Combust (The Wellingtons #1) (44 page)

BOOK: Combust (The Wellingtons #1)
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I couldn’t exactly refute that—because, let’s be honest, he’s right—but the job isn’t necessarily a small-time one. Okay, sure, I’m not going to be working for Rolling Stone or anything, but the magazine that offered me a spot recently lost their junior music journalist, and they loved my work showcasing local talent. For Mayor Kane, however, that wasn’t good enough, and just like a petulant child, I stormed out on him and slammed my door. I wallowed in self-pity for a few minutes before rejoining the party with a smile plastered on my face, and no one, other than Dad, was the wiser.

When the party begins to die down and people start to leave, Dad pulls me aside and gives me a hug. “Andi, I didn’t mean to upset you. Just do me a favor. Don’t accept that job just yet. Give it a few weeks and weigh your options. Can you do that for me?”

I don’t have to give the magazine an answer until June fifteenth, and even though I know I’m not going to change my mind, I nod anyway. “Sure, Dad. I’ll keep my options open. But if and when I make my decision, I need you to respect it. Okay?”

He leans in and kisses my forehead, much like he always did when I was a little girl. “Okay, sweetheart.”

Feeling relieved that my dad has been placated, I allow myself to enjoy the rest of the night. Cohen’s acting a little off, and I’m not sure why. I sigh heavily, knowing that Dad messed up my plans for telling Cohen what I’d decided tonight. He’s been so patient with me, and he deserves to know, but if I expect Dad to keep his end of the bargain, I know I need to do the same by keeping my options open—even though I know I won’t change my mind.

After my parents leave, I feel more than exhausted and we say our goodnights before heading to my room. Slipping on one of Cohen’s t-shirts that I’ve commandeered in our time together, I finally crawl into bed. Cohen slips in behind me and wraps an arm around my waist.

“I finally get you all to myself for once today,” he whispers as he rains soft kisses on my neck. “I’ve missed you.”

Settling into his embrace, I let out a small laugh. “Cohen, we’ve been together the entire day. Not to mention every single day since January.”

His warm hand slides underneath my shirt and splays on my belly, the contact sending electrical pulses throughout my body. I press my ass back into him and can feel him hard against me.

“Yeah, but everyone else has had your attention.” His fingers trace small circles on my skin as his hand comes lower until they’re dipping into my panties. As one finger presses down on my clit, I whimper, causing Cohen to chuckle. “Careful, baby. I don’t have a tie with me,” he says, reminding me of just how good our practicing sessions have been.

“Why didn’t we go back to your place?” I groan, knowing that the house is full with drunken friends who’ve stayed over. If the throbbing between my legs is any indication, my body is more than ready for Cohen to take me right now but I don’t want to put on a show.

“Too much to drink,” he whispers as he nibbles on the bottom of my earlobe. “Tomorrow, you’re packing up and spending the rest of the summer at my place. Clothing optional, of course.”

“Mmm, that sounds perfect.”

He rolls back and pulls me with him, tucking me underneath him as he hovers over me. “Good. I know it won’t be enough, but I need to get my fill of you before I leave,” he says, causing my heart to fall.

I’m about to say to hell with my bargain with dad, but he slowly slides a finger inside me and a whimper escapes my lips. His mouth comes down to cover mine, effectively shutting me up.

Cohen spends the rest of the night making slow, sweet love to me. He savors every taste, every touch, and when I try to get him to pick up the pace, he holds me still. It’s almost as if he’s doing what he said—trying to get his fill—because one of these days, he won’t have the option anymore.

Every time I open my mouth to tell him that I want to be with him, no matter where that is, he kisses me silent, breathless, until I can no longer think of anything other than Cohen filling every inch of me. Finally, he stops his lazy lovemaking and speeds things up, our bodies both so on fire from every thrust, every touch, every taste, that we both go over the edge together, our cries muffled as our mouths are fused together.

He cleans us up then pulls me into his arms, giving me a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll always love you, Ruby. No matter what.”

My heart leaps in my throat. His tone sounds…defeated, almost sad, and I wish I could read his thoughts. I’m too scared to ask him what’s wrong, and instead, I lay my head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat until I hear his breath even out and I know he’s asleep.

As exhausted as I feel, sleep escapes me, and I spend the rest of the night thinking about my future. With renewed determination, I tell myself that I’ll give Dad two weeks and then I’ll tell Cohen that I’m coming with him—as long as he still wants me.




“BABE! CAN we go back to my place?” Andi calls from the bedroom.

I’m lounging on the couch, watching baseball when she walks in wearing nothing but a strapless bra and very tiny panties.

“You walk out here looking like that and you expect me to take you back to your house? Sorry, baby, but Teddy’s already gotten a glance at the goods, and there’s no way that’s happening again.”

She laughs and throws a shirt at me. “Look, you big oaf. You’ve kept me locked up in your dungeon since we graduated, and I forgot to grab my dress for the engagement party.” I’m distracted by the way her chest is spilling out of her bra. “Cohen! Did you forget we’re leaving for Belle Meade tomorrow? Unless I get my dress, I’m going like this. I’m sure your brothers will just love to get a peek.”

I jump up at that and grab my keys, heading towards the door. “I told you that no one sees you like that but me. Come on,” I growl, pulling her along.

She stops just before I get to the door and shakes my shoulders. “Snap out of it, Wellington,” she says before yanking her arm out of my grip. “At least let me put some clothes on. Geesh. You have a one-track mind.”

Shaking her head, she waltzes down the hallway, wiggling her ass, and I follow right after her, ready to show her just how one-track my mind can be.



“ARE YOU excited about the party?” she asks, sitting next to me in the passenger’s seat, fully clothed, and rocking hot-as-hell, I-just-got-fucked hair. Which, well, is pretty damn accurate.

“It’s an engagement party, babe. Men don’t get excited about that kind of stuff,” I tell her, and she scoffs.

“Well, I have a surprise for you, so get excited about that at least.”

Cocking up an eyebrow, I glance over at her. “A surprise?”

“Oh yeah. And you’re going to love it.”

She doesn’t say another thing about it as she leans forward to turn the radio up, effectively ending the conversation. I wonder what it could possibly be. After graduation, she took me up on the offer of staying with me for the rest of the summer. Her expression shifted when I mentioned my leaving, but instead of letting her respond, I took the coward’s way out and shut her up with my mouth. Over next two weeks, we’ve barely left my apartment, coming up only for food, laundry, and showers—usually together. With no commitments and nothing but time—and generous parents who made it possible to go to school without working , we’ve been encased in our own little bubble, and I haven’t been ready to let it pop yet.

When we get to her place, she bounds off to her bedroom to grab the dress, and I head to the kitchen to get a drink. Teddy’s in there and gives me a head nod.

“Wow. He lives,” he jokes, and I just roll my eyes.

After grabbing a water out of the fridge, I sit down at the island. Teddy walks towards me and places a piece of paper in front of me before pressing a hip against the counter.

“Read it,” he says, and I give him a confused look before picking it up.

As I scan the piece of paper, my heartbeat quickens and I feel like I have tunnel vision.

Dear Ms. Kane,

We’re delighted to extend this offer…

I blink twice before reading through the internship offer two more times. Then I glance at the date, which is from just before graduation. I let it fall from my hands. Looking up, I see Teddy watching me.

“I’m guessing you didn’t know about this.”

Shaking my head, I’m at a loss about what to say. “No,” I choke out.

Teddy grabs the paper and shoves it under my nose—as if my reading it three times through weren’t enough. “You know this is for one of the most prestigious magazines in the country, right? You can’t let her turn this down for you, Wellington.”

Bracing the edge of counter, I try to collect my racing thoughts, but it’s no use. How long has she known? And why the fuck did Bennett know about it before I did? When was she going to tell me? More importantly, what is she going to tell me?

Closing my eyes, I remember her dad’s words. I’d never make her choose her dreams over me, and if this is what she wants, why is she so scared to tell me? Shock. Anger. Betrayal. Loss. These emotions roll through me, and when I open my eyes, Teddy’s giving me a sympathetic look. All it does is ignite the anger even more. It also causes the fear to seep in, because this might really be it. I might actually lose the only thing I’ve come to want in my life. I just might lose my girl, and I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do.



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