moved to touch her hair before returning to rest on her shoulder, his eyes never opening.


Kyle and Curtis were both fascinated by the repetitive movement, watching from where they sat together in front of another chunk of rock. The orcish drums were too unsettling for anyone to sleep more than a few minutes at a time. Yet somehow, Chase and Amethyst seemed to be immune to that problem. At least the red head was. Neither could decide if their pack leader was actually sleeping or not. They also couldn't decide if the repeated gesture was comforting him or her.

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