Read Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) Online
Authors: Meghan Quinn
Brady: Is there anything I can do to help in the meantime, since I have the secret medication?
Jane: Yea when you get to your hotel you can send me a picture of you topless. I wanted you so bad this morning when I saw you without your shirt on in the kitchen.
Brady? Ha, well I tend to have that effect on women
Jane: Women? Who are these women you speak of? Do I have to come twist some bitch’s face off?
Brady laughed. He could only imagine Jane in a fight. She was too sweet to do any harm to anyone, plus she was a tiny little thing. She would get trampled on. She would most likely fling her arms around hoping to hit someone or something. Or she would bust out her wasp spray.
y laughed to himself as he remembered the terrified look on her face, in her lacey nightgown, holding a can of wasp spray when she opened the door. Smiling, Brady sent her a message back.
Brady: I would love to see a little pip-squeak like you get in a fight.
Jane: Don’t let size fool you, I might be petite but I pack a lot of punch and don’t you forget it.
Brady: Ha, threat received. We are about to board, I will call you tonight. Miss you, babe.
Jane: Miss you, handsome.
Michael had to leave for spring training in a couple of days so he decided to put together a nice dinner for Kelly. He wanted to re-connect with her before he left. He wasn’t just going to let their marriage fail. He was going to do whatever it took to re-kindle the love they had for each other.
Michael decided to set up a nice dinner at the dining room table they never used and grabbed their old cribbage set. They use
d to always play cribbage and eat dinner together while drinking wine and listening to oldies on their old record player. Those were the good days, before Kelly’s activity of choice was going out and getting her picture taken by whomever. Michael enjoyed the simple times they used to share and thought his dinner gesture would help bring them back together. At least he hoped it to be a start to a conversation about their marriage.
He order
ed dinner from Mario’s Italian Cuisine. Kelly loved Italian food, especially lasagna. He would have cooked if he knew how to even turn on the oven but that wasn’t an option. Kelly needed the top of the line appliances when they moved in and the oven that was in their kitchen was digital with no labels on the screen so he had no clue where to even turn the damn thing on. What ever happened to knobs? Everything had to be touch screen now-a-days.
He ordered a pan
of lasagna, salad, garlic bread and tiramisu for dessert. The dinner was not one of his favorites but Kelly loved it and he was doing everything for Kelly tonight. He set the table with candles and red roses he got from the local florist. Very classic dinner for two he thought. He was just about to go get dressed when his phone beeped.
Kelly: Hey, won’t be home tonight. Talk to you later.
What the fuck? Michael instantly got furious and tried calling her but she did not pick up. Nothing razzed him more than when someone just sent him a text message but then did not pick up his phone call a second later. He sent her a message back instead.
Michael: Kelly I had a nice surprise dinner planned for you. What are you doing that is so important? I will be leaving soon for spring training and wanted to spend time with you.
She sent him a message back. Apparently she was only capable of text messaging and could not bother to hold an actual conversation on the phone like a decent human being. Irritated, Michael read what she had to say.
Kelly: Sorry had prior plans with friends. Hopefully will see you before you leave. Don’t wait up.
Michael picked up the vase of flowers he bought for her and threw it against the wall in the dining room. Fuck. How could he make things right if she wouldn’t even give him the time of day? She was slipping away from him and there was no use trying to get her back. She would have made the effort in the past to come home. She was done with him and Michael knew it. He needed to get drunk tonight.
Molly decided she needed a girls’ night out. She had one hell of a night with Luke. She didn’t think their lips ever stopped moving. She was exhausted but completely satisfied. Before he went to training this morning he made sure to tell her how lucky he was to have such an understanding soon to be wife and he promised never to leave again without his good bye blow job. That made her giggle. He said he didn’t want to deprive her of such a thing. Beside her lady cactus, Luke’s favorite thing was a good bye blow job, he said it always put him in the right frame of mind and she reveled any time she was able to make him squirm with pleasure.
Luke was doing
some overnight training so she thought it would be the perfect opportunity to catch up with her girls; Jane and Albert.
She sent them both an email.
To: Jane, Albert
From: Molly
Subject: Bitches Night!!!
Hey Hookers,
m in desperate need for some girl time. I just fucked myself through the night and got all the testosterone I can handle. Meet me at Deuces at 8pm sharp. Albert, I assume you will take care of our VIP status. Jane bring your big barf bags, we are getting wasted tonight!
Xoxo - M
Molly’s phone beeped instantly with a reply, she opened her email.
To: Molly, Jane
From: Albert
Subject: Re: Bitches Night!!
, girl I’m jealous. I wish I had a man like Luke to suck me dry. You girls are all set, just strut your stuff and you are in. See you tonight. I’m ready to dance your tits off!
Jane replied right after Albert. Molly was shocked when she read it.
To: Albert, Molly
From: Jane
Subject: Re: Re: Bitches Night!!
m in sluts! I promise to wear something real revealing and low cut, have to make my new boyfriend jealous for being out of town! Plan on taking pictures with my phone, bitches! Can’t wait!
The Old Jane
Molly had to read her email a couple of times
before the words actually settled in her brain. Jane was officially going out with someone? She assumed it was Brady. He had been chasing Jane around like a little puppy. What really got Molly was the fact that Jane was transforming back into her old self again, sweet and caring but such a scandal. When she was with George she was still herself for the most part, but she became very shy, isolated and soft spoken, not the same Jane Molly and Michael went to school with. Molly was so happy she grabbed her phone and text Michael.
Molly: Our old Janey is starting to come back to us, thanks to your first baseman!
Michael sent her a message back.
Michael: I knew he could do it. He is head over heels for her.
Molly: I could tell, well he is doing a good job. He better not fuck things up or I will rip his dick off.
Michael: You and me both sister. What are you doing tonight? You guys want to hang out?
Damn, she hated to turn down Michael but they planned a girls’ night and unless he had some lady flaps hiding in those jeans he was not invited to their festivities tonight. Albert was only allowed to go because he claimed he had a man-gina so that put him in the classification of able to attend girls’ night.
Molly: We are actually having a girls’ night with Albert, if you want to wear a dress and a wig and join us we would love to have you.
Michael: Does Albert have to wear a dress and wig?
Molly: No, he is more feminine than Jane and I put together!
Michael: Ha, I’ll pass, but make some time for me soon. I miss you girls. I’ll be reporting to spring training next week, but I’ll be back on some weekends.
Molly: We will, miss you too. Give our best to the misses.
Molly got home and got ready for the night, she could not wait to let go and have some fun. She had been so wrapped up in Luke since he got back home that she started to forget there were other people in her life that cared to see her as well.
The same thing always happened when Luke got
back, she became self-absorbed and forgot about everyone else around her. Well not tonight, she was going to have some fun with her friends. She noticed a note on her mirror when she walked into the bathroom to fluff her hair so it wasn’t clinging to her face. It was from Luke.
If one guy hits on you tonight consider them dead. I will be thinking about your tits all night. Love you Baby – Molly’s Man
Jane decided to wear a pair of Olivia-Newton-John-tight pants and a shirt with a neckline down to the middle of her stomach. She donned her hot pink stilettos and paired them with a light shade of lip gloss on her lips. She knew Brady would have an instant hard on if he saw her in her outfit, so she decided might as well send him a picture on her phone. She loved to tease him, mainly because she enjoyed his reaction. She took a picture in the mirror slightly leaning forward so he could notice her abundance of cleavage trying to come out. She added a comment with the picture.
Jane: Eat your heart out Handsome. Just a little reminder of what you are missing back home.
Jane almost didn’t send it because she thought it might be a little too much but then said screw it and sent the picture. She used to do things like that all the time, and she was starting to feel like her old self again. Brady text her back.
Brady: Are you freaking kidding me? You are going out like that?
Jane Smiled, he must be dying right now. She had to admit she looked pretty hot and very slutty. She had not worn the shirt she had on in years but it still fit like a glove and was surprisingly still in style. Although she guessed slut was always in style at the night clubs. All one had to do was either show some tits or ass and they were trend setting at the clubs. Her phone rang, startling her form her thoughts. It was Brady.
“Hey Brady.”
Jane said innocently.
“Jane, I’ll have you know I’
m currently sitting on my hotel bed, watching a college basketball game with a fucking boner.”
Jane laughed out loud. “I’
m sorry. I just wanted to show you my outfit.”
“That is quite the outfit, babe. Damn I wan
t you so bad. Are you sure you’re not secretly flying out to California to surprise me?”
Jane shivered
. Brady wanted her. She knew they were dating but hearing him say those words sent heat down to her center. She still could not believe she was dating him, it still seemed so crazy. One minute she was about to get lost in pizza and alcohol while drowning in her own sorrows and then the next minute she was getting lost in Brady’s brilliant green eyes.
“I wish! We’
re having girls’ night, Molly, Albert and me. Molly told me to get slutty. Did I do a good job?”
Brady gulped, “I’d say, damn
you look hot. I wanted to titty fuck you through the phone.”
Jane giggled,
“Oh you’re a titty fucker then? That doesn’t surprise me. I’m always catching you staring at my chest.”
“Do you blame me? You are such a little thing with an excellent rack. I can’t help myself.”
“Understandable, I do feel that my boobs are quite perky and round. Who would have thought I would be sporting a 32C?”
Brady coughed and said, “Alright this conversation is over. I need to go take care of myself. Thanks for the picture it will come in handy.”
Jane was taken back at first. Wow Brady was not shy at all. He just told her he was going to go masturbate to her picture. If he wasn’t so hot she might find him a bit creepy but he was just a man with a healthy libido that she kept teasing. She wished she was in his hotel room to help him relieve himself. She could not wait to see him the next day. She knew he had something grand planned and could not wait to find out what it was.