Read Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning Online
Authors: R. W. Weston
The room was circular making it easier to hear any sound. The ceiling was in the formation of a giant dome with a huge chandelier hanging from the center. In the middle of the dome was the picture of a sun, also gilt in gold the reflection giving off the appearance of sunlight. He slowly walked around the outside of the room, looking at all the paintings on the walls, most were of battles.
He saw all the people bow to the king, when they stood they heard a loud exclamation, "Long live King Roland, protector of the people," that made him stop. He slowly walked in front of the throne. He could not believe what he saw, sitting there on the throne was him, albeit a little older. He walked up the few steps to get a closer look; he saw the scepter that was on the doors, along with the crown, which appeared to be floating just above his head. He reached to try and touch himself, just to see if it was real.
The jolt that woke him up knocked him off the log that he had been sitting on. It took him a minute to realize where he was. He stood and was surprised that his muscles were tight and stiff; causing him to stumbled a little when he tried to walk. When he got back to the fire, Maglin and Ty were sitting there talking, both jumped when he came into the clearing.
"I didn't expect you to be done so soon, you were only entranced for half an hour, are you feeling okay?" asked Maglin.
"Yeah, can we talk about what just happened?"
"Yes, defiantly, let's go back to the log," he said, getting up and walking back the way he came.
They sat down together for several hours, Roland told Maglin about what he had seen. He was afraid that he missed whatever he was suppose to be looking for, or worse yet, that he may have to do it again. That alone left him with a feeling of unease, possibly having to see himself again, not only that but his family as well. Until that moment he didn't realize how much he missed his father. After he finished Maglin sat there, it looked to him like he was thinking and pondering about what to say and how to say it.
"Well done. I would have to say that you are tied to probability, in that vision you brought the past to life, saw a present that would have been probable, and a future although sketchy, still is very possible. You don't remember why you were made a king do you, or over what?"
"No, I still can't believe what I saw; it still seems more like a dream."
"Now that we know what your strongest element is, we can start your training with actual magic. Let me warn you, it will not be easy, so we shall only learn what you need know, and how to do it for the time being.
Where we are going you will meet many wizards, trainers of our order. They will teach you much more than you expect, the time will be difficult, but you will do fine.
Remember with wizards it is important to keep in line and to know the hierarchy and to be able to show proper respect, trust me you don't want to upset a wizard. You will first be an apprentice, basically learning what you have already learned, only now you will be taught how to control more magic with each use. As an apprentice you will also have many studies all under constant supervision from someone higher.
Once you have learned these skills you will be advanced to a patlin. Although you will not have so many of the daily house cleaning jobs, your training will be intensified. You will learn more about the elements and what is expected of you. At this time you will also be given a few apprentices to supervise. Remember we are teaching you how to help others; some skills are more easily gained than others.
The next advancement will bring you to journey status. This is the most fun of the three lower ranks, at this time you will be given the opportunity to leave; you must then choose a destiny or quest. You will be out in the world, exploring and helping all that you may, due to this you will have no supervision from the other wizards, so you must be very careful on how you handle yourself. At this time in the learning there are some who choose to seek out the Legion to join with their cause.
Once you have proven yourself worthy, then you will be given the choice, to become a wizard. This is the hardest to endure, not only because of the great stress and loneliness that it can bring. There is an awesome responsibility that comes with this calling in life.
As a wizard you will be sent out in the world to find others who possess the skills of using magic. I'm afraid to say of late there have not been many found. At the same time you will be charged with finding any member of the Legion and destroying them. If you train well enough you will be given some apprentices, and patlins to train. As I said this is the hardest calling to be given in life."
When the two of them returned to the camp Ty had already fallen asleep, the fire was now down to ashes. Roland put a new log on the fire and stoked the coals until a small flame caught and the fire was going again. When he finally went to sleep the sun was on its way up, "Yet another short night of sleep," he thought to himself before sleep took him.
When he awoke it was well past midday. Ty was up moving around taking care of the necessities of the camp. Such as tending to the horses and collecting fire wood. Maglin was sitting in front of the fire writing something in a little notebook. He was surprised that the two of them let him sleep so long, even though it did feel great.
"Good morning Master Roland," Maglin said, putting his book away, "I trust you slept well."
"Yes, better than I have in a long time, thank you for asking."
"Rest well today; we will have another long night tonight. Tonight you will learn the basics of magic," he said, "Tylon come over here please, I have something to show and tell the both of you."
Ty stopped brushing the horses and came over to them. They followed Maglin deep into the forest, neither one of them knew what was going on. Maglin came to a short stop, they heard him whisper something, as he did the trees began to move. When they stopped moving, they saw a large clearing. A few partels in from the tree line was a large lake, and in the middle was an island. Sitting on the island was a large castle, made from black stone; it was hard to see from where they were standing.
What they both had noticed was that beyond the tree line it looked like spring, the lake was not frozen over, nor was there any snow on the island. Instead it had the greenest grass, and most colorful arrangements of flowers they had ever seen.
"Tomorrow boy's we will go there. This is our destination, The House of Learning." Maglin quickly turned back around and started to head back the direction they had come from.
Out of the corner of his eye Ty saw something moving, at first he thought it was just the wind, because there was no sound. As he looked closer he could see the figure of a man. He didn't say anything, but continued to watch into the woods for any other type of movement. When they got back to camp he pulled Roland aside to tell him what he saw. They both decided it would be best to tell Maglin, in case it was another attack from the Legion.
"Roland, Ty, I want you to meet someone, this is my guardian," he said, as a figure came into the clearing. His movements were so careful and skillful, that if you didn't look right he would seem to disappear.
"This is who you saw in the woods earlier today Ty, you must have a quick eye to have been able to see him he is what we call a Grolian, a wizard protector. All journeymen are assigned a Grolian, as a protector. They are or were normal people, but swore an allegiance to a certain wizard, in return they benefit with a longer life."
The grolian didn’t speak much, just watching him made them feel dizzy. He would take on whatever color that was behind him. All that day all Roland and Ty could think of was going into the castle they saw. That and the thought that they would at last be able to sleep on a soft bed instead of the ground as well as to have a hot meal and bath.
"Roland, it’s time to learn how to call the elements, this is something you will need to know before tomorrow. So I'm afraid there will be little rest this night," stated Maglin.
He was excited for this, he had now been waiting over two months, traveling and learning the fundamentals of magic, but until now not able to call it. Ty continued about his routine, he had gotten so used to of taking care of the camp. The preparations were a little different today then they had been, on account that they were leaving in the morning.
"Listen well, for this is not to be taken lightly. The elements are what control all that goes on in life, from the greatest creation to the least of all things. When you finally get the spells down, you will be in control of these very elements.
Let’s start with something simple, we will call the wind. You must focus on what you want to do, finding your personal center, but being careful not to enter fully as you did last night. The true name of the wind is
, when you find your center, concentrate and call its name. You will know when you have been connected to it, now try it."
It took him a minute to find his center; it did come easier now that he knew what it felt like, as well as what to do. When he found it he quietly whispered the word, "
," just as the word left his mouth he could feel something strange, it was as though something had just connected itself to him. It wasn’t heavy or feel like something physical, he slowly opened his eyes, seeing for the first time the strands of magic.
Never before did he feel so alive, so strong and yet vulnerable at the same time. He could see the element of wind take a physical form in front of his eyes, slowly he held out his hand, trying to grasp on to the end of what appeared to be a cord. When he finally got it the surge of power that he felt knocked him down. He quickly lost his center and in an instant he was back in reality.
Maglin was just standing there looking at him, with a small smile on his face. "So you saw it did you, very good, but you were not cautious like I have taught you, you tried to grab it didn't you?"
"Yes, it was so beautiful, like nothing I had ever seen before. It felt like it was calling to me, but when I touched it, well you know what happened."
"Yes boy, like many things in this life. Magic is alive, and with no power to control it, it can destroy you. Next time you will learn to be a little more careful, the consequences can be much more deadly than that," Maglin said, a strong hint of caution carried with it. "Now we shall try fire, this is stronger than the last so be careful, the true name of fire is "
," remember that. Now find your center again and try it, I will join you when it is time to come back."
He sat down this time, afraid of what might happen. He found his center and whispered the word "
," once again he felt the sensation come over him of being attached to something. Opening his eyes, he saw the fire elements, it was not at all like he had imagined, rather than being a red hot flame it was more of an orange cord, waving smoothly at him. He had the desire to reach up and grab the cord again, but remembering what had happened to him when he touched the wind, and the caution given from Maglin, he quickly put his hand back down.
Maglin appeared out of thin air, startling him a little. He slowly walked over next to Roland just looking at the cord with him. "My boy, this is the power of the elements, it’s a wonderful feeling to be one with them is it not," he whispered. Roland nodded his head in agreement. "Let's go, take my hand, the first few times you disconnect yourself from the elements is a little difficult.
As they separated themselves Roland felt a little lost and disoriented. He knew he was sitting when he started, but now he was a few feet away.
"That was very good you are able to learn quickly. Soon you will be able to see what is going on in the realm of reality while you are still connected to the elements. It is now time to try water, this true name is "
," now try it. I will retrieve you again when you are through."
Finding his center was easier each time that he attempted it, he still needed to close his eyes to concentrate when he started. After a few short calming breaths he was able to find it. Whispering the word that would connect him to water, "
," he immediately knew he was connected and opened his eyes once again, there in front of him was another smooth cord, waving ever so slightly at him, this one a bluish color. Maglin soon entered and took him back to reality.