Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning (22 page)

BOOK: Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning
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Chapter 1


                  he drums could be heard beating in a steady rhythm throughout the entire house emanating from the main assembly hall. The advancement ceremony shut down all activity in the house as most people were expected to be at the ceremony.  The lanterns along the walls were making the shadows dance all around. There was low murmuring of different incantations coming from the wizards and patlins.

Each one of the apprentices was led into the large room as they stood a few partels apart from the other. There was a robed figure standing in the center of the circular room, raised higher than anyone else.  After everyone was seated, the person in the middle started to speak.

"Today is a day of challenges, let the apprentices who dare take the challenge be presented now."

As their names were called out they stood up and followed a patlin. Each one was taken to a different location around the room where a wizard was positioned.  To be advanced from an apprentice to a patlin, each one had to prove their abilities with the basics of controlling the elements.

Roland was taken first to be tested using earth, he was nervous after having been asleep for so long, he wondered if he could still hold his edge. After his recovery Wizard Petron had worked with him nonstop to help him regain his abilities, but that had only been mere days ago.

He could sense the wizard in front of him reaching for the power so he followed his lead. After reaching it he could see the illumination growing around the wizard, the sense of excitement growing. There was a feeling of anticipation of not knowing what was going to happen. The first test was a simple manipulation of the earth, planting a seed and making it grow.

He bent down taking the seed from the wizard. Making a small hole with his finger and placed the seed inside. Covering it back up he placed his hand over it, he funneled some of the magic into it mixing a little of water and earth. He could feel the seed start to take root.  He felt the roots moving deep inside the earth seeking out the vital nutrients. Then he could feel the top of the seed split open and the shoot sprouting quickly up out of the ground blossoming into a beautiful flower.

The five other apprentices that were working on the advancement were given the same task. In turn each one followed the same pattern, creating the hole and then working to make the seed grow. In the same succession a flower started to rise from under each hand, some a little slower than others. Eventually all six flowers stood tall, in contrast to the dark room.

The next test was that of water. Two pitchers were brought before each of the apprentices; the challenge was to transfer the water from one to the other.  This was not very difficult; he melted his mind in a fashion with the water. Twisting it with some wind to make a perfect column he pulled it up and away from the pitcher then placed it back into the empty one.  Each one again followed his lead and in turn all the apprentices had fulfilled the task required of them.

The third test was of wind.  They were required to use the wind as a way of moving objects. A large boulder was placed next to each of them. For this task only the wind was necessary, he reached out, wrapping strong cords around the stone. He concentrated on lifting the stone, this proved to be a challenge for him, as his body was weakening from the efforts of maintaining the magic. He was still able to shift it into position, placing it around to the pedestal that sat in the middle of the room.

He looked around the room as each of the others concentrated on the same task, each one struggling. He could see one of them with a worried expression. He could see the power of each one and noticed that one was faltering. His power was fading rapidly.  He fell down almost passing out from the exhaustion of manipulating the elements.  One had failed the test and yet there was still one more test to go.

The young apprentice was carried from the room and taken to his quarters to rest, as the final test was beginning. The control of fire was the most dangerous and by far the hardest to control. Their task this time was to work in unison.  The platform in the center of the room started to raise, the faint glow of the flames bouncing in their wall sconces.

Under the platform was a pile of dried timbers, their task was to light the timbers. This would be the start of the festivities for the night.  Each one concentrated on the wood, focusing a little stream of fire into it. Small pillars of smoke started to rise from each spot just before a small flame formed and then spread across the wood.  Roland was wondering why the person was still standing on the platform, surly the flames would soon grow high enough and hot enough to consume him.

Taking his own initiative, he wound a string of water throwing a curtain around the figure, everyone jumped back as the flames consumed the pile of timbers. Several of the other wizards came running each one splitting the wall of fire the wizard in the center walking out.

The room went so quiet that you could hear the slight breeze blowing through the room; no one dare say a word. The wizard removed his hood and looked at Roland with shock and amazement. Never before had anyone done that.  He stepped back seeing it was the headmaster, his gaze seeming to penetrate all the way to his soul.

The silence was broken when the headmaster turned away shouting, "These are the few that who dared to answer the challenge of the maker, let him look upon them, for the defenders are coming, let those who passed be known."  With that the crowd broke out into cheers, people filing out of the room heading to the courtyard where a large buffet had been prepared.

The evening passed with lots of food, entertainment and laughing, the stresses of the day were nothing more than a fond memory. The thought of the higher responsibility that came with being a patlin was astounding, yet comforting knowing that they would be able to dedicate more time to their studies.

The following day each one that had passed where moved to new rooms, significantly larger than the apprentices' quarters. These rooms had a large bed, a table for studies that was sitting next to a large window overlooking the vineyards.  The fireplace was larger with an ornate wood mantle.

Sitting on top was a row of books; some looked older than time itself. The room although it had not been used in several cycles, was still kept clean and orderly, the shelves were dusted and the floors shone brilliantly.  The sun was coming through the window and provided ample light for reading.   The bed seemed to be made of goose down, soft and comfortable.  He had a feeling he would like his new position.

He was sitting at the table enjoying the view when the servant brought in the tray of food.  He hadn't realized how late it was getting, the sun now past its noon day crest.  He sat down and ate enjoying the rest of his day. He knew full well that the next day his studies would pick back up again.  He found it exciting, the prospect of learning how to control more magic, and being able to help those who desperately needed it.

There were only the five new patlins in the assembly hall with the headmaster and a member of each order. The headmaster placed a new robe over their shoulders.  It was such a great privilege to be there, after everything that had happened he didn't think this day would ever come.

He recognized two of the other's that were with him. One was a young lady by the name of Tillera der Ymli. She had been an apprentice for several cycles and was now able to control the elements well enough to advance.  She was a little shorter than he was but had beautiful blue eyes and short blonde hair.

The other person, Uma der Tesm, as he was introduced was a few cycles older than himself, with longer black hair and piercing brown eyes. He had not been an apprentice long and like him was able to pick up on the elements quickly.

They were taken to a new training arena to be introduced to Marion der Andrel, he was the head of all the patlins; it was his responsibility to insure that all the new patlins received the necessary training. He was personally responsible to make sure each patlin was ready for the advancement ceremony to become a journey.  Marion had been a patlin for longer than most people could remember, after taking the advancement testing several times, he figured that having started so late in life he would never become strong enough to advance.

"Good morning," he said, walking into the room.  "I'm Marion; I am pleased to meet you all here today. As you know you have taken a large step in your learning. I am here to help you to continue to learn, that's what I am here for.  If you find that you have any questions don't be afraid to ask, since there are so few of you I will be having you train together. That way you can learn from each other, and the friendships that you will form will help you through the training."

He took them to a special library, where they would be spending much of their time. The books in this library contained all the known information on the legends and myths of magic, as well as all the knowledge on the known marklons.  They walked into the library getting the scent of old parchment and leather. The room was a large oval with large windows sitting high in the walls. The entire dome was a large painting of a representation of the creation.  In the center of the dome sat a large skylight that allowed the sun in which reflected the light around the room.

The walls were covered with the ancient manuscripts which lent to a quietness of deep contemplation.  There were a few patlins and even some wizards present searching through the books. Some of them had an object on the table in front of them or in their hand.

There was a vibration in the room that felt of magic. With a quick look they could see that almost everyone held onto the power to some degree or another, some pushing the streams into the objects they held.

They were then taken to a special vault room where they were introduced to Patlin Hnorian; Keeper of the Marklons. He went over how each one was marked and cataloged, explaining how the research was done to find what it's potential was.  He pulled out a large book to show them all the ones they had collected, and how they were found.  The book contained many unmarked pages showing that the knowledge of more marklons was there but their location still undiscovered.

The vault room was continually occupied by someone, always under the close eye of Hnorian. Each item that was taken or returned was carefully logged. Any new information that was gained was detailed in another log book pertaining to the specific item.  Roland could feel the building excitement knowing that soon he would have the chance to study some of these items. The power that each one yielded was beyond his own comprehension, he figured the others standing next to him were feeling the same thing.

Even though they were going to be studying together they each were given a different item to start with. Each one needed to learn how to use the marklons.  Roland being the strongest was given one called the Perrimon ring, found centuries ago in the ruins of the city of Prindly after the first Great War. It was one of the oldest items the house had in its stockpile.  Most of the marklons were a piece of jewelry or something that could be held as it was necessary to focus the element into something that could be controlled or directed.

The ring itself was made of black obsidian. Cooled and treated from Mt. Locna after the great eruption that destroyed the city of Prindly.  The eruption had buried all the inhabitants under ash and soot. The ring was smoothed and polished, glimmering in the lights from the wall sconces. The small air bubbles looking like stars in the night sky.  It slid over his finger as though it was meant to be there.

He was handed a large manuscript with the impression and description of the ring on it, then released to go back to his room for the remainder of the day.  He started the fire and sat down on the large sofa to start reading.  The book told how it was created, and for what purpose. The heavy manuscript explained the different incantations and what each one would perform.

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