Cut Cords of Attachment (7 page)

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Authors: Rose Rosetree

BOOK: Cut Cords of Attachment
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Does it seem possible that you could open up intuitively without suffering mental derangement? Then I’m reasonably sure I can help you. Specifically, at our next Step, I will teach you the technique of “Questioning,” a super-easy way to obtain accurate information about spiritual energy.

Chapter 4
Make an Energy Sandwich

12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment

Step 1. Create a Sacred Space

Step 2. Make an Energy Sandwich

Get Yourself Big

To help clients:
Help Your Client Get Big

Vibe-Raising Breaths


Extra Cycles of Questioning

Step 3. Activate the Aura

Step 4. Choose Which Cord to Cut

Step 5. Locate the Cord

Step 6. Give Permission

Step 7. Remove the Cord

Step 8. Bandage to Rebalance

Step 9. Write the Dialogue Box

Step 10. Discuss the Client’s Logical Consequences with the Cordee

Step 11. Discuss the Client’s Logical Consequences for Other Relationships

Step 12. Assign Homework

All metaphysical frequencies are not created equal. To cut a cord of attachment effectively, you must position your consciousness at the appropriate level.

Isn’t that common sense? Doing a routine load of laundry won’t require the same attentiveness as dressing for your wedding day.

Usually we don’t think about levels of vibration. Instead we take energy cues from the situation around us. If things we attempt on the surface don’t go all the way through into subtle reality, so what? Most people focus on the surface level of life. They won’t notice.

A surface approach works fine for practical life because energy patterns remain more or less constant. Even without probing the auras of your friends, usually you will find that the energy stays reasonably familiar. Years ago, you learned to expect this aspect of Earth School. Even if nobody described it to you this way: “Earth is a learning planet set up for super-intense spiritual evolution at a dense vibrational level.”

To cut cords of attachment, however, you must use energy to transform the status quo. Rosetree Energy Spirituality requires that you show leadership, initiative and presence of mind.

Courageous Explorer, your conscious leadership begins with two fascinating spiritual principles. First comes this:

Here at Earth School, physical action can change spiritual energy.

For example, a typical bride might prepare for her wedding day by wearing special clothes, carrying a bouquet of flowers, prominently displaying a wedding cake. A Bridezilla might spend $50,000 or more on “Her special day.” However elaborate a bride’s preparations, they can help her to bring higher spirits to the occasion.

Regarding the room where you do Rosetree Energy Spirituality sessions with cutting a cord of attachment, no elaborate rituals are necessary. You know that by now. It is enough to close the door, bring in recording equipment, and state an intention to create healing. As you read in our last chapter, special trappings like bells and smells aren’t required.

In general, the 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment don’t demand that you do a lot on the physical level. It’s more efficient to supplement physical actions with high-vibrational energy, a level of consciousness higher than whatever is contained in a cord of attachment. How will you accomplish this if not by taking elaborate physical actions to change energy?

Energy and action have a reciprocal relationship, so you can work primarily at the level of subtle energy. Here comes our second principle:

At Earth School, energy can also be used as a cause, producing consequences for physical reality.

What if you experiment with using this second method, rather than the first? You may find it works faster. Only people who are very earth-centered will have better results from working primarily from the slow, sweet level of physical reality.

Step 2 for Cutting Cords of Attachment make it easy for you to use energy to change physical reality. Use the following technique whenever you cut cords of attachment.

TECHNIQUE: Get Yourself Big

In less than one minute, you can raise your vibrations to the most effective level for cutting cords of attachment. Who knew it could be so easy?

1. Close your eyes and briefly notice how it feels to be you.

2. Think the name of a Divine Being. Once. In your head.

3. Take a deep breath.

4. Again, notice how it feels to be you.

5. Open your eyes.

Immediately you will be connected for the rest of your session. That Divine Being will arrive instantly, with a body made of the highest-vibrational light. He, She, or It will do all the heavy lifting for all the rest of your 12 Steps.

It’s the principle of making an Energy Sandwich, which I’ll define after giving you context. First you need to be briefed on a very ancient understanding from India known as
The Three Worlds,
a concept as old as the Vedas, among the most ancient wisdom traditions on earth.

The Three Worlds

World One,
Human Life,
is the most familiar to us. Hey, Courageous Explorer, it had better be!

the game of spiritual evolution here at Earth School, you require a physical body. To
the game, you must develop mastery at the level of earth life. Which kind of mastery will that be? You decide.

Yes, you are the one who defines the game here, one incarnation at a time. Will this lifetime teach you most about relationships or sex or money or power or social status or wisdom? Human life will support your chosen growth path.

World Two,
Psychic Planes,
contain angels, spirit guides, astral entities, ghosts, and so forth.

Another familiar term for this second world is
The Astral Realm.
Compared to each other, astral beings can be higher or lower in consciousness. Yet, in general, their frequencies are higher than with human life. This brings practical advantages for humans collaborating with them, such as these:

  • Angels can tune into practical information, like predicting the future, helping to find lost objects, assisting with physical healing. Serving as guides, angels will team up with anyone who is receptive to working with them.
  • Mediums can heal aching hearts (or solve crimes) by making authentic contact with the deceased.
  • Channelers bring wisdom by connecting with astral beings and sharing information from this higher plane.
  • Shamanic practitioners and psychic healers bring results by working with astral-level guides and angels.

World Three, the
Etheric Level,
is home to Divine Beings. When you make contact with any Ascended Master or Archangel, the vibration will be different from those other two worlds.

Etheric contact brings spiritual experience. Love, light and power; creativity and inspiration—these emanate from Divine Beings as clearly as the distinctive scent of a fragrant flower.

Any conscious connection at this vibration brings a super-concentrated experience of God.

But isn’t God everywhere, at every level of creation?

Certainly, and when you have the desire to experience God you can always find that presence. It is omnipresent, omniscient, all in all. But spiritual experience intensifies when you choose an effective technique to co-create with your choice of Divine Being.

Admittedly, drawing a distinction between psychic and Divine isn’t fashionable in New Age circles today. Angels are far more trendy.

Yet there is much to be said for bringing awareness to the Divine Level. “Whichever spirit wishes to help me” does not mean the same thing as the Great Spirit or the Holy Spirit. Unskilled healers may tell themselves that “spirit” means “God.” They are fooling themselves.

One way to tell? Consider the saying, “Know an action by its fruits.” When you work with help from the Other Side, results will be clearly related to the World from which that help comes.

If, in the past, you have mainly depended on human or angelic support, I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the fruits of co-creating with Divine Beings. Certainly their help is invaluable for cutting cords of attachment. Divine Beings are, quite simply, the most appropriate helpers. Plus you can avoid problems we discussed earlier, such as: “We have to keep re-cutting the cord of attachment to my mother.”

Understanding about The Three Worlds brings perspective to most of the problems of quality control we considered earlier. Think energetic frequencies. Courageous Explorer, as a resident of Earth School, automatically you will bring human frequencies to cutting a cord of attachment, whether for yourself or for others.

Cords of attachment exist at the astral level. If you team up with an astral-level guide to help you cut cords, that spirit can have trouble moving things out at her own level. By contrast, you can co-create with your choice of etheric being. That Divine Being can effortlessly move out energies at a lower frequency.

Which brings us to the concept I call an
Energy Sandwich.
Doing the 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment, you will co-create with a Divine Being. All Rosetree Energy Spirituality techniques require that you co-create with Divine help, not an angel, and not “Whoever shows up from The Other Side.”

Co-creation means that you do a technique to shift your own consciousness just a bit. Afterwards you automatically make an energy sandwich. Both you and the Divine Being could, each of you, be compared to one of the slices of bread in the sandwich. A cord of attachment is lodged in the filling.

What, you don’t like the flavor in that old filling? As a spiritual healer, working both outer edges of the sandwich, it’s relatively easy to scrape out what’s in the middle, and replace it with a new, improved flavor.

Because you work with both pieces of “bread,” the grounded human slice plus the slice from an etheric vibration, your Energy Sandwich will hold together.

Stable and portable—that’s what makes a sandwich so convenient. A food item that actually makes its own plate, how fabulous is that?

In terms of this analogy, you can upgrade the flavor significantly. Your old sandwich could have tasted like moldy cheese with liverwurst and pickles. What an aftertaste to carry with you for the rest of your life! Bring on the peanut butter and jelly.

Admittedly, my approach in Rosetree Energy Spirituality is controversial. Many people who have heard about cords of attachment make no distinction at all between World Two and World Three.

They’re satisfied by asking for help, any help, from The Other Side.

Now, I’m going to invite you to become more discerning in your request for assistance from The Other Side, life beyond earth. Start by paying careful attention to the names that you hear people around you use. Often you will find these names are used in a confused, inaccurate manner.

Spiritual healing is very different from psychic healing. Both types of healing depend upon collaboration with beings from The Other Side. Any similarity ends there.

To become a smart consumer of healing services, you don’t have to clairvoyantly see these beings. When having a session with a practitioner, just ask, “Who, exactly, is on your team?”

Listen carefully, smart consumer. Then decide for yourself which type of healing is actually being done. For instance:

  • “Psychic healers” from the Philippines co-create healing with Jesus, which makes them really spiritual healers.
  • A so-called “spiritual healer” could be personally very devout, and she could excel at doing Shamanic work, angelic healing, guided readings, or Reiki. As a healer, however, she would be doing psychic-level work.

Why bother to make such distinctions? My purpose is neither to criticize psychic activities nor to claim that spiritual activities are superior for every purpose. Each vibrational level has its place.

Nevertheless, when cutting cords of attachment it is important that you have the wisdom to know the difference. Position yourself energetically to do spiritual healing, not psychic healing.

How can you change modes if your usual comfort zone is psychic healing?

Techniques in this book will help you. They’re easy, because ease and grace are signature qualities of the Divine.

What if you have never done either kind of healing before, neither psychic and nor spiritual?

Good news! You don’t have to work your way up the ladder, like putting in several years with flower fairies, then being promoted to your first assignment with an angel and, eventually (perhaps rewarded for good behavior), being assigned to an excellent spirit guide before you, gulp, go big time.

No, you can use the techniques offered here, right now, to connect and work with a Divine Being. It will happen instantly.

TALE: Just for This Sacred Work

Marilyn Cooley is one of my talented students who has turned pro. After studying with me rigorously, she developed a practice as an animal empath, animal communicator and healer. Now that she’s had a lot of experience professionally, I asked her how she relates to the “Get Big” technique. She said:

“The closer to Earth, the denser and lower the vibration. In terms of the inter-dimensional physics, Ascended Masters are at a higher vibration than those at an astral level.

But, as a very Earth-based practitioner, and one who finds those denser vibrations the closest to God for me (for now, anyway), I do think that each Lightworker has her own best place.

“When I do any ‘Rose work’ such as cutting cords of attachment, I do so with the full knowledge that I am choosing a workspace that is beautiful and nurturing, although it is not my native and most comfortable land.”

Understand the Invitation

Marilyn’s good sportsmanship, or your equivalent, is all I’m asking for when you use the techniques from this book. Come heal at this level, with one or more Divine Beings. Just for now. Just for this.

Please know how much I honor the sacred work that you do, whatever it is and however you do it. Never do I mean to suggest that working with Divine Beings is always the best way or the only way. While you are cutting cords of attachment, however, work exclusively with these Beings. They will help you to succeed at this particular sacred work.

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