Craving Talon (10 page)

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Authors: Zoey Derrick

BOOK: Craving Talon
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Enriched by his declaration, I begin thrusting my hips against his, matching his pace and rhythm. I need him, I need his cum. I pound back harder and he pinches my clit between his fingers, sending a shock of pain and an explosion of pleasure. My pussy clenches and releases on his cock. He knows I’m there, I’m ready. “Give it to me, Addison,” he growls and I come, coating his cock in my juices. He pumps into me hard and fast once, twice and stills on the third as he growls into my ear, “Fucking beautiful.” He helps me stand up, and stretch my legs a little after being spread eagle.

He doesn’t say anything. He just holds me in the shower, letting the water run over us. Eventually he grabs my body wash and starts washing me. I take so much comfort in his touch that nothing else matters. He continues until I’m clean from head to toe.

Taking his cue, I start washing him, soaping my hands up and rubbing slow, massaging circles across his chest. He doesn’t say anything, just watches as I wash his body. When I get to his cock, which is still hard, I lather my hands really well and begin stroking with both hands. He lets out a moan of pleasure, so I continue. After a few more strokes, I move onto his scrotum and then along the crack of his ass.

He still doesn’t say anything. I stand up, staring at him. “Say something.”

His hand comes up to my cheek, pushing his fingers into my wet hair. He brings me forward to his lips. Our lips crash together and the sparks fly. His tongue licks at my lower lip, then I feel his teeth graze, coaxing me to open. His tongue slides inside, instantly finding mine. He steals my breath away and I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him to me, his cock is pressed against my belly, but I don’t care about that. His lips are soft and warm against my own. His mustache tickles.

“You’re scaring me,” I breathe against his lips.

“I don’t have the right words,” he whispers.

“Then show me,” I say as I reach over and turn off the water.” He pushes me against the opposite wall, cupping my cheeks in his hands, lifting my lips to his. He kisses me gently, but I can feel the urgency in his lips.

My breath comes in short bursts as he continues to assault my lips. He slowly pulls back. “I need a bed to really show you,” he whispers and I shiver, both from his words and the chill in the air surrounding us. “Later.” He kisses me chastely a couple more times and he steps out of the shower. Grabbing my towel first, he wraps it around me, then grabs his own. “I promise, I will show you, soon,” he says and exits the bathroom. I lean against the closed door. I know what he’s trying to tell me, but he needs to say it in his own time.

Am I honestly ready to admit that I’m falling in love with these two very overwhelming, sexy, god-like men? Yes, I think I am.

After drying off, I throw on my clothes and step out of the bathroom. The air outside the bathroom is cooler and I shiver. Something catches my eye and I look over to see Kyle is sitting on the bench between the tables. He looks so sad.

I walk over to him and I straddle him, putting my knees on either side. I put my arms around his neck. “I know what you’re trying to say.” He looks at me, fear in his eyes. “I understand why you can’t tell me, and that’s okay.”

He brings his forehead to mine. “I’m so scared,” he whispers.

“So am I, Kyle. This is all so new to me and I’m doing it two-fold. But that doesn’t mean that my feelings for you are any less than what you’re feeling for me.”

“Everyone I’ve ever cared about has left me,” he admits quietly. “Dan, my mother, my father, they’re all gone. I’ve walked through life alone for so long, I don’t know how to do this.”

My heart aches for him. “Neither do I. I’ve lost every man I’ve loved. My dad, Dan. This scares the living hell out of me, but I’m ready and willing to take that chance. I’ve never been more ready for anything like I am for this.”

“I need you,” he breathes, wrapping his arms around me. He holds me to him. “The last twenty-four hours have been really tough. I’m sorry to be so emotional.”

I run my fingers through his still damp hair. “What happened?”

“The same thing that happens every time I talk to my mother.”

“Do I even want to know?”

He laughs a little. “No, probably not. Let’s just say you’re not the only one she’s blown off since Dan’s death.”

“Oh sweetheart.” I can’t help the tear that escapes my eye. “I had no idea.”

“I called her to tell her I’d be in town, and I wanted to see her, I wanted to take you with me. But before I even got to the when, she said she was busy. It tears me up every time she does that. I just wish- just once- she’d remember Dan wasn’t her only son.” He lowers his head to my chest.

“Sweet, sweet Kyle, please listen to me. I know how you feel. I really do, I’ve been there.”

“How’d you get over it?”

“I don’t know that I have, but I threw myself into my job, I secluded myself from everyone and went about my life. It wasn’t the brightest decision because here I am, scared of loving, scared of trying, scared of everything, because the only way I’ve ever been hurt by a man is through death. I’m afraid that if I fall in love, it becomes a death sentence.” His arms wrap tighter around me. “But it won’t stop me. It won’t stop me anymore. I know the risk, I understand the reward, and I am desperately hoping that everything I’m feeling is real and not superficial, that it’s not because it’s here and it’s now. Which is why I know what you’re trying to say, what you’re scared to say, because I’m scared to feel it, to understand it, and to say it too.”

“You’re too good, you know that? I meant what I said. You’re a goddess, not just in looks but in the things you do, the way you do them, and how you handle them. It’s genuine and pure and I admire you for that,” he says softly.

“You flatter me and stroke my ego.”

He smiles. “You deserve to have your ego stroked. You’re an angel.”

“I’m your panda girl.”

“And I’m your cowboy.”

“Yes, you are.” We both smile. “Thank you for opening up to me. Do you feel better?”

He lifts his head, smiles the beautiful smile I love to see and nods. “Much better, thank you.” He kisses me soft and gentle, but not without passion.

“You can’t fix everything. I’ve learned that the hard way.”

“I’m trying.”

My phone chimes with an email. “We need to discuss business,” I say.

He snorts a laugh. “Pleasure before business. I like it.” I laugh and peak at my email. It’s from Cami with the subject ‘press release’. I open it up.

This is a copy of the press release that will go out at 8p.m. Pacific time announcing the venture between you and 69 Bottles. I hope it’s favorable, but you have time to make some changes if you’d like.

“Everything okay?” Kyle asks anxiously.

I nod. “It’s perfect. The label bought the ‘Your Eyes’ recording we did last night. I imagine sometime in the next few days, it will hit the airways.”

“How do you feel about that?” he asks honest curiosity in his voice.

“Petrified.” I smile sweetly. “They also bought ‘To Be Free’.”

“Jesus, talk about throwing you out there.”

“Well, you know Cami, she doesn’t sit on anything she feels is extraordinary. Couple that with the fact that I now have a performance contract for the rest of the tour, a contract being finalized for the recordings in New York, in which they want both songs, provided 69 Bottles agrees to make ‘To Be Free’ their primary single on the new album.”

“That’s kind of a no brainer. I’ll discuss it with Talon, but I doubt he will turn down a chance to get it recorded. What else?”

“The contract for sales following the recording will be finalized prior to recording in New York. If we sing ‘To Be Free’ during a concert, we’re required to do it with Talon and I alone. The way we recorded it.” I smile at the look on his face.

“That won’t be hard because I’m pretty sure there are no other parts written to that song, though knowing him, if it’s getting recorded, he’ll have both an acoustic and a full band version. Anything else?”

“Oh my goodness, yeah. The label is working to set up a live recording of the concert, wanting to put together a live album.”

He scowls, “Already? God, they’re moving fast, they usually wait a few years for that. Then they can put together a ‘best of’.”

“I don’t know what their intentions are, just that the earliest is Chicago and the latest is Denver for when they’ll do it.”

“Hmm, weird, but I’m not going to complain. We knew before we set off that there was a chance of that, depending on the tour.” I can see the worry lifting from his face as he sets into business mode.

“Lastly, I think, is that we need to prepare the band for an extension on the tour.”

“That’s going to be a lot harder to handle. I think that is something we’ll have to deal with when and if it arises. They were okay with the shows being added, but I don’t know how they’ll feel extending it. Plus there is one hell of a party planned for LA.” He smiles. “Not to mention a chance to go home.”

I laugh. “Oh, and Cami forwarded me a press release that will go out tonight regarding the band and me.”

“Well that’s good, at least they’re waiting for show time. Though the show is sold out. I think that video would have sold out the shows if they weren’t already, which scares me as to why they’d extend the tour. But if they get us back into the studio, they’d be better to keep it as is, then schedule a new tour for later in the year…” He keeps rambling and I just let him go. It’s really cute listening to him ramble.

“You’re rambling.”

He laughs. “I know, I’m sorry. I do that a lot.”

“Don’t be sorry. I like it.” I kiss him. “It’s time to go wake up a rock star,” I say and he nods. “Come with me?” He nods again and I climb off his lap and help him stand up. “Do you know where the bottle on your bed came from?” I ask and he blushes.

He runs his hand through his hair. “It was Talon’s.”

“You animal, and here I thought I was insatiable.”

He laughs. “It just kind of happened. We were talking about my mom and you.”

“You didn’t…” I let the question fall off.

He blushes again. “No, but I think we’re both breaking down our walls and our hesitations.”

I smile wide. “Really?”

He laughs. “Yes, really. It just takes time and I think we both needed some reassurance and we were able to give that to each other.”

“Do I get to be in on the secret?” I ask him sweetly.

“Always.” He rubs his hand along my shoulder. “We set our boundaries on what we will or won’t do.”

“And what are those?”

He leans down and whispers, “We have none.”

“Okay, that is so fucking hot,” I breathe as he backs away from me, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward our bedroom.

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