Combust (The Wellingtons #1) (41 page)

BOOK: Combust (The Wellingtons #1)
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All this time I’ve been spending at Andi’s with him, Reese, and Cy, this secret’s been hiding. Did everyone know but me? Do they think I’m an idiot? How many times have we hung out on the couch with her in skimpy pajamas and Teddy sitting right there. His kisses on her cheek to say goodnight or hugs. I always brushed them off as friendly, but now, I don’t know what to think. Deep down I don’t really care that she slept with the guy. I care that I didn’t know that she’s living with a guy who’s been as intimate with her as I now am.

Lashing out, I make a stupid-ass comment about him fucking her after I did. The minute the words leave my mouth, I immediately regret them and brace myself for a slap I know I deserve.

Instead, I watch as she closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths. The longer the room stays silent, however, the louder the voice in my head becomes with question after question about the two of them. My hands are gripping the counter so hard that my knuckles are turning white. Somewhere in the house, I hear a door slam, and I assume Teddy and Sophie’s conversation isn’t going any better than mine.

Finally, she opens her eyes and looks at me. With a soft expression, she reaches across the island and places her hand on mine. Almost instinctively, I pull back, and I try to ignore the hurt I see in her eyes.

“Yes, Cohen. As you know, Teddy and I dated briefly freshman year. It didn’t last long, but yeah, we slept together.” My head falls, and I let out a deep sigh as she continues. “But it doesn’t matter. It was a long time ago. Teddy’s more like my brother than anything.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” My tone is accusing, but I can’t help it. My mind’s reeling from her revelation.

“I didn’t not tell you. It’s not like we’ve ever sat down and compared our lists—which I’m sure yours is much longer than mine, by the way.”

Ignoring her comment, I shake my head. “Yeah, but the difference is I’m not living with any of them.”

“Why the hell does that matter? It’s not like I’m sneaking into his room at night. Cohen, this is ridiculous. We haven’t spent a night apart since we got together. Have you ever witnessed anything between Teddy and me other than sheer annoyance or friendship?”

She’s right. I know she is, but I keep hearing Sophie in the back of my mind asking Teddy why he kept it a secret, and I can’t get past it. At least not yet.

Letting out a heavy sigh, I look up at her. Her eyes are watery, but I can tell she’s biting the insides of her cheeks to keep from letting the tears fall. I should round the island and pull her into my arms. I should tell her that I love her and everything is fine. But then the image of Bennett in his cartoon boxers comes back in my mind and I just can’t.

Pushing off the counter, I take a step back. “I need time to process this, and I can’t do it here.”

She swallows hard and nods, making leaving even harder, but I need to clear my head.

As I begin to walk out of the room, the small sound of her voice stops me. “Are you coming back tonight?”

Resting my hands against the doorframe, I sigh and drop my head. “I don’t know,” I say and walk out.




I HAVE no idea how long I stare at the door after Cohen leaves. I’ve been wondering what our first fight would be about, but I never thought it would include Teddy and his new girlfriend—a girl who obviously has seen my boyfriend naked. With a groan, I place my forehead on the counter, banging it lightly a few times to try and make myself feel better. It doesn’t work.

As I process everything that happened, I feel a wide range of emotions. I’m pissed at Cohen. I’m pissed at myself. I’m pretty much pissed at the world right now. The other part of me wants to cry because this wasn’t how tonight was supposed to go. The man I love isn’t supposed to walk out on me after a fight. I may be new at this whole ‘in love’ thing, but aren’t you supposed to talk out your differences? Then again, I’m no stranger to Reese needing to take a drive whenever she and Cy get into it, so maybe that’s all Cohen needs. He just needs to clear his head, and then he’ll be back. At least I hope so.

A throat clears, and I look up to see Sophie and Teddy standing in front of me, fingers linked together. At least they were able to make up.

Sophie gives me a small smile. “I’m really sorry about that,” she tells me, and I try to wave her off but she continues. “I overreacted and shouldn’t have brought you into it. What a first impression, right?”

Teddy comes around and gives me a hug, causing me to fight back the tears. “I’m sorry, too, Candy Cane. I shouldn’t have said what I did.”

“No, you shouldn’t have, but you don’t need to apologize to me. You need to apologize to her,” I tell him, and Sophie gives me an appreciative smile.

“Already done and he’s too cute not to forgive. Although he knows if he ever refers to me as sloppy seconds again, I’ll castrate him in his sleep.”

I laugh, and it feels good to do so. Even though I’m still wondering where Cohen is and when—if—he’s coming back, I’m happy that these two could work things out. It’s been a long time since Teddy’s been in a relationship, and as I study him, I can tell that he’s really into her.

“Where’s Wellington?” Teddy asks, and I wince. Sophie must see me because she pinches him.

I clear my throat and stand up from the stool. “He was apparently as surprised as Sophie. Said he needed to think.” I can’t stand the sympathetic looks on their faces. “It’s been a long day. I’m turning in.”

They both echo their goodnights, and I can’t get away fast enough.

Once I grab a new bottle of wine, I take it and my glass to my room, where I flip on VH1. The Top 50 Most Awesomely Bad Songs is on, and I curl up on my bed, mentally disagreeing with several of the choices. It isn’t until Rick Astley comes on at number twenty-three that the tears finally start to fall. I bury my face in the pillow, not wanting anyone to hear me. Apparently, it’s no use, because moments later, I feel the bed dip and warm arms slip around me. I’m momentarily relieved when I think that it’s Cohen, but then I hear Teddy’s voice.

“He’ll come back, you know,” he whispers. Turning to face him, I simply nod, and he brushes the hair away from my face. “He’s crazy about you, babe.”

“I know. But what if he doesn’t?” My voice sounds small and meek, and I hate it.

Teddy’s eyes shoot up. “Then you go get him. The Andi I know always goes after what she wants.”

Jumping up, I realize that Teddy’s right. The wine goes straight to my head, and I get tangled up in my sheets and fall back down on the bed. He laughs, and I sit down in a pout. “Shit. I can’t drive anywhere tonight.”

Teddy leans in and gives my shoulder a squeeze. “Get dressed. Then I’ll take you to get your man.”

A plan forms in my head, and as I get dressed, I hope that Cohen’s had enough time and space because I’m not going down without a fight.

When I enter the living room, Teddy’s eyes widen and he tosses the keys to Sophie. “Andi, I love you, but there’s no way in hell I’m dropping you off at Wellington’s looking like that after everything that happened tonight. She can take you.”

Looking down at myself, I’m pleased by Teddy’s reaction and smile at Sophie. “Well, I figure you know where you’re going anyway. Do you mind?”

She gives me a sheepish grin then looks back and forth between Teddy and me. Sophie nods and tells Teddy that she’ll be back.

Once we get to his car, she turns to face me. “Umm, actually, Andi, I have no idea where Cohen lives. We never went back to his place,” she admits, and I can’t help but feel a bit triumphant, knowing that Charlie was right when she told me that Cohen never takes women back to his apartment.

With renewed resolve to get him to get over what happened tonight, I give her directions and brace myself for his reaction.



AFTER WHAT feels like forever, I find myself in front of Cohen’s door. The wine has given me a renewed confidence, and I also feel angry for the way he walked out. I decide that I’m going to make him pay and teach him to never do it again. Knocking twice, I look around to make sure I’m alone. As I wait for Cohen to open the door, I loosen the sash on my silk robe and open it just enough to show off the outline of my bare breasts.

The door opens and there he is, dripping in sweat, wearing nothing but a pair of basketball shorts. His muscles are rippling, and he looks sexy as hell. My mouth waters at the sight of him, and I almost forget that I came here ready for angry sex.

His hungry gaze rakes over my body, which tingles underneath his scrutiny. A whistle and a catcall sound from behind us, and when I turn to look, I flush when I see two guys watching us in the parking lot. Cohen growls, takes hold of my wrist, and places one large hand behind my neck, pulling me inside his apartment before slamming the door behind us.

He presses me up against it and looks down at me with heated eyes. His hand comes down to my collarbone, and I shiver as it trails down my bare skin, stopping just above my belly button. It comes back up and he traces the outline of my breasts, pushing the material away until my hard nipples are exposed.

“What the hell are you doing, Andi? Putting on a show for my neighbors?” he growls, removing his hands from my skin and pressing them on the door behind me, boxing me in. His eyes wander down my body until they come back up and meet mine. “Do I have to make it clear, Ruby? This is mine. I don’t care who’s seen it before. I’m the only one who gets to see it now.”

His words should turn me on, but instead, they make my blood boil. Where was this attitude two hours ago when he walked out of my kitchen?

Looking up at him, I set my jaw and untie my robe, allowing the silk material to brush against my body as it drops to floor. Cohen swallows hard, taking in the sight of me in nothing but his favorite fuck-me heels. I bring my hand down and slip it into his basketball shorts. He’s not wearing boxers, and I grip his growing erection in my fist before tightening it.

“And this is mine. I don’t care who you’ve fucked before me. The only woman you’re fucking now is me.”

His eyes close briefly, and I use the opportunity to grab one of his hands and place it on my chest. He allows me to guide him, first over one breast and then the other.

“These are yours. The only person who will ever see, ever taste, ever touch these again is you.”

He watches me intently, his eyes not leaving mine. Our hands run down my smooth skin until I rest them on the apex of my thighs. My other hand is still gripping him, and he’s growing by the second.

“And this, Cohen, this is yours. Only yours. No one has ever pleasured me the way you do. No one has ever loved me the way you do. And no one ever will. You do this to me. No one but you.”

Taking hold of his hand, I bring it between my legs so he can feel how wet I am. A low guttural sound escapes his throat, and before I know it, he’s shoving his basketball shorts down, stepping out of them, and pulling me up into his arms.

“Wrap those sexy legs around my waist, baby,” he orders, and I comply readily.

His lips crash down on mine and his tongue presses against my lips, forcing their entry. His kiss is possessive, forceful, and our tongues wrestle before he slows the pace. I take his bottom lip between my teeth and bite gently. His hand rests on the small of my back while the other one comes up to grip my breast, where he tugs on my nipple with the same force of my bite, sending a shot of pleasurable pain through me. A small moan escapes my lips, and his tongue begins its assault on my own again. I rock my hips against him, craving the feel of his erection between my legs. Arching my back, I try to reposition to guide him in, but he holds back.

BOOK: Combust (The Wellingtons #1)
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