Deadlands Hunt (9 page)

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Authors: Gayla Drummond

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Westerns

BOOK: Deadlands Hunt
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"Maybe we should just go home," Brian suggested. Going home would get Amethyst away from the big Weren and his companions. "If there are no signs to find..."

"No, not yet," Amethyst interrupted. "You said the end of the canyon, Chase?"

"That'd be about three days' ride for them, yeah," he confirmed.

"So we should pass a camping spot before going much further? Where they might've camped, I mean?" The Weren nodded. Amethyst bit her lip and looked at the fire. "What's your opinion?"

"I say we keep going at least to the end of the canyon." Chase shrugged. "See what we find, then decide what the next step is."

"Have to say I'm pretty curious as to how two hundred people could've upped and disappeared without a trace. At least so far," Curtis remarked before nudging Kyle. "The stew ready yet?"

"Probably." Kyle checked it. "Yeah. Dinner, folks."

Tin bowls filled and passed around, everyone selected a place to sit. Amethyst found herself between Brian and Chase, the former sitting much closer than she really felt necessary. He tried to start up a conversation about all the events they were missing back home.

"I don't know, I'm rather enjoying the chance to do something different," Peter said. "I've never camped in the open before or eaten a dinner cooked over a campfire. It's quite good, by the way."

"Thanks." Kyle preened, grinning as the ladies added their compliments.

"It is much more exciting than seeing what horrible new fashion Betsy's concocted," Sally agreed. "That puce taffeta last season was an absolute nightmare."

"Who's Betsy?" Bran asked, looking up from his bowl.

"The daughter of our Lord Mayor, therefore the default setter of new fashions," Amethyst answered, shifting a bit and unconsciously edging closer to Chase. "We must all follow her fashion dictates, or suffer her wrath."

"Wrath?" Curtis frowned.

"Becoming persona non grata, uninvited to all the important events," Brian explained in a superior tone. "Ostracized, at least temporarily, until Betsy feels you've suffered enough."

"Quite silly, but there's not much else to do in Taryton but attend social events." Amethyst lifted one slender shoulder in a shrug. "It's rather boring, actually."

"Sounds like it," Bran responded, losing interest in the conversation.


After all had finished eating, Chase laid out the night's watches. "Bran, me, Kyle and then Curtis."

"Oh, what about us?" Sally asked, clapping her hands together in excitement. "Shouldn't we stand watch too?"

"I'm afraid we might miss something," Amethyst replied when none of the Weren did more than blink at the blond. "Our eyes aren't accustomed to watching the dark, dear."

"I hadn't thought of that," Sally admitted.

"I think I'll keep Bran company. Not quite ready to visit Dreamland," Peter said.

Brian remained silent, waiting to see what Amethyst would do.

"Well, I am ready for sleep," she stated. "Quite ready. Good night, everyone."

Her announcement was enough to send everyone in search of their bedrolls.


Chase dozed, vaguely keeping an ear tuned to the low murmur of Bran and Peter while they stood watch. He hadn't missed the dirty look Brian shot his way after discovering his bedroll laid at the end of the line, far from Amethyst's.

The human would just have to deal with the matter as best he could; the Werens would sleep between the two women and any openings where enemies might appear.

Weren females were stronger than human ones. They could shift and defend themselves well. Still, it was hardwired into the Weren male instincts to protect them, and those instincts carried over to any females they considered a responsibility.

Chase opened his eyes, aware that it was almost time to take his turn at standing watch. Sitting up, he buckled on his gun belt and collected his duster, since the night had grown chilly. Glancing at Amethyst when she mumbled in her sleep, he discovered a slight frown on her face.

On a whim, the Weren moved and stretched a finger out to smooth away the faint line between her drawn together brows. Her eyes popped open. Hastily drawing back his hand, Chase blinked. "Sorry."

"Is it your turn to stand watch now?" She sat up.

"Yeah." He felt stupid for having woken her.

"Would you care for some company? At least for a bit?" she asked.

"That would be nice," Chase said. She probably needed her sleep more than sitting in the cold with him. "It's a little cold though."

"Then I shall bring my blanket along," she replied, smiling. Pulling on her boots and duster, she rose to gather the blanket and her crossbow before following him.

"Quiet so far," Bran informed them as he and Peter dropped off the rock they'd selected as a vantage point.

"Hallo, Amy. Taking a turn, I see." Peter smiled sleepily. "Have fun."

"I'm certain I will." She smiled back. "Good night, you two."

The two men said their good nights and ambled off. Chase looked around and spotted a slightly more sheltered spot that would keep the light breeze off, while still affording a clear view. "Over there, Amethyst."

She followed, draping the blanket around her shoulders. Looking at the spot, she said, "I'll have to scramble a bit to find a seat."

"Nope." The Weren grasped her around the waist and easily lifted her up onto the stone ledge before hopping up beside her. "There."

"Thank you." Laying her crossbow on her other side, Amethyst huddled under her blanket. "It is cold here at night, isn't it?"

"Spring time's like that," Chase agreed, leaning back against the stone. "It's colder when it rains."

"It's warm in Taryton this time of year." After a few seconds passed, she asked, "Do you think we'll find some sign of their passage tomorrow?"

"I hope so." He did, not just for her sake, but because it bothered him that a large group of humans had apparently travelled without leaving any sign. It was unnatural for them to have disappeared as though they'd never passed through the area.

"It's quite odd." Amethyst frowned, pulling her knees to her chest under the blanket. "Neither orcs nor trolls have magic, do they?"

"No. Just the Shalinar and Charnim, and I've never heard of either doing anything like this." Chase scanned the area, noting a small movement near a clump of bushes. It was nothing - a rock rabbit flicking its ears as it grazed. "Not that they would."

"Of course not." she agreed. They fell silent, each puzzling over the mystery. Gradually, Amethyst's eyes grew heavy. After an hour or so, she dozed off and slid sideways enough to rest her head on the Weren's arm.

With his free hand, Chase tucked the blanket more securely around her. Scanning the area again, he realized that he was smiling.

Amethyst was intriguing. He hadn't had much to do with human females, since most wouldn't come within ten feet of a Weren if they could help it. It certainly didn’t hurt matters that she was one of the prettiest females he'd ever seen.

Not that he'd had much to do with females, period. There'd been the widow who'd decided it was her duty to teach him about sex, and then there'd been Delphine. Chase scowled into the night as her name crossed his mind.

She'd said she loved him, but had refused his offer. Then she'd turned around and accepted another's. She hadn't explained herself, or even bothered to break things off in person. No, it had been a letter:
I'm sorry, Chase. I wish you the best. Delphine.

The Weren she'd chosen had been from another clan and hadn't even started a pack of his own yet. Chase had already had Curtis and Kyle by that time. Weren packs were usually small, consisting of four adult males, their mates, and eventually, offspring.

A pack was your chosen family, not necessarily shared bloodlines. Chase had picked both Curtis and Kyle, but had agreed to let Bran join because he was Curtis' cousin.

They fit together and he didn't have to spend much time rebuking them physically. In fact, he'd only fought Curtis. That fight had lasted long enough for him to discover the other could pack a rather wicked right hook.

Chase grinned at the memory. He and Curtis had gotten along fine once the question of who the leader was had been settled. The burly shape shifter hadn't really wanted the responsibility of leadership, nor had he wanted to join a pack whose leader was weaker than he was.

The other three wouldn't be able to find mates until Chase had one. He hadn't been able to start over after Delphine. The border had seemed like a good place to go and let the pain of her rejection fade away.

It hadn't worked as well as the Weren would've preferred.
, Chase thought,
if I meet a few more females like Amethyst, I'll be ready to go home and start looking

She was easy to talk to and be around, reminding him that all females weren't like Delphine.
But then again
they’re not all like Amethyst either

That thought stayed in his head for the rest of his watch as she slept peacefully beside him.


"It's been quiet," Chase told Kyle, who nodded while yawning. After knuckling his eyes clear of sleep, the other smiled at the sleeping Amethyst.

"Suggestion: don't ever let her stand a night watch alone."

Chase chuckled quietly before calling her name. She muttered and sat up with a gasp. "Oh. I wasn't good company, was I? I'm dreadfully sorry, Chase."

"You kept my arm warm, so I guess I can forgive the snoring," he replied, watching her face. Blue eyes widened, and then narrowed when he couldn't keep from grinning.

"Oh, you!" Playfully swatting his knee, she smiled back. “Shame on you."

Kyle blinked, a little surprised by his pack leader's teasing of the red head. Teasing a woman wasn't something he'd seen Chase do in a long time. The other Weren slid off the ledge to land silently, before helping Amethyst down.

"We should catch some sleep. Have a good watch, Kyle."

"I'll try to." The shape shifter watched the two leave before hefting himself up onto the ledge. He decided they looked good together and grinned.


Brian's eyes fluttered open, and so he had a full view of the two returning. Taking in the smiles each wore, he felt another flash of jealousy flare up. This situation was getting worse every time he looked at it.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep," he heard Amethyst whisper. "I'm afraid I wouldn't make a good watchman."

"It's all right" was the Weren's reply. Brian ground his teeth together as the beast man raised a hand and brushed a tendril of hair from her face. "It was nice to have company, even if that company snored."

Her response was a light chuckle and a pat to his arm. "You'll have to pay for that, you know."

The Weren leered, or that's how Brian interpreted the expression. "Be happy to. Good night, Amethyst."

"Sleep well, Chase." They moved apart, each seeking their bedroll. Brian scowled at the sleeping Peter. Why hadn't he said anything to her about the impropriety of being alone with the beast man?

Brian decided that he'd find out in the morning.


Curtis yawned widely, before sitting up to look around. Everyone was where they were supposed to be and the only sounds audible were the sleepers' breathing and the soft munching of grass from the horses. Gathering his things, the Weren rose and went to relieve Kyle.

"She sat watch with Chase," he was informed the minute the other saw him. "She fell asleep and he teased her about it, Curtis."

"Did he? That's good to hear." Curtis pulled on his duster.

"That's not all. She was all cozied up to him too," Kyle said while they traded places. "He looked real pleased about that, let me tell you."

"Even better to hear. Maybe things will work out. It’d be nice to go home," Curtis admitted.

"You think he'll make an offer?"

"I don't know, but I think I could handle her being a part of the pack."

Kyle thought it over for a few seconds then smiled. "Yeah, so could I. Night."

"See you in a few hours."


At the first possible chance the next morning, Brian hissed in Peter's ear. "Why did you leave Amy alone with him last night?"

"Well, I had already stood a watch," Peter pointed out in a reasonable voice. "She was perfectly safe. Chase wouldn't allow her to come to any harm. None of them would."

could've harmed her. As it is, should anyone ever learn she was alone with a Weren, her reputation will be in tatters." Brian flinched back when Peter rounded on him, his normally mild eyes suddenly flinty.

"I'd suggest you keep the matter to yourself then, Brian," the other young man said in a cold voice. "I know Sally and I shan't say anything to anyone."

With that, Peter stalked off, leaving a surprised Brian staring after him.




Breakfast was on the quiet side, the humans blinking over tin cups of strong, black coffee and cautiously trying the odd concoction that was the main dish. Kyle spooned extra sugar over the two ladies' helpings of the mush, despite the berries he'd added to sweeten it.

"Sleeping on the ground doesn't really agree with me, I'm afraid," Sally muttered darkly. "I believe there was a pebble that enjoyed my company far too much."

"It's an acquired taste," Curtis said, grinning faintly when she cast a glare in his direction. "Not much of a morning person, are you, Sally?"

"No." The blond turned her attention back to the coffee, a bit miffed by her failure to knock him over with the force of her eyes. The burly Weren chuckled, digging into his breakfast with gusto.

"What exactly is this?" Brian asked, isolating a dark berry from its yellow surroundings.

"You ever eat oatmeal before?" Bran responded. When the human nodded, the youngest shape shifter told him, "This isn't it."

"I can see that for myself. What is it?"

"Cornmeal mush, with berries," Amethyst answered before taking another bite. Swallowing, she added, "It's really quite good. Is it difficult to make?"

"Nope," Kyle answered, and proceeded to give her the recipe and step-by-step instructions, which she listened to. Chase wondered if she'd actually remember them to ever use, or was just being polite. Studying her intent expression, the Weren decided she would try to remember.

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