Craving Talon (28 page)

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Authors: Zoey Derrick

BOOK: Craving Talon
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“Can you get them there that fast?”

“Actually, it was Cami’s suggestion. She’s already got them lined up and they will be on Bold’s plane within a couple of hours. She’s handling it because it was one of her employees that was attacked. These four will be assigned to Addison, but as a whole will be responsible for the band. Which means we will be able to have one of our guys at the gate, the door and then standing by the buses, as well as a team inside.”

“Is four enough?”

“I don’t think I can ever get enough bodyguards to protect her.” Mills’ voice is filled with emotion. “We’ve never had to guard the buses before, and frankly I never imagined anything like this happening, but going forward, we will prepare for the unimaginable. I’d rather have too many than not enough. We will also be making some procedural changes, including checking the bus before anyone boards. Even if we have someone standing outside.”

I rub my hands over my chin. “Do we have room on that bus for four more bodyguards?”

“Comfortably? No. But one of the changes I’m implementing is placing one of us on this bus” he points to our bus behind us, “at all times. With the three of you in one room, there are two empty racks. We can move Mouse, Peacock or Dex back into that room and have a guard up front, or two. Oh and one of the guards Cami is sending is female.”

“Then put her on this bus. Let Addison and her get acquainted and comfortable with each other. Plus that means that she always has one of hers with her,” I tell Mills and Kyle nods in agreement with me.

“Alright, we’ll make the arrangements. However, we’re going to put Beck on here for the drive up. I’m waiting for confirmation from Cami on time of arrival for the guards. Once I know that, I will decide when we leave here. Now,” he rubs his hand over his military short haircut. “How is she?” He nods his head in the direction of the bus.

“Freaked out, but I think she’s okay. Nothing happened, and I think Talon and I scared her more than the flowers did. She assumed they were from us. Though I wish I’d thought of it, the flowers, not the pending attack,” Kyle tells Mills.

I bump shoulders with him. “She won’t go into the room until we’re ready to go with her. The cops cleaned up the petals for evidence and Kyle and I have checked through the drawers and the closet looking for anything out of place, added or missing. So I’m hoping that he just came in, set up the flowers, stripped and climbed into the closet.”

“The time frame fits because he showed up less than fifteen minutes before we came out. He would have barely had time for anything else before getting in the closet. I don’t want to speculate, but I don’t want to discredit anything…” His phone rings. He holds up a finger for us to hang on. “Mills.”

I turn to Kyle. “How’re you doing?” I wrap my arm around his waist.

“I’m fine. Worried about her, but I’m fine. It was a bunch of flowers and a note, which we haven’t seen, which might be nothing. I’m guessing he was waiting for her to climb on the bed so he could pin her down, but we came just in time. I’m worried about her breakdown. She’s barely getting involved in this lifestyle and look at what’s happened to her.”

I squeeze him close to me. “I know, but you also need to realize that this is all coming from the same man. The same sicko. He came back to finish what he started. Except he’s not smart enough to know or understand that she is never left alone for long. We will have better tabs on him going forward if Mills’ connection comes through. Honestly, I think it’s my fault.”

“Don’t go there,” Kyle says sternly.

“I can’t help it. I mean, shit, Kyle, we’re a bunch of guys. We throw punches without a second thought. We handle women, we rarely have to deal with men. We never have to think about this kind of shit. I didn’t think that she would either so I didn’t take the extra precautions I should have. We have four guards for four guys. We should have brought another one on as soon as she came on board.”

“No. We didn’t adjust to different events. Addison has been brought into the public eye with her singing, with her relationship with us, we didn’t adjust to any of that. That’s when we should have made the changes. We never had guards for her after all that happened. It’s not our responsibility to make that choice. It’s up to Mills, and he thought he had it handled and when he realized he didn’t have it, he called for help. Please do not beat yourself up over this.”

I lean into him and he holds onto me. “You’re right.”

“I usually am.”

I laugh a little and Mills ends his call. Turning to us he says, “He’s booked in. Pending extradition back to Texas, they can’t release him. So he will stay in jail.”

“Thank fuck.”

Waking up, I stretch and realize that I’m alone in bed, wait, I’m in my old rack. It takes me a couple of minutes to remember why I’m here, and then it all comes flooding back. I didn’t want to sleep in the bedroom by myself and Talon and Kyle wanted to talk to Mills. Then get ready to leave Kansas City.

A beautiful, nearly perfect night shattered into millions of pieces with a few dozen roses. I don’t know who it was that put the roses in the room; I just know that they were still in the room when I’d gone in there. If it hadn’t been, once again, for Talon and Kyle, something worse may have happened. I lost it last night. Overwhelmed by the prospect of this being the kind of shit that I’m going to have to put up with if I take on this whole “celebrity’’ thing.

I roll over on my bunk, I can feel the bus moving and the hum of the engine as we travel toward Des Moines. I look at my watch and it’s eleven thirty. Jeez, I slept a long time. I sit up and…

My heart breaks. Kyle is asleep, sitting up, leaning against the wall. Why is he on the floor and not on the bunk, or why is he not sleeping in bed with Talon? I slide off of the bunk, trying to be quiet. I don’t want to wake him just yet. Once I’m done in the bathroom, I’ll wake him up and bring him into Talon’s room.

I leave the room and catch Mills asleep on the couch in the galley. I have so many questions for him, but I need to take care of business, put Kyle to bed and then I can talk to Mills.

When I’m done, I go back to my old room and when I come around the corner I’m shocked to see that Talon is asleep on the bottom bunk. They didn’t leave me. My heart melts a little more. Talon is pressed against the wall, leaving plenty of room for me to crawl in, but I’d rather be wrapped up in both my men.

I go over to Talon and run my hand through his hair. He jumps. “Hey angel,” he says softly as he opens his eyes.

I put my finger to my lips, then point to Kyle. He smiles. “Come on, let’s go to bed.” I can see worry in his eyes. “It’s okay, big man.”

“Are you sure?” he whispers.

“I’m positive. Nothing bad has happened to me in that room. In fact, it’s an amazing room when the two men I love are in it.” I give him a small smile. “Come on, I’ll get Kyle.”

“What time is it?” he asks as he throws the covers off. I smile when I notice he’s in his boxers and he’s hard.

“Like eleven forty.”

“We shouldn’t be far from Des Moines.”

“We can still sleep. Come on.” He smiles and gets out of the bunk rather awkwardly. His hulking size is nearly too much for that tiny bunk.

He goes out of the room and into the bedroom. I turn to Kyle and cup his cheek. His eyes fly open. “Hi cowboy.” I smile.

“Hey baby girl, you okay?”

“I’ll be better when I’m wrapped up in my guys. Come on, let’s go to bed.”

“You sure?”

I want to roll my eyes, but he doesn’t know that I’ve already woke up Talon. “Absolutely. Talon’s in there already.”

“Okay,” he says sleepily and gets up off of the floor. He wraps his arms around me. “You okay?”

“Better now.” We walk to the bedroom and Talon is pulling back the sheets, which I notice have been changed and a different comforter is on top.

“We threw them out,” Talon says as he notices what I’m looking at.

“You didn’t need to do that.” Talon and Kyle exchange a look. “What? Don’t baby me about this. I let you do it so I didn’t see who it was, but I won’t let you keep secrets from me.”

“It’s not a secret, baby girl. Neither Talon nor I could stand the sheets anymore. So we changed them out. It was more for us than you,” he says sheepishly.

“Well, okay then.”

“Besides,” Talon adds, “the other ones were a little…”

I laugh, “messy?”

Both guys laugh and the invisible weight is gone from all of us. “Climb in, baby girl.” Kyle gestures toward the bed. I reach for the hem of my tank-top. Kyle’s hands still my motion. “If you do that, we… shit Addison, you know we won’t be able to help ourselves and I’m not sure…”

I put my fingers on his lips, “Shh. I know what I’m doing and what I want.” His eyes are full of love and devotion. “Nothing happened to me. It was a bunch of flowers. I don’t know any more details than that, so the idea of trying to process what happened isn’t even a thought in my mind. I lost it last night because I’ve been thrown into this wild world and it is so overwhelming for me. The one thing I know, without a doubt, is that I love you and I love Talon. You’re my rocks, you keep me grounded and you keep me safe, and more than anything, you help me forget it all. I want to forget, I want to be so lost in you and Talon that I forget my name. Are you going to deny me that?”

He shakes his head and kisses my fingers. Talon comes to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around me, grabbing the hem of my tank-top in the front and pulling it up, over my head. When he’s done, his hands slide into the waistband of my pajama bottoms, pushing them just past my hips so that they fall to the floor in a silent rush.

Kyle brings his hands to my face, holding me gently so that he can bring his lips to mine. He kisses me, his teeth nipping at my bottom lip, pulling it into his mouth. Talon’s hands slide up my stomach and he cups my breasts. He takes my nipples between his fingers and presses his erection into me. Kyle slides closer so that his erection is pressing into my front and I shiver.

Kyle pulls back from his kiss, “What do you want, baby girl?”

“I want you, inside me. I want Talon inside you,” I breathe as Talon continues tweaking my nipples in his fingers. I watch as Kyle’s eyes widen and his whole body radiates excitement at the idea of being taken by Talon. “I want Talon to claim you as his,” I moan.

Kyle looks at Talon with desire and lust in his eyes.

“Anything for you, angel,” Talon murmurs against my neck, kissing and licking his way along my shoulder.

“You have to do it for you. This isn’t always about me,” I respond as the pleasure rocks through me.

“Oh, believe me, angel, I want to be inside of him almost as much as I want to be in you.” I shiver as his breath caresses my shoulder with warmth.

I remove myself from between the two of them and I slide up onto the bed. I lay down with my head on the pillow. They’re both watching me so I begin caressing my breasts in my hands. Writhing against the flood of sensations between my legs. I let one hand slide down my stomach, cupping my mound and my finger begins strumming my clit. I moan and my eyes close in bliss.

When I can focus on them again, I can see Talon and Kyle each stroking their cocks as they watch me play with myself.

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