Craving Talon (8 page)

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Authors: Zoey Derrick

BOOK: Craving Talon
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“Do you love me?” I ask him, trying to understand where he’s going with all of this.

“That’s just it, Talon. I don’t know and that’s what scares me.” He gives me his sad smile. “Loving her is easy, it’s natural. I’m…,” he takes a deep breath, “I don’t know if I can…”

“Kyle, this is so new for all of us. I think I’d be more afraid if you fell in love with me before her. Believe that or don’t, it’s up to you. But neither one of us has ever done anything like what we’re doing. But I can tell you this.” I shift my head to bring his eyes to mine again, “I won’t change it. These last few days have been the best days of my life. When I’m around you, everything in me gets excited.” Fuck, I sound like a damn sap. “And sometimes I just can’t control it, like in here,” I look around the room, “when we got on board. Kyle, I want to be with you, be with her, be the three of us. If that is something you don’t want, then tell me because I need to know.” God, I’ve never been so open about anything like this, but with Kyle it’s easy, it’s natural and it’s unnerving.

He doesn’t say anything. I go back to playing with my bottle, oblivious to him, until he is right there, in my face. “There is nothing more, besides Addison, that’s more pleasurable than…” he kisses me, “this, or” he touches his hand to my cheek, “this.” I lean into his touch.

“Your touch is electric,” I tell him and he smiles.

“So is yours.” He takes my hand and puts it to his cheek. I smile at him.

We sit there for a moment, just looking at each other. After all these years, I can’t believe we’ve gone from friendship to this. Kyle and I have always been close. He knows more about me, and my history, than anyone. Even Addison. She knows about my childhood, I had to tell her about that, but we haven’t talked about my history of drug abuse. She knows about Kyle’s, but I wonder how she’d feel if she knew about mine. “She has two very broken men on her hands,” I say softly.

Kyle gives me a half smile, “She does.” He sits back down, but this time he leans against his bunk, closer to me. As he gets settled he says, “I talked to my mother yesterday.” The comment is random, but I know this is the root cause of what’s actually bothering him.

I raise an eyebrow at him. “How’d that go?”

“As fucking awful as I expected it to.”

“Why do you even bother?” I ask him seriously.

“Because she’s my mother. I guess I keep hoping she’ll wake up one day and realize that Daniel wasn’t her only son.”

I give him a sad smile. “You must have had something important to talk to her about if you called her.”

He nods and takes a drink. “I wanted her to meet Addison when we’re in OKC.”

I sit up a little straighter. “Did you tell her about Addison and who she is?”

He shakes his head. “No, she rejected me before I could even consider telling her anything else. Said that she was busy, before I even told her when. It was a waste of time.” He begins picking at the carpet.

“Man, I’m sorry. I wish I could…”

“No, it’s alright. I set myself up for it. I haven’t talked to her in so long. I wanted to tell her about the tour and the band’s success, but I highly doubt she remembers anything I’ve told her in the past about you guys. She just doesn’t care.”

“Then maybe you should find it in yourself to not care. I mean, look around you, brother. You got all this family, plus now you have me and Addison.”

“Yeah, I know, like I said, I guess I just keep holding out hope that sometime before she dies, she’ll remember who I am.”

“And what good would that do you?” I ask. “Believe me, that’s only going to make it worse for you, because while she may magically remember, you’ve got years of heartache and misery to deal with, you’ll never be able to get over that. As much as you want her to remember, it will take years for things to right themselves between the two of you. Believe me, I know.”

“Yeah, I know.” He’s very sad and for that I’m sorry. I don’t know how to help him with this.

“Maybe you should talk to Addison about this. She knows your mom, or at least she did. Maybe she can lend some insight, but in the same vein, your mom did to her what she’s doing to you. She pulled herself out of it, you’ve had to endure it.”

“Fuck. I didn’t even think about that.”

“Don’t stress it. Look, don’t take it to heart. I know that’s hard, but every time you talk to her, you get like this for a day or two, then you’re fine, you go about your life. Maybe next time you don’t need to call her, or drink a lot of alcohol, call her and stand up to her, maybe that will scare her straight.”

He snorts a laugh. “I doubt that, but it’s not a half bad idea.”

I let him stew on what he’s told me and what I’ve told him. Kyle isn’t the type of guy that can turn off his emotions immediately. He has to work through them.

In an attempt to change the subject I say, “I need to know something.”

“Anything.” He smiles a little and I can see the stress of his mother washing out of him the longer he looks at me. I take pride in that. His eyes are full of so much emotion and he’s so easy to read when he opens himself up to that kind of exposure. Which I’ve seen him do a lot since Addison came on this bus.

“What are your boundaries?” I ask.

“What are my boundaries? As in when it comes to you and I, in bed?” He raises an eyebrow at me.

“I need to know what I can and can’t do to you.”

“I will tell you, but you have to tell me too.” I nod in agreement. “There is nothing you can’t do to me.” I look into his eyes. “There is no place that is off limits to you or Addison.”

“Are you sure you’re ready for that?” I ask.

“No, but it doesn’t mean I’m not ready to try. Now, it’s your turn.” He smiles, there is a wicked little gleam in his eyes.

“I am all yours. I am dying to take it beyond kisses and dicks.” I smirk and give him my wicked little sultry glare that works so well on Addie.

He laughs.

“Boundaries are set then?” I ask.

He nods and comes in closer, kissing me on the lips. Just like Addison’s touch, Kyle’s makes my body come alive with desperation. His lips are rough, the scruff of his mustache against my lips sends a shiver through me. Every time we kiss I can’t help but feel the twinge of taboo, but it’s quickly swept away by the fact that I don’t care.

He pulls back, too soon in my opinion, but I don’t stop him. He backs up toward his wall and takes a seat. My cock is hard as a rock and being pinched against my jeans. I shift.

Kyle blushes. “Sorry.”

“You mean to tell me you’re not hard?” I say with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh I’m hard, believe me.”

There is that ever familiar tingle in my balls and I want nothing more than to stick it in his mouth, but I stomp down the thought, for now.

I smile. “Now, let’s go get some sleep. I’m beat.”

I stand up and take a step forward to help him up. His eyes, full of hunger and desire, fall to my cock. I watch him lick his lips. “You really like sucking it, don’t you?”

He smiles, looking up at me, “Next to her pussy, it’s the best thing on the planet.” He reaches up, stroking his hand along my shaft, and I shiver.

“Don’t start what you can’t finish, cowboy,” I tease him.

“Who said I wouldn’t finish it?”

“Fuck!” I groan, tightening the cap on my bottle and tossing it onto the bunk. I reach for my fly and tear it open. I pull out my cock, hold it firmly in my fist. “Take it,” I command him. I watch as his body goes into full submissive mode. I’m not a dominant, but there is something special about topping Kyle. He responds so greedily as he gets to his knees and grips my cock in his hand. He tugs, pulling it toward his mouth, licking the tip. I put my hand against the wall, bracing myself as he begins his assault.

Fist pumping, mouth fucking. “I want to see your cock,” I breathe. He straightens, undoes his fly, slides his jeans down and pulls his cock free. I groan as he sucks me into his mouth hot and hard. “Stroke yourself.”

He begins sucking my cock and fisting his own with gusto. I feel a trickle of pre-cum drop onto his tongue and he moans, the vibrations reaching into my nuts as he continues fucking me with his hand and mouth. “God, you’re so fucking hot with my dick in your mouth. I wonder what you’ll look like with it in your ass.”

My words fall upon him and he moans, his eyes roll back and I see his legs tense. “Are you going to come?” He nods his head. “Does the idea of having my cock in your ass turn you on?” He hollows his cheeks, sucking me in so far I can feel the back of his throat; he hums around my cock and nods his head.

I place my hand in his hair, gripping it while he fucks my mouth. “I’m going to come in your mouth, Kyle. Do you want that?” His answering moan and pumping of his hand is enough of a response. “Are you ready to come for me?”

He hums again, nods his head and I can feel the burning need to come rising from my balls. My balls tighten, my cock pulses and hardens and just like that I explode into his mouth. He drinks it all. Swallowing and sucking every last drop. “Come for me, Kyle,” I order and I watch his body convulse as thick streams of cum pour from his cock, his fist pumps ferociously, milking himself for every drop while his mouth sucks every drop from me.

Waking up from what feels like a very long nap is probably the hardest thing I’m going to do today. But what I find sweeter than anything is the fact that both my guys are still sound asleep, but their sleeping involves touching me. Skin to skin. Both of them have their hands up my t-shirt laying on my stomach. The possession I feel is unreal and my heart swells. I don’t want to move, but I have to. Thankfully Talon’s covers are sandwiched between us so it will make my escape easier.

Extracting their hands is another story. I pull back the covers and very gently slide Talon’s hand out first. It’s heavy, but I manage to bring it up near my shoulder and he snuggles in, I do the same thing with Kyle and he doesn’t even seem to move. I smile to myself as I sit up and slide out, down toward the foot of the bed.

I sit for a minute, catching my bearings and I look up at the clock on the wall, it’s 12:30. I try to feel if the bus is still moving and I can’t quite tell, but it’s quiet so I’m assuming we’re stopped.

I tiptoe from the room, desperate to keep them sleeping as long as possible. I, on the other hand, am wide awake and I need to get some work done. I leave the room, quietly closing the door behind me. I slip into mine and Kyle’s room; I pull my messenger bag from the top bunk, grab my flip-flops and walk toward the front of the bus. The curtains of Dex, Mouse and Peacock are all closed, but I can see we’re here. The front door to the bus is open.

I set my bag down, throw my shoes to the floor so I can put them on and duck into the bathroom.

When I emerge, all is still quiet on the bus. I walk toward the door and peek out. Rusty is standing next to the door so I step down. “Good morning,” I say and he jumps.

“Jeez girl, give a guy a heart attack.”

I laugh. “Sorry, didn’t mean to. How are things out here?”

“They’re good. Everyone still sleeping?” he asks.

“As far as I know. Do we have a timetable?”

“Set up should be done by four for sound check. We have no parties planned for tonight and the guys need to decide when they want to get to Galveston. Drivers are sleeping now in case they want to leave after the show. We will have to stop to change drivers along the way which could be a nice stop for tomorrow night. Mills usually handles all that with Talon or Kyle.” He gives me a smile.

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