Craving Talon (5 page)

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Authors: Zoey Derrick

BOOK: Craving Talon
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I laugh. “I’ve been working in the industry for a while. But thank you just the same. I learned a long time ago that celebrities are people too.”

“That’s a great attitude, wanna teach that to all the crazies out there?”

I laugh. “Sure, but it won’t help. I won’t say that meeting someone new doesn’t send my heart racing and my palms sweating, but I do a pretty good job of hiding it.”

“Yes, you do. Thank you for tonight,” he says.

I cock my head at him. “The private show. I wish we’d been able to attend the concert.”

“We’ll be in LA in June for the final shows of the tour. You should come. Cami has the dates, check with her and have her let me know if you’re coming, I’ll make sure you get VIP access.”

“That would be great,” Travis says as his eyes light up.

Just then I can hear a guitar being played. I turn around and see Talon sitting alone on the stage. He’s looking at me. The tone is soft, but very typical of Talon and 69 Bottles.

Then he starts to sing…

Today you walked into my life

Tomorrow you’ll walk away

But I can’t let you

I won’t be the one to

Watch you turn your back

I need you here, I need you now

I can’t walk away from you

You mean the world to me

You’re my everything,

You’re all I need

All I need to be free


To be Free means loving you

To be Free means holding you

To be Free means needing you

To be me means loving you

One day soon, I’ll make a mistake

One day soon you’ll run away

The risk is so high, I cannot take

I need you to be free.

I need you to be me.


To be Free means loving you

To be Free means holding you

To be Free means needing you

To be me means loving you

When you’re in my arms

You’re everything I need

You’re everything to me

You’re all I need to be free

I sit down slowly into a chair, tears streaming down my cheeks. That’s it, that’s the song, the one he wrote last night. Everyone in the room is standing, clapping, whistling and hollering. I watch Talon carefully, his eyes are on me, watching me. His eyes are glassy with emotion. I blow him a kiss. “Play it again,” I say. He smiles and begins playing the song again. Strumming on his guitar. Talon playing is truly something to watch. He’s so confident, fluid and more than skilled at what he does. Though the melody isn’t complicated, his fingers are deft and quick on the strings.

One of the things I’ve always been able to do is memorize songs very quickly. It’s either a curse or a gift, and right now, it’s a gift. I start to sing along with him, more to myself than anything, but I quickly find eyes and heads turning in my direction.

Cami snaps into action, putting Adam and his crew back on their jobs, though I don’t think they stopped. Then she points at me and then at the microphone. I shake my head. She gets up and comes over to me, crouching down before me. “Is this the song?”

“I think so, I’ve never heard it before.” Though I’m talking to her, I can’t take my eyes off of Talon as he finishes the second go round of the song.

“Do it. Let’s drop the recording on the label.” I smile at her and her enthusiasm is infectious and I get up, walking toward Talon.

“Do you have the lyrics?” I ask him. He smiles and hands me his notebook. It’s open to a page with ‘To Be Free’ written in bold, been scribbled on too many times, pencil. The lyrics are written rather nicely, and I’m impressed by his handwriting, but surprised by the fact that the song has it outlined which part I’m supposed to sing. “Sing it with me? I need the whole thing, I need to feel the pace. Then we can give it a go.”

His eyes are happy and impressed. I kick off my heels and adjust the microphone to match my new height and Talon starts up with the melody.

He nods and starts to sing. I sing softly along with him, following along with the lyrics. When my part comes up, I try and sing it louder, but my confidence with the song isn’t there. Talon pulls his voice back to let me sing it.

We play through the rest of the song, by the second time through the chorus, my confidence is boosted and I’m singing louder. And then I back off completely for him to finish out the song, as it should be.

By the time he’s done, his eyes are glassy with unshed tears and I fight my own. I look over at Kyle who is leaning against the wall. I don’t have a clear shot of his face, but I can tell he too is emotional over the performance.

“Let’s do this, for real this time,” I say confidently, and like when the lights dim in a theater, everyone in the room takes a seat. I turn my mic, bringing it with me as I step down off of the raised platform so that I can look at him. So that I can channel his emotion.

Amazingly enough, ‘Your Eyes’ took us six takes. ‘To Be Free’ takes us one. I know we have it when there isn’t any immediate applause from our friends until Adam gives the all clear. Talon sets down his guitar and stands up, hopping down and wrapping his arms around me and picking me up. I screech in pain but I don’t care.

I take his head in my hands. “Message received. Loud and clear.” I crush his lips to mine and he kisses me back with fervor and the same desperation I feel. Guilt slides through my veins. Kyle has been neglected nearly all night and I feel awful for it. “Now, big man, put me down,” I whisper.

He has a wicked smile on his face as my feet touch the floor. “You’re so beautiful. Now go get our boy.” He lets me go and I walk over to Kyle.

“Hi, panda girl.”

“I want to kiss you so bad right now.”

“So do it.” I throw my arms around his neck and bring his lips to mine. There are more than a few whistles.

“About fucking time you guys admitted it.” I hear Dex shout. I smile against Kyle’s lips.

“You’re amazing,” he says as he pulls back from my kiss and I drop my arms, turning around.

“You lucky bitch.” I hear Beau say with a laugh and I blush beet red. “Oh sweetheart, you’re in the right company for that. Trust me,” she says with a sweet smile on her lips.

Talon comes over to Kyle and I. “That was fucking hot,” he breathes.

I laugh, of course it was. He’s a fucking animal.

Shortly after that our new friends start to leave. Mick and Beau are the first to go. “Take care of that baby,” I tell her when she hugs me.

She rubs her belly. “Oh, I plan too. I’ll get your email from Cami, if that’s okay. Keep you posted?”

“Absolutely. She’s got my number too.”

Mick hugs me too and shakes the guys’ hands.

Cami is cleaning up beer bottles. I go to help her. She has her phone in one hand and like four bottles in the other. I grab a handful of bottles and follow her. “It’s nearly midnight and you’re glued to your phone.”

She laughs. “A businesswoman’s job never ends.”

“Right?” I say with a laugh as we dump the empty bottles into the recycling can at the end of the bar.

“You’re a damn minx, you know that? Both of them?”

I smile and nod with enthusiasm.

“Now I really don’t know how you do it. They are both so much, but just keep this in mind, that connection with you and Talon is golden. I don’t recommend losing it.”

“I don’t plan on it. But it’s all so new and intense and overwhelming.”

“Oh darlin, I know. Especially the celebrity aspect of it. Just remember to keep time for yourself. If you don’t, it will overwhelm you beyond repair. I know that’s the only thing that kept me sane. Separate from time to time. Especially if you’re dealing with both of them.” She winks.

We finish cleaning up and say our final good-byes to everyone. Travis and Naomi are going to ride back with Cami and those guys so that we can go straight to the hotel.

“We have a six hour drive to Albuquerque tomorrow and an eight o’clock start time. We have to be at the buses by five to beat traffic, so get back, get packed and be downstairs at five.” Kyle tells everyone once we’re in the car. “Do not be late.”

It’s after one when we arrive back at the hotel. We have four hours to pack and be back on the bus. Oh hell, who am I kidding? Packing is the last thing these two are going to be doing tonight. I smile to myself.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Kyle asks me. I look at him through my lashes. “Oh.” He takes my hand and places it on his erection. My pussy pulses with excitement and undeniable anticipation.

The ride up in the elevator to our room is excruciating in so many ways. Talon has been quiet, but I can see it in his eyes that he’s desperate to be alone with me and Kyle.

We say good night to the band quickly and before we even make it to the bedroom, Kyle is pulling my shirt over my head. I moan the moment his hands make contact with my breasts and throw my head back. His mouth is next, pulling a nipple in and causing my legs to tremble. Talon comes to stand behind me, giving me the support I need so I don’t fall over.

With a gentle hand Talon moves my hair off of my neck and over my shoulder as his lips find my neck with passionate kisses. Talon’s hands begin roaming over my entire body, from my shoulders, down my arms, across to my stomach and into the waistband of my jeans.

Kyle doesn’t stop, licking and sucking his way from one hard nipple to the next and back again. The pleasure is so intense I feel like I could explode right now.

Talon unbuttons my jeans and Kyle helps him slide them down my legs as he begins kissing down my stomach. Kyle’s kisses are soft, causing my belly to jump and the fire within to spread far and wide. Kyle continues kissing down to my hips, where he first kisses one and then licking, kissing and sucking his way to the other. Talon too, is making his way south along my back with similar yet profoundly different open mouth kisses. His mustache tickles my skin and goosebumps radiate everywhere, making my nipples hard and my pussy ignites in a flood of desire.

Both men continue their kisses until Talon has reached my ass and he bites into the soft flesh. Kyle is moving closer to my clit and Talon’s kisses are moving toward the tight pucker of my ass . “Ahh,” I moan as soon as Kyle takes a long languid lap at my sex. Talon doesn’t hesitate in spreading my butt cheeks and the next thing I know, Talon’s tongue is licking the tight rosette. The dual assault is overwhelming, forcing my body to tremble uncontrollably with my need to come.

As if anticipating everything, both their hands clamp down on my legs, holding me still, their silent plea for me to come. Lick, lick…”Fuck!” I push my hand into Kyle’s hair, reaching around to grab Talon’s, holding both of them to me as my release consumes me, shattering me into millions of tiny pieces. Through the haze of my orgasm neither have stopped their licking and sucking, my body vibrates with the pleasure they provide for me.

Slowly they both back off of me, but neither takes their hands away. I am weak and shattered. “Take her,” Talon says, “into the bedroom, I’ll be right there.” A whimper of disappointment escapes my lips. “I’ll be right there,” he breathes against my ear.

Kyle stands, wrapping one arm around my back then he leans down, hooking my knees on the other. He lifts me, carrying me into the bedroom where he sets me down gently on the bed. Kyle wastes no time in removing my flip flops, then my pants which are gathered around my calves.

Still reeling from my orgasm it takes me a minute more to compose myself enough to watch Kyle unwrap himself like candy from his clothes.

I lick my lips. “What do you want, baby girl?” His voice is sultry, needy.

I bite my bottom lip. “You, in my mouth,” I breathe and he picks up his stripping pace. I smile because he quickly becomes all thumbs. I sit up. “Easy, cowboy.” I take the waistband of his pants in my hands and pull him forward. Bringing his crotch level with my mouth. I begin rubbing my nose along the outline of his erection and he groans above me.

“You’re killing me, baby girl.”

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