Cassandra's Challenge (13 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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William knows he’s out of control but he can’t
stop. The look in Cassandra’s eyes, her desire for him, his need
for her, has driven him to this point. He returns to her mouth
ravaging it, taking the last of her breath. Her entire body tenses
imploding around him, her scream captured by him mouth. Seconds
later he follows her, empting everything he is into her.

Cassandra is a quivering mass, relying on
William to hold her up. Breathing heavily, he pushes off the wall
carrying her to the closest chair.

Sitting with her across his lap he gently
caresses her bare left leg. Turning she kisses his neck, the simple
act causing him to lose the breath he’d just caught.

“Cassandra…” He whispers in her ear. She nestles
in closer.

“William, I’m not sure what just happened but …”
He stops her with a kiss. He needs to be honest. Easing her back he
looks her in the eye.

“Cassandra, you are my life mate. That’s what
this is. It’s not leave, not a one night stand.” Her eyes widen. “I
don’t know what you call it on Earth, if you have something like

“Soul mates” Cassandra’s voice is quiet, not
breaking eye contact. Victoria had been right. “It was a rare thing
on Earth.”

“It’s rare on Carina too.” Framing her face with
his large hands he continues. “I wasn’t looking for this, but now
that I’ve found you I’m not letting go.” His kiss is

Cassandra reaches a hand behind his head
returning the kiss. His words touching that place deep inside her
she kept guarded. Here is the one who could leave her defenseless
while still protecting. Her heart had recognized him from the first
moment on the Raptor. It’s her head that’s been trying to catch


William ends the kiss trying to read all the
emotions in her eyes. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“William… I…” She breaks eye contact.

“Honesty, even if I don’t like it. It works both
ways Cassandra.” He reminds her of what she’d ask for in a
relationship. Looking back she sees the flicker of uncertainty in
his eyes. She’s stunned to think she could cause any uncertainty in
this confident man.

“William, I don’t know what to say or even how
to say it.” He stiffens beneath her. “I can’t get my thoughts
organized.” For her that’s unheard of.

“Just say what you’re thinking.” He insists in a
stilted voice, he’s hand stilling.

“I can’t, it won’t come out right.” She needs to
get up, she can’t think straight in his arms. As she tries he puts
a restraining hand on her still naked hip.

“I need to get up William.” When he doesn’t move
his hand she looks at him with pleading eye. “Please.” Slowly he
removes his hand.

He silently watches as she fights with her pant
leg getting dressed. He fixes his own clothing but remains where he
is. When she starts to walk away he grips the armrests to stop
himself from pulling her back.

She turns back to face him, frustration causing
her to run both hands through her hair, what she sees in his face
stops her cold. With distance between them her mind is clearing and
she realizes she could hurt this man, that her lack of response has
hurt him. She needs to give him what he’s given her. Truth.

“William, I want this. I want this with you.
Whether we call it life mates or soul mates it doesn’t matter. It’s
real. It also scars me.”

William in the process of getting up freezes, “I
scare you?” A fist tightens around his heart.

! Don’t be an idiot. Why would you
even think that?” Her immediate and vehemently denial releases the
grip on his heart.

“I am a bit larger then you,” He says walking
towards her.

“No you stay right where you are.” She says
putting up a hand. “I can’t think straight when you touch me.”

Ignoring her, he grabs her outstretched hand
pulling her into his arms. Grinning he says “Don’t think.” And
proceeds to kiss her senseless. When he finally lets her up for air
she can only lean on him.

“William, we need to talk.” She says softly.


The comm center ringing has Cassandra easing out
of his arms. He walks to his desk picking up the headset.

“Zafar.” She watches his eyes change becoming
the Admiral.

“Tell them to do what they can until we get to
Rodham for more extensive repairs.” He puts down the headset.

“Looks like you’re out of ‘cleared’ time.”

He walks around to lean on his desk watching
her. “Not quite.”

“I’m not something to be ‘fit in’ William.” Her
temper over the whole thing is coming back.

“I never meant to give you that impression.” His
own temper is starting to rise.

“Really, well you did. Between you and Lucas I’m
not sure which ones insulted me more.” She flings back.

“Lucas.” William says quietly, but Cassandra
doesn’t hear him.

“I am too sure. It’s
since it’s your
fault in the first place.” She gives him a simmering look, finally
noticing his stillness. Standing he moves towards her.

“What did Lucas say to you?” He demands gripping
her arms pulling her up on her toes, she watches his eyes go

“Oh calm down, it wasn’t anything major. He just
wanted to know why I looked like ‘crap’, okay.” William’s eyes
don’t change. “And it’s
your fault
!” She pokes him in the
chest with her finger. “So don’t be going off on Lucas for stating
the obvious. I already reamed him for it.”

“What did I do?” He asks confused, trying to
calm down.

“You made it so I can’t sleep without you!” Her
eyes shoot flames at him. “Victoria finally sleeps the whole night
without a nightmare and
the one awake. I missed you damn
it.” She thumps him on his chest. William swoops down silencing her
with a kiss, her fiery response instantaneous.

“We’ll take care of that tonight.” He tells her
releasing her mouth, trying to catch his breath he eases her back
down. Cassandra rests her forehead on he’s chest trying to find her

“That’s one of the things we need to talk
about.” She tips her head up. “William, I can’t stay here.” Seeing
his eyes flare she puts a hand on the side of his face. “I won’t
leave Tori alone. You know that. She can’t sleep on your couch.”
With his eyes calming she finishes. “You know I’m right.”

“Yes, your right” He replies, kissing her palm.
When his comm center rings again she slowly pulls her hand away
letting him move around his desk to answer.

“Zafar.” He picks up the headset, watching her
walk away. “I’ll be there shortly.”

“You need to get going Admiral.” Turning she
finds him still behind his desk.

“Come here.” He holds out his hand, walking over
she takes it. Pulling her in front of his comm center, he puts her
thumb on what Cassandra has come to know is a security panel. He
enters a code.

“Say your full name

“Cassandra Qwes Chamberlain.”

William raises his eyebrow, he hadn’t known her
full name. The console beeps at him.


“You now have access to my quarters,
quarters. You only have to put your thumb on the security pad at
the door. Say one of your names, it will be recognized.”


“I know we have things to work out Cassandra,
but I want you here. I need you here, you and Victoria. I want you
to feel secure. These quarters will be secured when no one is here,
the only time they will be unsecured is if I’m having a meeting.
You will be able to tell by the light on the security pad. This is
your home. You’ll both be safe here.”

“Okay.” Is all she can say.

“I want you to come back tonight, you and Tori.
We’ll eat, talk, figure things out.” He waits for her to nod. “So
what are you doing today?”

“I need to get back down to engineering work
with the Chief on your defense system. I’ve been busy for the last
few days.”

“Yes you have, and you will continue to be.” He
allows himself one more kiss. “I need to get to the bridge.
Tonight, you’ll both be here?”

“Yes.” She agrees as they walk to the hatch. As
the Admiral opens the door, Cassandra steps away. With one last
look she steps through hatch heading to engineering. The Admiral
watches her go then turns to the bridge, neither see Falco standing
in the shadows.


Cassandra’s day is productive in engineering.
Leander has studied her ideas for speeding up the defense systems
response time agreeing it is possible. It would take some time to
implement but will be highly effective.

Leaving engineering she heads to the classroom
to get Tori. Down the corridor from the room Falco steps out,
confronting her.

“I know what you’re doing!” She hisses. “I’m
going to stop you! Then he’ll see what you really are!”

“Cassandra? Is everything alright?” Javiera
asks. Falco looks at her then walks away.

“It’s fine Javiera.”

“What did Falco want?”

“Nothing.” She walks to the classroom. As the
two women approach the door opens children come spilling out,
Victoria and Amina laughing.

“Aunt Cassie! Can we go to the play room?
Everyone’s going!”

“Oh really? What about homework.”

“Later… please???” Cassandra looks at Javiera
and seeing her smile agrees.

“Ok but after dinner, its homework.”

“Ok.” The two girls skip ahead as the women

“You look tired.” Javiera says.

“You know I’ve heard that a couple times

“Is she okay?” She nods to Victoria.

“She slept really well last night. I’d say the
best since… well since.”

“How are


“I’ve been thinking about it ever since we
talked yesterday. I don’t know how I would cope if Carina was
suddenly destroyed along with nearly my entire family. I know I
wouldn’t handle it as well as you. As alike as our cultures seem to
be there are differences, those have to be hard.”

“We’re working on them.”

“I’m sorry. I’m not helping am I.”

“You’re trying, that’s something. Can I ask you


“Where do you eat?”

“What?” Javiera gives her a confused look.

“I’m having trouble getting Victoria to eat
enough. The food is different enough. Last night we had
cnaipini sicin
which she loved. But I
didn’t see any this morning.”

“Where are you eating at?”

“Deck G”

“Well there’s your problem you need to bring her
to Deck F. She’ll love the food and will get to see Amina.”

“Okay, we’ll try it tomorrow.”

“What about tonight?” Cassandra looks at

“We have dinner plans.”

“Really?” Javiera letting the subject drop.


Back in quarters Cassandra tells Victoria they
are going to eat in the Admiral’s quarters again. She looks up at
her, “Is it going to be like last night?”

“I don’t see why it would be. He might ask some
questions but there shouldn’t be much else.”

“Will Lucas be there?”

“I don’t know. So go clean up and we’ll go.”

Approaching the Admiral’s quarters Cassandra can
see the red light on the security pad. Walking up she put her thumb
on it and says her name. The door unlocks, Cassandra pushes it
open. They enter to find the ready room empty, the lights on

“Let’s go back to the private quarters Tori.
We’ll get started on your homework.”


On the bridge the Admiral sits at his command
post dealing with his normal duties while coordinating repairs for
the damaged battleship. Looking at the time he realizes he hasn’t
informed Hutu that Cassandra and Victoria would be there again
tonight. He picks up a headset contacting his cook.

“Hutu, there will be three for tonight.” The
Admiral informs him. “Yes like last night. At 1800.” He disconnects
not realizing he’s been overhead and goes back the communications
report. As 1800 draws near Quinn approaches the Admiral.

“What is it Quinn?”

“Communications picked up a transmission heading
into Regulian space, same channel as before, in Regulian.”


“Unable to determine.”



“What did it say?”

“Should be here any minute.”

William looks at the clock, picks up his headset
calling Hutu. “I’m going to be late, go ahead and deliver it
though. I’ll call when I want mine.” The Admiral listens. “That
would be fine.” He hangs up.

Quinn looks at him. “Dinner plans?”


“Look Will, we go back a long way.” He voice is

The Admiral looks at him. “What’s up Quinn?”

“That’s what I want to know. There’s been some
thing going on with you ever since Earth.”

William stares at his friend and second in
command. They’d been through many a battle together but he isn’t
ready to share Cassandra with him yet.

“Nothing I’m ready to discuss with you.”

“You’re having meals in your quarters.”

“I’ve always had meals in my quarters.”

“Usually for one.”

“My business Colonel.” The Admiral’s eyes go

“Yes sir.” Quinn lets it drop as the Regulian
translation is delivered. It’s short and to the point.

“No agreement until no light.”

“That’s it?” Quinn asks.

“That’s it. Whoever the traitor is knew we were
going to be attacked. Knows we were able to repel it. They have
access to our reports at command.”

“That’s not possible, that would make it…”

“Someone very high up, someone with a lot to
lose.” William finishes. Looking at Quinn he makes a decision,
opening a drawer he hands him the report he’d written up on
everything he’d learned last night. “That’s why I didn’t send this
to command.” Leaning back in his chair he waits.

Quinn’s face reveals nothing as he reads the
report. “You trust this information?”

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