Taken by the Fae Lord

Read Taken by the Fae Lord Online

Authors: Emma Alisyn

Tags: #new adult romance, #alpha male billionaire erotic romance, #fairy tale action adventure, #paranormal fae werewolf romance

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Concubines of the Fae Series

Story 1


A BBW Billionaire Paranormal
Fantasy Erotic Short









Emma Alisyn

Taken by the Fae

Copyright © 2014 by Emma

Cover design by Emma

Editing by A. K.



“Come here,” he said.

She took a step back, no fear in the
movement. Eero rose in response to the subtle challenge, his
approach slow and patient. “There is no where you can run, little
human. Don’t try.”

“My name is Liana.”

“It is. A beautiful name. I’ll remember to
say it when I’m fucking you.”

Her breath caught at the abrupt crudeness of
his words. “You don’t own me.”

Eero smiled, pleased at her defiance. It
would make the game more interesting. “You didn’t read the papers
you signed?” He inquired pleasantly. “I do own you. Your body
belongs to me. Your womb. Because you are human, and a woman, your
heart will soon follow.” He paused, head tilted as he studied her.
“Keep your mind. It interests me.”

Her hand clenched into a fist. “I liked you
when you were pretending to be human.”

“You like me now.” He placed a hand on her
chest, gently. It felt like a brand of ownership. “And soon you
will love me. I won’t accept anything less from the woman who will
carry my child.”

His free hand coiled in the mass of her

“You will love me,” he whispered in her ear,
a voice creamier than molten chocolate and just as sinful.

Her pussy clenched and she felt him inhale,
mouth opening against the skin of her neck. Eero released the
chokehold he kept on his sexuality, just enough to entice. Just
enough for her sensual fear to spice the air. “But you’ll love what
I do to you more.”

His grip in her hair forced her neck to
tilt, giving him access to her lips. He claimed it-no hesitant
kiss, but a plundering. A demand that she acknowledge his right to
her. He pulled her against the full length of his body. The hard
lines of his muscles overwhelmed her soft curves. Her back arched
from the difference in their heights and she felt the heaviness of
his erection pressing into her stomach.

Body reacting- the response of any
red-blooded female when presented with an inferno clothed in silk
and steel flesh- Liana felt her mouth soften under his, opening to
allow him access. His tongue plunged into her, a rhythmic motion
kindling the dampening of her panties. His kiss engulfed her,
branded her. She'd been kissed before, but never with this
single-minded focus, as if her body was his first, last and always.
Knew that if she had the courage to take what he offered she would
experience physical pleasure women spent every night of their lives
dreaming about, escaping the drudgery of the men at their

Liana whimpered, her hands trembling. Desire
and fear entangled in her stomach; she didn’t know which emotion to
heed, didn't even know if it mattered.

He pulled back to brush kisses along her
cheek. Moved his mouth to her ear where warm air sent her toes

“What do you want me to do to you?” he

She closed her eyes, biting her lip. His
grip tightened, shifting around her waist. He backed her against a
wall, capturing both of her wrists in one hand and pinning them
above her head.

“Answer me,” he said, a snarl in his voice.
“You already owe me for one disrespect this evening.”

Liana’s eyes opened in outrage. “What! I
haven’t disrespected you.”

He smiled, grim and promising, the slits in
his eyes dilated. The textured wallpaper covering the wall at her
back scraped her skin. She wriggled, wanting some relief from the
irritation, and only served to rub herself against his erection.
His eyes narrowed, smile disappearing.

“First you refuse my drink. Now you toy with

“No! No. I’m not playing with you.” She
squeaked when his hand cupped the curve of her butt and squeezed,
lifting the cheek of her ass with enough force that pleasure
bordered pain. Liana stifled a flinch in reaction to the ire
heating his eyes.

“Tell me what you want. No, open your eyes,
little human.”

Liana knew he would make her say it, and the
longer she waited, the harder her punishment would be.

“You refuse to speak? You seek to be
punished, Liana?”

“No,” she whispered, paused, then cleared
her throat. She could barely speak around the beating of her heart.
The sibilant way he spoke her name, Li-Ah-Nah, making something
exotic and lyrical of the simple syllables- she felt beautiful.
“No, I mean- I don’t know what I want.”

“You lie.”

“I want to leave! I want you to let me

He shook his head slowly, eyes never leaving
hers. “It’s a shame the mother of my child is a liar. What should I
do about that, hmm?”

Eero lifted her into his arms in an easy
movement that betrayed the depth of his strength. No lightweight
girl, Liana’s curves offered plenty to keep him occupied if his
preferences swung in that direction. Liana’s hope of finding a man
who liked curves faded a long time ago. Despite her reticence, her
outrage at being coerced into this situation, she also knew she
would be crazy not to grasp the chance with both hands.

He opened the door to the bedroom part of
the suite, leaving it open so the light from the living area shined
onto the massive bed. He threw her onto it and immediately crawled
in after her, kicking off his shoes.

“Now,” he said. “I will give you one more
opportunity, out of courtesy for your status, to tell me the truth,
before I punish you, and just so you know…”

His hand smoothed along her thigh under her
skirt. In an abrupt motion he flipped her onto her stomach, skirt
shoved above her ass, panties pulled down. He slapped her ass, a
hard, stinging smack that caused her flesh to jiggle. Liana bit her
lip, refusing to cry out.

He leaned over her, mouth to her ear. “Tell
me what you want.”

Tears stung. “Y- you. I want you.”


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There were three classes of men these days.
Human, Fae and Lords of the Fae- the latter being a class so
different from the others that it might as well designate a
separate species. The Fae Lords moved with sinuous elegance and
hoarded power ordinary folk found painful, yet mesmerizing to
watch, almost like a fiery plane crash. It had to hurt, but man,
what a sight.

Liana Sandoval presented her letter of
appearance to the orderly at the gate, who scanned the bar code,
matched it to the pads of her fingers, and waved her past the
checkpoint into a small crowd of women. Uncertain of her
surroundings- a government form letter didn’t normally imply party-
Liana thought the lakeside beach looked like a Girl’s Night Out.
And her memo to wear white must have been routed to the Spam

The fact that she would stand out in the
wrong way in a khaki skirt and cap-sleeved blouse pissed her off
and straightened her spine. She mentally smacked herself for being
pissed off, because who cared how she dressed- no one said she
wanted to be there in the first place. Plus the dock to her pay
almost ruined what would otherwise have been an amusing treat.

She snatched a glass of something bubbly and
unaffordable off the tray of a passing server, impressed despite
herself. The Fae Lord attached to this call out wasn’t required to
host a party, just show up at a designated time with the paperwork,
pick a genetically matched female to make a baby with, and leave.
Liana couldn’t figure out if throwing a party betrayed bourgeois
snobbery or a generous nature- countering the paperwork some woman
would be signing at the end of the evening, making a transaction
out of something that should have been allowed to happen

Liana looked around the grassy lawn, eyeing
the docked boats for a moment before going back to her visual
search. A sea- well, technically, they were on Lake Michigan not
near a sea- of women, but no men. But boy, were these women hot.
Liana didn’t know if this particular Lord was just a lucky winner
of the genetic jackpot, or if over the last ten years since the
arrival of the Fae, these women spent their time hoarding left over
cosmetics and party dresses from before the War. Liana had
overheard many a conversation between pretty girls who didn’t want
to work for a living. A coup for any woman if her DNA meant that
some Fae Lord could produce a strong Fae child with her as

Ten years ago, human government, in a
refreshing change of attitude, spent almost as much time
negotiating the standard contract for their sacrificed citizens as
ironing out services Fae would provide in return for what the
citizens dubbed pejoratively, ‘platinum booty.’ So if chosen, Liana
knew her reward for the privilege of fucking a hot stranger and
giving birth included luxury housing, all the chocolate she could
eat and weekly salon appointments. She snorted. The chocolate part
sounded just fine- the rest bored her to dizziness. But still there
were plenty of girls who gossiped and daydreamed, hoarding their
makeup and saving up for a presentation dress, hoping that when
they turned eighteen their DNA testing marked them as eligible for
some Fae-and every girl wanted a Lord. Her own half sister drove
Liana crazy every night with her fantasies.

When I get a letter, I’ll
be ready,” Alexis said as they sat on her sister's bed one
afternoon, a treasure trove of old lipstick, eye shadow and
blushers spread on the threadbare quilt. The blonde girl eyed
Liana, doubt in her sidelong glance. “These aren’t really your
colors, though. The Fae like long legs and blue eyes. Even if you
get a letter, I wouldn’t worry about it. Better concentrate on
being smart.”

To this day Liana fumed. As if being smart
meant being unattractive. As if not being blonde and blue eyed
meant occupying some second tier of prettiness. But in a society
where the arrival of the skinny, Nordic looking Fae brought back
the whole Scandinavian standard of beauty with a vengeance, Liana
didn’t stand a chance. Short, curvy and shades of brown, any half
Fae baby with her as a mother wouldn’t be a blonde. So far, it
seemed as if the regular rules of genetics applied when having
offspring with the Fae- dark dominant, light recessive. It made for
some exotic looking mixes, and that first batch of babies wasn’t
even out of fifth grade yet. Proof-which women seemed to ignore, as
it didn't fit their view of things- that there were at least a few
Fae men who liked darker women.

Everyone else mingled, the sound of feminine
laughter and some type of cocktail party music wafting in the warm
summer air. A sherbet colored sky graced the party, the view of the
remnants of downtown after years of cleanup still a Magnificent
Mile. Liana found a white, new looking beach chair and settled
gingerly, making sure not to flash anything as she tucked her skirt
under her legs and sat back. Not that anyone noticed, and now that
all the other matches were higher than her, Liana knew when the
Lord arrived, he wouldn’t see her anyway. She decided to enjoy the
champagne, enjoy the music, shrug her shoulders and enjoy having an
unexpected evening off. Not worry about eating next week.

You don’t like the
party?” A smooth, male voice asked behind her. Liana jumped,
cursing when the champagne sloshed over her hand. She looked up,
blowing out a quick breath to say something scathing. Relaxed when
her eyes took in dark slacks and a light shirt. Event personnel,
probably on break. She sympathized, and hoped he was wearing
comfortable shoes.

It’s fine, just not my
thing,” she replied, shrugging a shoulder. “I don’t belong here

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