Read Craving Talon Online

Authors: Zoey Derrick

Craving Talon (6 page)

BOOK: Craving Talon
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I continue my little kitty routine on his cock as my hands work on the button and then finally his zipper. Achingly slow I pull his zipper down one tiny notch at a time. I bite the tip of his cock through his jeans and watch as the pleasure shimmers across his skin. Breathing hotly against his jeans, I can feel his dick twitch with my torture.

After what seems like forever, the zipper finally stops its descent and I pull back, grabbing his waistband, ready to free him from the confines of his jeans. I look up into his eyes and they’re on fire with need and devotion.

The look sends a chill through me and I don’t need to guess what’s running through his mind.

I slowly slide his pants and boxers down, reach in and free his cock, wrapping my hand tightly around the base and he groans. I stroke his heavy length and then go back to removing his pants. As his pants reach his knees, my tongue flicks out, stroking the underside of his mushroomed head. My reward is his body quaking, a huff, and his salty sweet essence wreaking havoc on my taste buds. I moan in delight.

“You’re making a meal out of me,” he breathes, looking down at me. Eyes hooded and dangerous. I smile while I lick the head of his cock again.

“The best meal,” I whisper back. I get the feeling I’m being watched, but I don’t look, I don’t need to. I know it’s Talon. The idea that he’s watching my torture of Kyle turns me on that much more. I’ve never been a voyeur but I just might start now.

I suck Kyle’s cock deep into my mouth and watch as his eyes roll up into his head. The visual is heady. I know that with each little flick of my tongue against his shaft that I am pleasing him. He’s taking pleasure from my mouth. I shiver and moan around his erection and he groans. I let his dick pop free of my mouth and I watch the sadness at the loss creep into his eyes. But I tease him a little more by sliding my middle finger into my mouth and sucking on it, licking it.

When I’m satisfied with its wetness I pop it free, swapping my finger for a lick on the head of his cock. I bring my now wet hand up to cup his balls. Sliding my hand gently along the underside, pushing it forward until my finger finds the tight ring of his ass and I press into it. He jerks in shock but lets a growl escape his lips. I let my finger roam around the outside, teasing him as my tongue dances across his erection. Feeling brave once again, I let my finger dip inside.

I am rewarded with a shot of pre-cum down my throat and the groan that hisses through his teeth is enough to make pleasure radiate from my core, causing a violent shiver of pleasure to rock through my body. Desperate to come, I start slowly sliding my finger in and out as he gently begins to pump into my mouth. “Don’t stop,” he breathes and I continue licking and sucking while gently finger fucking his ass.

His thrusts become more demanding in my mouth and I am given another salty taste on my tongue. I want him to come, but not yet. I slowly back off with my mouth and slow my ins and outs with my finger.

Looking up into his eyes, I can see the loss and realization that I’m not going to let him come radiating in his features. I let his cock fall from my mouth with an audible pop. “I’m not ready for you to come,” I breathe against his erection as it twitches.

He smiles down at me. “Good.”

I extract my hand from between his legs making sure to tease his balls just a little more before I slide back on the bed. I watch as he eagerly sheds his shoes and his pants disappear completely.

“Fuck, that was hot,” Talon says from the doorway, bringing my attention from Kyle’s nakedness to Talon. I see him standing in the doorway, the light from the sitting room behind him shining outward giving him slightly darkened features and I shiver with excitement and a thrill of fear. I notice now that one hand is around his cock, stroking slowly and in the other, a black bag.

“Enjoy the show?” I ask, he smirks.

“More than you know.” I watch as he strokes his cock. It’s by far the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life and my hand instantly dives down onto my clit and I begin rubbing it with slow gentle circles.

Talon stalks toward the bed, puts the bag down and motions for Kyle to come to him and I can hear Kyle’s feet shuffling on the floor. I get an eyeful of Kyle’s side profile and the hard-on protruding from between his legs and I moan.

Kyle moves next to Talon and I watch as Talon’s hand takes a hold of Kyle’s erection and my back arches, sending goosebumps across my flesh and my nipples harden. My other hand has a mind of its own when it begins to slide up my stomach in a feather light touch. I shiver.

Kyle, taking his cue from Talon, grips Talon’s cock in his hand. With slow, gentle strokes they both begin pumping each other’s erections at the same time as my hand brushes across my nipple. “Ahh,” I moan as I watch them stroke each other. They both have devilish grins on their faces and I know they’re doing this for me. Giving me a visual that is far better than any porn on the planet. “Kiss him,” I command.

They both smile at me and turn, now both their side profiles are in view and I can watch them stroking each other as their lips come together. Their kissing is spotlighted from behind by the light of the sitting room. Their faces thrown into shadows. The silhouette of their profiles is mysterious and sexy.

Lost in their show, my hand stills against my pussy, completely entranced watching them kiss each other. A moan escapes Talon’s mouth on an upstroke of his cock and I can see his legs tremble. Then he pulls back from the kiss, gently pulling Kyle’s hand from his own erection, he drops to his knees in front of Kyle. “Ah fuck!” I cry out.

My hand immediately starts moving with ardor and the moment Talon’s tongue meets Kyle’s erection, I explode. My orgasm is like a raging fire in my veins.

Somehow, I don’t know exactly how, I’ve ended up on the floor, on all fours, between the two men that mean the world to me. Talon is ferociously working Kyle’s cock with his mouth and my mouth is sucking and swallowing down Talon’s.

I feel Talon’s hand slide along my back, working his way towards my ass and my dripping slit. I feel the flick and pressure against my tight entrance and I moan around his erection. His hand slips past my back entrance and I feel a finger slide into my pussy. My back arches, spurring me on, I start working his cock harder in my mouth. I wish I could see what’s above me but the possession Talon has over my sex tells me that I won’t be able to move.

His finger is sliding in and out with abandon as I work his cock with my mouth. He’s so big around that it is hard to pull in more than a few inches without making my jaw burn, but I don’t care.

His fingers don’t let up; my orgasm simmers just below the surface. Anticipation builds. He moans as my tongue strokes along his cock and then he stops. Extracting his fingers from my pussy and cupping my face with his other hand. “Get on the bed. Just like this,” Talon says with a commanding tone in his voice and I don’t hesitate. Crawling my way up onto the bed, my arms and legs are shaky from the near orgasm I’ve been denied, but I do my best not to show it.

“Grab a pillow, get comfortable, but keep that sexy ass in the air,” Talon tells me. I do as he asks, grabbing the closest pillow, wrapping my arms around it and arching my back. My action opens me up to them, inviting them into me. The bed dips as one of them climbs up behind me followed by the rustling of a plastic bag. Then the bed dips to my right and now I know they’re both here with me.

I wait patiently through the rustling, the shifting on the bed and then without warning, two warm hands begin caressing along my lower back, along my hips. Grabbing onto my ass cheeks. I close my eyes, soaking in the pleasure brought on by the massaging strokes. I think it’s Talon judging by the slightly callused fingertips.

The caresses continue until my cheeks are spread wide. Without a word, a warm, wet tongue is stroking along the tight ring and I moan. My back arches deeper and I push back into the mouth of whoever is licking my ass.

He keeps licking my hole and massaging my ass cheeks. Then out of nowhere I hear the click then the buzz of a vibrator. I shiver in anticipation but before I can dwell on what they plan to do with it, it is pressed against my clit. “Ahh! Fuck!” I moan.

Pleasure rocks through my body and I begin grinding against the mouth and the vibration against my clit. The tonguing stops. “Settle down, love. I know you want to come, but you need to relax,” Talon says. I feel a hand caressing my back, calming me down and I know it’s Kyle.

There is some more bag rustling and then I hear what sounds like a cap popping open. I try to turn, but I am held steady by their hands. The anticipation of the unknown sends a thrill of excitement through me while the vibrator continues to hum against my clit.

I hear what sounds like a ketchup bottle squirting and I try again to look but my attempts are thwarted. “Angel?”

“Hmm.” My mind is blanking out complements of the vibration against my slit and the hands caressing my body.

“This is gonna be cold,” he says as I hear the bottle squeeze.

“Ahh.” I jump as a cool glob lands right on the tight pucker of my ass. “What are you doing?” My voice sounds more like a wanton whore than myself.

I feel something press against my ass. It’s cool and hard. At the same time a finger slides inside my soaking pussy. “Argh,” I moan out.

“Does it hurt?” Talon asks.

“No, fuck, it feels…ahhh.”

“Just relax,” he says as he pushes the object into my ass, and retracts. He repeats the process, pushing in a little further with each pass. The finger inside my pussy and the vibrator against my clit are too much and my muscles contract. “Breathe, angel,” Talon says as my pussy is emptied and the vibrator comes away. But there is still something being pushed and pulled, sliding in and out gently.

With each thrust in, I stretch a little more and it burns, but the burn is quickly replaced by pleasure as he extracts it, then the in and out thrust continues as I grow more accustomed to the width. It feels like the size of a baseball bat, but the motions are sending sharp ripples of pain and pleasure throughout my body.

Finally on one last thrust, he stops and the plug gets smaller, I can feel myself tighten around it. The click of the vibrator comes back on and it is pressed against the plug.

The sensation is too much, too fast. Sending white hot sparks flashing behind my eyelids and I moan, loud and desperate. “It’s alright.” I feel hands along my back. “Let it go,” Kyle says softly as the vibrator bounces against the toy in my ass which radiates deep inside. “Come on, baby girl.” I moan, panting like a hooker. Desperate need pulses through my core. I need more. I need to be filled full.

“More,” I moan.

As if reading my mind, things shift behind me. I writhe as I feel the head of an erection, Talon’s; pressing against my entrance.

“Fuck!” I scream as he slowly slides himself inside. I am full, so full, so ready to explode. I rock back, sucking his cock into me as fast as I can manage.

“Easy,” Talon warns. Then the vibrator disappears. Talon is still buried inside my pussy, the plug is pushed all the way in my ass. I feel a tugging on the pillow as it is slowly pulled out from under me. Kyle awkwardly shifts, maneuvering himself into position for me to take his cock into my mouth. I slowly lift myself up on shaky arms as he slides closer to me. His cock is a rock hard extension of his body.

Talon hasn’t moved inside of me so that I can position myself. “Take it, Addison. Take his cock,” Talon groans. “I want to watch you suck his cock while I fuck you. Take it, angel.”

And I do. I suck Kyle’s cock into my mouth with no inhibitions, desperate to be filled full, to be filled with the men I love.

I moan around Kyle’s cock, too wrapped up to realize the thought that’s passed through my head. Talon’s cock begins its slow torturous thrusts into my pussy. With each inward thrust I can feel the plug turning inside me. It’s a heady mixture of pleasure and pain. My pussy clamps down hard on Talon’s erection, holding him there, then sucking him in as my orgasm builds to new heights.

Something I’ve never experienced before is happening. My orgasm is different, it’s stronger, more powerful than anything I’ve ever known and I’m desperate to reach it. Desperate to feel it consume me.

I begin sliding back and forth, helping Talon fuck me faster and harder while I suck, lick and moan against Kyle’s erection. I shift, bringing my hand up to Kyle’s cock, needing the help to massage his cock in sync with my mouth. A silent plea to come is in my eyes as I look into Kyle’s.

BOOK: Craving Talon
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