Clouds of Tyranny (17 page)

Read Clouds of Tyranny Online

Authors: J. R. Pond

Tags: #thriller, #adventure, #fantasy, #sci fi, #post apocacylptic

BOOK: Clouds of Tyranny
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When Locke eventually made
his way into the dining area he saw that everyone else had already
settled in their seat and Smith was standing in the center of all
the table probably preparing to make a speech. Terra was laughing
as Lars told amusing anecdotes, Ruthie was sitting with Clyde who
had been allowed to leave the infirmary, Pearl was rolling her eyes
as Ray told Alex an incredible boring story at which she pretended
to be interested, Chuck was holding his stomach melodramatically as
if he hadn’t eaten in weeks,
More like
thought Locke laughing to himself.
He went over to the spare seat that Alex had saved for him and sat
down as the waitresses began serving plates of a steaming meat
product and green beans. Before the plate touched the top of table
Chuck had fork in hand. “Attention everyone!” yelled Smith deeply
in order to get the attention of the whole room. “Chuck put down
his fork, which already had food stuck to it, and began to pout as
he crossed his arms. “As most of know, or have heard, a violent
time is about to enter our lives. I wanted to take this time to
assure you that we will prevail and we will not falter. I will need
everyone that can hold a blade or a gun to volunteer; the more
people the better. Please, come to me in private and I will let you
know how you can help. We leave in eight days in order to reach
Harmon under concealment the night before the attack. With that
being said, I am allowing everyone, that wishes it that is, to
leave for six days to clear your mind and see your friends and
family. The tunnels will be at your disposal. Those of you with
obligations here: do not fret. If I must I will cook the meals and
clean this entire place myself. Now, please enjoy your meal and I
will see you all in six days, thank you.” Smith sat down as he
heard random claps from every direction. Smith turned to face the
Returners, “I’m sorry, but I need some of you here,” he said
looking at the soldiers who worked the hardest. Pearl’s eyes began
to fill with tears. “Except you Pearl. I know you’ve been planning
a trip for a while now…and take Terra. Tell Elizabeth I said
‘Hello’.” “Yes sir!” smiled Pearl. “Alex, you may leave as well,
but be back in four days.” “Right,” saluted Alex. He turned back
around to begin his meal. Locke sneered at Smith’s back knowing
that he’d never get a vacation; even though he wouldn’t know what
to do if he got one. “Well Terra?” asked Pearl, “You want to go on
a trip? It’s on the coast, beautiful beaches, beautiful people, and
beautiful meals.” “Love to, thanks Pearl,” thanked Terra. Pearl
looked over at Ruthie who was staring at her, “And of course your
invited as well, just us three girls.” Ruthie was honored by the
invite but objected, “I don’t know. I cant leave-“ “Don’t even say
it, your going little girl,” ordered Clyde. Ruthie hugged her big
protector, “You sure?” “Won’t hear another word about it.” “This’ll
be fun,” cheered Ruthie throwing a fist in the air, “Ooh ooh! This
the time of year when the Leviathan appears isn’t it?” “That’s
right Ruthie,” grinned Pearl.

After dinner everyone retired to their
respectable rooms with the exception of Terra and Lars. When Alex
retired to the dorm she saw that just about every single girl was
packing a bag except the few with no families. She walked over to
her bed and jumped onto her top bunk and unsheathed her sword. She
looked down at Ruthie packing as she sharpened her dragon blade. “I
hope that didn’t hurt your feelings,” frowned Ruthie, “But Pearl
doesn’t quite know you yet. Granted she doesn’t know Terra that
well either but they just hit it off from the start,” explained
Ruthie. Alex carefully sharpened her sword masterfully. “Forget it.
I’ve only got four days anyway and I’d hate to travel back alone,”
said Alex smiling in forgiveness. “Where you gonna go?” inquired
Ruthie. “Hmm, don’t know. Maybe I’ll challenge myself somewhere.”
“Not a Tagmyte?” gasped Ruthie. Alex chuckled at the idea, “No, I
learned my lesson. To the north is Sangrohl, the mining town?”
“Yeah, I know of it.” “Well, up there is a large population of
grohl rats and more importantly a beast that guards the biggest
diamonds you’ve ever seen.” “Alex, I hadn’t really pegged you as a
diamond girl.” Alex laughed hysterically, “No, not cuz they’re
pretty and shiny. I’ve always wanted to make a diamond-bladed sword
but never found a piece big enough.” “Oh…now THAT sounds more like
you.” “Yeah, but I have no clue what lives in those caverns. Hope
it’s not a bread of worm, I hate those things.” “Wormaphobic eh?”
They both laughed, “Yup, that’s me Ruthie.” They smiled at each
other, “I like you Ruthie, too bad me and Terra don’t see
eye-to-eye. The three of us would make a killer team.” “Maybe you
just need to get to know her,” commented Ruthie. “Heh, I bet you
say that to everyone about everyone, don’t you?” Ruthie thought to
herself for a moment, “Maybe I should stop that.” “No, that’s who
you are.”

The dining room was dark except for the
little flickers of the candle that sat on the table in front of
Terra and Lars as they sat on the same side of the table facing
each other. All the cleaners and cooks had hurried to clean the
tables and dishes so they could pack and get ready to leave, in
fact some had already made there way out through the tunnels and
front entrance. “You should have seen it, I was awesome,” gloated
Terra as she told the story of her mission earlier that day. “I bet
you were,” smiled Lars as he had his hand atop hers on the table.
“What did you do while I was gone?” “You mean besides worry about
you?” “Well, yeah.” “Studied some blueprints and planned out a
timeframe for extracting the people of Harmon.” “Fun.” “Yeah, I was
giddy with excitement.” Terra giggled while she blushed then got
serious, “What did Locke mean when he said you were even? What did
you do for him?” “I saved his life. About a year ago we were on a
mission together with Pearl and Ray when we were ambushed by a
dozen imperials. We managed to slay them all, but not before one
them got Locke from behind and asphyxiated him with a piece of
piano wire. I performed a mouth to mouth breathing technique on him
and he woke up after being dead for almost four minutes.” “Oh my,”
gasped Terra holding her heart; not for Locke’s near death
experience but for Lars’ lifesaving skills. “You’re a hero, Lars.”
“Just helping my fellow man. I’d do the same for you.” “I know you
would.” They just sat there in silence for several minutes enjoying
each other’s company. “Come on,” said Lars as he stood up. Terra
stood up with him slowly, “Where?”

They went into the Hall
leading to the private rooms and entered Lars’ room, which he
shared with Chuck. They closed the door behind them and she looked
around, aside from a snoring Chuck, there were paintings spread
around the room, clay sculptures of beasts, a dimmed lantern, and a
large tapestry on the wall.
What am I
thought Terra,
With Chuck here? My first time making love and there is a man
sleeping a few feet away.
Terra was in a
daze, “Over here,” whispered Lars pulling up the tapestry revealing
a hole in the wall. Terra cautiously walked over to the hole and
walked through it. Once inside the hole she saw a beam of blue
light coming down from above. Terra looked up to see the moonlight
seeping in through a hole in the ceiling and a ladder going up the
wall to the light’s source. Lars followed her in and began climbing
the ascending ladder, “Follow me.” When he reached the final rungs
he unlocked the caged hatch and pushed it open. When Terra made it
through the hole Lars was standing above her offering a hand to
help her up with. He closed the hatch, “See?” he said looking at
the stars and the moon above them. Terra looked around, she
realized she was on top of the wayfarer’s wall. The beauty above
her was mesmerizing, while Lars was mesmerized by her. Lars
couldn’t look at anything but Terra; to him she was the most
beautiful thing in this world. “It’s so beautiful Lars. Thank you
for this,” thanked Terra smiling at this man hating herself for
what she thought his intentions were mere minutes ago. Terra was
nervous on the inside but her skin was surprisingly still, being
with him felt right and natural. Lars brought his face close to
hers as their noses rubbed against each other; they didn’t have to
kiss, this was magical all by itself. Terra breathed against his
lips and took in a whiff of his scent then put her hands around his
strong back, closed her eyes and dove in. The kiss was soft and
romantic as they held each other in the breezy night air. Their
lips quivered against each other as they opened and closed for
deeper kisses; more sensual than sexual. They took a break from
kissing so they could see each other’s face. “Terra, I like you a
lot.” She rested her head on his chest and interlocked her fingers
with his, “I have never felt this way before,” sighed Terra.
“Neither have I. My heart beats faster when you’re around and my
skin tingles. That kiss was the greatest thing I have ever felt in
my entire life.” Terra smiled as she closed her eyes just enjoying
being in his arms; she didn’t want this to end.

The next morning, Terra
awoke with a spring in her step, though nothing sexual happened,
she hadn’t been this happy since before her mom passed away. She
skipped to the dining room with her duffel bag for the trip
Locke who?
When she got to the dining area she saw that there were bowls
of fruit on each table, warm bread, and only half as many people as
there usually was. People were by both at the front entrance and
the rear door leading to the tunnels. People were preparing to
leave and others were saying goodbye to those who were staying
behind; that made her remember that she would have to say goodbye
to Lars. Terra began to feel depressed. “Ter,” yelled Ruthie from
across the room, “Over here!” Terra jogged over to the table that
Ruthie and Pearl were at. “Alright, lets get the hell out of here,”
said Pearl getting up from her seat as she picked up her bag. “Got
your bikini?” asked Ruthie. “Uh, well,” hesitated Terra. “Oh! Shy,
I forgot.” “Don’t want to sound like I’m still working, but,” said
Pearl, “Lets get moving, on the double.” “Wait,” begged Terra
looking around until she saw Lars hanging out in the kitchen
peeling an orange. She dropped her bag next to Ruthie and ran to
Lars with open arms. She jumped him and he caught her as she
wrapped her legs around him as they kissed, “I’ll miss you,” she
whispered. “Me to Terra, but try to have fun.” She nodded as she
looked into his eyes, and then gave him a last kiss. She jogged
back over to Ruthie and Pearl, “Now we can go,” she said with a big
smile. “You little slut,” joked Ruthie. “Stop, it’s not like that,”
argued Terra. “Huh?” “I know what she means,” said Pearl. They left
through the rear door into the tunnels as Lars watched her leave.
One-by-one the inhabitants of Returner’s HQ left their home and
after late morning the lair felt empty.

Eventually, Smith came into the dining room
to explain why he had asked people to stay behind. “Well,” asked
Locke, “Why can’t I go away for a week?” “Quiet, it’s not like I
want you to mop the floor, Locke,” said Smith in desperation,
“Velxeer has called for our help. It’s a chance for us to not only
get much needed supplies but to also find out what there up to. I
don’t know about you all, but I’d like to know if there’s a chance
of them herding with the empire. That would be bad.” “To put it
lightly,” scoffed Ray. “What’s the job?” asked Lars. “All they said
is that they wanted my top MEN, they were specific about you being
male.” “What if it’s a trap? Maybe they are under imperial rule and
this is their chance to cut down our numbers,” question Chuck
eating half a cantaloupe. “Because,” sighed Smith, “It came from
the king himself.” All got quiet. Smith cleared his throat and
continued, “The king’s right hand will be here within the hour to
discuss the details and provide transportation. Suit up men!”

After finishing their
so-called breakfast they all went to get ready for travel; weapons,
clothing, and spare medicines. Locke, Smith, Ray, Chuck, Clyde, and
Lars waited impatiently in the dining area. Locke sat there sighing
in and out while he picked his fingernails with a throwing dagger.
Locke kept thinking,
Who is going on this
mission with me?
he thought. Locke prayed
that Smith wasn’t going; he did need to watch HQ after all. All was
quiet until Smith stood up and everyone’s eyes pointed to the
entrance. In walked a man around the age of twenty-four wearing
black pants with a red pin stripes going down the side of each leg,
a black dress shirt with red buttons and red sleeves, and a regency
styled rapier hanging from his left hip. The man’s face was like
his garb; sparkling clean and neat, framed by his long silver hair.
“Mr. Smith?” asked the boy. “That would be me,” answered Smith
holding up his palm in the air. “Sir, this is for you,” said the
Velxeer guard handing a rolled up document to Smith. Smith unrolled
it slowly and began reading as the boy waited patiently with back
straight and eyes forward. “Hmm,” hummed Smith as he read to
himself. Smith rolled the document tightly and slipped it into his
pocket. “Who will be joining me back sir?” asked the boy looking
around at Smith’s team. Smith looked at his standing men, except
for Locke who hadn’t budged from his seat. Clyde had a huge grin on
his face, Chuck was eating as he stood, Ray didn’t seem to care one
way or another as he looked at his arrows that lined the inside of
his jacket, and Lars wasn’t even paying attention to the room; his
mind was elsewhere.

Well, there’s Locke, my
best. He’ll be a lot of help. Ray over there in the long jacket,
and Chuck,” said Smith, as the boy looked at Locke, whom he knew,
Ray after the description was given. The boy looked to the rest of
the mean trying to decipher who chuck was. “The one with no neck,”
chuckled Ray. “Muff moo, moo puth,” mumbled Chuck with a mouth full
of food. The boy was very professional, not so much as a cracking a
smile before turning back to Smith, “Anyway, if your men are ready
we should go immediately.” “Of course, they are ready as am I,”
said Smith as Locke’s spirit dropped to the floor. “Alright, Lars
you know what I want you to do,” ordered Smith. “Yes, I’ll take
care of Harmon,” nodded Lars. “Uh, Smith?” questioned Clyde as he
raised his hand. “I don’t think your ready for travel yet, my boy.
But, I promise you that you will be a very large part of Harmon,”
said Smith reassuring Clyde who was now sulking. Smith walked over
to Clyde and whispered something in his ear. After Smith went into
his room to retrieve a weapon the five of them set off for
northeast of the wayfarer’s wall where the Velxeer train was due to
pick them up. The Velxeer railroad stopped only when appointed to
pick up Velxeer citizens or military personnel.

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