Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) (17 page)

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re welcome. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”

“I can’t wait either sweet thing. Be safe tonight, I expect some wild texts from you.”

“You can count on it and don’t worry about other guys, I only have one on my mind right now and he has the sexiest green eyes that melt my heart.”

Mmm, see you tomorrow gorgeous.”

Jane hung up the phone and threw her head back on the couch as she
waited for her taxi. Oh boy this was not good, she had it bad. 






































Chapter 13


Molly’s taxi picked up Jane and they headed over to Deuces. Molly looked good like always. She chose to wear a mini skirt to show off her amazing legs and a teal top. Her shoes were strappy stilettos that Luke bought her as a present for making it through another mission together. He always got her something real nice when he got home. This past mission’s present clearly was a beautifully large engagement ring.

Jane envied Molly. She had such an amazi
ng and loving relationship. Luke and Molly were the perfect match for each other, they were both horn dogs but they understood each other. They knew each other’s past history and loved one another for where they came from and who they were. Luke always made sure Molly was taken care of when he was with her and when they were apart. Jane only hoped she could have half the relationship they have. 

felt pretty good with the way things had been going with Brady. It was still very new and they had been somehow able to stay out of the lime light but Jane knew she was going to get caught up in some tabloid sometime soon. Brady always wound up in the tabloids. Needless to say if she was dating Brady she could expect her face to be plastered all over the grocery check-out stands at some point. Brady said he would do his best to make sure they didn’t get ahold of any of her personal information but there was only so much he could do. He was sweet because he didn’t want any gossip magazines to mess with her new business. 

The bouncer
at Deuces waved them in and as they walked up he said he would like for them to come around more often. Jane and Molly laughed together. Women have such an advantage over men, they flash a little side boob and they can get whatever they want. 

ces was crowded. It was fun to see all the different types of people who came out. There were the couples who wanted to go out and have a good time, maybe she would bring Brady here one night and redo their first night together. There were the single ladies who practically wore bikinis they showed so much skin and there were the single men on the prowl who stood in the corners of the club or leaned against the bar watching the girls gyrating with each other, aka the perverts of the crowd.

“There are actually some v
ery attractive men here tonight,” Molly said. “Usually all the single guys here end up either being gay, which is a shame, or beyond creepy with their buttoned down shirts and gorilla hair climbing up their necks.”  

Jane chuckled, “Eh, the men are alright, nothing to write home about.”

“You are only saying that because your eyes are so glazed over with infatuation for Brady Matthews. I bet you if I got on top of the bar and shouted that you were Brady Matthews’ new girlfriend every girl in this bar would tackle you and rip your pubes out one by one.”

“I would wish them good luck in finding any.”

Molly playfully pushed Jane to the side. “You didn’t?” Jane nodded “You got a Brazilian? FINALLY! I have been telling you to get one for years now. How was it?”

“It was G
od awful, but I can’t wait for Brady to see me in all my glory.”

Albert waved them over
to his plush little VIP area. They walked over and ordered drinks from the waiter as they sat down next to their very fabulous friend.

Before Jane could even say hello to Albert, Molly shouted, “You mean to tell me y
ou have not boned Brady yet?” 

Heads from people around them turned and looked at Jane. “Can you
please keep your voice down?” Jane said in a whisper. “No we have not ‘boned’ yet. Believe me I want to but he is taking things slow and I know it’s because he is sensitive to my situation of getting over George but I swear I have become a virgin again from waiting. I can’t take this much longer.”

Albert kissed them both on the cheek and said, “Honey if I was you, I would just strip and stand in
front of him and see what he does then. There is no way he would be able to resist you.”

s coming home tomorrow from a conference and he said he has something great for us planned and he also mentioned something like fucking all night long.” Jane said with a smile.

Molly and Albert’s jaws both dropped and then
they cheered. “Our Janey is back!” Albert exclaimed.

“I told you she has become feistier
, just like the girl we know and love.” Molly said.

“I know
, I’m sorry you lost me for a while but Brady is really helping me put my George complex behind and helping me find myself again.”

She thought about tha
t for a second. Brady really had helped her come back from the death that was George. She should reward him for his efforts.

“Well that calls for a shot” Albert said. “Here’s to sexy baseball players.”

They lifted their glasses together and all took a shot of tequila. Jane cringed as the burning liquid slid down her throat. She had not had straight up tequila in quite a long time. She concluded that it was going to be a rough night. 

Jane corrected Albert.
“Baseball player, Alby, only one for me.”

Albert nodded ahead of them and said, “Well I see baseball players.” 

Jane’s heart fluttered and turned to look for Brady, but she didn’t see him. Instead, she spotted Michael, Marc and another guy, whom she had never met before.

The very athletic looking men
were headed their way. It was supposed to be a girls’ night so there appearance was contradicting the purpose of their night. Maybe the guys would just say hi and then leave. That was wishful thinking; Michael was a chatty guy with a crush on Jane. She knew he always had a thing for her and it confused her that ever since he was traded to Atlanta they had not seen his wife once. She hoped they were not having problems.

Michael walked up to Jane,
gave her a once over, smiled and kissed her on her cheek.

“You guys look hot tonight, including you Albert.” Michael said. 

Albert smiled brightly and said, “You sure know how to make a girl blush.”

Michael laughed, “Do you mind if we join you for a little, I know its girls
’ night but I thought we could at least buy you ladies a shot.”

Molly chimed in, “Well if you are giving out free shots you are more than welcome to sit down, but don’t expect to stay too long. We need to get our talk on and you men will hinder our ability to be candid.” 

“When have you ever not been candid, Molly?” Michael laughed.

He ordered 12 lemon drop shots, two for each person. Jane started to get nervous, she was about to get real loose
with all the drinks in front of her.

Michael took a seat next to Jane and introduced everybody. Marc was with him
, who was one of Brady’s best friends and the guy she never met turned out to be a rookie looking to make it on the team this year, his name was Austin Lee. He was ‘born and raised’ in Texas and apparently conceived in Austin, hence the name. He had a very sexy drawl to his voice and kept calling her ma’am. Wasn’t he cute, if she had a single friend she would totally try to hook them up.

Michael leaned over and whispered in Jane’s ear, “Take a picture with me?”

Startled Jane smiled and said, “Of course, Mikey.”

He pulled out his phone, leaned in so they were cheek to cheek and took a picture
of them together. At the last minute he turned his head kissed her on the side of her mouth while he snapped the picture. He smelled of pure alcohol, how long had he been here drinking?

He handed her a shot and told her to drink up. They all clinked glasses and downed their second lemon drop.
All of a sudden, Jane started to feel her drinks. She was a little thing and didn’t have much tolerance so one drink and three shots made her feel good. She kept thinking about Brady, she missed him and wished he was with her right now, sitting next to her instead of Michael.

She loved Michael, as a brother and nothing more. They always had a special connection but she never had romantic feelings about him.

Michael leaned into her and said, “Jane you’re really looking good tonight.” 

g Jane thanked Michael. Jane was starting to get a little uncomfortable so maybe it was time for the boys to go. Michael seemed to be getting a little too friendly when he slid his arm from her shoulders to the small of her back. She looked over at Molly trying to get some help but her, Mark, Austin and Albert were playing some sort of drinking game. Damn, what happened to girls’ night? All of a sudden her phone beeped. She looked down and saw a message from Brady, her heart fluttered.


Brady: Hope you’re having a good night and Albert is beating away the guys with his dick.


Jane laughed out loud causing Michael to lean over and ask if the message was from Brady. Jane started to get irritated with Michael. It was none of his business who was communicating with her. Why was he so nosey?

didn’t let her irritation show and instead replied, “Of course, thank you so much for introducing me to him, he is amazing.”

Michael rolled his eyes and said, “He sure is.”

Jane turned to him and asked, “What is that supposed to mean Michael?” What was he getting after? Was he trying to tell her something or was he trying to get in her head?

Michael mumbled and turned away.

Jane shoved him so he was facing her again and said, “No
, not nothing, what are you not telling me?” 

Michael shook his head and said, “You are right Jane
, he is amazing, that’s the problem. He doesn’t even give anyone else a shot at trying to be with you.”

Jane was stunned. Did Michael want to be
with her? He was married to Kelly though. Last time she knew they had a great relationship. Although, she did find it quite weird that she had not seen Kelly since they have moved down to Atlanta. She decided to call him out.

hael, you’re happily married. What’s going on?” 

Michael looked dead into her eyes. He looked so sad
. Why had he not said anything to her if things were not going well between him and Kelly? Was it because she stopped talking to him when she was with George? She thought they cleared the air about that.

He smiled slightly and looked at her lips, she accidently licked them when he was looking at them and that was all he needed. He started to swoop in to kiss her.
She quickly turned her head so he missed her lips and kissed her ear instead. He grunted out of frustration, tossed a shot glass to the side and got up. 

Jane was so stunned she didn’t know what to do. Molly looked over at her perplexed. Jane shrugged her s
houlders in confusion and went after Michael. She chased him outside and called after him.

When she finally caught up to him she
asked, “Michael, what the hell are you doing?”

He whipped around so fast and pinned her against the outside brick wall
, she barely had a chance to steady herself. His hands straddled her face and he was inches from her nose. Jane started to shake, Michael wouldn’t hurt her but she didn’t like the darkness in his eyes. 

“You don’t get it Jane. I waited around for you. I was your best friend and cuddle buddy for years so you had someone to go to
when things went wrong in your life. I watched you ruin your life when you were with George and now Brady comes around and he has saved your life. What about me? I was the one who was there for you, through everything and yet you still just look at me as a brother. Why don’t I get the attention Brady does?”

Jane tried to push him away but he was rock solid, there was no moving h
im. “Michael, aren’t you married? Why are you treating me like this? How am I supposed to be with you if you are married? I am not a cheater or an adulterer, so what do you expect from me?”

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