Cut Cords of Attachment (8 page)

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Authors: Rose Rosetree

BOOK: Cut Cords of Attachment
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Who are
anyway? These etheric-level beings fall into two categories, the personal aspect and the impersonal aspect.

Personal Aspect
of the Divine includes both Ascended Masters and Archangels.

Examples of
Ascended Masters
are Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Kwan Yin, Tara, Lakshmi, Krishna, Ganesh, Athena, Isis, St. Francis, Babaji.

include Archangel Raphael, who brings healing; Archangel Gabriel, who facilitates communication; and Archangel Michael, who is great at removing things you no longer need or want. (You can read more about them at Steps 7 and 8.)

For help from the
Impersonal Aspect
of the Divine, use a name like God, Allah, The Holy Spirit, or Highest Power. Terms like these can bring forth a beautiful but abstract experience.

And Your Personal Choice Would Be?

Of course you get to choose. And not for life, like receiving a cattle brand. Not unless you prefer to choose the same Divine Being each time. Totally your choice!

Choose for yourself each time you facilitate a session of Rosetree Energy Spirituality.

Is any Divine Being considered best to choose?

I recommend calling on the highest vibrational kind of person with an individual form, either an Ascended Master or an Archangel. Always do this before you cut a cord of attachment.

For cord cutting, it’s usually easier to team up with a personal expression of Highest Power. Most clients (and healers) relate more easily to someone in a light body who does healing, rather than to visualize help emanating from the abstract, shimmering, un-localized Field of God.

When working with a client, before your client comes for the session, privately connect with your choice of Divine Being. After your client comes, ask for your client’s choice and invite that, too (as we’ll discuss later).

The “Get Big” technique produces results instantly. True, many new students don’t notice them. Over time, however, you will grow used to staying awake inside while functioning at higher frequencies. Then experiences will come clear.

Meanwhile, every time you do the “Get Big” technique, you will invest how much time, a big three seconds?

What can you expect to notice, as an experienced healer? Will it be like having Superman arrive on the scene, only unfurling his cape inside your head?

Unfortunately—or maybe fortunately—no. You will simply notice the distinctive presence of whichever Divine Being you have invoked.

It’s a gentle, natural merging with your own self, like the familiar sense of being with someone you love, hanging out with a favorite family member or friend. Unless you live in a comic-book world, your best friend doesn’t seem like Superman, does he?

Help Your Client “Get Big”

Your personal source of inspiration is your business. Likewise, it’s important to let the client make his own choice. Which Divine Being does he prefer?

1. Ask your client, “Which Divine Being would you like to have in charge of your session?”

2. Discuss the concept, if necessary. Some clients know all about this, others will understand it immediately, and a few will need a fair amount of conversation.

3. Once your client has made a choice, say it out loud, e.g., “I call on St. Germain to be here to help with this healing session.”

4. Instantly That presence will arrive, a magnificent and distinctive expression of Divine love.

What if your client insists on Almighty God or nobody? You could do worse than enlisting Almighty God for your healing session. Only one choice would really disallow your moving forward in session. What if your client refuses to invite God in any form?

Atheism is a path I respect enormously. But how can someone who doesn’t believe in God have confidence, deep down, in cutting cords of attachment? If a client lacks faith even as big as a mustard seed, how much energetic help will any healer be able to grow?

Cord cutting happens on a human scale, supplemented by spiritual co-creation. The sacred place where you do your sessions is cooler than anywhere on earth, even the intersection of Hollywood and Vine. It’s where human intention is supplemented by Divine intervention. The street sign doesn’t only read “Energy” but “Rosetree Energy Spirituality.”

Sometimes it becomes clear that a client doesn’t feel worthy of calling on a Divine Being. Then I’ll ask the client to humor me and allow me to bring in God just to help me to do my best as a healer.

Must a client believe in this part of a session? No more than he must believe in a water faucet before taking a bath. Besides, it can be enormously empowering for a client to watch me calling forth a Divine Being. No lightning strikes me dead, after all.

In American pop culture today, Fundamentalists appear to own the conversation about God. But does it really have to be a choice between believing in televangelists or nothing? I delight in presenting an alternative. My message is “Connect to God any way you choose. Consider yourself entitled to do this, as entitled as anyone who has ever lived on earth.”

TALE: From Aimless Pothead to Awesome Healer

When Susie first studied with me, her idea of a good time was to hang out with friends and smoke pot. Yet she became fascinated by the idea that she could call on Divine Beings whenever she liked, needing no special qualifications to gain permission.

Susie began to call on Archangel Michael whenever she felt down. It seemed to help more than smoking pot. Soon, she stopped puffing and started actively seeking. Shortly after that, she had sessions of Rosetree Energy Spirituality with me that woke her up even more.

By now she has been trained to use the 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment. When doing sessions for friends, one of her favorite things to do is to let clients know that they can call on their choice of Divine Being. She told me:

“They’ll ask, ‘Could I really be allowed to call on this saint?’

“I’m like, ‘Go for it.’”

Do You Have the Right to Get Big?

Whatever you choose spiritually, sooner or later, life will show up that way.

Many spiritual seekers assume that they don’t have the right to call on a teacher like Jesus or Buddha unless they follow a religion named for Him. This is absolutely not true.

Even more ironic, some people devote their entire lives to a spiritual path without realizing that they have the right to Get Big with the founder. What a delightful surprise, discovering how That presence becomes available with one quick thought.

TALE: Thanks for Dropping by

David was a helper for one of my workshops. For years he’d been studying Yogananda’s course in Kriya Yoga. Paramahansa Yogananda was the first enlightened yogi from India to teach large numbers of people in the West. (Curious about him? I would recommend his
Autobiography of a Yogi.)

Like every Ascended Master whose work I have studied, Yogananda never demanded that people worship him. He was a humble teacher who taught practical techniques. David practiced these techniques daily. During the workshop, when I explained to everyone about Getting Big, David thought, “Hey, why not call on Yogananda?”

He did. Of course, this great Master arrived instantly in a body of light. As luck would have it, David hadn’t come to my workshop because he was particularly interested in anything I had to teach. He just worked for the company that sponsored me.

But, as he told me later, that one tiny piece of my workshop changed his life. Something big may happen to your client, too, simply because you explain the option to “Get Big.”

Breath Can Help You Heal

Breath can become one of your greatest resources for cutting cords of attachment. Let’s begin to explore this through my favorite breathing technique, which I call “Vibe-Raising Breaths.”

TECHNIQUE: Vibe-Raising Breaths

1. Close your eyes.

2. Gently pay attention to how you feel inside. No supposed-to’s or intense concentration, please, simply interest. How does it feel to be you right now?

3. Inhale through your nose, slowly.

4. Exhale through your mouth, slowly.

5. This counts as one Vibe-Raising Breath. Now repeat Steps 3 and 4 two more times, so you have taken a total of three Vibe-Raising Breaths.

6. Return to regular breathing. Again, notice how it feels to be you right now. Any contrast?

7. Open your eyes. Technique complete. Congratulate yourself, Brave Explorer.

Now let’s go into some refinements.

Big Crown

When doing this breathing pattern, allow yourself to breathe as deeply as comfortable. (That’s somewhere between a shallow breath and giving yourself a hernia.)

Vibe-Raising Breaths open up your Crown Chakra, letting through extra life-force energy. Deeper breaths increase this gentle opening.

Thus, breathing a bit extra-deep will increase your effectiveness when taking Vibe-Raising Breaths.

As you may know, a
is an energy center within your aura. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of your head. You will learn everything else you need to know about chakras for cord cutting in Step 3 to Cut Cords of Attachment.


For best results with this breathing technique, sit comfortably with your spine pretty straight and head upright, unsupported. Don’t cross arms or legs. Keep them free.

By closing your eyes, you start to direct awareness within. Gently paying attention, you activate consciousness, that part of you which witnesses all your activity, awake from inside.

Energy flow for consciousness works better when your body is supported by this upright posture.

Having mastered this oomphy way of breathing, you are ready for our next technique.


By combining posture and awareness with a simple breath in through your nose, you cause extra life force energy to come into your aura. So each in-breath helps you to wake up more inside, like turning up the volume dial while you listen to music.


Again, context counts. Your attention has been drawn inward because your eyes are closed. Plus, by gently paying attention, you have activated the huge power of your awareness.

Without stimulation from the outer world, your body starts to relax. Therefore, each out-through-mouth breath will help you to release stuff like everyday worries, self-doubt, planning what to eat for a snack later, etc.

So What’s the Catch?

Unfortunately, Vibe-Raising Breaths won’t necessarily remove all the pain and suffering of your entire lifetime. It’s a pretty good technique, but if it were that great, we’d have to charge an extra three cents for this book.

Although simple to do, Vibe-Raising Breaths have many uses. Any time you wish for more clarity (except, of course, when driving a car), Vibe-Raising Breaths will help.

Personally, I add this breathing pattern as needed during many of the 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment. It’s particularly vital for our next technique, my favorite way to gather information by collaborating with spiritual Source.

Introduction to a Powerful Research Technique

“Questioning” is an enormously flexible technique for learning deep truths. Once you get into the flow of this technique, it couldn’t be easier. However, I want to teach you systematically, so don’t do any technique steps yet. Just read this overview.

Before the distinctive part of “Questioning,” you will close your eyes and relax for a moment. Next you will create an Energy Sandwich via the “Get Big” technique. Following that, you will:

1. Think one question at a time.

2. Let go of the question

3. Accept what you get. Open your eyes and write it down.

Ever make lists for Santa Claus? All your years of practice can come in handy. You didn’t just tell the jolly old elf, “Bring me whatever.” Remember?

Similarly, you need to ask specific questions when you cut cords of attachment, like “What were the cord items in my cord of attachment to my mother?”

You don’t need to make it a big deal, thinking a question for this technique. Simply ask inside, using the regular tone of voice you would use to think anything else, one sentence at a time.

Will you have to be extra precise? Or extra respectful?

No, your job is simply to think in the way that is natural for you. Let’s use a screen-style analogy. Ordinary thinking to yourself looks like this: “What were the cord items in my cord of attachment to my mother?”

Thinking this question, you will not have to go through mental screaming, akin to:

“WHAT!!!! w-e-rrrrrrrrr




cord of attachment”

More Preparation to Make “Questioning” Effortless

Please, take it easy with every part of the “Questioning” technique. Trust that your ordinary way of thinking—those regular thinking-thoughts inside your head—will do just fine.

How about the “Let go” part of “Questioning”? This is vital. It allows you to receive an answer from yourself plus the Divine Being who is helping you.

Otherwise you would answer your initial question quite differently, searching through your regular set of thoughts about everyday life. This would not allow you to benefit from that cosmic Energy Sandwich we’ve discussed before. In turn, this would diminish your healing power for cord cutting.

“Questioning” helps your consciousness to shift. When you think the original question, just think in your usual way. Releasing the question helps your awareness to open up. You remain yourself, with your normal inner tone of voice, only now you begin to think in a manner that is spiritually clearer.

Okay, by now you agree with me in theory. Letting go sounds great. But how, exactly, can you manage it?

Real-life situations give us many opportunities to learn about letting go. Suppose you are taking care of Sonny, your two-year-old. He has grabbed your house keys and is holding onto them for dear life. Suppose that your goal is to entice him to physically let go.

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