Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning (19 page)

BOOK: Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning
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That is why this book is so important. It’s a book of prophesy, foretelling of the bringer of light, a powerful wizard, who will be endowed with the power of the Creator himself. We have been searching most of my life time for this person.  When found it means the Dark Lord will soon have the power to break free.  We use this book as a guide to find, train, and prepare him for what will be known as the final battle; we believe this will be you."

The room was silent except for the occasional snap of the logs in the fireplace. He just sat there for what seemed like an eternity, letting the reality of what he had just heard sink in.  It was like a mental whiplash coming back to reality.

"I understand this is a lot to think about. I will let you go back to your room to think about it for the night. Tomorrow you will start a new training course, one that I will teach you," he said, standing to lead him out of the office.

He didn't know what to think. The prospect that he could be the bringer of light was daunting. He remembered in the book all the power that this person would have. He wasn’t sure he would ever be able to learn how to control it.  This weighed down on him like a ton of bricks. When he got back to his room he laid down, falling into a fitful sleep.

The next day he was called back to Petrons office. This time everything seemed to be as it should. The large doors were closed with guards where they were supposed to be.  He stood outside while he was announced, walking in he saw Petron putting something in a metal box. He figured it was the book he saw last night, shuddering a little at the thought of what it was.

"Good morning," said Petron, "I hope you slept well, we have a lot of stuff to cover today."

The concepts of Probability were some of the most difficult to understand. The idea that you could change the present by going into the past was mind boggling.  The difficulty with this was trying to fathom how much of the present was changed by a single action.  He was not sure he wanted to learn this, so with the reassurance that not everyone could accomplish this, they settled into practicing.

"To access this element is not like any other. You must have the desire within your heart and your intentions must be pure. Remember you cannot deceive yourself, no matter how hard you try."

Probability was a very difficult element to understand yet alone take control of. There were so many new rules that had to be learned and the consequences of each action had a greater affect on everything, not just the immediate but all time both past, present and future.  Petron continually counseled Roland on the dangers of traveling to far into the past.

Telling him the further back one went the greater the effect would be on the known present.  He was also cautioned about going too far into the future. Learning what was happening there could cause to great of a temptation to alter events that one found unfavorable and thereby changing the future in an indescribable way.

He started to travel a day or two into the past, using the water element to shield himself as he started to observe different events. He quickly learned how dangerous as well as how beneficial this could be to an individual.  He decided to test out how things could change in what he felt were small ways.

Over the next few days he traveled into the past making small adjustments and changes to the things he knew would only affect him. He could sense the small changes almost immediately in himself a sense of confusion at times when he moved things in his room.

He decided to try going two days into the future to observe what was going to happen, taking caution not to observe himself and to stay as far as he could from anywhere he knew he would be.  The results were astonishing. He saw small things he never noticed before what was difficult was when he was back in the present he had to fight the urge to confront those he watched.  He wanted to warn them or give them a heads up of what was going to happen.

This element was so uncommon and with the ability to change past and future events it was too dangerous to test the individual on. Only a wizard with the ability to connect to probability could determine if the person even possessed the ability. For most they would teach them how to block the skill so there wouldn’t be any potential of using it. However he knew if Roland was to fulfill the prophecies. He would not only have to know about it and have access to it, he would have to control and master it.





























Chapter 11

Mysteries and Mayhem

omorrow we will schedule your advancement," said Petron.  "I hope you understand how much information you have gained these last few weeks. It will be extremely important to all of us that you never forget what I have taught you. More important you never teach anyone this skill or use it for the wrong reasons.  I warn you now; if I or any other wizard on the High Council learns that you have gone corrupt we will not hesitate to kill you.  Do you understand that?"

"Yes sir," was all he could think of. He knew the great possibilities that he had now and was more afraid to use them then anyone could imagine.  Throughout this training his studies were restricted to the few documents on the misuse of this power.  Even now the present is so much different then what it would have been.

"Petron, if we can travel back in time, why doesn't someone go back to stop Hernel from trying to open the Dark Lords cell?"

"It's not that easy; believe me we have thought of that. We are not willing to suffer the consequences of that change.  As you have read and should understand, before we change anything of the past, or tell what the future will hold we must have the majority vote of the High Council.  That is not easy and takes more time then we have allowed ourselves in a very long time."

He still had a hard time comprehending how big of a change that would be. They talked for several more hours, mostly about what would be required to advance to patlin status and the responsibilities that would include.  He was invited to eat dinner with Petron and a few other wizards, enjoying himself immensely.

He was able to retire early that night knowing he would have a full day ahead of him. Making the final preparations for his final skills test, as well as his knowledge test would take most of his time and energy. Most apprentices put more emphasis on controlling the power instead of the aspect of knowledge, this being every bit as important as the elemental skills.

It was rare now that he could remember what he dreamt about. The magic surrounding the house was preventing any outside influences this time as he dreamt it seemed more as if he were awake, than asleep.  He saw someone coming toward him, not sure what to expect he reached for the power.

"Be at peace, I mean you no harm," said the stranger.  He felt as though he recognized the voice somewhere from his past. It was a woman’s voice soft and comforting. As she got closer she called on a light letting him see there was nothing to worry about.

"Mother?” he asked. “How can you be here?"

"There is a secret with wizards. Because we have had the opportunity in life to work with the elements, when we pass on, our minds are joined with them. There have been many times that I have spoken to you through them, watched over you growing up."

"So why now do you show yourself to me, why haven't you visited me like this before?"

"I only come now to give you help. Time is growing short. The Legion has sent out many spies to find you, some more powerful than any that have been seen before.  When you advance you will be learning new magic, your abilities will be enhanced with the use of marklons.  You will need some of the most powerful ones to survive as the dark powers grow stronger with each passing day."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Son, you are the ordained one. You are the bringer of light. The fate of all the races will one day rest upon you. That is why it is so important for you to listen to what I have to say.  I have seen each possibility of the future, in some you were victorious in defeating the Dark Lord others you were not.

These tools that I am going to tell you about are vitally important to your success.  You must never tell anyone about them, use your study time to find all the information that you can. When you reach journey status take the time to find these.

They are The Sword of Fire, Ring of Water, Staff of Wind, Amulet of Earth, and the Crown of Probability.  Each one of these will give you aid in controlling an enormous amount of power."

In the next minute she was gone. He could still hear voices in the background, knowing that he was still in his dream. He decided to walk around a little to see if he could recognize the building he was in.

He found the symbol on the floor. After taking a better look at it he recognized the meaning of the different symbols, each one representing one of the elements.  The voices coming through the darkness startled him a little at first. Not seeing anyone he decided to try and find out who was there with him.

He found two people talking one down on his knees. Fear overwhelming in his eyes and the pool of sweat forming on his shirt. The other figure was wearing a cloak that seemed to drink up the darkness around him; he could feel the evil coming from him.

"Master, they have the bringer of light: the creators prophesy; it will be fulfilled," came the strange voice.

"Find him, we must bring him to our side, or he must be destroyed. He cannot be allowed to grow stronger than I am.  Is that understood?" said the cloaked man.  "There is someone here with us, do you feel it?" the cloaked man turned his head around the room when the hood opening meet Roland’s gaze he felt as though he had just walked through a lake of ice.

"So you know the dream world do you?" said the cloaked man.

Roland could not move he was frozen by fear or a shield he didn’t know, the figure came closer, slowly luring him into his gaze. He became fearful for his life thinking it would end at any moment.  "So you are the one they are talking about," he said with a chuckle, "you are nothing, a mere child,” he said his voice heavy with disdain.

In the next instant there was a blinding light, brighter than any he had ever seen. When his vision returned, he looked around; it took him a moment to realize he was awake with four wizards standing around him and another five sitting in chairs. Each one looked as if they had just run a ten mile race.

"What were you doing in the world of dreams?" asked Petron.

"I really don't know. I had fallen asleep and the next thing I knew I was talking with my mother. When she left I started looking around, that's when I found these two men talking. I don't remember much after that," he told them, still shaking. He was chilled from the sweat that now covered his own sheets and pillow.

"You were lucky this time. That was the manifestation of the Dark Lord. He had you in his thrall; we were warned when your mother visited me in my dream.  Had it not been for that you may not be alive. It took five of the most powerful wizards to break you free," he said. "Next time you are called to the world of dreams like that, leave after the message has been delivered. The Dark Lord has too much power there."

After everyone left he tried to rest. But every time he started to fall asleep he would remember his encounter and startle awake. He decided he would take this opportunity to find as much of the information on what his mother had told him.  He wrote down each item so he would not forget them.

The library was quiet when he arrived. All but a few of the torches had been put out. Not knowing where to start his search he started to walk around the library.  He remembered his mother saying the word marklon, so that is where he decided to look. He found a number of books that talked about them; he picked one called, "The History and Make of the Marklon."

The book gave a brief description of all the different marklons that had been made, when, and for whom.  Next to each one showed where they were located, most were still found in the vaults of the house of learning. Of course the ones that he wanted were all in the list of missing ones.

Finding each one he learned who they had been made for and by so doing decided where to start. The first one he looked up was the Sword of Fire. It was given to a great warrior among the humans named Phloria der Eglamond. He figured he would look back in the history books on the Nolarian realm. He remembered most of what he had read, but the name did not sound familiar.

He decided it would be best to ask Telm. He knew where almost everything could be found in the library. He looked around for several more hours trying to find anything useful there; he was trying to keep awake until Telm arrived at dawn.

"Telm, I need some help. Do you know of anyone in the history books by the name of Phloria der Eglamond?"

"Let me see. Oh yes here it is, best known as the white warrior said to have been endowed with great strength.  He was killed in the Nolarian realm by a wizard while attempting to assassinate the king.  It is noted that he was buried in the traitors’ graveyard outside the city of Nevel. Why do ask?"

"I had an interesting dream. One I probably shouldn't talk about, it still gives me the creeps. Do you have any books on his life, I would like to learn a little more about him," he asked.

"I'm sure that I do. Look in the section of history around the sixth age; I believe that is when he was alive."

He stayed in the library all that day gathering information on Eglamond. He lived an interesting life, fighting for the power of good. He found many references to the sword he carried.  It was believed to have been given to him by Tril who was the Lord of the Dragons.  He finally found some information that proved to be the most useful. A series of books titled “The Lives and Deaths of Ancient Warriors,” which was located somewhere in the large history library in Nevel.

That would have to wait until he started his journey. He continued to look throughout the library. He started to gather as much information on the sword of fire as he could in hopes to learn about its purpose.

The sword was believed to have been made from the pure fire of the dragons’ breath. This gave any person who possessed it two qualities. First it allowed them to control the fire element, second it would allow them to gain the wisdom of the dragons. They were believed to be the first creations of life from the creator.  They lived for centuries which allowed them to possess knowledge beyond human understanding.

It took him a few days to get through all the information he had found.  He started to look for information on the ring of water; he found some more basic information on it in the marklon history book he had found.  He returned to the library to get some information from Telm. He remembered seeing the name of Reclamon Ven Isma; he was called a wave master.

"Telm, are you in here?" called Roland.

"Yes, I will be with you shortly," he heard the reply from somewhere back in the shelves.  He started to walk back, stopping only when he heard Telm talking to someone.  He could not make out what was being said, he thought he recognized the voice of the other person with him.

"Roland, what can I do for you?"  Telm asked, walking out of the isles.

Roland jumped a little not expecting him to show up so fast.

"I need your help again; can you tell me what a wave master is?"

"I have not heard that term in cycles. It was used in the Ullman realm primarily during the fifth through ninth ages. They were like the common day sea captains. The difference was the belief that a wave master could control the ocean currents, making travel and fishing safer."

"I read about a wave master named Reclamon Ven Isma, can you tell me anything about him?"

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