Cassandra's Challenge (25 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

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“I’m okay, just stiff and sore.” Looking into
concerned eyes she leans down giving him a soft kiss. “Good

William isn’t being that easily distracted.
Easing her onto the bed he stands.

“I’m calling Bliant.” He reaches for his comm.
“You need another shot.” Ready for an argument she surprises

“That might not be a bad idea.” She tells him
still lying on the bed.

After notifying Bliant, he calls Hutu telling
him to bring first meal for four, one being Tori.

“William.” Cassandra slowly starts to sit

“Take it easy.” He grips her elbows to help

“Trust me I am.” Once she’s sitting on the edge
of the bed William pulls the blanket around her. “William, I need
something to wear.”

“I’ll find you something. You okay there?”

“Yeah.” She admires his bare backside as he
walks over to his closet to get her a shirt, pulling on pants he
heads back. The man is built, she thinks with a little smile.
William raises a questioning eyebrow at the little smile on her
face as he helps her into one of his shirts.

“Just admiring the view.” She tells him unable
to meet his eyes, a blush creeping up her neck. William finds the
blush captivating, that she could still be shy around him amazes
him. Squatting down he tips her chin up, looking into sheepish

“Glad you like it.” Causing her blush to deepen
but her eyes become mischievous.

“Oh trust me I did.” A grin breaking across her
face. William rises at the buzzing at the hatch indicating Bliant’s
arrival. Going back to his closet he pulls on a shirt.

“I’ll be right back, stay put.” He tells her
leaving the room. Bliant enters the Admiral’s ready room and waits
as he secures the hatch. The Admiral appears to have gotten some

“So how is she this morning?”

“Sore, she isn’t even arguing about the
medication.” He leads him to the adjoining door.

“The day after is usually the worse. I’ll check
to make sure it’s not anything more serious.” Entering the private
chambers Bliant find Cassandra standing on the far side of the room
next to the bed. Wearing what is obviously one of the Admiral’s
shirts as it came down to her knees.

“You were supposed to stay sitting.” William
moves to her side.

“I’m not a damn dog.” The look on his face tells
her he didn’t understand. “Sorry, I just wanted to try to loosen up
my muscles.”

“Do you want to sit on the chair or couch?”
Bliant breaks the tension. Ignoring Bliant, Cassandra puts a hand
on William’s forearm.

“Would you help me to the chair?” William’s eyes
bore into hers. “Please William.” Taking slow small steps he helps
her to the closest chair. Easing down she breathes a sigh of

“Thank you.” She looks up at him with strained
but grateful eyes. William steps back his jaw tense.

“She needs the shot Bliant.” Bliant steps around
the Admiral.

“So how are you feeling this morning?”

“Sore. More than I expected.”

“You ready for another shot?”

“Yes, whatever you gave me last night. It helped
without making me feel weird.” Pulling out a pressure syringe he
gives her the shot.

“I want to check your wounds.” At the buzzing at
the hatch, Cassandra looks at William.

“If that’s Tori…”

“I’ll keep her in the other room until Bliant is
done.” She flashes him a grateful smile. As he leaves, he closes
the connecting door. Checking to make sure there is no infection in
the wounds Bliant continues to talk to her.

“So you slept ok last night?”

“Yeah. I don’t think I moved once I was

“You’ve had a shower.”

“Yeah, it helped loosen up my muscles.”

“No vision problems?”

“No.” Bliant checks her lungs.

“Take a couple deep breaths for me.” When
Cassandra obeys she winces. “Still really sore?”


“Your right side absorbed the worst of the
impact hitting the bulkhead, it’s a deep contusion, it’s going to
take time. You need to not push yourself. When your body tells you
it needs rest, take it. You’ll heal faster.”

“There’s a lot going on right now.” She starts
only to be cut off.

“Right now you need to concentrate on getting
better, let the Admiral handle the rest.” Cassandra just looks at
Bliant, unsure of how to answer him, unaware he’s been contacted by
Tar to dig into Falco’s medical history.

“The Admiral’s very good at his job Cassandra.
He’ll find out who’s doing this and it will be handled. But if he
has to worry about you pushing yourself too hard it’s going to
distract him. Trust him.”

“I’ve trusted him since the moment I meet him.
Nothing that’s happened since changes that.” Looking at him she can
see he’s trying to make a point. “Why would you think it did?”

Bliant isn’t sure he should continue.

“You started this Bliant finish it.” She

“You and Tori have both been injured while
you’ve been under his protection, on his ship, by one of his crew.
Some might start doubting his ability.”

“A Carinian woman you mean.”

“Yes, especially with the Admiral being from the
House of Protection. It will be a very serious concern for him.”
Bliant decides to get it all out there. “I’ve seen the two of you
together. The bond you have. But you’re still new to our ways, have
ways of your own. I thought you should know how this is going to
affect him.” Listening to Bliant Cassandra realizes he knows of her

“Lucas has talked to you.”

“No, Tar. Lucas knows?”


”So everyone
the Admiral.”

“He’s not going to take that well.”

“That’s an understatement.”

“He’ll see it as me not trusting him, that I
went to Lucas instead of him, that’s what you’re been trying to
tell me.”


“Thanks for filling me in. You’re right there
are things here I still don’t understand.” Moving to the edge of
the chair she looks at Bliant. “Would you mind helping me up? I
believe there is an impatient nine year old, waiting for me.” As
she moves towards the door Bliant is close by.

“How’s the pain?”

“Better, I’m not as stiff.”

“Good.” Bliant opens the door. “Remember what I

“I will.” When Cassandra enters the ready room,
William walks over to her, looking first at her then Bliant.

“She’s healing well, just stiff and sore, she’ll
be that way for awhile. You need to make sure she’s not over

“She won’t”

“Standing right here.” Cassandra says looking at
the two men. Stepping around them she sees Tori and Lucas sitting
in front of William’s desk. Smiling she moves towards her.

“Aunt Cassie!” Victoria starts to get up when
Lucas puts a hand on her shoulder.

“Wait Tori, let her sit down.”

Sitting in the chair next to her Cassandra opens
her arms. “Come here baby girl.” Tori’s immediately in her arms,
William grimaces, knowing Cassandra’s muscles are protesting.

“You’re okay?” Victoria quizzes.

“Yes just a lot of bruises.”

“Can I see?” Cassandra smiles at her.

“Maybe later.” At the buzzing at the hatch Tori
stands back up.

“That’ll be Hutu with first meal.” William tells

Hutu checks all the plates before turning to the
Admiral. “Did you need anything else sir, something for the

“Nothing for me Hutu, I need to get to medical.
Call if there are any problems.” Bliant looks at Cassandra.

“Thanks Bliant.” Picking up a couple bowls
William gives one to Tori the other to Cassandra.

“Eat.” Is all he says as Lucas brings one to
him. William keeps a close eye on Cassandra, making sure she eats
all of it. Finishing Lucas removes the bowls then sits back down
next to Tori.

“What’s going on?”

“Victoria’s been studying Regulian, so she might
be able to remember what they were saying when they kidnapped her.”
The Admiral tells Lucas. “Tori what did you need to tell us?” Tori
looks first at William, then her Aunt.

“I had the dream again last night Aunt

“Oh Tori, I’m sorry I wasn’t there.” Cassandra
goes to move to her, but William’s look keeps her in her chair.

“It’s okay, I wasn’t scared this time. Well
maybe a little at first but then I remembered what you said. That I
would know something they didn’t want me to know, and you were

“Want did you learn Tori.” The Admiral asks.

“The Glitter Man, he was mad! After he checked
my hands and feet he told the ones I couldn’t see that they were
stupid, that I wasn’t the Light. One in the dark argued back saying
that they had followed his orders, that I was the one. That he
would honor their agreement. The Glitter Man ordered them to get
him the thread so he could put it in my arm telling them that this
trip might not be a total loss. That maybe I could lead them to the
Light. That’s when he told me he would always be able to find me.”
As Tori tells this to the Admiral, Cassandra realizes that
William’s been right. The Regulians were looking for her. Meeting
his eyes she says nothing.

“They never called each other by name?” Tori
thinks hard.

“No.” William is disappointed that Tori hadn’t
discovered anything new but nothing is revealed on his face.

“You did good Tori.” The Admiral tells her.
“It’s a very brave thing you did.”

“It is?”

“Yes.” Tori grins at him.

Cassandra smiles at Tori. “The Admiral’s right
Tori, you did a very brave thing. I’m really proud of you.” Tori
gives Cassandra a hug.

“Oh, there was this one other thing the Glitter
Man said. He told the Regulians they would have to take me back
because he needed to return to Messene before he was missed.”
William in the process of standing freezes.

“Messene? You’re sure Tori?” He demands. She

“He said he couldn’t go unseen much longer.”
Sitting down William leans back in his chair to think.

“Tori, did I see your bag?” Cassandra distracts


“Do you have some homework you need to do?”


“Why don’t you go into the other room and get
started on it then.” Tori looks at the three adults, then on a sigh

“Okay.” Picking up her bag she heads back.

“Oh, and close the door so we won’t disturb
you.” As the connecting door closes Cassandra turns to William.

“What’s Messene?” She demands.

“Dad, she couldn’t of heard right.”

“I think she did.”

“Hello! Messene. What is it?” Cassandra demands
in a testy voice.

“It’s a retreat on Goryn, used exclusive by the
royal families and high-ranking officials, very private and
secluded.” Lucas informs her. William watches Cassandra.

“She got it wrong Dad.”

“I don’t think she did.” William says quietly
watching Cassandra slowly rise and walk over to the painting of the
setting suns. Lucas looks from his father to Cassandra.

“What’s going on? What don’t I know?” Before
William can answer there is a buzzing at the hatch. Lucas opens it
to Tar.


“Admiral.” Tar starts, seeing Cassandra he

“What is it Quinn.”

“I have evidence on who I believe is attacking
Cassandra.” Turning from the painting she walks back to her chair
and eases into it, watching Tar.

“Who.” William demands.

“Senior Chief Falco.”

“What?” William looks to find Cassandra silently
watching him. “What’s your evidence Colonel?”

“Falco has an E1 explosive rating, specializing
in directional blasts. While she moved out of the explosive branch
six years ago, she’s maintained her rating. Falco is also one of
the crew who had access to bunker J342. She helped move the
explosive to D345.”

“What else.”

“I had Dr. Bliant look into her medical history.
At first it looked clean, but he called a friend and discovered
that she’d been quietly removed from her last post, diagnosed with
attachment issues.” Quinn pauses.

“Go on.”

“She’d ‘attached’ herself to Captain San during
their last tour. She’d threatened his wife. San had her removed
from his ship.”

“Why was it kept quiet?” William demands with a
sinking feeling.

“It was believed that she and San had been
intimate at one point, San’s didn’t want his wife to know. She was
quietly treated, prescribed Xyphrine.” William’s jaw tightens.

“How’s she getting it?”

“It seems she was able to convince a doctor to
let her have a two year supply since she was going on tour.”



“How’d you zero in on her?”

“After Lucas called…”

“Lucas!” Lucas finds himself under the Admiral’s
intense stare. “Why would you be looking at Falco?” Cassandra saves
Lucas from answering.

“I asked Lucas to look into Falco.” She meets
his look head on. “Once I realized that
was the target, it
was the only person who made sense.”

“You went to Lucas.” Cassandra knows she’s on
tricky ground here.

“I realized it yesterday in medical. Lucas was
there. I told him what I thought, asked him to look into it. If I
was wrong I didn’t want to distract you from looking for the right
person.” Cassandra can tell William isn’t buying it.

“Why haven’t you questioned her Colonel?”

“Admiral, all the information we’ve gathered
isn’t proof. I want to get into her quarters, see what she’s
hiding. There’s still some DC-48 unaccounted for and a

“Why haven’t you?”

“During the investigation I discovered she has
remote detection installed on her security panel.”

“What’s that?” Cassandra asks, feeling the sting
of William’s look. Lucas finally answers.

“It means she’ll know as soon as anyone enters
her quarters.”

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