Combust (The Wellingtons #1) (20 page)

BOOK: Combust (The Wellingtons #1)
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“Oh, sweetheart.” Teddy shakes his head at me, disbelief in his eyes. “You’re delusional if you think what you two have is buried. There may be a little layer of dust on it, but six feet under? No way in hell. Like I said, when I walked up, I could feel the sexual tension rolling off you two. And frankly, I don’t see what the problem would be in exploring it. If it was just one night like you said, there should be no hard feelings. I’m not saying go and jump the guy’s bones the first chance you get, but if the offer presents itself, maybe give it a thought. Been there, done that, let’s go for another ride. What’s the worst that could happen?”

His question echoes in my mind. while I can’t argue with his ‘been there, done that’ theory, I have a feeling that hopping into bed with Cohen Wellington will lead to even more complications this time, and I’m just not sure I’m ready for them.




AS OUR Saturday morning tutoring session gets closer, I become antsy and irritable. I could kick myself for not getting Andi’s number—strictly for tutoring purposes, of course—because I know she’s already had her first class and it would be a good idea to get started studying as soon as possible so I can gauge her level of knowledge to determine how much time we’ll need to spend together. If she’s put it off this long and hasn’t taken a science course since high school, I imagine we’ll have our work cut out for us. Like I told her, I’ve never had anyone fail, and if she and I have to meet for study sessions every single day for the rest of the semester, then so be it. And if for some reason she knows what she’s doing, I’ll figure something else out then.

It’s been two days since I’ve seen her. Two days since I tasted her. Since I had my hands on her. Two days that have been filled with the memory of her naked beneath me, writhing and wanting. Two freaking long-ass days that I’ve also been thinking of her with another man. His lips on her skin. His hands roaming her body, pleasuring her in ways I couldn’t before. Two days that I’ve spent wishing I’d listened to Knox’s advice and taken up kickboxing, because for the past two days, I’ve just wanted to hit something.

As thankful as I’ve been that I only have one course left before graduation, I’m now wishing I had something more to occupy my time, because for the past two days, Andi’s been on my mind and I need a distraction. More times than I can count, I pick up my phone, my thumb hovering over Sophie’s number, knowing that if I hit send I could be at her place where she’d serve as the perfect distraction, but I’m not that much of an asshole, and I stop myself every time. Instead, I spend my time at the gym, kicking Seth’s ass in racquetball, or running on campus, my eyes on the lookout for her everywhere I go. It’s been no use though. I’m not distracted enough, and I never see her.

After today’s unsuccessful run, I enter my apartment, drop the keys on the kitchen table, and check the mail—not that I ever get anything that’s not junk. I toss it aside and I’m heading back towards the bathroom when I hear my phone vibrate from the nightstand on my bed. I pick it up and groan when I see Sophie’s name flashing on the screen. It’s a text from her asking if I want to go out tonight, and it ends with the claim that she needs to see me. Shit. I’m an idiot for hoping that she’d get the point.

Seeing as how I got myself into this mess, I need to man up and be honest with Sophie about our relationship—or well, lack thereof. With a heavy sigh, I type out a text asking her to meet me for a drink later. The last thing I want to do it have this conversation with her, but I know it has to be done.

After showering and getting ready for the night, I head downtown to Sapphire, a local trendy bar that’s probably a little bit more of an intimate setting than I’d like, but a sports bar or live music venue didn’t seem right.

Sophie’s waiting out front when I get to the bar, and she greets me with a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek. Part of me wishes that her kiss would evoke something inside me that would make me forget Andi, but it does the opposite. It makes me want her more. It makes me wish that it were her lips on my skin, not someone else’s.

Don’t get me wrong. Sophie’s breathtakingly beautiful and extremely intelligent. She’s the type of woman I would’ve seen myself with years from now, after I finish medical school and am ready for a long-term relationship. However, as physically attracted as I am to her, there’s no spark between us no matter how good we are together in the bedroom.

Once we’re seated and our drinks are ordered, Sophie makes small talk as she catches me up on the new leader of their study group. She mentions more than once that he’s nowhere near as interesting as I was, and after a little bit of small talk, I know I need to do what I came here to do. Just as I’m about to start, Sophie beats me to the punch.

“Cohen,” she breathes out, her blue eyes darting back and forth between mine, “I know when we started this we said no strings. And I was fine with that. I really was. Until I wasn’t anymore.”

And here it comes. “Sophie, I—”

She holds a hand up to cut me off, and I shut my mouth, allowing her to continue. “No, Cohen, let me do this. Look, I’ve had a lot of fun with you and I really like you. A lot. Probably more than I should, and I know that. That being said, I think we both know this is going nowhere. And that’s fine. That was the whole purpose of no strings. But if I spend more time with you, even if it’s just in bed, I’m going to fall, and I’m going to fall hard.” She leans back in her chair and rubs her forehead with one hand. “I guess what I’m saying is, I realized a while ago that no strings with you isn’t going to work for me. And the panicked look on your face when I mentioned a long-distance relationship over winter break solidified that fact.”

She pauses to sip her wine, and I take the opportunity to interrupt. “What exactly are you saying, Sophie?”

“I thought I could do it, but I can’t. So you’re off the hook. I’m not going to call anymore. I’m not going to ask for anymore one-on-one sessions—even though your method of studying is so much better than reading the textbook. This thing between us? I just can’t do it anymore. I think it’s probably for the best if we just go our separate ways.”

Relief floods through me, and I can’t help but laugh that, for once, Sophie and I seem to be on the same page. “Wow. I definitely wasn’t expecting that. I appreciate your honesty.” Leaning across the table, I grab her hand. “You’re a beautiful woman and I wish I could give you what you want.”

“But you can’t. And I knew that from the beginning. Hey, it’s been fun while it lasted, right?” she says cheerfully, not looking one bit upset at the ending of this thing between us.

“It was, and again, I appreciate you being honest with me. I’d never want to continue this with us both having different expectations. That’d just lead to disaster, and at least this way we can still be friends.”

She lets out a laugh and gives me a small shake of her head. “Right. Friends. That sounds good to me. Friends who don’t avoid each other when they see each other out in public but also don’t go out of their way to hang out or have late-night existential conversations about life and love.”

“Pretty much. Thanks, Sophie. I was worried this was going to be a lot more awkward, but I really do think this is for the best. Again, I’m sorry if I led you on or led you to believe this was going to turn into anything more than what it was.”

She waves a hand at me, dismissing the idea. “You never led me on, Cohen. You were upfront with what this was from the very beginning. Now can we please stop talking about this? You’re looking at me like you just kicked my puppy and it’s going to give me hives if you keep it up.” She drains her wine glass and then looks around for the waiter. “In fact, if it’s fine with you, I’m ready to get out of here.”

When I spot the waiter, I signal for the check, grateful that she’s making this so easy. “Sure thing, Soph. Big plans tonight?” I ask.

She gives me a sheepish grin. “If curling up on the couch with a huge bottle of wine and my DVD collection is considered a big plan, then yes, big, exciting plans are in store for me tonight.”

I laugh as I hand the waiter my card. “Hey, my night’s not going to be much different. I have an early morning tutoring session, so I’m probably just going to head home do the same—minus the wine.”

She excuses herself to go to the bathroom and I proceed to fill out the tab when it’s placed in front of me. After closing the book, I impatiently tap my fingers on the table as I wait for Sophie. I look around the bar, and suddenly, my eyes stop when I spot a familiar face. Leaning forward, I realize that it’s Teddy, sitting at the bar with a beautiful woman who is certainly not Andi. What the hell?

I watch as he places his arm around her and leans in close, whispering something in her ear. She turns to face him and he plants a kiss on her lips, making it long and slow before she pulls away. Then she gets up from her chair and heads in the same direction Sophie did just a few moments before.

The past two days, I’ve been feeling like an asshole for lusting after another guy’s woman, and he’s out with someone else? Before I can stop myself, I scoot my chair back and cross the room until I’m standing directly behind me.

“Bennett,” I say coolly, and he turns to face me.

Recognition flashes in his eyes and he looks around as if trying to see who I’m with before he looks back at me. “Hey, Cohen. How’s it going?” he asks as he holds his hand out as if to shake mine.

Pushing his hand aside, I place a hand on the back of his chair and lean in close, almost until our noses are touching. His eyebrows draw together in confusion. “I’m only going to say this once, so you better fucking listen to me, Bennett. I don’t know what the hell you’re doing or who you’re doing it with, and normally, I wouldn’t give a shit. Unfortunately, you have something I want, and as much as I’d love to do nothing more than take it from you, I care more about her being happy than to throw this in her face. If you fucking hurt that girl, I will kick your ass and then be right fucking there to pick up the pieces. I don’t care how long you two have been together. I will make it my goddamn mission to make sure she moves on from you and forgets that she ever knew Teddy Bennett. So it’s your choice. Keep fucking up or stop being a cheating asshole.”

I’m breathing hard from my rant as I pull back, watching as his eyes widen at the realization that he’s been caught. Then his expression changes to one of amusement and he grins at me. The motherfucker smiles. I clench my fists at my sides, knowing that I need to get away from him before I do something stupid. I’m about to walk away when he says my name.

“Not that my personal life—or my relationship with Andi—is any of your business, but why the hell do you care so much, Wellington?”

Incredulous, I turn back to him and see that he’s watching me curiously. “Are you fucking kidding me? Do you have idea what you have?” I let out a bitter laugh. “No, apparently you don’t and it’s a goddamn shame. Because if it were me? If Andi were my girl, there’s no way in hell I’d be out with anyone else. I’d spend all my time so wrapped up in her that no other woman would compare. Cherish your fucking girlfriend, Bennett, or someone might just steal her away while you’re not looking.”

I hear a gasp behind me and see his date looking at me, her mouth open wide. She turns and rushes to the door without a single word. Good. She should know that she’s out with a cheating prick. My triumphant feeling is short-lived when Teddy shoots me a glare and shoves past me to follow her out. As he passes me, I’m pretty sure he calls me a dumb fuck under his breath and I have no idea why. He’s the idiot here.

“What the hell was that?” Sophie asks when I make my way back to the table.

“It was nothing. Come on. I’ll walk you out.”

When we get outside, I see Teddy arguing with his date. She’s shaking her head, and he lifts up his hands in exasperation when she gets in her car and drives off.

“Crap. I left my phone inside.” Sophie leans up and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “I’m going to run back in. See you around, Cohen.”

I watch as Sophie goes back into the bar, and then turn to leave. I’m almost to my car when I hear Teddy’s voice.

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