Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning (18 page)

BOOK: Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning
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"Apprentice, come to the training hall," he thought he heard someone calling. When he looked up from the scrubbing sink he couldn’t see anyone.  He heard the voice calling him again a little clearer this time as well felt a tug at his shirt.  He left the kitchen and walked down to the training room hearing the summons several times. As he got closer it came stronger and more frequent.

When he entered the training room he saw Wolnen sitting in the middle of the floor as though he was in a trance. Wizard Terinal was there standing above him.  He walked over to the wizard and knelt down as he had been instructed.

"You erd da summons?"

"Yes wizard, who was calling me?"

"Patlin Wolnen, he summoned you by my order.  It is time tew prepare fer your final test. I now see you can receive a wind message which is a good sign.  You must always remember tew answer as quickly as possible."

Wolnen stood up walking behind Roland. He could feel the small tugs of wind behind him and quickly took hold of the power.  He didn’t want to go through another episode like he had with Rien a few weeks back.  He was frustrated when he could feel the block that Wolnen had placed on him.  He began to panic and fight as hard as he could only feeling as though he was slamming his fists against a stone wall.

"Please calm down," said Terinal, "dis shield will no urt you. Wolnen has placed it on you by my request. He has tol me how well you ave been learning and better yet rememberin what yew ave been taught.  Aside from what de uder wizards ave said I feel yew are ready tew learn a very valuable and important lesson.

Da shield dat as been placed around yew is a combination of earth an wind. Although yew cannot see it I am sure yew can feel a physical restraint. Now dat you are calm slowly attempt tew take ahold of only da wind."

"I.. I can't feel anything," he said still a little unsettled.

"Okay, relax, an listen. All a power block is is a web, an within every web no mater how powerful da wizard is dere is always a flaw.  Once you find dat flaw it is like unraveling a blanket.  Wit each tug da integrity grows weaker an eventually yew can make a hole large enough tew take control of da power.  Da goal is tew accomplish dis witout letin whoever as blocked yew know what yew are doin."

He closed his eyes and turned his thoughts on how to find this weakness. He was not sure how he would be able to accomplish it. He almost jumped when he could feel a soft spot in the shield.  He concentrated all of his efforts at breaking through; those around him could see the small beads of sweat forming on his brow.  It took him a few hours before he could feel any real change in the hole, so when the power came rushing in it almost knocked him down.  The feeling of being free nearly overwhelmed him, along with the surge of power.

"Very good," said Wolnen, "it took a little longer than I thought it would but not bad for your first time. I made it as difficult as I could, when you start with someone that doesn’t know you can do this it will be much easier. So do you think it will be easier for you to do next time?"

"I am sure I could do it again, but I will be a little more prepared. I thought I was going to be burned out after that happened."

They continued their testing for the next few days, preparing for the final test of the wind. Knowing what might happen he would not let himself be distracted this time.  When he arrived for his final test, Wizard Terinal was there.  As he entered the training room he could feel someone putting a shield on him and noticed the wizard was the only one holding the power.

As quick as he could he reached for the power. The shield was close to being closed but he was able to catch a small thread of water and created a small pool of mist right behind him.  He had found in his studies a detailed description on how to break down such a barrier and to bring it back on the one creating it. Knowing this could get him into trouble again he almost let go, but he wanted to prove a point.

As the two ends of the shield started to weave together they touched the pool causing a backlash of power. He felt the shield shatter, leaving the feeling like he was coming out of a dream. He could see each particle breaking away, flying back at Terinal.  He stood there stunned and amazed at how quickly it went, and almost started laughing at the expression on Terinal.

"Roland, release the shield now," shouted Wolnen.

As he did he saw Wolnen connect with the power, taking the wind he slowly lowered Terinal to the ground, he laid there limp and appeared to be white as a ghost.  When he got to his side Wolnen looked up at him anger and worry burning in his eyes.

"What were you thinking," he shouted.  "Weren't you told never to use magic that you were not trained in?"

"Yes, I'm sorry about this, can you tell me what happened?" he said, heavy with worry and concern.

"When you backlash the power like that it can cause the person sending the spell to be drained of the life essence. At the worst it looks like you were lucky, the punishment for that is immediate death. But it looks like Wizard Terinal is only in a state of shock.  I need you to go and get Wizard Petron, do it now."

"Can't we call him on the wind?"

"There is no time for that.  Go, Run as fast as you can before Wizard Terinal gets any worse."

Roland took off on a dead run. Fueled by fear and panic he reached the office of Wizard Petron shortly. When the guards saw him running down the hall they stepped in front of the door. Without realizing how or what he was doing Roland took the power and using the wind, moved the two guards out of the way and opened the door.  He was out of breath when he arrived and took a brief moment to catch himself.

He was frantically explaining to Wizard Petron what had happened on the way back down to the training hall. He didn’t see the small smile come across his face.  When they arrived in the training hall Roland noticed a larger group of people circled around where Wizard Terinal had been lying. When the crowd noticed Wizard Petron they opened an isle for him to walk in. Roland following right behind him was relieved to see him sitting up. His face was not as flush, but he still seemed to be breathing a little ragged, as though he had just gotten back from running.

"Terinal, what is going on?" demanded Wizard Petron.

"I tink youn Roland as learnt a new trick," he said.

Petron dismissed everyone that was around telling them there was nothing left to see. That Terinal would be fine, he was more concerned about the rumors that were already starting. He reminded himself that he would have to have a long talk with Roland about this.

"Now Terinal, explain to me what really happened. This young man came to me in such a panic I thought he had killed you," said Petron.

"He accomplished sometin dat I ave never seen. E was called here for his final test; I attempted tew put a shield on im when he came into da room, as wit all trainees. But fer some reason it backfired an before I knew it my shield broke free from im and surrounded me. It took me a moment to realize it, an findin da weak spot took a little time, but once I ad I was able tew release myself pretty easily," he told him.

"Apprentice that was a very dangerous thing you just did. I don't know what we would have done had it not been that easy to solve.  You must promise me that you will never do any magic without first consulting a wizard; they will be able to let you know if it is safe. Second and most important never perform anything on a wizard without them knowing.  That could be considered a threat on their life."

Roland acknowledged the error of his ways and swore never to do it again.  Wolnen took him back to his room; the walk was quiet as Wolnen was upset at what Roland had done.  He took it as a personal insult on himself for not respecting the order of the wizard.  He didn’t sleep well that night waking up several times with nightmares of killing Terinal.

"Terinal, do you think that he is ready for the next step of training?" asked Petron, both watching the two young men walking down the hall.

"E is strong Petron, one of da strongest dat I've seen in cycles.  I believe e will be able to master da art of probability wit little problem.  I would still continue tew watch im closely though.”

When he was summoned to Petrons' office the next day he thought he was going to be severely reprimanded for his disobedience the day before.  He had already punished himself more than anyone ever could. He decided that being writ with guilt was worse than anything. By not getting a good night sleep he was probably in worse shape.

The large doors to Petrons office were open, and not seeing any guards around he became worried, that was something he had never seen before.  The room was fairly dark when he walked in, a small fire giving the only light in the room. The flames caused shadows to dance throughout the room giving an even eerier feel to the room.  He saw Petron sitting in a large chair in front of the fireplace reading.

"Wizard, you summoned me?" he asked hesitantly.

"Yes, please come and sit down," he said calling a chair from the wall and placing it next to his.  It bothered him that he didn’t turn to face him.  "I understand you have been spending a little extra time on your studies."

"Yes, I thought it would be important to learn as much as I could. I didn’t have the opportunity back home for much schooling and I have really enjoyed the time that I have had here."

"Have you seen this book?" he asked, holding up a leather bound book that seemed frayed around the edges.

The Terion Chronicles, he read, "Yes, I have read some of it. That's the book that I got those spells that I used. I found most of it to be very interesting, why do you ask?"

"Where did you get it?" he asked, his voice sounded accusing.

"It was on the shelf in one of the rooms that I was assigned to, what is this all about?" he answered, getting frustrated with all the questions.

"This is a rare book; one that was supposed to be kept locked up and kept for only the wizards to use.  As you have experienced yourself someone who does not understand the power as they should can do a great deal of harm and damage.  What else do you remember from this book?"

"Not a lot. I didn't read it as though it was important, more of an adventure. At the time it didn't occur to me that the spells would really work until the two that I tried did. I didn't read much after that so they were the only ones that I remember."

"This copy has been lost for nearly one hundred cycles. How it got into the room of an apprentice I will never know.  But now it is safe. I'm sure you will have the opportunity to read this again. Let me tell you a little about it.

In the sixth age, there was a powerful wizard, one of the most powerful this world had ever seen. But with this power came greed and anger. When he was not called to sit on the High Council he rebelled.  This action had severe consequences on the world. He found an ancient manuscript on the creation, upon learning that the Dark Lord was entrapped in the center of the earth he set out to release him.

Fortunately for us a few other wizards had learned of his plan. A group of them took it upon themselves to find him and kill him before he could follow through with his plan.  They hoped that when they found him they could destroy the only document that contained the spell to release the Dark Lord. They knew they had to get to him before he started or they would not be able to destroy the document.

It took them several cycles to find him. They followed every suspicion of strange or unexplained event. When they found him it was too late, he had already started the ritual. Fortunately they did stop him in time, he had only weakened the cell, by doing so the Dark Lords power has increased on the earth, but he is not free.

Our concern now is the power of the Dark Lord has grown too strong. We feel now that he will soon be able to break free from his prison. This is the goal of the Legion; they feel he will endow them with great power over everyone else if he is successful.  We simply cannot allow this to happen.

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