Combust (The Wellingtons #1) (45 page)

BOOK: Combust (The Wellingtons #1)
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AFTER FINDING my little black dress, Reese sidetracks me for a bit with her excitement over finally setting a wedding date. When I finally make my way to the kitchen, I find Teddy and Cohen in some sort of weird stare down.

“Umm, hello? Are you two going to make out or something? Should I come back later?” I joke, but neither of them cracks a smile.

“He’s not my type,” Teddy says before giving Cohen a pointed look that has me wondering what in the hell is going on.

Teddy leaves the room without so much as a goodbye, and it’s a few seconds before Cohen looks up at me. I can’t read his expression, and when he scoots back from the island and stands, he stuffs something in his back pocket and asks if I’m ready.

The ride home is silent, and there’s tension filling the air, though I have no idea why. I wonder if it has something to do with whatever I walked in on in the kitchen with him and Teddy, but I’m too much of a coward to ask what’s wrong. When we get home, Cohen heads straight to the bathroom, and when I ask if he’s hungry, he merely gives me a grunt. Okay…

I’m busy in the kitchen making dinner when I feel his presence behind me. Turning around, I plant a smile on my face, hoping a hot shower helped change his mood. My face falls when I see him leaning against the doorframe, his arms folded over his chest. I have no idea what the hell his deal is, and I turn off the stove and lean against the counter, crossing my arms to mimic him. We’re in some weird standoff as we stare at each other, neither of us saying a word.

Finally, I can’t take it anymore. “Cohen, what’s going on? Did I do something to piss you off? Because this whole broody, silent treatment thing isn’t working for me.”

“What are we doing here, Andi?” Something about the way he says my name sounds off, and I miss him calling me Ruby. He sweeps his hands out. “All this. Playing house. For what? So you can leave me in a few months? Get my hopes up and then what? Tell me you’re leaving? Huh? Why drag it out? Just do it now.”

“What are you talking about you?
invited me to stay here for the summer.
were the one who wanted to ‘play house’ until
left. This was all
idea,” I say, pointing at him, my voice shaky. I have no idea what’s going on with him. I thought this was what he wanted.

“New York, Ruby. I’m talking about New York,” he whispers, and my heart falters.
Oh fuck.

“How do you know about that?” I ask, which is clearly the wrong thing to say.

He gives a soft laugh with a hurt expression in his eyes. “When were you going to tell me? More importantly, why did I have to find out from Bennett? Of all people, that fucker was the one to inform me.”

Oh, double fuck.
I begin to walk towards him, and he shakes his head. Stopping in the middle of the room, I steel myself for this upcoming fight. Fucking Teddy.

“The thing is, I’m happy for you. It’s an amazing opportunity, and I know you’re going to excel at it. I just wish you’d trusted me enough to tell me. At least as much as you trust him.”

I throw my hands up in exasperation. “Jesus Christ, Cohen! When are you going to get it through your thick skull that he’s nothing more than a friend to me?! How many times do I have to spell it out? You’re who I want. You’re it for me. This whole Teddy complex you have needs to be dropped, because he’s one of my best friends and that’s not going to change. You’re going to have to get over it.”

He doesn’t say a word. He just sets his chin and looks at me.

“And as for the internship, I was planning on turning it down.” I walk past him into the living room and grab my purse before thrusting a piece of paper in his hands. It’s my offer letter from the Memphis magazine, and I’ve been waiting for weeks to show it to him. “That whole surprise tomorrow night? Well, here you go. Surprise! I’m taking a job in Memphis, you asshole, so I can keep ‘playing house’ with you, as you so eloquently put it.”

Without even looking at it, he tosses the letter off to the side. “No, you’re not.”

My heart skips a beat, and I wonder if he’s changed his mind about having me there. Oh God. Hot tears well up in my eyes until my vision is blurry. Cohen steps towards me, but I put my hand out, causing him to stop.

“I can’t let you do that, Ruby,” he says, his voice softening. “This isn’t an opportunity you can pass up.”

“It’s not an opportunity I wanted in the first place!” I yell at him, wondering how to get through to him. “I didn’t even apply for it. Dad did it for me.”

He sighs heavily. “It doesn’t matter. This is bigger than anything Memphis has to offer you. You have to take it.”

Anger rushes through me and breaks past my sadness. I walk towards him, poking him in the chest until he’s backed up against the wall. “You don’t get to decide my future, Cohen Wellington, any more than my dad does.”

He grabs my wrists and looks down at me with sad eyes. “And you’re not deciding yours because of me or where I’m going to be. I’ll love you wherever you are, Ruby, but I can’t let you give this up.”

I’m ready to pull my hair out, but I see the resolve in his eyes. I know he’s not hearing me. “How can I give up something I never wanted in the first place?” I whisper as tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

“How do you know you don’t want it unless you go for it?” He swallows hard and looks up at the ceiling. “I think we need some space, Andi. You haven’t had time to think this through, and I don’t want to cloud your judgment.”

Stepping back, I’m caught off guard by his suggestion. “Cohen, please don’t do this,” I cry, my shoulders beginning to shake due to my sobs.

Confliction fills his eyes, and I can tell that he’s fighting the urge to hold me but to also keep me at arm’s length. His hand comes up to caress my cheek, and he captures a few tears on his fingertips.

“Just a few days so you can decide what you want with a clear head.”

I want to throw myself at him and pummel him with my fists until he gets it through his damn head that all I want is him, but I know it’ll be no use. Instead, I pull away from him, grab my purse, and walk towards the door, my heart breaking with each step that takes me farther away from him.

Just as I turn the knob, I turn back to him, meeting his gaze. “I know what I want, Cohen. You just need to trust that I do. This is the second time you’ve told me you need time or space. I’m not going to be the one to come crawling back this time to make everything better with a hot fuck against the wall.”

He winces and then nods in my direction. “I wouldn’t expect you to.”

Whatever pieces of my heart that were still intact have now shattered into a tiny million shards, and I have no idea if I’ll ever be able to put them back together again. “Just so we’re clear. I told you I was moving to Memphis and you’re pushing me away.”

He doesn’t respond. Hell, he doesn’t even look at me as his shoulders droop.

I let out a small laugh. “I meant it when I said I never wanted New York. I’d be passing out mail and getting coffee for at least the next two years. In Memphis, I already have a line on a column scouting out local bands. You know, something I’ve always wanted to do. But I’m so glad you think you know what’s best for me. I thought you knew me. Understood me. But now I’m wondering if you ever really knew me at all.”

With that parting shot, I walk out the door, wondering if I’ll ever be able to walk back in again.




AFTER ANDI left, I spent the night trying to convince myself that I was doing the right thing, but the more I replay our conversation, the more I’m beginning to realize I’m an idiot. She was right. Who am I to tell her what she wants to do? It’s just… There’s a small worry in the back of my mind that I haven’t given her a chance to think things through. It’s going to kill me, but a little bit of space might help her clear her head.

For the first time in over five months, I go to bed by myself, and even though I downed a healthy amount of Jack Daniel’s, it’s no use. I toss and turn, unable to escape Andi’s scent. My arms curl around her pillow, feeling empty from not having her in my arms, and eventually, exhaustion takes over and I drift off to sleep.

My alarms blares the next morning, and I squint at the clock and realize that, instead of morning, it’s already two in the afternoon. Jumping up, I rush towards the bathroom, knowing that, if I don’t leave soon, I’m going to be late. After getting ready in record time, I grab my phone and see that there’s a missing text. My heart flips when I see it’s from Andi.

Migraine from hell. Please tell Charlie I’m sorry I couldn’t make it and I’ll see her soon.

I want to rush over to her apartment, to take care of her, to make sure she’s okay, but I’m pretty sure that ‘migraine’ is her code name for that asshole named Cohen. Regardless, I text her back, asking if she’s okay. A few minutes go by until I realize that she’s not going to answer me. I deserve that.

With a heavy sigh, I lock the apartment and head to Belle Meade alone for the first time in months. The car is way too silent, and I flip on the stereo as I try to drown out my thoughts. Naturally, Savage Garden is playing on the radio, and rather than changing it, I crank up the volume, knowing that no amount of noise is going to erase my thoughts. It’s been all of a day and I already miss the hell out of her. I’m already too used to having her in my life that even just one night apart is too much. The farther I drive away from Knoxville, the more aware I become that I’ve royally screwed this up. I should’ve discussed the future with her. I shouldn’t have assumed she trusted Teddy more than me. I should never have let her walk out of my apartment until we cleared everything up. I have half a mind to turn the car around, to show up at her door and tell her I’m an idiot. Because this drive to Belle Meade without her next to me feels wrong. Hell, it is wrong. Instead, I grip the steering wheel harder, and head towards home, determined to give her one more night to think things over. Tomorrow, though, it’s game on. Tomorrow, I’m getting my girl back.

The party’s in full swing by the time I show up, and I throw a fake smile on my face, steal a beer from passing waiter, and head into the backyard, where I see Knox, Charlie, and a few of their friends.

Knox pulls me into a headlock, giving me a hard time for being late. He teases me about Andi, informing the guys that I’m dating someone. He’s apparently oblivious to the fact that she’s not with me. A strange look passes between Jace, Knox, and Kale, and before I know it, Kale’s pointing to a very pregnant Lucy, a moderately pregnant Lexi, and then the ring on Charlie’s finger.

“Looks like you’re next, buddy,” he says, and my heart falls. If only they knew I’d already screwed things up.

Charlie cracks up and ruffles my hair. “Oh, Cohen. This is going to be fun.”

“Yeah, right,” I mumble.

Charlie’s smile falters and she looks at me closely, finally noticing I’m alone. I think she’s about to ask where Andi is when Mom interrupts us in order to introduce Charlie to another family friend. Thankfully, I make my escape and spend the rest of the party at the bar, knocking back brew after brew, suddenly understanding Branson’s whole remembering problem. Tonight, remembering is the last thing I want to do.

I think I’m going to escape all the scrutiny when Kale’s girlfriend, Lucy, goes into labor. With all the excitement, I make my way into the kitchen, where I loosen my tie and pour myself something a bit stronger than beer.

Branson walks in, and I can’t help but laugh at the wet spot on his suit. “Dude, who knew you were so good with pregnant women?”

He smiles, and for the first time in a long damn time, it looks genuine. “I guess I haven’t quite lost my touch. How about you, kid? Where’s the sexy redhead?”

I down the rest of my drink at his question and go to pour another, but he snatches the bottle up. Sighing, I hunch over in my stool.

“I fucked up,” I say simply.

“Beyond repair?” he asks, and I shake my head no.

“I don’t think so. But I think she’s pretty damn pissed at me.”

“You love her?”

“More than anything in the world. Fuck, she is my world.”

“Then why the fuck are you here with me? What’d I tell you at Christmas, Cohen? You meet a girl like that, you don’t ever let her go.” I look at him in surprise, and he chuckles. “Hey, even wasted off my ass, I can still give some pretty good advice. Sleep it off. Then wake up tomorrow, nurse your hangover, and go get your woman. You with me?”

BOOK: Combust (The Wellingtons #1)
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