Clouds of Tyranny (21 page)

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Authors: J. R. Pond

Tags: #thriller, #adventure, #fantasy, #sci fi, #post apocacylptic

BOOK: Clouds of Tyranny
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It was early afternoon as Locke and Ray were
sitting at a dining table looking over a map of Harmon. “What do ya
think?” asked Ray. “I like it. Okay so there it is: you and Clyde
at the rear, Pearl and Lars take the side, Terra, Ruthie, and
myself at the front gate for a surprise assault, and Alex on the
north roof with the snipers, and Captain corned beef on the east
roof with his men. And the rest will be scattered among the town.”
“What about the Retriever?” “He’ll be everywhere as always.”
Suddenly the two of them heard chattering coming from the tunnel
entrance that led to the wayfarer’s wall. They stood up ready to
greet more fellow Returners; people they haven’t seen in years. In
walked close to thirty bodies, only a few being female. “Welcome to
headquarters,” said Ray putting his hands up. Locke greeted them
all one-by-one; some of which he was meeting for the first time.
“What kind of moron would make you second in command?” said a deep
voice from behind Locke. “Ask your uncle,” joked Locke referring to
Smith as he opened his arm, “Come here you SOB.” Locke hugged the
older gentleman that was about Locke’s height with a clean shaved
face and head, an eye patch over his right eye; beneath the eye
patch was a scar that peeked out of the top of it. “Ray, this is
Smith’s adopted nephew…I cant seem to place your name,” joked
Locke. “Fuck you,” laughed the man punching Locke in the arm, “How
ya doin’ brotha, Sam’s mah name.” Ray shook his hand, “Ray.” “Ray!”
yelled a voice from within the large group of Returners, Ray turned
attention to the crowd and saw a figure running towards him, a
girl. She jumped towards him and they both fell to the ground, she
sat on top of him. “You’re here, your actually here,” said the
girl. Locke began laughing, “This must be Eve.” Ray was thriving in
pain from the impact his back made on the floor; he pointed a
finger up at Locke, “Bingo! Eve, Why do you have to be so rough?”
Eve crawled off him, “Oh stop it ya big baby.” She helped Ray to
his feet. “Attention!” yelled Smith from behind them as they all
looked at him, “Welcome to Returners HQ. Make yourselves at home.
We will be talking shop later before dinner, so in the meantime
just relax.” The large crowd went back to reminiscing and meeting
new allies. Locke looked around at the tables and saw Alex who was
watching them all congregate. Locke waved Alex over who agreeably
stood up and headed over to the crowd. “Sam, there’s someone I want
you to meet,” said Locke patting Sam on the chest. “Crap, this is
never good.” Alex walked over and Sam saw her with his eye, “Wow,
your beauty makes me wish I still had my other eye,” said Sam as he
grabbed her hand and kissed it. “Thank you, Sam. I’m Alex,” she
said smiling. “You’re a lucky man, mah boy.” “See, I told you,”
joked Alex sarcastically winking at Locke. “This is Eve,” butted in
Ray. Alex shook Eve’s hand; Eve was petite girl in her mid twenties
only a few inches shorter than Alex with pale skin and midnight
blue hair down to her shoulders wearing denim shorts, a tight black
sleeveless shirt, and donning a large knife on her side.

Locke, Alex, Sam, Ray, and Eve went to
Locke’s room to catch up and discuss more battle strategy. Ray sat
on the floor with Eve behind him, with her legs spread and her
hands wrapped around his stomach, Sam sat in the same chair that
Alex’s metamorphosis took place in, Alex sat on Locke’s bed while
Locke himself was busy in the cabinet fetching a few liquor
bottles. “Here it is, I been saving this for a grand occasion,”
exclaimed Locke as he turned around holding two bottles. “What’s
that?” asked Alex as she finished rolling a cigarette. “Two bottles
of scotch, both over a hundred years old,” answered Locke walking
over to his bed sitting next to Alex. “May I?” asked Eve motioning
to Alex’s cigarette. “Sure,” smiled Alex throwing the cigarette
towards her and began rolling another for herself. “When did you
start smoking?” asked Ray. “I’ve always smoked. I just never let
you catch me when we were together.” Ray frowned, “Oh.” Locke
opened the first bottle, took a swig and passed it to Ray who was
the closest to him. “That’s good stuff,” said Locke, “That’ll put
hair on your chest.” “That explains a lot,” said Alex licking her
cigarette putting the finishing touches on as she winked at Locke.
Ray took a long gulp of the scotch while Eve lit her smoke and took
a deep puff. Ray’s face shivered after the sharp liquid went down
his throat and passed it behind him. Eve took a very small drink
and handed it to Sam who was to her right. “That’s it?” asked Alex.
“I don’t want a hairy chest,” laughed Eve. Alex laughed at Eve’s
turn of phrase as she lit her own cigarette and inhaled, held it,
and exhaled. Locke rubbed Alex’s wrist as he slid his hand toward
the cigarette to ‘borrow’ it and took a puff himself. She smiled at
him. “How long you two been together?” asked Sam handing the glass
bottle to Alex. “Hmm,” thought Alex out loud, “Counting tomorrow it
will be…a day.” Everyone laughed except Locke who was holding in
his emotion. Alex took a long chug of the whiskey trying to show up
all the boys and she accomplished her mission. Locke handed the
cigarette back to Alex in exchange for the bottle; he took a swig
and then gave it to Ray. “Alright,” said Locke pulling out the map
of Harmon with names written on the entrances, “Business time. Sam,
I want you at the side entrance with Lars, she’s not a strong
fighter once he runs out of ammo and he never packs enough.”
“Sounds good to me,” said Sam as he relieved Ray of the bottle
after Eve waved it off. Alex was looking over Locke’s shoulder at
the map. “Eve?” asked Alex looking her, “How agile are you?” “Very,
I’m a martial artist. Trained since I could walk.” “Well,” said
Alex, “She’d be perfect for a surprise attack from the rooftops
like me. “Happy to do it,” said Eve holding her fist up. “Okay,”
said Locke passing the map to Ray, “Everybody memorize it and no
matter what Smith says, this is our battle plan, got it!” Everyone
nodded affirmingly as Locke looked to Smith’s nephew. “We’re with
you Locke,” said Sam taking a gulp of the liquid. From across the
hall they all could hear a door opening; Locke’s eyebrow lifted as
he stood up and opened his bedroom door. “Welcome home,” said
Locke. “Thanks,” said Pearl from across the hall, “I’m gonna take a
nap, then we’re all supposed to meet in the training room for the
battle assessment. Ninety minutes.” “We’ll be there.” Pearl’s door
closed behind her.

Terra and Ruthie went straight to the
women’s dorm upon arriving back at HQ. “That was a nice little
getaway, Ter,” said Ruthie throwing her bag on her bed as she
noticed that the bed above hers had someone’s belongings on it.
“New one?” asked Terra. “Looks like it.” “We are here to aid the
Returners in their cause,” said Ten from the bathroom doorway.
“We?” asked Terra. “Correct, Captain Antleon and the Velxeer
archers,” she said saluting at the girls. “Velxeer?” said Ruthie
confused, “Does Smith doubt our ability to handle this?” “That is
none of my concern, ma’am.” Terra and Ruthie’s eyes widened,
“Ma’am?” they said in unison. Ruthie laughed, “No no no, that’s
Terra and I’m Ruthie. You are?” “Ten,” said the woman without
emotion in her voice. “Ten what?” asked Terra. “My number is Ten
miss Terra.” “No miss. Just Terra.” “Ter, soldiers in Velxeer are
given numbers and ordered to abandon their real names.” “But why?”
“His majesty doesn’t want heartache over the loss of a soldier,”
explained Ten, “Numbers make us less like people and more like
weapons built for war.” “That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.
Death should never be taken lightly, it’s tragic no matter what
people call you, be it a number or a name. Wouldn’t people cry just
as hard if my name was forty-two?” “Yes we would, Ter. Don’t try
and understand Velxeer, you’ll die confused.” Ten walked over to
her bed and climbed on it and laid down staring at the ceiling
waiting to be summoned. They both scoffed at her roboticism and
started for the door. “I wanna go see Locke and I’m sure you miss
Lars,” giggled Ruthie. “Maybe a little,” laughed Terra.

Terra and Ruthie walked into the dining area
where Terra saw Lars sitting at a table by himself reading some
sort of document. “I’ll catch you later Ruthie,” said Terra making
a B-line for Lars. “A little? Right!” “Shut up,” giggled Terra.
Terra snuck up behind Lars like a covert assassin sneaking in for a
kill and hugged him from behind. “Welcome home,” said Lars putting
his hands over hers before turning to face her, knowing whom it was
that had their grasps upon him. Once he turned around, she put her
hands on his cheeks and gave him a sensual kiss with just the
smallest hint of tongue brushing, “I missed you,” whispered Terra
rubbing her nose against his. “I missed you too, Terra.” They
released each other and Terra sat down next to him at the table,
“Whatcha doin’?” asked Terra squinting at the papers that sat in
front of Lars. “Going over some blueprints for a gun I’ve been
working on. Did you guys have fun in Sandria?” “Oh yes, Sandria was
incredible. I think Ruthie might’ve had a little too much fun,”
laughed Terra, “She’s a bit of a horn dog. Ever been there?” “Horn
dog, you mean?” sarcastically asked Lars cock-eyed. Terra giggled
as she kissed his left cheek, “No goof, Sandria.” “Yes, of course.
Well, before I joined the Returners I made a living doing various
carpentry jobs across the coast; building, hunting, what have you.
Anyway, did you see the logged inn in the center of Sandria?” Terra
gave an affirming nod. “I had the pleasure of lugging the wood for
that structure along with several other men who were less than
enthusiastic, but for me work means food.” Terra smiled at Lars and
held his hand as they looked into each other’s eyes. Ruthie saw the
look in their faces, “Virgins,” she said as she walked further away
from the disgusting display of affection and headed through the
‘Returners’ door.

Ruthie pressed her ear to Locke’s door and
heard several people talking, then knocked hard on the door so he
was sure to hear it. “Who is it?” yelled Locke. “Oh, just me,” said
Ruthie sarcastically. Within seconds the door flew open and Locke
was hugging her as she rubbed his back. “Welcome home, Ruthie,”
called out Ray. Their hug ended and she peeked in the room, “You
having a party in here? We didn’t win yet.” Ruthie looked closer at
Ray and saw that he had someone lounging against his back. “Eve?”
screamed Ruthie pushing Locke aside. Eve jumped to her feet and her
and Ruthie hugged ‘hello’. “What are you doing here?” asked Ruthie
with a jack-o-lantern grin on her face. “Smith requested the
assistance of some soldiers from the other Returner camps. “Does he
have zero faith in us?” asked Ruthie angrily. “Ruthie, it’s the
Empire, not a few bandits exactly,” answered Locke knowing the
threat that they would soon face, “And you remember Sam?” “Damn!
The little mouse turned into a little woman,” said Sam walking
toward her. “Who you callin’ little?” “How was Sandria?” asked
Alex. Ruthie jerked her body around to see Alex who she had yet to
notice so far, who was progressing herself deeper and deeper into
Locke’s life. “Wonderful like always. Watch yourself Alex, Terra
learned a new trick.” “What might that be?” asked Alex. “She
learned to fly…well, glide.” “Using the wind, you mean?” “Yup, you
read about that too?” Alex stalled for a moment realizing she
shouldn’t know about that, “Yeah.” “Locke!” said Smith from the
doorway, “Round everyone up and meet in the meeting room in five
minutes.” “Yes.” Smith nodded at Ruthie and walked away. “Alex,”
started Locke, “Show Sam and Eve the way while me and Ruthie round
up the soldiers. Ray, get the floor plans and meet us there.”
Everyone nodded and rose to their feet; time for business.

Ruthie and Locke walked down the hall and
into the dining area with conviction. Locke yelled across the room,
“Terra, Lars, meeting room!” They waved in agreement. “Alright
Ruthie, you get the women’s dorm, every volunteer and Ten,” ordered
Locke. Locke walked into the men’s dorm and looked to Reuben,
“Captain, get your men and follow me.” Locke turned his focus from
Velxeer onto the rest of the room, “Anyone bound for Harmon in two
days go to the meeting room.” A dozen young men nodded and rose to
their feet abandoning their cards games, cigarettes, and books.
Locke led the way through the dining area where all the visiting
soldiers from Returner camps were waiting to follow and down the
hall leading to their destination. As he was halfway down the hall
Pearl emerged from her room looking fully rested; she nodded at
Locke for she knew that it was time to be real. Everyone settled in
the meeting room where maps and floor plans were sprawled across
the large table. The Returners and Reuben sat around the table
while the soldiers stood along the walls, and Smith stood at the
head of the table counting soldiers.

“First thing’s first,” spoke Smith, “The
gentleman to my right is Julius representing the Returner camp
lying deep within the Sangrohl mountains to the north. He has
brought seven soldiers trained in swordplay. All of you know Locke
of course and to his right is our newcomer Alex. To Locke’s left is
Sam from the southern camp, accompanied by nine soldiers and then
there’s Eve who had graciously brought thirteen of her girls to
fight as well. Eve comes from the subterranean base to the east,
far south of Velxeer territory. Next to her is Ruthie, Clyde,
Terra, Lars, Ray and Pearl, my Returners of course. To my left is a
visitor from the kingdom of Velxeer offered to us by king Luther
along with the twelve Velxeer archers. How many of my men do I
have?” Twelve of the boys from HQ raised their palms into the sky.
Smith nodded appreciatively at them, “That leaves us with
sixty-five bodies plus the volunteers from Pan’dier makes eighty.”
“Eighty-one,” spoke up Locke, “Retriever.” “Yes, of course…him,”
grimaced Smith, “Alex, tell me about the Pan’dier soldiers.” “I
wouldn’t call them soldiers, but they are bodies that have acquired
rifles from the imperials. They are currently camping within the
Pan’dier woods waiting to travel’ they’ll meet us in Harmon at
dawn.” “Good, we’ll position them on the roofs of the business’ in
the northern part of town near the rear entrance. Since you got
them, their your men.” Alex nodded. “Lars,” said Smith, “That
weapon you’ve been designing. Is it ready?” Lars cleared his
throat, “I need a gear: three inches by five millimeters.” “And the
chain to go with it?” “I have one plus a spare just in case.”
“Good. Captain Antleon, your men will be positioned atop the roofs
in the east part of town above the residential buildings.” Reuben
nodded his head ever so slightly. “Locke, I understand that you’ve
been working on a battle plan for the Returners?” “That’s right.
Sam, Lars, and Pearl will handle the west entrance, Clyde and Ray
in the rear with the explosives, and Ruthie, Terra, and myself
concealed around the front entrance for the surprise assault.”
“Sounds plausible, you want to add Julius to the north entrance?”
“That’s doable.” “Okay, sounds like a plan,” said Smith smiling as
if he did this all by himself, “What about the extraction?” Lars
stood up and cleared his throat again, “Easier than we ever could
have imagined. Apparently, for over a year the town’s people have
been digging a series of tunnels hidden beneath the town, they
could live underground for months. They started this project when
the empire started attacking small towns.” “Excellent, when you all
reach the town the night before in the midst of the darkness,
that’s when you will position your shoulders, but think it through;
this will be a complicated chess game. I have a scout in mountains
to the north of Harmon, when you see smoke from it’s peak that
means you have an hour before the imperial’s arrival. Good luck!”
The soldiers along the wall left the meeting room in single file as
the Returners stood up. “By the way,” said Smith, “Tonight’s dinner
is compliments of Julius.”

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