Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) (13 page)

BOOK: Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)
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“Sweet dreams, b

Jane leaned in real close to him, pulled his head down and whispered in his ear, “
Just so you know, it turns me on every time you call me babe.” And with that she unlocked her door and blew him a kiss goodnight. Brady stood frozen in place swearing under his breath.

He retreated for his car
before he broke down her door and took advantage on the affects he had on her. Yup he wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight. Time for a cold shower, a nice icy cold shower. He was in for a world of trouble where Jane was concerned.

















Chapter 10


Brady sat on the
weight bench staring into space dreaming about Jane and the parting sentence she said to him the previous night. He would call her babe every second if that was the reaction he received from her. He knew she was a vixen the moment she put her hand on his thigh at Deuces.

She ha
d a wild side but she was so guarded most of the time from being hurt that she rarely showed it. She only showed her wild side when Molly was around provoking her or when Jane slipped up and dropped the posh attitude.

He wanted
to tear down her protective wall instantly but instead he decided to do it brick by brick because if he moved too fast, she would run away from him. He couldn’t let her get away, not after the night they had together and not after the little slice of heaven he tasted. He really needed to spend more time with her. The biggest challenge was going to see how she was when his baseball season started up. Spring training started next week and he would be gone for a while in Florida. He hoped they would still be able to continue whatever was going on between them.

Michael flicked Brady in the back of the head. “Hey earth to Brady, finish up your last set. I want to get some benching in too you know.”

“Sorry bud, just thinking about things.”

I doubt that, more like thinking about Jane. How did last night go?” Michael asked nudging Brady’s ribs.  

happened man, I kept it respectable. It was an incredible night though. How you did not fall for her in college is beyond me.”

“I did,
” Michael said shyly. “She was not interested. We cuddled and shared our thoughts but nothing more. She always said I was one of her best friends and I didn’t want to ruin what we had. Plus she was so hung up on George that I would never have had the chance.”

Brady nodded. “Is George really the dick face I think he is?”

“Yea, he was successful for a while but once he started banging that office slut, he lost all credibility. His company valued families and once they got wind of what George was doing during office hours, he got canned. Last I heard he was living with his sister. Not quite sure, all I know is that he did a number on Jane,” Michael reflected. “If I ever saw him again I would do some damage. He really fucked Jane up, to the point where she stopped talking to me, and she used to tell me everything and anything.”

“The guy sounds like a total douche bag. I don’t think I would be too kind to him if I saw him as well.”

Brady’s phone beeped, he looked down and saw he got a text message from Jane. He smiled and read it. 


Jane: Hey handsome, I thought about you last night.


Brady started grinning like a fool and Michael punched him in the arm. “You look like a cheese dick buddy, you need to get ahold of yourself.”

Brady punched him back and said. “Mind your own business
dick stick and go do some hang cleans, you need them. I saw you in the batting cage the other day, my Grandma has more pop off the bat than you do.”

“Fuck off!” Michael said smiling.

Brady left Michael to finish his workout and went to go get some water. He looked down at his phone again and replied to Jane.


Brady: Good morning beautiful, what did you think about?


Jane: Nothing too crazy so don’t get your hopes up, just about how it felt to have you hold me in your arms last night.


Brady couldn’t help but smile. He wanted to stay with her last night more than anything. It was all he thought about as the hours on his clock ticked away the night.


Brady: I thought about that all night too…as well as your parting words.


Jane: Did you, now? It was a little bold of me but I felt like myself when I said it, and I meant it. What kind of images did you have in your mind last night?


Brady knew what she was talking about when she said she felt like herself. Michael was telling him a little while ago how Jane used to have just as a filthy mouth as Molly and they would go back and forth knocking the socks off all the guys on the baseball team in college with their sexual repartee. He could not imagine Jane going up against Molly’s sexually deranged mouth but he caught glimpses of her being a little vixen every now and then. He tried not to think about how she whispered against his cheek last night when she said he made her turned on.

Just thinking about it,
Brady started to go hard, unable to control his thoughts anymore. Yup his workout was done it was time to hit the showers. He poked his head in the weight room, waved bye to Michael and murmured something about feeling sore and not wanting to push it. Michael just shook his head and laughed.

Brady sat in his locker and stared at his phone. How honest should he be with the dreams he had of her last night? He didn’t want to push her too far, but she did ask. He replied.


Naughty ones but I don’t dream and share so you are just going to have to wonder.


Jane: Naughty huh? I had a couple of those. I woke up all sweaty and looking for those strong hands of yours.


Brady gulped. Who was this woman? She was so sweet and innocent at times but then had a secret sexy side that came out occasionally. He wondered if her being shy was just something she started doing because of what George did to her. She did say that George really changed her. She probably didn’t want to put her normal personality out in the world for everyone to see for fear of getting hurt again. How could he help her realize that she could be her normal self all the time? He was just going to have to continue to show her that not all men are assholes. Easy enough, he loved spoiling her and treating her like royalty. It brought a smile to her face and he could stare at that smile for days. He replied back to her.


Brady: Babe, you have me so hard right now I can’t even walk to the shower to cool off.


Jane: Oh I do apologize. I never intended to be a cock tease.


Brady: You are such a liar, nice try though. Can you give me one hint of what happened in your dream last night?


Brady thought that was a risky comment, he didn’t want to scare her away by coming on too strong, but damn if she was not coming on strong herself. His phone beeped.


Jane: Let’s just say I felt things I have not felt in two years.


Yup, he should not have asked that question, he was throbbing now. Time to hit the ice bath. If he didn’t know any better he would have thought he was texting Molly. He sure hoped he wasn’t.


Brady: Thanks babe, now I have to hit the ice bath to cool myself down. I will call you when I get out. Want to meet me for lunch?


Jane: I would love to but I have a meeting with a possible new client


Brady: Just tell them I think you’re the best, my name goes a long way and then come have lunch with me.


Jane: They are a gay couple who are very flamboyant.  I highly doubt they even know who you are.


Brady: You would be surprised, these muscles are not just for hitting a ball, they are for show too.


Jane: Awfully full of yourself today aren’t we?


Brady: Hey you are the one who boosted my ego with your sexy dreams.


Brady loved their banter. Their date the other night really helped her relax and open herself up more to him. He was extremely excited because this new sassy side she was showing him was a huge turn on. He loved it.


Jane: Oh I see, so it’s my fault then. I will make sure to not tell you any more of my fantasies.


Brady: DON’T YOU DARE! I promise I will behave.


Jane: Good, have a nice ice bath. Don’t think of me too much today. 


Brady: That’s impossible, later vixen.




Jane sat back in her chair at her desk. What had gotten into her? She had not been that outspoken in a while, since before George appeared in her life. Maybe she was starting to let down her guard and she only had one man to thank. She had only been with Brady a couple of times but he made her feel so good about herself, like she used to before George. George sucked the life out of her and made her feel like her one sole purpose in life was to get married and be his wife and that was it. Brady actually supported and encouraged her career. He thought she was great at what she did and it felt so great to have that kind of support, especially coming from someone so damn hot.

Her door chimed up front and in walked Molly looking incredibly upset and crying. Jane instantly dropped her smile and fled to Molly.

“Molly, honey what’s wrong.” Jane asked. 

“Luke and I just got in a huge fight and now I won’t see him for I don’t even know how long.”

Jane wrapped Molly in her arms and sat her down. She grabbed a box of tissues and handed it to her. Was Luke going out on another mission? Jane was confused. Luke and Molly never fought before he left for a mission for the soul reason that they never knew what would happen when Luke was out doing his job. Something strange must have happened between the two of them.  

“What happened?” Jane asked.  

In between sobs Molly responded, “He….got…another…mission.”

“Oh Molly
, you knew he wasn’t home for good, right?”

Molly replied, “I know but he w
as home for two weeks, how is that fair? I got mad at him and told him he shouldn’t leave me all the time. Then he got mad because he doesn’t like to leave me but it’s his job and I should know that, then he packed and left to go on his mission. We didn’t even have a good-luck-on-your-mission-blow-job.” Jane cringed, Molly continued. “I know it’s his job and I understand when he has to leave, it was just so soon and we just got engaged. I don’t know I was hoping he would be able to take a little break.”

“Molly, you know that is not
how it works, the government doesn’t give two shits about their operators’ personal lives. I’m so sorry sweetie, I know it’s hard. Can you call him real quick before he leaves so at least he doesn’t leave mad?”

“I alre
ady tried calling him, he doesn’t answer. I’m such an idiot, I know better than to fight with him when he gets orders. I was just so happy to have him home and got caught up in our engagement that I forgot about the possibility of him taking off again. He is my life Jane, I can’t have him going out on a mission knowing the last thing I said to him was negative and mean.”

Jane hugged her friend. “I’
m sure he knows you were just upset and in the moment. Do you think you’ll hear from him before he takes off? He’s probably getting briefed right now and hopefully will have a sliver of time to contact you before he leaves.”

“I hope…so.” Molly said still crying. 

“Hang in there sweetie, everything will be ok.”

Jane was not sure how long they sat there on the couch in her office but her lunch appointment came in and the two very flamboyant men dressed in matching purple velour jackets looked down at Molly and gasped in horror. Jane turned to look at Mol
ly and was startled herself. Molly’s mascara ran down her cheeks so much, she looked like her eyeballs melted down each side of her face.

Jane nudged Molly and whispered, “Honey you might want to go in the bathroom and wipe your face down a little.”

Molly stood up abruptly grabbed her purse and said, “I don’t give two flying fucks what I look like right now. Sorry for scaring the crap out of you gentlemen. I hope you have a very nice wedding, Jane is the best. I will call you later Jane.” And then Molly flung herself out of Jane’s office only tripping once on the slight lift of the door frame and disappeared.

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