Cut Cords of Attachment (2 page)

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Authors: Rose Rosetree

BOOK: Cut Cords of Attachment
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Perspective for You, the Healer

This how-to book prepares you to cut cords of attachment. Among the emerging millions with an interest in this form of healing, you are taking the time to learn in depth.

I’m glad you are taking these skills seriously. Dedicated learning need not be grim, though. I will give our collaboration a light touch whenever appropriate.

This manual is meant as a depth resource for self-healing. To help you to explore most successfully, I encourage you to think of yourself as your own client. Otherwise who are appropriate “clients” for the purposes of this book?

They would be friends and family members for whom you provide services as a volunteer. Use your judgment about when to get involved, when to just say no.

Be aware that there can be legal consequences of facilitating any healing work, and these would be your responsibility. So, again, definitely take this healing skill set seriously.

The information in this book has been researched over many years. However, the author and publisher assume no liability whatsoever for damages of any kind that occur directly or indirectly from the use of the statements in this book. You are responsible for that.

Also note that the method of healing presented here is not intended as a substitute for the professional care of psychologists, physicians, or other health care providers. Instead, the goal is to support self-treatment and to bring further information for qualified healing practitioners.

Cutting cords of attachment is one skill set to use in the pursuit of optimal wellness.

If you work with clients as a mental health professional, or you do energy work or other mind-body-spirit healing, if you charge money for your healing services, be aware that this introductory manual does NOT qualify you to present yourself as someone with professional skills in the field of Rosetree Energy Spirituality.

obtain such skills, glad to say, through the professional
Mentoring Program in Rosetree Energy Spirituality
, which you can research via my website. This will familiarize you with many skill sets for identifying various types of subconscious STUFF, plus discerning which STUFF is best to heal first, why, and how.

What if you aren’t especially interested in healing other people? This book can help you to cut cords of attachment for yourself, and do a really effective job.

Or you might wish to start with a simpler version of the material here, “
Cut Cords of Attachment for Self-Healing
.” You might choose to begin with that no-frills method, then read this how-to for more examples and depth.

Or just become a wiser consumer

Yet another use for this book is to help you as a consumer.

Many healers today aim to cut cords of attachment. Some are well trained for professional caliber work. Unfortunately, many are not. I would like to help you sort through the confusions and, even hype, about cord cutting. As a consumer, you’ll find this book can help you to appreciate the depth and scope of healing available.

Reading as a consumer, skip all the sections marked TECHNIQUE. Simply read for the concepts, tales, and cord samples.

Menus, Techniques, Tales, Cord Samples,
and a Buddy

Each of the 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment is done as part of a sequence. So each chapter will include a menu with the current step opening up a list of component skills. It’s my ebook imitation of a dropdown

Many techniques will be provided to help you. For this ebook, each technique bears the heading:

Best results from these techniques happen when you keep things simple. Do each technique only, adding nothing, subtracting nothing… texting nothing.

Sometimes one of my techniques may remind you of another technique you learned elsewhere. Don’t substitute. Neither of us knows for sure what the effect would be. Whereas all the techniques in this book have been developed and researched as part of a well-tested system, 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment.

What if you want to go through a self-help book without trying any techniques at all, just to get an overview? That’s smart, actually. Afterwards, go back and actually do the techniques. Otherwise, you’ll gain only concepts.

Enriching techniques, teaching stories are
as well. Their special heading here will be:

Of course, to protect each client’s confidentiality, I use fictitious names. Throughout this book, first names used on their own are always fictitious, and I have altered other details that might identify clients, honoring the confidentiality of their personal sessions.

is included to help you as well, fully searchable because of that heading.

Many newbies to cord cutting don’t understand how extremely important the contents of each cord is for healing… or how much valuable information a cord of attachment can contain.

That’s right, each cord of attachment contains a unique and meaningful sequence of information that I have named
“Cord dialogue.”
Numbered items of cord dialogue will come either from the client or the cordee. All are important because they have been recycling within the client’s aura and subconscious mind 24/7.

It’s fun reading about cord dialogue…after it is healed forever.

If possible, find a
to go through these 12 Steps along with you. Supporting each other can help you learn faster. Besides, it’s fun to have a friend for swapping ideas and insights. When ready, you can exchange your first practice sessions of cord cutting.

A buddy can also help by providing feedback and insights. Reading auras is part of the skill set involved in cutting cords of attachment. Doing this, and reading the astral-level contents of cords of attachment, chances are that you will amaze yourself with how much information you receive. Even if your goal is to cut cords for yourself only, working with a friend initially can help you to build confidence.

Courageous Explorer?
Yes, I’ll be calling you that. Get used to the recognition even though you may not feel terribly courageous yet, more like curious.

If you resemble me, back in the day, you may even self-label your courage as “Desperation.” Courage is one of those tricky emotions here at Earth School, isn’t it? Seldom do we feel gosh-darned special during an act of courage. Other people are more likely to notice your courage; some may even praise you.

Well, I plan to be that person for you. I believe you deserve recognition. Just by reading this book, you are positioning yourself to become a pioneer at cutting cords of attachment.

Become the first person on your block to experience this kind of healing, very different from well-meant but ineffectual techniques that clutter the Internet. Most likely you will be the first person in your neighborhood or city, the first among your family, even a leader among your friends.

Run ahead of the pack, as you permanently remove STUFF and put-in self-knowledge that aligns with your soul. Be that Courageous Explorer, one step after another.

That’s my term for stored emotional and energetic garbage, stuck in auras at the astral level.

Humanity needs leaders like you, freeing yourself up from traumas and karmas and illusions from your past. Moving out STUFF!

Back in the days of Freud, attempts to heal the unconscious or subconscious mind represented a great breakthrough. Through psychoanalysis, the patient might uncover traumas that had occurred during her formative years, ameliorating problems like repetition compulsion.

Guess what? Formative years aren’t necessarily so formative, not in the sense that you must necessarily be limited by old STUFF. Not if that STUFF could be healed. (Which it can. Living now. And using techniques to move out subconscious energies and patterns.)

Maybe you have heard that patterns of dysfunction “Run in families,” or you were told that physical or sexual abuse are powerful tendencies, very difficult to dislodge without hard work with a trained mental health professional.

What didn’t Freud (and many healers after him) know? Traumas actively repeat in cords of attachment, imprinting a person with the old pain. Causing what? To repeat, to feel compelled, to feel and act stuck.

With the removal of those cords of pain, that can end. You win a new beginning.

As more people use quality skills to remove their cords of attachment, expect to see huge breakthroughs in personal freedom. Absolutely, folks like you and I can cut cords of attachment to reclaim a full life, and not simply work on ourselves to repackage old distress.

My advice: Keep the memories, especially the good ones. Lose the pain and sense of victimhood, the powerlessness, that sucky sound of drifting from present enjoyment of life into replays of past misery.

Courageous Explorer, get ready to live more fully in the now.

Chapter 1
The Need for Skill

Cord of Attachment
is an energy structure between two people that causes patterns from the past to continue into the present. Cords distort thinking and feeling, moving people around like marionettes.

If you can’t see these invisible strings, how much do they matter? Cords of attachment may be the most significant, treatable cause of problems in your life, keeping you stuck in old patterns. This is the first book to teach a comprehensive method for removing them.

Cord cutting
does not mean ending a relationship. It means releasing problems that repeat endlessly on the level of energy.

Considering a tough relationship in your life now, you might wonder, “Am I better off with him or without him?” To decide most wisely, first remove the energy patterns that pull and tug at you, throwing you out of balance.

At least you never need ask, “Am I better off with or without my cord of attachment?” The answer will always be “Yes.” Removing a toxic cord of attachment can only improve any relationship.

Sometimes newbies at this form of healing worry, “But am I ready to let him go?”

Let go of what? Don’t confuse spiritual ties with cords of attachment. Relationships generate both.

Frankly, you’ll never be ready to release
spiritual ties.
Why would you? These are beautiful energy exchanges between yourself and those you love. To picture spiritual ties, think ribbons of beautiful light, not puppet strings.

Spiritual ties shine with caring, compassion, wisdom and other heart-melting qualities. We couldn’t remove spiritual ties even if we tried. Here at Earth School, all our spiritual learning is cumulative, including the evolutionary power of spiritual ties.

Cords of attachment are another story. Even for the sake of improving a present relationship, you would be wise to remove that cord of attachment. Cords contain patterns of energy that are annoying at best, highly disruptive at worst. The negative effects of a cord of attachment are ongoing and chronic, repeating 24/7 at the level of the subconscious mind.

These energy-based attachments keep old history alive, inwardly repeating events or energies that you would just as soon forget.

When you got up this morning, chances are that you didn’t consciously choose to rehash all the painful incidents of your childhood, then relive every trauma from school and work and then, just for fun, recall every time anyone hurt your feelings significantly.

Plus, have you had any kind of love life at all? Surely it has included disappointments and break-ups. Perhaps there have been unpleasant surprises, betrayals, maybe even divorce.

Did you consciously think about all those past influences before you got out of bed? I sure hope not! Still, every one of these memories lives on—vividly—in cords of attachment.

Negative energy from your past is whooshing in and out of your aura right now, moving through cords of attachment. Expect this patterning to continue until the day you die… unless you can release the cords.

These are physical structures, made of energy. “Cutting cords of attachment” ought not to be confused with psychologically “Cutting the ties that bind” or metaphorically “Cutting the umbilical cord.” Emotions, relationship patterns, psychological issues—sure these can be contained within a particular cord of attachment. But there’s far more to removing these energetic structures than working on yourself emotionally.

And there is also tremendous healing potential from moving out cords of attachment in a way that brings insight and meaning. Mechanical techniques for cord cutting cannot match that healing power.

So you can see why I’m so excited to be able to teach you this skill. We’ll be using a trademarked method called
12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment.
You can use it for yourself and also, if you wish, to help others.

What makes this particular method so effective for healing at depth? It contains a set of easy-to-learn techniques that wake up your
Deeper Perception,
which means noticing things at the level of auras and angels, the very deepest human secrets. From birth, you have had a complete Gift Set for this kind of perception.

Picture using it, if you will, as learning to swim underwater with eyes wide open. Deeper Perception has a different quality from ordinary perception, yet feels completely natural and effortless once you learn how to use it.

Reading the human energy field in depth and detail, trusting your intuition, paying attention to what really is happening in the here and now—being able to do this is your birthright. Actually, you might also consider it a survival skill for the 21st century. All of us receive far too much information every day, complete with advertising and spin galore. How can you choose what really matters? Use Deeper Perception.

Guess what else works better with Deeper Perception?
Rosetree Energy Spirituality.
This is my term for a group of skill sets where direct awareness of the human energy field is the point of entry for holistic healing.

Cutting cords of attachment is one of the Rosetree Energy Spirituality skill sets for removing stored emotional and energetic debris at a subconscious level, then doing “Put-in” with what suits that particular soul better.

Your elegance as a healer with this skill set will depend on systematic training. Beyond that, results that you bring will be directly proportional to the clarity of your inner experience.

If new to Rosetree Energy Spirituality, cutting cords of attachment is a fine place to begin. And speaking of preparation, any work you do that depends upon being perceptive has prepared you as well.

Whatever your professional training or belief system, all you really need bring to this work is an open mind and a willingness to open your heart. Plus, like the mainstream 12-step programs, learning the 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment does require basic willingness to connect to a Higher Power.

Make that
Highest Power,
actually. Are you an agnostic or recovering from difficult experiences with a dogmatic religion? Please understand that Highest Power doesn’t have to be worshipped or even believed in, definitely not visualized, ritualized or otherwise made into a big deal.

You can be a huge lover of God or a highly skeptical person who gamely goes along with this “Highest Power” business just because it is required for these 12 Steps to work. Or you could be anybody in-between. Regardless, you can get great results.

It’s not much different, in that regard, from the original 12-step programs. Except with this skill set you won’t have to begin each cord cutting with an announcement like, “I’m Bobby and I have a really bad cord to my Mom.”

Your opening statement will likely sound way more cheerful. At this point in our journey together,
opening statement goes like this:

“I feel so grateful to everyone who has prepared me to learn and teach this method.”

How This 12-Step Method Evolved

The story began in 1985. A friend recommended that I go see a healer named Joanna Lester for amazing personal sessions that involved cutting cords of attachment. I wondered if this might be important for my spiritual quest.

For the previous 15 years, my life had centered around teaching Transcendental Meditation. While helping students, I did well enough. But my personal life? Such a mess! I couldn’t wait to find out if this cord cutting approach would help.

When Joanna opened the door to her house in Takoma Park, Maryland, I become more curious than ever. She was a slender, exotically beautiful woman with enormously kind dark eyes, an expressive voice, and a professional manner that immediately won my trust. Together, we entered a back room that she had fitted out nicely with a massage table. A sweet silence filled the atmosphere.

Thus we began the enormous task of upgrading my sanity by selecting one cord of attachment to cut. Joanna’s work flowed like a graceful dance.

By the end of our session, I felt dazed but happy. Joanna’s insights were extraordinary, but aside from that I felt somehow different, helped beyond any healing method I had encountered before.

Later I would understand why. Her work belonged to the general category of Rosetree Energy Spirituality, not psychological healing. (More on that distinction later, at Step 10.)

The important point for now is that, although both Rosetree Energy Spirituality and psychological healing can be helpful, these complementary types of healing are apples-and-oranges different. Joanna’s healing session had permanently changed my aura for the better.

Back home, however, my usual skepticism returned. I thought, “Let’s find out if all this happy talk actually makes any difference to my

Within a week, my life did change… significantly. So I scheduled many more sessions with Joanna, cutting a total of 14 cords. I overcame sexual addiction to a very unappreciative man. I released an eating disorder with a 10-year history. And I even made a start on loosening a slavish dependence upon the guru I had followed for most of my adult life, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Nothing had ever helped me so much, not meditation, not psychotherapy, not crystal healing, not Reiki, nothing. Within six months, the worst of my major cords of attachment were gone. Still, I nearly burst into tears at the end of one session, when Joanna told me she would soon move to Montana.

Numbly, I went home. Then I started thinking, and the very next day, I picked up my phone to make Joanna an uncharacteristically bold proposition:

“I’ve been watching how you do our sessions. I think that maybe I could do this kind of work.”

Imagine—she didn’t laugh. She listened.

And then Joanna did something unlike any spiritual authority figure I had ever known before. She offered to help me.

Such a shock! Joanna cared more about helping people than protecting her turf.

She sounded open and interested. Without making a big deal about it, Joanna was introducing me to one of the great principles of New Age spirituality:
Everyone has wisdom, not only some authority figure on high.

At this point I knew nothing about New Age. I was used to my role as a spiritual ignoramus whose only hope was to diligently obey my guru. Now Joanna was treating me like a peer whose ideas deserved respectful consideration.

I was flabbergasted, and all the more so when she added, “How about this? What if I come over to your apartment and you show me what you can do?”

“Show you what I can do?” I repeated lamely.

“Sure. You can try to cut a cord of attachment on me. Then I’ll give you my honest opinion of your work. We‘ll find out if you really can do this thing.”

We set a date. Immediately the stage fright began. Of all the fears blazing around the back of my head like a miniature forest fire, the worst one involved clairvoyance. Joanna could easily see cords of attachment and everything else about auras. Not me.

In this respect, I was more like most people. I had an equally valuable but different Gift Set for Deeper Perception, something I’ll be explaining at Step 3 in this book but didn’t begin to understand in 1985.

At this point, I believed clairvoyants to be far superior to everyone else. So I figured my big audition would play out like The Emperor’s New Clothes, where any child could easily spot the deluded fool (who, in this case, would be me).

When cutting my first cord of attachment, I would have been absolutely terrified if I didn’t already know what a sweet person Joanna Lester was. But she was, so I wasn’t, and therefore the cord cutting actually went quite well. I enjoyed giving something back to the person whose work had helped me so much.

Afterwards Joanna praised what I had done. Deep down, I knew she was simply being honest, as she had promised to be. Despite my lack of clairvoyance, I had located the cord perfectly and done the whole job just fine.

I asked, “Do you think I could do this kind of work?”

Her answer was a resounding “Yes.” Generously, she even said that she would refer clients to me.

So I was on my way. One session at a time, I begin cutting cords of attachment for friends and, later, paying clients. Within a year, I quit my day job and turned pro. Credentialed as a minister, I hung out my shingle, becoming a practitioner of what I would eventually call Rosetree Energy Spirituality.

Developing This 12-Step Method

Over the years, I learned from experience, building upon what I knew that far about cutting cords of attachment. Being technique-oriented, I experimented with refining the basic skills I had learned from Joanna.

Over the years, I developed many unique skill sets, co-creating them with Divine help.
with the
is a pretty valuable skill set in itself. I want to acknowledge the system called “
Inner Sensitivity
” which was helped me move toward developing this skill set.

Other inspiring teachers who come my way were
Tantra Maat
Bill Bauman
, Ph.D. Inspired by their support, I refined the knowledge I had, co-created more, always testing and very aware of the grave responsibility of facilitating energy healing .

It helped that my background had involved intense practice of meditation, starting in 1969. Literally years of my life were spent purifying my mind-body-system, both with daily practice and on spiritual retreats.

Until 1991, I spent just about every disposable dollar I had as an adult on healing services from the best professionals I could find.

Not until 1991, for instance, did I purchase my first piece of adult furniture. That big trip to IKEA was quite a milestone. Another example—I put off having a child until the age of 43.

Yes, it took that long for me to have developed enough clarity in my mind-body-spirit system to consider paying serious attention to my human life, doing regular human-type things as though they mattered.

Over the years, I developed three other trademarked systems, writing books associated with them and teaching workshops:

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