Clouds of Tyranny (29 page)

Read Clouds of Tyranny Online

Authors: J. R. Pond

Tags: #thriller, #adventure, #fantasy, #sci fi, #post apocacylptic

BOOK: Clouds of Tyranny
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The long trip home took longer than before
due to the level of exhaustion that flamed inside of everyone, but
they wanted to get home. The intensity of battle and the lives lost
caused the soldiers to not speak a word the whole way home. Terra
walked alongside Alex wondering what Locke was thinking while Locke
and Pearl led their soldiers back to HQ as the afternoon sun got
hotter and hotter.

“Halfway!” yelled Pearl back at her
followers assuring them they’d be home in about three hours.
“Anything I can do?” asked Pearl sincerely. “You can be quiet. I’m
trying to think,” said Locke tranced in thought. “I know as well as
you do that you’ve already made up your mind.” “Yes, I have.”
“Smith wont go for it.” “Too fucking bad.” “You’ll be banished.”
“Ruthie means more to me than Smith does. I value Ruthie’s life
more than I do my own.” “Locke!” “Please, just be quiet.” Pearl
didn’t speak another word the whole way home, but she was concerned
for Locke.

“He’s going after her,” said Alex abruptly
with eyes forward. Terra looked to her left where Alex was walking,
“You think?” “Yes, she’s like a daughter to him.” Terra had come to
the same conclusion, but Alex saying it also confirmed her beliefs.
Terra realized that Ruthie was right about Locke; he’s a good man
beneath the rough exterior. Terra’s eyes canned those in front of
her, so few had survived. There were only about fifteen soldiers
left after the Pan’dier soldiers went home and another ten staying
in Harmon to recuperate as well as Ray, Clyde, and Eve; Eve stayed
behind for Ray’s sake; to make sure he was okay.

When they arrived at HQ, Smith was waiting
in the dining area for survivors. Pearl, Lars, and Terra went to
talk with Smith, the Velxeer archers went to gather their property
for the trip home, and Locke ran straight to his room. “So few
left,” said Smith to Pearl as he looked at the people returning to
their designated rooms. “Many stayed behind to treat their wounds
as to avoid infection,” said Pearl. “The outcome?” asked Smith
inquiring about who ‘won’. “We were victorious…Sam died, sir,” said
Pearl in a consoling way knowing that Smith had known Sam a long
time. “My Jehovah, anymore Returners?” Pearl rubbed her neck, not
wanting to mention the abduction, “Well, Ray and Clyde were badly
injured but alive, in Harmon recovering.” Terra was slowly getting
angry and even Julius, who was standing next to her, could tell.
“What the hell, Pearl? They took Ruthie, Smith!” “Dammit!” yelled
Smith at Pearl as he ran to Locke’s room knowing what Locke
intended to do. Pearl looked at Terra with a stern eye, “That’s why
I didn’t tell him.” Terra’s lips tightened as she ran to the
women’s dorm. “Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?”
asked Julius who was confused about the whole exchange. “Locke
raised Ruthie and he thinks that she’ll still be alive when he
reaches her,” started Lars, “When Smith knows that she’s already
dead, which is a valid conclusion. Locke will try to go after her
anyway and Smith can’t have that, because he’ll most likely die
trying to save her.” “Ah,” said Julius finally understanding,
“Well, I’m gonna go pack. Unless I’m needed here.” “I’ll help you,”
said Lars following him enthusiastically. Alex was now alone in the
dining area and decided to walk to the kitchen for a little
whiskey. She got a bottle and began drinking while she stood in the
kitchen and smoked a rolled cigarette. Wisco and her two cooks
watched Alex relieving her stress from within the kitchen, knowing
that it was a tough battle.

Smith peeked in Locke’s room to see him
stuffing herbs, vials, bottles, and clothes into a duffle bag.
“What are you doing?” asked Smith. “I’m going out.” “You just got
back.” “Yeah, and now I have to leave again!” yelled Locke looking
up at Smith with tear filled eyes. “She’s dead, Locke!” Locke shook
his head in disagreement, “No. She’s alive, they need her. They
wouldn’t kill their hostage.” “Locke! She’s gone. Accept it. That’s
the penalty of war; you lose the ones you love. You know that.”
“I’ll be back, I’ll get Ruthie and we can start preparations for
our next attack in Pan’dier,” said Locke lifting the duffle bag
over his right shoulder. “If you walk out that door, don’t bother
coming back!” yelled Smith as he walked away and headed for his
room. Alex was down the hall listening the whole time. When Locke
approached his door to leave his room, Alex was staring into his
eyes. “Let me go too,” she asked. “I need you here,” whispered
Locke, “Watch over things for me. You’re our only defense if an
attack were to take place. An imperial could have followed us home.
Protect the families and Smith, you’re worth twenty soldiers.”
Locke kissed her lightly on the cheek and breezed past her.
“Locke?” Locke turned around expecting her to beg him to stay.
“They most likely would take her to our internment camp southeast
of Velxeer,” smiled Alex wishing him luck. Locke nodded and went
into the dining room.

Locke waited several minutes for Velxeer to
come to the dining room; he hoped to catch a ride with them to
Velxeer aboard their vessel. Locke had Pearl pleading in his ear
the whole time, “We need you here,” she kept saying, but Locke’s
mind was made up. Finally, the Velxeer archers and Reuben entered
the dining area, changed into their spare clothes and holding their
bags. “Captain Antleon,” said Locke rising to his feet. “Yes,
Commander Locke?” “May I accompany you to Velxeer? I’d like to
deliver the news to Chuck personally. That he may return home. I
have other business as well,” asked Locke respectfully. “Certainly,
I’d enjoy traveling with such a fine warrior,” said Reuben shaking
Locke’s hand out of respect. “I’m going too,” said Terra walking
into the dining area holding a duffle bag and wearing her favorite
skirt. “No,” said Locke sounding like Smith did just a few moments
ago. Terra walked up to Locke as she looked into his eyes, “It’s
not a request. Either let me go with you or I’ll go alone my own
way.” Locke looked at Pearl, blaming her for Terra’s newfound
courage. “Let’s go,” said Locke walking towards the front entrance
with Reuben as Terra and the Velxeer archers followed. “Should I
tell Smith I’m leaving?” asked Terra to the back of Locke’s head.
“If you do, you’ll miss the train,” he retorted. Jillian stood in
the dining area as the rest of them left. Reuben stopped and turned
to Jillian, “Ten! March!” “No.” “What? Get in line soldier!”
Jillian hesitated, then followed. Alex stood at the ‘Returners’
door glaring at Terra as she walked out following Locke. Pearl was
downtrodden as they left HQ.

They stood at the tracks waiting for their
transportation to arrive; everyone was quiet. “How are we going to
find her?” asked Terra. “We’ll start in Velxeer and obtain horses
for travel, then we’ll head south east; there’s an imperial camp
there.” “How do you know that?” asked Terra. Locke was about to
answer when he saw captain Antleon looking at him as well. “I’ll
tell you later,” mumbled Locke silently. Terra nodded. “Are you
sure she’s alive?” asked Terra. “She has to be.”

In the dining area of HQ, Pearl and Alex
were sitting with each other drinking from the bottle of whiskey.
Smith walked in the room and took a look around the desolate area
that was devoid of habitation. “Pearl!” “Yes sir,” she said
standing up respectfully. “Your second in command now. Locke is to
be turned away if he should ever return. Understood?” spoke Smith.
Pearl paused for a moment as her heart dropped. “Yes, sir,” she
said halfheartedly. “Where’s Terra, I’d like to speak to her,”
asked Smith. “She’s gone,” said Alex not looking at him. “What do
you mean?” asked Smith angrily at Pearl who was now his go to
‘guy’. “She went with Locke,” said Pearl nervously. “Damn that
Locke. Enlisting people to take part in his suicide mission? It’s a
death sentence.” Alex couldn’t hold herself back any longer, she
sprung up and turned to Smith; red in the face. “Are you insane?
They are trying to save their fellow Returner, it’s called teamwork
and if you cant understand that, go join the Empire…if you haven’t
already,” hissed Alex at Smith just before storming off to the
dorm. He looked at Pearl after Alex left, “Never mind turning Locke
away. Kill on sight.” Smith turned around and started for the
‘Returners’ door. “What if Ruthie comes with him?” Smith opened the
door and just before slamming it behind him he noted, “She

Locke, Terra, and the Velxeer archers
watched as the Velxeer train slowly ceased movement in front of
them; the Velxeer archers and captain Antleon boarded first. Locke
picked up his Damascus and his baggage, then walked to the train’s
door and ascended the steps. Once atop the steps he turned back to
Terra, who hadn’t moved from where she was standing. “No turning
back, partner,” said Locke. She watched him walked into the train
and could see him through the car windows walking to the middle of
the car and taking a seat by the window. She looked down at the
blue bandana wrapped around her right palm. She took a deep breath
and walked to the train and climbed the steps. “I’m coming,
sister,” whispered Terra to herself.

















To the east where central Asia once stood was a
tower in the center of the scorching sands that housed the Empire’s
base. The tower stood miles high shaped like a tall black pyramid.
The top floor of this tower was where the Empire’s top people met
to make decisions on their next attack. “She’s being held at the
prisoner’s camp, my lord,” said a General sitting at the round
table in the center of the room that was surrounded by a long
balcony circling the tower with two other men sitting at the table.
“Get anything?” asked a man of about thirty-five years of age in a
clean business type suit. “Nothing yet Mr. Germ,” answered the
General. The two men exchanging information were Ralph Germ and
General Coop who sat across from one another. The third man was
well into his sixties with neat blonde hair, chiseled features, and
wearing a black robe and an amulet around his neck that glowed
blue. “Two weeks and not a single speck of information on the
Returner’s whereabouts?” asked the third man. “No, my lordship.”
“Fear not Emperor, she’ll talk,” said Ralph reassuringly. “And if
she doesn’t, then what said?” a voice from the balcony. They were
all silent as the man came inside from the fresh air, it was Krazz
growing impatient. “General Coop, have you met Krazz? He’s my
number two,” said Emperor Gerard. “I’ve heard of him, sir.” Krazz
walked around the table and positioned himself behind Coop and
tapped his long sharp fingernails on Coop’s shoulders. “Germ,” said
Krazz, “Three things I want: First, their hideout so we can
eliminate those filthy rats. Two, that man…Locke. I want him for
myself…nobody challenges me and lives. And third, how they knew
about our attack on Harmon before we even attacked.” Ralph nodded,
“Maybe I tell her that we have the man by the name of Locke and
that he’ll be killed unless she talks.” The Emperor nodded, “Worth
a try. But, the most important thing to remember is that I need
that girl. The one with powers and green hair. She’s vital to the
advancement of the Empire.” “Is he?” asked Krazz referring to
General Coop. “Nah,” waved Emperor Gerard. Krazz dug his sharp long
nails into Coop’s throat and lifted him into the air with a single
hand and pressed him against the wall while he squeezed his throat.
Slowly the nails penetrated the flesh of Coop’s neck and blood
began to seep through the skin until Krazz tightened his so fierce
that the flesh ripped out and the man fell to the floor bleeding to
death slowly, gargling on his own life juice. Krazz looked down at
him getting a sense of enjoyment out of the whole ordeal, then
licked his fingers clean. After his fingers were cleaned, he knelt
down and looked at the dying General. “Look at me!” yelled the deep
voice of Krazz. The General’s eyes drifted to Krazz with his body’s
last ounce of energy as Krazz was now whispering, “I want to be the
last thing you see.” Krazz stood up and picked up the late
General’s chair that had been knocked over prior to his death.
“Thank you, he was starting to annoy me,” sighed the Emperor as he
stood up, “I’ll leave it to you gentlemen.” The Emperor walked out
of the room, only then did Krazz and Ralph speak. “Does he know?”
asked Ralph. “No, as far as he knows, she ran away to escape the
Empire.” “General Alexandra Leshea and the Returners. Seems kind of
odd.” “She’s a very odd girl. Kill her on sight and tell the
Emperor it was the Returner’s doing. Then, capture the green girl
and kill the rest. If Gerard knew about Leshea becoming a traitor
he might reevaluate his own prospects.” “Don’t worry, we have a spy
within the Returners. The mission is simple: Kill General Alexandra
Leshea, capture the spellcaster, and inform us of their location in
the depths of the night before they even know they’re gone. Then,
we can simply wipe them all out in one fell swoop before they’ve
even finished their breakfast the next morning.” “Good. When?” “We
wont know till he’s captured the girl.”


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