Clouds of Tyranny (22 page)

Read Clouds of Tyranny Online

Authors: J. R. Pond

Tags: #thriller, #adventure, #fantasy, #sci fi, #post apocacylptic

BOOK: Clouds of Tyranny
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Everyone made their way to the dining room,
which was flooded with the scent of poached salmon; something they
weren’t used to. Locke made it to the dining area last after a few
last words with Smith about the battle. Locke entered and saw
Julius sitting by himself as his men were sitting with the rest of
the soldiers; Ray was standing at the doorway waiting for Locke.
“Maybe we should sit with him…get to know your ally type of thing,”
suggested Ray. Locke nodded and they walked over to the muscular
African skinned man with a shiny baldhead and handlebar mustache.
“Anymore room?” asked Locke. Julius looked up at them, “Plenty.”
They sat together without anyone saying anything till Locke broke
the silence, “Julius, since Chuck is not present at this time I was
thinking you could stay in his bed in Lars’ room.” “Um, I was kinda
hoping to have it all to myself,” said Lars from the table behind
Locke where he was next to Terra. “Gonna have to be another time,”
said Locke sternly as Lars sighed and Terra began to pout, “Despite
what you had planned.” Lars quickly turned his head to escape the
accusation. They fish was delivered to each person and was served
with lemon and herbed rice. “Looks wonderful,” said Locke trying to
compliment his new ally. Julius nodded as he ate his food while he
looked at it. Locke frowned thinking what he could do to make him
feel more at home. “Why doesn’t anyone ever have fish for
breakfast?” asked Ray out of nowhere. Julius looked up wide-eyed in
bewilderment, “What?” Locke smiled and swung his head from side to
side knowing where this was going. “No, think about it,” said Ray,
“You have steak for breakfast, grain, dairy, pork, spice. Hell, the
Spanish even have chicken for breakfast. It just blows me away that
you go to a diner at an inn and ask for fried sea bass and they
look at you like you’ve lost your damn mind.” “And they’d be
right!” yelled Eve from two tables away where her and Ruthie were
sitting; they looked like sisters complete with the exact same
bubbly smile. Ray gave her an odd look, “Or how bout shrimp over
eggs benedict, huh? Catfish omelet maybe?” Julius was staring
intently at Ray then turned to Locke. “Yes, he’s always like this,”
said Locke. Julius smiled, “Ah!” “So,” said Locke cutting into his
fish, “Your from the Sangrohl mountains. Wish I knew that a couple
weeks ago when I was hiding out in a shack with Terra, might not
have gotten attacked.” “I know, we were there,” said Julius.
“Excuse me?” “We were watching you and created a distraction while
you two escaped, there were a dozen on your tail after you reached
the tunnel leading to the plains.” “Why didn’t you tell us?” “We
pride ourselves on being invisible, that’s why we position
ourselves deep in the mountains and only enlist dark skinned men
and women.” “Well, thank you.” Julius nodded in affirmation.
BURP!!! “Excuse you,” said Locke rudely after Ray burped in his
direction. “Don’t mind if I do,” said Ray getting up from his seat
and walking over to where Eve was sitting.

Ray walked over to Eve’s table where she was
sitting next Ruthie and Ruthie was sitting across from Alex; Ray
sat next to Alex. “Good fish,” said Ray rubbing his stomach. Eve
reached over and grabbed Ray’s hand and held it in the middle of
the tabletop as she smiled at him. Alex smiled at their display of
public affection, “So, how’d you guys meet?” “I saved his life
about three years and he couldn’t help but make me his girl,”
smiled Eve devilishly. “How modest of you,” said Ray sarcastically,
“I was traveling through the haunted forest-“ “In the south, I’ve
been there,” said Alex, knowing the dangers. “Right, and I was
attacked by the blood wraith…I know, I thought it was just a myth
too. When out of nowhere came this tiny little girl from the tree
tops planting her knife, which is bigger than she is, into the back
of his spine as he flailed around not knowing what had happened.
Then, it just vanished.” “I remember walking over to this grown man
laying on the floor bleeding from his left arm that had been
scythed by the wraith’s sickle,” explained Eve making it sound like
he was a weakling. “So, I’m laying there dying and she says, ‘kinda
big to be so weak’ with a huge grin on her face,” scoffed Ray.
“Dying? Barely a flesh wound,” said Eve. “That’s when I joined the
Returners and we were a couple for almost a year before I was sent
here.” Eve frowned, “That was the hardest day of my life.” “Wow,
that’s a great story,” smiled Alex at Eve. “I never get sick of
hearing it,” said Ruthie rubbing Eve’s back. Alex looked to their
hands intertwined on the table and asked, “So, what now?” Eve and
Ray looked at each other desperately, knowing that they couldn’t be
together since they were so far away from one another; the
Returner’s cause always came first.

Locke and Julius finished their fish and
walked through the ‘Returners’ door and down the hall to Lars’
room. “Here it is,” aid Locke, “The sheets were already changed
according to Smith.” “Sounds good,” said Julius admiring the room
that was canvassed in painting done by Lars, “Did Chuck do these?”
“That’s all Lars’ doing, but if you find an apple core or chicken
bones lying around; that’s Chuck’s work,” laughed Locke. “Locke?”
said Smith from the hallway standing with Sam and Eve, “I’m going
to put these two in the spare room.” Locke nodded affirmingly,
“Fine, but there’s only one bed, unless one of them doesn’t mind
sleeping on a gurney; the infirmary has a few vacant ones at the
moment.” “That wont be necessary,” said Eve, “I’ll sleep in the
women’s dorm with my people, I’m not above that.” Eve smiled at
Smith and went back toward the dining area. “I’ll take him to the
spare,” said Locke to Smith. “Very well,” said Smith before making
his way to his own room. Locke looked back at Julius, “Let me know
if there’s anything else you need.” “Thanks Locke,” said

Locke led Sam to the spare bedroom that lay
far from the rest of the rooms down a separate corridor adjacent
from Smith, “How’s Bella?” Sam hung his head as they walked, “She
passed, Locke.” “How? When?” “About six months ago. Imperial ambush
at the camp costing us eleven soldiers; that’s why we moved our
location.” “Geez, well here we are,” said Locke opening the door to
the spare room. Sam walked in after Locke, it was a fair sized room
with a bed, a small round table with two cloth-padded chairs on
either side, a small stove made specifically for cooking canned
food or heating water for coffee. The walls were matted with
imperial-issued swords, guns, and a bloody imperial flag. “This was
made into an imperial anti-shrine, hope it doesn’t make you too
uncomfortable,” said Locke going over to the cupboard in the corner
of the room. “I like it! I have a sick sense of humor as you know,”
chuckled Sam. “Don’t we all?” said Locke confidentially pulling a
bottle of whiskey from the cabinet as Sam gave him a confused look.
“It’s also where I store a few of my things, help yourself.” Sam
sat down at the table and was joined by Locke who was removing the
top from the half drunken bottle. “Now we can catch up,” said Sam
taking the bottle and drinking some. “I remember when you were
injured, does the eye still itch like crazy?” “Nah, don’t even
notice it anymore. But I still don’t look in the mirror.” “Neither
do I.” “Hell, if I had a beard like that I wouldn’t either,” said
Sam pointing at Locke’s sloppily growing facial hair, “Looks like
in between the legs of the last woman I was with.” They both
laughed maniacally at Sam’s cruel joke. “I haven’t had time to
shave,” said Locke making excuses for himself. “I don’t blame you.
If Alex was my girl I’d never get out of bed.” “Pretty nice, eh?”
“Mmm, that doesn’t begin to describe it. I bet she’s a tiger in the
sack, am I right?” “Well…” “What? Don’t tell me your shy all of a
sudden. I remember back in the day you used to let me smell your
fingers.” They both chuckled and Locke cleared his throat, “No, I
mean…” “Oh! I get it! You haven’t had her yet. Where’s the old
Locke I remember? The man that used to dominate a girl before he
even knew her name.” “There’s something about her. She reminds me
of Alisa…except for the hair of course.” “Physically maybe, but on
the inside she’s the complete opposite.” Locke took a long chug
from the bottle as he thought about Sam’s words, “Maybe your right,
but there’s something else…” “What?” asked Sam taking a drink.
“She’s tough, possibly the toughest woman I have ever met.” “That’s
a turn on!” “Tell me about it.” “Ain’t she a little skinny for you?
You usually go for the fatties.” Locke scoffed heavily, “They
weren’t fat, they were-“ “’Thick’, I know I know. You call ‘em
thick, I call ‘em fat, husky, hippo-ass.” “Image is nothing when
you get to see the inner beauty of a person; their strength, their
weakness, their perfection, and their flaws.” “This is true, my
friend.” “Enough about me, how’s your old lady?” “Karen? Oh she
gets better everyday and more beautiful. We have a second on the
way.” “Congratulations.” “Thanks, hope I get a son this time, but
if I don’t I’ll love another daughter just a much.” “But it would
be nice to have someone just like you, only smaller.” “Here here!”
yelled Sam holding up the bottle.

After Terra spent some quality time with
Lars, she made her way to the women’s dorm that was now full what
with all the visitors from around the western region of the
continent. She walked toward her bed where Eve, Alex, and Ruthie
were talking while Ten sat on her bed staring into her book. “Hi
Ten,” said Terra not expecting a response. Ten looked over at Terra
and smiled politely without being verbal. “Hey Ruthie,” said Terra,
“What’s goin’ on?” Alex and Terra just gave each other an
uncomfortable look. “Hey Ter, this is Eve,” said Ruthie cheeringly.
Terra extended a friendly hand, “Nice to meet you, I’m Terra
Bordague.” “Yes, the spellcaster, right?” asked Eve. “Yeah, but I’m
still learning.” Alex casually left the group, due do its
awkwardness and went to the other side of the bed where Ten was
reading with her back turned to the other girls. “Jill? Whispered
Alex, “Do you drink?” Ten’s eyes drifted up from her book to look
at Alex and nodded a ‘yes’. Alex began walking towards the door as
Jillian leaped off her bed and followed. Eve watched the two of
them till they left the room, “Wow! You can cut the tension with a
knife.” Ruthie chuckled at the obviousness of it, “They a little
bit of a spat a while back. Alex called out Terra in the training
room and Terra blasted her with a spell. All over Locke.” “Oh,”
said Eve realizing what prompted the feud, “Cuz she stole your
man?” “What?” yelled Ruthie and Terra simultaneously? “You know,
cuz their together.” Terra eyes became lifeless with realization
that Alex and Locke were a couple. Eve’s spirit fell to the floor,
“Sorry, I thought you knew.” Terra felt downtrodden.
That little
she thought,
Will she steal Lars from me too?
“Anyway,” said Terra attempting to change the subject, “How’d you
two meet?” Ruthie straightened up as she began to tell a story the
only way she could.

“Me and Locke had just gotten to the
continent after leaving Listka. I was seven and a half, I remember
cuz Locke’s birthday is six months to the day from mine. We were
traveling through the hills and to the east I saw a small town with
smoke rising from several of the chimneys and I said to myself,
‘maybe I can get a cake or something for Locke.’ Not that it
would’ve mattered anyway, Locke has a tendency to forget his own
birthday.” “That’s an odd thing to forget,” said Terra. “His father
died on his birthday.” Terra frowned and allowed Ruthie to finish
her tale. “Anyway, after several minutes of begging him to veer off
our path to go to the town, he finally gave in. He kept saying,
‘It’s only midday, we have plenty more traveling in us’ to a seven
year old. No one ever said he was the fatherly type, but that
changed as we spent more time together. We traveled east to the
small town of Saint Vlomario. Locke got us a room at the inn while
I ‘explored’ the town. When in actuality I was looking for a gift
for Locke’s birthday. I saw a bakery with beautiful cakes in the
display windows which were very dirty, but that didn’t take away
from the beauty of the food. I can still remember the cake I
wanted; it was a broadsword sticking out of a large rock.”
“Excalibur?” asked Terra. “Yup, I know that now that I’m older and
more book savvy.” Eve smiled, “I remember when Ruthie walked into
the store. She was tired with dark circles under her eyes
consistent with a traveler’s face. She wore faded denim shorts and
a long shirt. She walked up to the counter and dropped several
silver coins on the counter haphazardly and said, in a high excited
voice, ‘I want the sword cake for my boyfriend’. My boss stared at
the silver for a second before saying ‘not enough, go away’. He was
a real ass sometimes…okay, all the times. Ruthie looked as if she
were going to cry as she began picking up her coins one by one.
Then, I came out of the back area of the shop and said ‘I’ll pay
the rest’. I didn’t have any money, but my boss just took it out of
my pay the next week.” Terra smiled at Eve’s kindness, “That was
nice of you.” “Sure was,” said Ruthie, “Then the dirty, mean man
walked away to fetch my cake. Eve stayed at the counter and we
introduced ourselves to each other. Then, I invited her to enjoy
the cake with us that night; two people singing to him sounds
better than one.” “Yup,” nodded Eve, “Then, before you know it, it
became three travelers instead of two.”

“So, that’s why there’s friction between us,
I don’t hate her, it’s just she needed to be put in her place. I’m
better for Locke,” explained Alex to Jillian. “Interesting,
something like that would never fly in Velxeer, my captain would
simply get rid of one of us if that had happened. Different
worlds.” “Very different. So, Jill, tell me: you got a man back
home?” Jillian frowned at the question, “In the Velxeer military it
is forbidden for a man or a woman to be involved romantically or
sexually; it segregates us from our duties.” Alex raised an eyebrow
at Jillian’s answer, “I didn’t ask for the answer you give to your
superiors when asked of your policy, I’m asking you as a fellow
soldier and a woman; days of war and nights of love, right?”
Jillian smiled at the realization of being caught even though they
tried to be professional about her ‘job’, “His name is Edward. He
owns the armor shop in town, please don’t tell anyone.” “Relax
Jill, your secret’s safe with me.” “Thank you. Thankfully we have
yet to be caught. All I want is to be with him for the rest of my
life. I can leave the military in ten years if I wish. Velxeer
allows you to leave when you either serve twenty years or become
useless.” “Allows? That’s awful. Just run away and marry him. Open
a little shop somewhere in the south.” Jillian sighed, “I can’t, I
have an obligation with my people and my kingdom…though I want to.”
Alex took a big drink and passed it over to Jillian, “How’s the bed
play?” said Alex winking. Jillian blushed as she took a long sip
trying to keep up with Alex, “It’s very romantic the way he makes
love. It makes war bearable.” “I know exactly what you mean.
Release is vital.” Alex pulled a cigarette from her pocket and
offered it to Jillian. “No no no,” said Jillian, “I’ll throw up if
I have one of those.” Alex shrugged, “Suit yourself.” Alex lit the
cigarette then took a long puff. After several more drinks Jillian
got up, put on her ‘Ten’ face and retired to the dorm as Alex sat
there and smoked a few cigarettes as she contemplated everything
going on right now; Locke, the battle in Harmon to come, and the
growing hostility between her and Terra..

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