Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning (14 page)

BOOK: Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning
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Chapter 9

Fire and Water

pprentice Roland, you have been summoned to meet with your mentor Maglin, please follow me," the servant told him.

He looked over at the new item he was given, they called it a time keeper, by some means it measured out the hours of the day.  From what he could tell only an hour had passed since he had laid down, yet it only seemed like five minutes.

He had not seen Maglin now for several months. He had asked about him a few times, always getting the same answer. He was out looking for new apprentices.  But now it seemed that he had returned and wanted a meeting with him.  "How nice of him to call on me at this hour," he thought to himself.

Maglin was sitting in front of the fireplace reading a book when he got there; he coughed a little to announce himself.

"Please come in," said Maglin, "please have a seat. You are looking well. I understand that you have progressed considerably since I was here last that’s good.  How have you been feeling lately?"

"I'm alright, why do you ask?"

"I just came from your village; I visited with your father for a while. He is also doing well I might add.  He requested that I check up on you to see how you are doing."

"Thank you that’s good to hear."

"There is also some other things that I wanted to talk to you about.  I understand you are nearly done with the studies of knowledge and ready to move on to actual magic."

"Yes that's right I know most of the histories of the realms, as well as how to work between the two planes. They have me scheduled to start the lessons on controlling the power and learning the steps to manipulate it to do as I need it to do. I believe it will begin the middle of next week, are you going to stay around to watch?"

"Yes, I will still be here. Before that happens I want to tell you some things, things that you will not learn from any books.  Has anyone told you of the Legion yet?"

"No, who are they?"

"They are our enemies. They use magic for dark and evil purposes.  Their leader is Maglon don Princter, he is my brother,” he stated solemnly.  “They follow the way of the Dark Lord Morirte.  They believe that the great creator gave them the power to control the elements and therefore should be revered as gods.  Plainly they are out to destroy all that is good in the world and to rule over everyone with dark power.

"We of the Order, also have our secrets. Many centuries ago we created a series of floating islands, the Mystical Islands. We have placed a sacred artifact there, the Crown of Probability. It is protected by many powerful wizards; it has been gone so long that many do not know where the hidden islands are located. Only those who answer its call are presumed to have found their way.

The last known leader on this island was a wizard by the name of Milliardo lon Brenkle.  Let me warn you now, the stronger you get, especially when you advance to a journey the Legion will try all they can to get you to join with them. This is your fair warning for that, always be cautious."

The time for Roland had seemed to go by faster than he had expected. His personal studies had taken much of his time since he had arrived. He felt like he was able to match almost anyone's knowledge on the political situations of the known realms.  His understanding on taking the elemental power while remaining focused on reality had improved greatly.  He was excited now that Maglin had returned he would be able to start actual training.

"Apprentice Roland," said Wizard Petron, "you have learned well. I cannot disagree with the other wizards and prevent you from learning what destiny has given us. You will now begin the lessons of magic. Each step will take you closer to who you will become one day.  Your first element will be fire under the instruction of Wizard Ylien, fire master."

He remembered the heads of each elemental order. Ylien had always been patient with him, and the few times he had seen him in the hallways had been pleasant.

"Remember apprentice, each person learns differently. Having been born with the ability that you have, I imagine you will be able to learn quickly. As you advance through each element, you will be watched even closer," said Petron.  "As you may have seen, each wizard carries with him a staff of power. Embedded somewhere are power stones, which will give you a better ability to control the elements. We have had a few staffs made so that you may choose which one feels the best to you."

The walls were lined with several staffs to choose from ranging from ones that looked like plain tree branches, to black smooth obsidian. Even though it looked like stone it felt as light as a feather. Each one had the pits where the elemental power stones were to be embedded. Many ran along the shank of the staff spaced just far enough apart for the person’s fingers to touch.  This helped to bring the power of the stones in contact with the holder. Other staffs had some pattern or design on the top, their lengths ranged from a cane to a full height man.

He walked around the room, looking at each staff picking some up to test their feel and weight in his hands. There were some that he could barely lift, even though they were smaller then he was. Others he couldn’t even get close to.  Each staff seemed to emanate a little power of its own, repelling any unwanted user. It seemed more difficult to find a suitable staff then he had imagined. Lying against a pillar was an unusual looking staff; it was bent and crooked as though it was a rough hewn limb from a branch. It came to about mid arm to him and almost glistened with power. Running down the side was a dark black streak that went the full length of it.

The top was almost like a knotted pine after having been smoothed to a crystal shine. The pits for the stones were laid around the top with a large indented area; he picked it up feeling a strong surge of power through his body.  He felt as though it was fusing itself to his very core.  He swung it around the weight and balance was perfect for him.

Ylien took Roland to a new part of the castle; it never ceased to amaze him how big this place actually was. Each order had its own training center. Located in their separate wings, this allowed them to teach without hindrance from anyone not of their order.  The training room for the order of fire was exceptionally large.  From what he could see there were many different situations that someone could find themselves in, ranging from a large army to what appeared to be a hospice of some sort.

"Apprentice, before we start any physical training, you will need to learn the lore behind fire. Why we have it and what it can be used for. Also the dangers it can pose not only to yourself but to those around you.

Back when you were testing to get in, you may remember me telling you that fire is the hardest and most dangerous of all elements to control. Because it can easily take control of you, and in so doing will consume you and you could spontaneously combust.  The main purpose of fire is to cleanse, that is why the Creator gave it to us, but being who we are we use it more to destroy, there are only two things that can stop fire from destroying, water and earth, all else will assist in the destruction.

When we connect ourselves to fire we are actually tapping into the awesome power of the sun. It has the ability to cleans or destroy all it touches, depending on who is controlling it.  As I told you before, fire is not to be played with. You are not to access it without me or one of my assistants around to help you, do you understand?"

"Yes sir, that is all very clear to me, except, when you say we are tapping directly into the power of the sun, how do we accomplish that?"

"When you were young, did you ever take a broken piece of glass and try to start a fire with it or kill small insects with it?"

"I don't really remember, but I have seen that being done."

"That is the same basic principle. The sun is a key element in our lives; without it we would be unable to function, think of all it does.  The sun provides us the light to grow all our plants, heat for our homes for most of the cycle.  Throughout your training you will be learning how to control it. Manipulating it for what you want it to do. Once you reach patlin status, you will learn how to use its properties to protect people.

To start out you will need to learn the basics. When you were tested it took several hours to extinguish a flame. The first thing you will learn is something simple. Take this pitcher of water and heat it up without burning the wood jug that it’s in."

With all his earlier lessons he could now take control of the element with little effort; however he was unprepared for the amount he was able to take on channeling it through his staff.  He focused all his thoughts on controlling the wave of power to enter into the water. When the element first made contact with the water he was struck with a wave of nausea.  With that the element took on a little more power then he wanted and the wood began to smoke along the rim.

He quickly regained the power and once again directed it into the water.  The nausea didn’t come as strong this time now that he was expecting it. Slowly steam began to rise from the water.  Again he got too excited and sent a large burst of power that instantaneously turned the pitcher to ash.

"What happened?" demanded Ylian.

"I messed it up. When I saw the steam start to rise I lost control and too much power went in. It will not happen again, I promise."

"Very well try it again, but focus this time. Watch your emotions they can be both your greatest strength as well as your greatest weakness," he explained.

"Before I do it again, I need to know something. When the flame touched the water I felt as though I was going to vomit and pass out, what caused that?"

"When each element comes in contact with another there is always an influx of power. Each element changes just a little to accommodate the other. Your body will quickly become used to the changes. Each time that happens it will change your body chemistry a little as well," he answered.  "There is nothing for you to worry about. In fact you will come to enjoy the changes after a while."

“Before you take up the power again, use this little spell,
Dal Shaleel
,” Ylian told him. “This will help to reduce the amount of power that flows through you.”

Roland took up the power one more time, whispering
Dal Shaleel.
He felt the power flow through him, but this time it was different it was controlled. It felt limited. He became determined not to fail. He wanted to learn all he could as quickly as possible.  He wanted to show them that he could become one of the most powerful wizards there has ever been.

He focused the power on the water willing it to heat up. He braced himself for the nausea that would come. With the lower power level the feeling and disorientation was greatly reduced. This gave him the ability to focus and control the power stream better this time allowing him to heat the water up quickly, judging when it was at the point of boiling he pulled the power back and released it.

The pitcher itself was a little warm to the touch, but looking inside he could see the small bubbles that had formed along the inside, right at the point of boiling.  He poured them both a cup of tea and they sat there talking about the day’s lessons and the magical world as they slowly drank it.

He studied fire lore for the next few weeks. The main emphasis on his training at this point was to learn control, knowing how much of the power to use, how to place it in the right spot and when to use it.  His understanding about the properties of fire grew each day; he also enjoyed the company of Marcl the patlin who was placed over him as a guide and teacher.

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