Cassandra's Challenge (30 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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Across the Retribution word has quickly
spreading that the Admiral’s life mate knocked out Falco with a
single punch. Nearing the Admiral’s quarters Lucas joins them.

“I hear I missed all the fun.” He starts to
joke, stopping short at the look his father gives him. Entering the
ready room Cassandra sinks into a chair. William opens a drawer and
pulls out a chemical cold pack. Squatting down next to her he lifts
her right hand.

“Here this will help with the swelling.” He
gently applies the pack.

“Wow! You really did knock her out.” Lucas
exclaims as he sees her knuckles. Cassandra gives him a tired

“Thanks,” She says looking into William’s
concerned eyes.

“You need to go lie down.”

“I think I will.” Helping her up, he follows her
out of the ready room, closing the connecting door.


Lucas turns to Quinn. “What the fuck happened!”
Quinn isn’t sure where to start.

“Falco demanded an interview.” Quinn walks
around the Admiral’s desk pulling out a bottle and three glasses.
He knows his friend. Will’s going to need a drink.

“Questions were raised about the Admiral’s
involvement with Falco.” Pouring the Carinian ale he carries two
around the desk handing one to Lucas.

“Cassandra’s involvement with you.” Lucas chocks
on the sip he’s just taken.

! What the fuck!”

“Tibullus was covering all his bases with what
Falco might bring up.”

“That’s just crap!” Lucas shoots out of his
chair to pace.

“Oh trust me Cassandra set him straight, she had
Tibullus stuttering by the time she was done with him.” Quinn
smiles remembering.

“Cassandra…” Lucas turns to Quinn.

“Tibullus questioned her.” Lucas is silent. “She
stood Lucas, stood strong. She left no doubt in her belief in
William.” Quinn looks down into his glass. “You should have told me
everything about Falco and your father.”

“Wasn’t mine to tell.” The two men’s eyes

“Anyway, Cassandra’s leaving when Falco sees her
and breaks away from her guards, going after her. Cassandra puts
her down, hard. I can’t wait to see the record of it.” He looks at
Lucas. “Did you know Victoria’s father was a member of a Shock

“No.” Lucas gives him a confused look. “I only
saw him for a few minutes in the cabin. Cassie said something about
him having a hurt shoulder, but that’s all I remember.”

“He taught her how to ‘defend’ herself. She’s
damn good.” They two men turn as the connecting door opens.


As William closes the door, Cassandra makes it
as far as the couch before needing to sit. With a deep sigh she
leans back closing her eyes. Feeling William sit she turns her head
to look at him.

“You should be in bed.” He tells her, tucking a
piece of hair behind her ear.

“I’ll be fine here until you’re done. I’m sorry

“What could you possibly be sorry for?”

“Causing the scene with Falco, in front of your

“Falco caused the scene,” William kisses her
abused knuckles. “You just finished it, and quite well I might add.
I believe every guard is going to be reviewing that recording and
practicing that move.”

“You’re not upset?” Concerned eyes look into

“At you? No.”

“Not at yourself either. Right?” She questions

“No, at the guards. It should never have

“I agree, but William…” She hesitates.

“What?” He encourages her.

“It felt damn good taking her out.” William
looks at her then starts to laugh.

“I happened to have liked it myself.” Cassandra
grins laying her head on his shoulder.

“You need some sleep.” Easing her down he gets a
pillow and blanket from the bed making sure she’s comfortable he
leans down to kiss her and finds she’s already asleep.

“I love you, Cassandra Chamberlain.” He whispers
in her ear. Lowering the lights he returns to his ready room.


Approaching his son and friend William sees
they’ve helped themselves to his ale. Sitting he finds one ready
for him. Taking a sip he leans back and sees Lucas raise a
questioning eyebrow.

“Sleeping, before her head even hit the pillow.”
William takes another sip.

“Dad, what Tibullus said, about Cassandra and
me…” Lucas starts. William looks at his son knowing Quinn’s told

“Lucas it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” Seeing
his son’s still concerned he continues. “There was never any doubt,
for either of us.” Relieved Lucas nods and leans back.

“So things should settle down now.” Lucas

“Oh sure, now all we have to do is deal with the
Regulians.” Quinn jokes. But looking at William he can tell he
isn’t amused.

“Anything new there?” He asks.

“No, long range sensors aren’t picking them up.
It looks like the misdirection worked. They still think we’re
heading to the Rodham space station.”

“Rodham’s been informed?”


“Tomorrow after we finish with Tibullus I’m
going to need a secure line to Valerian. I’m going to ask that he
send the Dioscuri to replace us on this tour.”

“What!” Lucas asks stunned, “What’s going

“You’ve figured it out.” Quinn says quietly.

“Enough to know we need to put some space
between us and the Regulians.”

“Is this about Victoria?” Lucas demands. “Where
is she!”

“She’s staying at Amina’s. She’s fine. Lucas
there’s things you don’t know, things I can’t tell you right now,
but Tori isn’t the target.”

“He said she wasn’t the Light. The Glitter Man.”
Lucas says aloud. “So who is he looking for?”

“What are you talking about?” Quinn asks.

William brings Quinn up to speed on Tori
learning Regulian, what she’d learned in her dream and Messene.

“Messene.” Quinn says quietly. William looks at
him. They all know this goes deep.


Waking to William caressing her birthmark,
Cassandra finds she’s naked in bed. The time is coming when they
will need to discuss it again, but not now. Running a gentle hand
down his back she draws his attention to her. Turning to partially
cover her he presses her into the bed framing her face with his
hands he gives her a passionate kiss that he quickly breaks off.
It’d been like this since the explosion, him pulling back. That
would be ending soon too. But right now she needs to tell him what
she wants so he could decide.

“William.” She looks up into the eyes she loves.
He sees she has something on her mind.

“Hmmm.” His thumb caresses her cheek.

“I want to conceive your child.” His utter
stillness tells her she’s surprised him. “Soon.” She presses.

William’s eyes bore into hers. The thought of
her conceiving his child touches a very basic place deep inside
him. But she’s more important to him.

“Cassandra, with everything that’s happening,
now might not be the best time.”

“I want
child William, a part of
you, a part of me. The
time doesn’t matter because it
will be
time. I know you have concerns.” She puts gentle
hand to his mouth so she can finish. “I know you have a lot going
on right now with Falco, the Regulians, and the Carinian traitor.
But you need to know what I want, decide if it’s what you want.
That’s your decision, mine is to have your child.”

William rolls onto his back, pulling her over
him, wrapping his arms around her. “Cassandra, I nearly lost you,
if you’d been standing in front of that hatch when it blew….”

“But I wasn’t!” She interrupts him. “I wasn’t
because of
. You’re not going to lose me. I love you.”
Tightening her arms around him, Cassandra lays her head on his
chest, falling asleep to the beat of his heart.


The next morning the Admiral puts a plan in
motion to convert his storage room into a bedroom for Victoria.
Javiera agrees to have Tori spend another night so the room can be
completed, surprising her. She even has some suggestions what needs
done telling the Admiral she’ll send Leander over with the items.
When Cassandra wakes everything is set.


Waking slowly Cassandra knows she’s alone,
seeing the time she realizes why, it’s already 1030. Tibullus was
to be here at 1000 to finish the interview. Climbing out of bed
with protesting muscles she sees breakfast waiting for her on the
table. Her stomach rumbles loudly as she takes the cover off. Hutu
made loblolly with thimbleberries, it is becoming one of her
favorite breakfasts.

After devouring the bowl, she decides it’s time
for a shower before Tori comes home. How are they going to work
this? She doesn’t want to leave William’s quarters, even if he’d
let her, but Tori can’t sleep on the couch either. Letting the hot
water sooth her aches and pains the only solution she can find is
for them to find new quarters. Wrapped in a towel she leaves the
bathroom to find William entering their chambers.

Seeing her coming out of the bathroom, he’s
staggered by his love for her. She wants to have his child. Walking
to her he sinks his fingers into her still wet hair, framing her
face as he leans down for a kiss.

“How are you feeling?”

“Pretty good.”

“I’ll call Bliant.”

“No, William really, I’m still stiff and sore
but better.” Leaning back she looks up at him. “How did the rest of
the interview go?”

“Fine. Everything’s wrapped up. You don’t need
to worry.”

“I wasn’t, I knew you’d handle it. Now I need to
get dressed before Tori gets back.” She heads to the closet.

“She’s not coming back today.”

“What?” She stops and turns to look at him.

“She’s going to stay at Amina’s one more


“One, so you can rest. And two, so we can get
her room done.”

“Room?” She raises an eyebrow.

“I have a crew coming to make the storage room
into a bedroom for her.”

“William.” Cassandra rests her head on his

“What’s wrong?” He’d seen the tears in her

“Nothing’s wrong. I was just in the shower
trying to figure out how to tell you we’d need new quarters.”

“You’re home Cassandra, this is where you stay.”
His voice is gruff.

“I know. I didn’t say I wanted too. She’s going
to love it.” Rising up she gives him a kiss. “Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me. I want her here
too. Now let’s get you dressed before the workers arrive.” Moving
to the closet she finds her clothes, what little she has, hanging
up next to his.

“You’ve been busy.”

“I want you here.” As the hatch buzzes he leaves
to answer it.


Cassandra’s dressed by the time William returns
followed by Lucas. Pulling her hair back she smiles at the two
Zafar men.

“You’re looking better.” Lucas runs a quick eye
over her.

“I’m feeling better. What’s up?”

“I need to go to the bridge for awhile.”

“Okay.” Puzzled she looks from William to Lucas
realizing William means for Lucas to stay with her. “I’ll be fine

“You won’t be
, there will be crew
in and out all day.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“No.” His eyes blaze telling her this is
important to him. He needs to make sure she’s protected even though
the threat passed. She can’t fault him for it.

“If that’s what you want.” She turns, “Lucas,
you’re going to be bored out of your mind.”

“Not me,” Smiling he walks to the couch. “I
brought the deck. I thought I’d teach you how to play five square.”
Cassandra looks at what he has in his hand.


“Lucas….” William’s gives him a warning.

“What? Just a friendly little game.” His face is
full of innocence.

“I take it he’s somewhat good.” Cassandra walks
over to William.

“That would be an understatement.” William sees
the gleam come into her eyes. His life mate is competitive.

“Are you going to be all day?” She asks.

“A good part, I want you to rest when you need
it.” His eyes harden. “I mean it Cassandra.”

“I will.” Ignoring Lucas, she rises up to give
him a kiss. After he leaves she walks over to Lucas. “So what’s
this game.”


On the bridge the Admiral heads to his command
center, finding Quinn already there. “Engage the privacy screen. I
need a secure, encoded line to High Admiral Valerian.”

“I’ve arranged the line Admiral. Will, are you
really going to request the removal of the Retribution from this
tour?” William says nothing waiting to be connected the High

“Zafar, what’s going on!” Demands Valerian.

“Sir, I have a situation here that I believe
demands immediate attention.”

“I’ve read your reports Admiral. While I agree
something is going on I don’t agree with this need for

“That’s because I’ve intentionally left out many
details from my reports sir. Not trusting that the fleet wouldn’t
be compromised.”

“You didn’t report facts to
Valerian’s rage is easy to hear.

“No sir.”

“You suspect

“No sir, but information
been leaked,
information that gave the Regulians the fleets coordinates in the
last attack. It came from Carinian space on a Carinian channel in
Regulian. It was our exact location High Admiral.” There’s silence
on the other end.

“What have I not been told?”

“Are your communications totally secured High
Admiral?” Quinn’s eyebrows shot up at William’s questioning of the
High Admiral’s security. William knows he’s over stepping but he’s
going to make sure his life mate is protected.

“You’re pushing Zafar.”

“Yes sir, I’ll be pushing more before this is
done.” After several moments Valerian responds.

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