Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)
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Molly turned toward Luke and smiled. She ran her finger tips along his very chiseled and strong jaw. She gently licked her lips and ran her tongue across his lips. She felt him getting hard next to her and his throat made a low grumble of appreciation.

“Are you cashing in on the good bye blow job?”

“I think I want to cash in on a lot more than that. When I found you on the floor wearing only your underwear I had to control myself not to rip everything off and drive myself into you. You have one sexy body, babe.” 

“I have to in order to keep up with you,” Molly said while dragging her hand down his chest, across his stomach and straight to his manhood.

Luke grunted and flew her on her back. “You are in trouble little lady because yo
u upset me and now you have to make it up to me” Luke said jokingly.

“Oh poor baby, how’s this?’ Molly tore her underwear and bra off and spread her legs.

Luke gulped and said, “That will do.”




Jane was startled awake by a loud pounding on her door. What time was it? 2:30am? Where was her wasp spray? She was told wasp spray worked just as well as mace when there was an intruder, plus she could shoot it from a distance.

e reached into her nightstand, grabbed her spray and slowly crept out into the living room toward the entry way. The pounding got louder, her heart sank. Why didn’t she take that self-defense class Luke asked her and Molly to take? She could use some self-defense tips right now. She tip toed to the front door and put her eye up to the peephole. Her heart sank when she saw two brightly colored green eyes staring back at her. What was Brady doing at her apartment? She opened the door and ushered him in. 

“What the hell are you doing here? You scared the living day lights out of me.”

It wasn’t until Brady’s eyes swept over her and turned into hot molten lava that she realized she was only wearing a lacy nightgown that she honestly found comfortable to sleep in, even though it looked like she was trying out for the next call girls movie. She bashfully pulled her nightie down and grabbed a blanket to wrap around herself.

ady, what are you doing here?” she asked again.

Brady shook his head and cleared his throat. “I came to see you. I didn’t like how our phone conversation ended.”

She didn’t know what to say so she just blurted out, “That was a few hours ago, is this some sort of booty call?”

She instantly regretted the words as they flew out of her mouth. Brady’s face went completel
y stone and his eyes almost turned entirely black.

“Is that the kind of opinion you have of me? You real
ly do think I’m some sort of player, don’t you? Have I not been a gentleman since I have met you? Have I not stopped myself from ripping your clothes off and pounding my dick inside of you after our dates? Have I not touched you since I’ve been here even though you are wearing that…see through lace thing?” Brady said while gesturing up and down her body.

Jane sighed and
grabbed Brady’s hand, pulling him to her couch. “Brady I’m sorry, I don’t know what got into me. I should not have said that. You’ve been more than a gentleman to me. You’ve been so sweet and kind and you’ve made me feel so incredibly good about myself, thank you.”

Brady’s face lightened a bit. “Well I like to treat my woman well.”

Jane startled, “Your woman?”

Brady let out a frustrated huff. “Listen Jane, I don’t know how I can be clearer. I like you, a lot. You put
a smile on my face even when I’m not near you. You are a fresh breath of air for me, something that contradicts this media and fan crazed life I live in every day. I want to get to know you more and I want you to get to know me. I don’t know about you but I can’t stop thinking about you and that means something to me. I haven’t felt this way in quite a long time and I like how it feels. You make me happy and I want to date you. I want you to be my girlfriend.”

just looked at him in disbelief. She did not know what to say. Brady continued.

“I know this is hard for you babe, and like I told you, I will take this slo
w, but you have to know that I’m willing to make this work and help you through any insecurities you might have or doubts you  might be facing. I need you to put trust in me though and not freak out when something difficult comes along.”

Jane couldn’t help but shake her head in disbelief. “It’s just too hard, Brady. George really fucked with my head.”

“I know sweetheart.” Brady said lifting Jane’s chin up and stroking her cheek. “But I want to help you, please let me help you.”

Jane shook her head, “You’re too good for me, I’m going to ruin your concentration and then Atlanta is going to hate me because you won’t be the leader in homeruns anymore.”

Brady couldn’t help but chuckle. “Jane you are so cute.” He pulled her in close. “
I separate my personal life from my work life just like everyone else and I’m not too good for you. We are perfect for each other.” 




Brady held Jane for a while without her saying anything. He was not going to take no for an answer. He knew she cared about him and liked him. It was all over her face. She was just too scared to admit it and take that first step toward a new relationship.

Spring training would be a bitch to get through espec
ially since their relationship was so fragile right now. He was a strong guy though and he knew he could help her through it. She was cute for being concerned about his batting statistics, he could care less if he was a leader in anything, he just wanted to contribute to his team and help them win a championship.

She finally pulled away from his chest and looked up at him. “You sure you
want to date a crazy like me?”

Brady laughed in response and
said, “I wouldn’t have it any other way. So are you saying you’re going to be my girlfriend?”

Brady waited in anticipation when she didn’t answer. She merely stood up and entwin
ed her fingers with him leading him to the bedroom. Oh God, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time, he started to get hard already and realized this was not the right time. He wanted his first time with her to be wonderful, when they had fresh minds and weren’t in the confusing limbo of what was going on between them.  

He stopped her, turned her around and started to say, “Jane, I don’t know…”

She put her finger over his lips and said, “As much as I would love to jump your bones right now, I really just need to be held tonight by my boyfriend. Is that ok?”

A sense of relief washed over Brady. She called him her boyfriend. He could not be happier, their relationship was going to be hard and have its ups and downs but he looked forward to every minute he was going to spend with her.

Brady sighed in relief, “I would love to sweet thing.”






Chapter 12


Jane woke up to the faint smell of French toast. Was that really French toast she smelled? Jane looked
to her side and noticed Brady, that glorious man, was not next to her. Jane slipped out of bed, put her slippers on and skipped out to the kitchen then stopped dead cold in her tracks.

Brady was in her kitchen cooking her breakfast without a shirt on. It was the sexiest thing she had ever seen. He had massive
pecs that spanned across his chest, absolutely no hair to get tangled in and an actual six pack. The man was the epitome of an athlete. He even had those little indents in his stomach that were sexy as hell and basically dragged your gaze down to his crotch. She couldn’t help but drool a little. She could not believe she was going out with this guy. 

“Like what you see
, gorgeous?” Brady said. His question interrupted her very naughty train of thought.

She went
over to him and wrapped her arms around him so his back was facing her. She placed a gentle kiss on his shoulder blades and said, “Now that is a sight to see in the morning. I think I almost got pregnant just looking at you.”

Brady gripped the counter and let out a low
growl then swung around. “Pip-squeak, you are going to get yourself into some serious trouble with that kind of talk.”

“Oh yea, what are you going
to do? Spank me?” Jane teased while running her hands over his chest.

Brady picked her up by her waist and flung her over his shoulder.
Her heart started to flutter as she started laughing. He put her on the ground and straddled her waist. He pinned her arms to her side and lowered himself so his elbows were on either side of her face. He lowered his head down so he was mere centimeters away from her face. Jane breathed heavily in anticipation of his next move. One of his hands stroked her forehead as he moved in a little bit closer.

He stared deep in her eyes and whispered, “Have I mentioned latel
y how fucking beautiful you are?”

Jane could barely move let alone speak so she gulped and just nodded her head yes. He lowered his lips to hers and gently started kissing her. He tasted like coffee and he tasted so good. She could not get enough of him. She so desperately wanted to take her hands
, wrap them around his neck and caress the back of his head but he trapped her blocking any attempt of her wandering hands.

He kept kissing her softly until she lined his lips with her tongue. The green in his eyes went completely dark and all
she saw was pure male rawness. He wanted her and he wanted her bad. She felt his erection on her stomach as her heart rate picked up speed. She tried to wiggle free so she could run her hands up and down his body and into his pants. She wanted to feel the protruding bulge but her hands were pinned down so tight they were not going anywhere.

He pulled his head away just enough so she could no longer kiss him. “I suggest you go take a shower while I finish making your sweet ass breakfast.”

“Don’t you want to join me in the shower?” she asked coyly.

He groaned, “Babe, you’
re not making this easy on me. I have plans for our first time and it is not going to be like this, although, I would prefer for you to wear something just as nice as this lace number you have on.”

“What is wrong with right now?’ Jane pleaded.

“You have to go to work and I have to catch a plane in a couple of hours, I want our first time to last all night.”

Jane gulped, “All night?”

Brady kissed her along her neck to her collarbone, around her jaw and up to her lips while saying, “All…night…long.”

He released her fro
m his leg trap, helped her up, gave her a good slap on the ass and told her to go take a shower. She didn’t know how he could have such self-control. She surely didn’t have any because as she was walking away she pulled her top off revealing everything except a thin thong that left nothing to the imagination, turned around with her arms barely covering her breasts and said, “I like my bacon extra crispy.” Then she proceeded to the shower.




Brady sat in the airport while waiting to board his airplane when the image of Jane’s backside came flying back into his memory. Damn she had a fine ass body. He had to relieve himself in the shower when he got home because there was no way he would have made it otherwise. He had a hard on from the time she took off her top until he got back home and in the shower.

She was a little temptress and she enjoyed it. It was nice to see her relax and have fun. He saw her opening up more and more, showing him the Jane that Michael and Molly talked about.

When she called him her boyfriend last night a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders. He knew he liked Jane and wanted to get to know her better but he didn’t know it mattered that much to him. His phone beeped making him look to see who the message was from.



Are you sure you have to be gone for three days?


Brady smiled and text back.


Brady: I miss you already too.


Jane: You caught me, yes I’m missing you but mostly I’m so horny right now and the only medication I know of is you. I can’t stand your teasing anymore!


Brady laughed out loud.


Brady: Oh is that so?


Jane: Yes! I feel like my lady bits are about to fall off from neglect.


Brady: Well Jesus, we can’t have your lady bits falling off. Can your lady bits hang in there until Saturday night?


Jane: I don’t know I think it might be a little touch and go.

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