Cassandra's Challenge (28 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

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“Damn, you make it hard to argue.”

“Good.” Waiting for the food they lay in their
bed, talking about everything and nothing, learning those little
things that only lovers know about each other.


As they are eating the Admiral’s comm rings.
Ignoring the headset William answers the call.


“Admiral, this is Tar. Falco is demanding she be
interviewed to prove her innocence.”

“She’s in no position to demand anything.”

“She has the right to demand an interview within
twenty-four hours of her arrest if she believes she’s been falsely
accused. It’s in the regs Admiral.”

“Fuck.” William looks at Cassandra who’s

“Totally agree Admiral.”

“Get it set up, I’ll be there shortly.” William

“What kind of trouble can she cause for

“None.” He swinging his legs to the floor.

“William….”She puts her food aside.

“No real trouble.” Caressing her bruised cheek
he continues. “She’s going to try and justify what she’s done, and
if that doesn’t work, lie.”

“She’ll bring up your past relationship.”

“Yes.” He watches her closely.


“I can make it go away.” Cassandra gives him a
confused look. “I have the power to do that.”

“But why?” Moving closer she rests a hand on his
knee. “Why would you do that William? She’s guilty.”

Yes, but she’s going to say things,
things that might upset you. Things no one else has the right to

“So for me, you’d do what San did.”


“No.” She frames his face in her hands.
“William, I know you had a past relationship with her. But that was
time. Others knowing isn’t going to change
anything between us. She’s the past. We’re the future. She needs to
pay for what she’s done, to you, Tori, me, those crewmen she’s
injured. You’re the Admiral, you solve the problem, not push it off
on someone else.” William carefully draws her close.

“You continually amaze me Cassandra.” He rests
his forehead against hers. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Pulling back she smiles into
he’s violet eyes. “You need to get dressed Admiral.”

“And you need to finish eating.” Giving her a
quick kiss he hands her back her plate, rising he heads for the

Cassandra watches as she finishes her meal. With
every piece of clothing he puts on he becomes more and more the
Admiral, the jacket being the final piece. She loves watching the
transformation, loved both men.

William feels her eyes on him as he dresses, but
says nothing. Turning to her he pulls on his jacket. Seeing she’s
finished eating, he leans down to kiss her. “You’ll rest while I’m
gone. Hopefully this won’t take long.”

“I’ll be fine, go do what needs done.” With one
final kiss, the Admiral leaves their quarters securing the hatch on
his way out.


Entering the brig the Admiral’s met by Tar’s. “I
put her in the main interrogation room. It’s set for all monitoring
and recording.” As they walk to the room he continues.

“Her consul’s in with her, Bayard. Chief
Tibullus is reviewing the evidence that was collected, reading the
reports. He should be ready to start the interview in fifteen.”
Opening the observation room door the Admiral enters.

“I need to speak with Tibullus before he goes
into interview.” Tar raises an eyebrow.

“I’ll get him.”

Waiting he watches Bayard talking intently to
Falco. She just sits with a small smile on her lips. Bayard finally
turns away from her, disgusted with her lack of response. Facing
the window he knows they are being watched even though he can’t see
them. He wishes he hadn’t drawn this case. It’s going to be a mess.
Word spread swiftly throughout the fleet that the Admiral has
claimed Cassandra, attempted murder on the Admiral’s life mate.


When the door opens the Admiral turns watching
Tar and Tibullus enter.

“You needed to speak with me Admiral.”

“There are some facts you need to be made aware
of before you go into interview.”

“I’ve read the reports Admiral.”

“This isn’t in the reports. Nearly eight cycles
ago, on Diomede, for three days, Falco and I were involved. She was
not under my command. It ended there. I’ve had no further contact
with her until she was assigned to the Retribution six months ago.”
Silence greets the Admiral’s statement. “I believe she is going to
claim it’s been on going to justify her attack on Cassandra.”

“You were never involved with her after
Diomede.” Tibullus asks.


“And her assignment to the Retribution?”

“I had nothing to do with it I didn’t even
recognize the name. It wasn’t until we were on tour that I even
remembered the leave.”

“There has been nothing on this tour?”

“The Admiral already told you that Tibullus!”
Tar’s voice is furious.

“It’s okay Quinn. No there has been no personal
involvement. I can think of only two times I’ve been alone with
her. Once in my ready room eight days ago and then today in my
command center with the security shield engaged.”

“What happened eight days ago?”

“I reamed her ass for being in my ready room
without authorization.”

“You found her there?”

“No. Cassandra did.”

“Cassandra has access to your quarters.”

“Yes, Cassandra and Victoria both have security

“So when she informed you she suspected Falco,
what did you do?”

“She didn’t inform me. She informed Lucas.”
Tibullus silently looks at the Admiral, not wanting to ask his next

“What’s her relationship with your son,
Admiral?” William stiffens, his eyes blazing as he answers.

“You’re questioning the ‘relationship’ between
my life mate and son?”

“Will Falco?” Tibullus shoots back. While
William doesn’t like it he’s realizes Tibullus is right. Falco is
going to imply many things.

“If you want to know Cassandra’s
with Lucas you need to ask her.”

“If you could get her to talk to me that would
be helpful Admiral.” Tibullus knows there is no chance of this
happening but throws it out there.

“Colonel,” William turns to his long time
friend. “Would you go to my quarters, inform Cassandra that Chief
Tibullus has some questions for her and see if she’s willing to
answer them.”

“Yes sir!” Quinn exits leaving Tibullus


“We’ll wait for Cassandra.”


Hearing the hatch secure Cassandra lays back
down on the bed. It’s been an eventful day already. Finding her
mind isn’t going to let her rest she carefully rises from the bed,
Bliant’s shot has worn off. A hot shower is in order.

Little aches start to vanish as the hot water
works its magic. Tipping her head to the side Cassandra groans
softly as the pulsating water encounters a bruise.

Stepping out of the shower she thinks about what
William had offered. ‘To make Falco go away.’ He’d been concerned
about her reaction to the information getting out. Why?

Drying off she leaves her hair down to cover her
bruises, knowing they bother William. Opening the bag of clothes
Javiera brought her she’s surprised to find her own boots on top.
She’d have to make sure to thank her for getting them. Would
Javiera be able to explain it to her? Could she ask her?

Leaving the bathroom she goes to the comm
center. Punching in Javiera’s code she waits. If she doesn’t answer
then she doesn’t need to ask.



”Cassandra! Is everything okay?” Javiera’s heard
the rumor the Admiral had claimed her.

“Everything’s fine.” Cassandra pauses. “You
remember when you told me I could come to you if I had

“Yes. What do you need to know?

“If you knew that before you’d met Leander, he’d
had ‘leave’ with another woman, and now people were talking about
it. Would you be upset by it?” The question isn’t what Javiera
thought she was going to ask.

“Why would people talk about it?”

“Because the woman wants to start up with him
again, and is saying as much.”

“Well, it would be embarrassing, people talking
about it his life before me.” Javiera starts.

“But why? You know he had one, just like you

“I… I don’t know…”

“I mean it’s just talk, he isn’t involved with
her now, so why would it be a big deal?”

“It wouldn’t bother you?”

“That it’s in the past? No. That she is trying
to rekindle it? Yes. If he were interested… well that would decide
it wouldn’t it?” Javiera is trying to figure out what is going

“But if he isn’t interested, is committed to
another, then it would be very upsetting…for Leander. Carinian
males, especially from the Arm of Carina take the protection of
their wife…life mate very seriously. That includes being
embarrassed by something they might have done in the past.”


“Really. Cassandra, what’s going on?” Cassandra
debates with herself but before she can decide the hatch

“Javiera, I have to go, someone’s at the hatch.
I’ll fill you in later.” Disconnecting she heads for the hatch.
Opening it she finds Tar on the other side.

“Colonel?” She steps back allowing him to enter
the ready room.

“The Admiral asked me to see if you thought you
would be able to answer some of Chief Tibullus’ questions.” Tar’s
tone is formal.

“What?” Cassandra is confused. “Who’s Chief
Tibullus? What questions?”

“Chief Tibullus is the investigator in the Falco
matter. He will be interviewing her shortly. The Admiral felt he
needed to inform him of his past relationship with Falco. Some
questions came up that the Admiral believes you should answer.”

“What questions?” The Colonel just stares at
her. “Fine, don’t answer. Sometimes you’re a real ass hole
Colonel.” Spinning around she heads into the private quarters.

Quinn isn’t sure what stuns him more, being
called an ass hole, from this small woman or the fact that she
seems to be willing to answer Tibullus’ questions. Following her he
finds she’s bent over trying to tie her boots.

“You’re going?” Quinn asks kneeling down to help
her. Cassandra slowly stands, her muscles protesting.

“Of course I’m going. The Admiral asked didn’t
he. Thank you.” Heading into the bathroom she pulls her hair up
high. She’ll leave no doubt what Falco has done.

“Let’s go.”

Stares follow the pair as they walk towards the
brig. The extensive bruising on Cassandra’s cheek runs down her
neck disappearing under her shirt would be enough to draw
attention. But with Falco’s arrest and the rumor that Cassandra is
the Admiral’s life mate speculation running rampant.

Quinn leads her to the observation room, opening
the door he allows her to enter first. Entering her eyes find
William’s she can tell he’s furious about the situation he’s put
her in.


William takes a visual inventory of his life
mate as she enters the room. She’s pulled her hair back showing
every bruise, the clothes she’s wearing obviously not hers, except
for the boots that still show smears of her blood. Looking in her
eyes William can tell she’s on a mission. Turning her head she
zero’s in on Tibullus.

“You’re the investigator for the Falco matter?”
She goes on the offensive.

“Yes.” Tibullus isn’t sure what to make of this
small woman who’s obviously been injured, but still standing in
front of him.

“You have some questions for me?” Chief Tibullus
clears his throat.

“Are you aware that the Admiral and Senior Chief
Falco are involved with each other?”

involved. Nearly eight cycles ago.”
Cassandra corrects him.

“And you’re aware of this because?”

“The Admiral felt I should know about it after
Falco entered our quarters unauthorized.”

“When was this?”

“I believe nine days ago, but that could be off
a day or two, a lot has happened.”

“You discovered her in the Admiral’s ready


“What happened?”

“When I discovered her there she demanded to
know what
was doing there. Since it was none of her
business I refused to tell her. She threatened to call security. I
told her to go ahead but that maybe she should check with the
Admiral first. She called him in communications. He ordered her to

“Can anyone confirm that?”

“I can.” Quinn tells him. “I was in
communications with the Admiral nine days ago. Falco called
requesting a secure line. The Admiral ordered her to leave

“What did she say to you then?”

“Nothing. She left the ready room.”

“Then why suspect her?”

“She didn’t verbally say anything, but I know
hatred when I see it in someone’s eyes. Just like I see doubt in
yours, Chief.”

“Are you sure they haven’t been involved in the
last eight cycles.” She feels William stiffen behind her.



“Because that’s what the Admiral told me.”

“And you believe him.”


“Why did you tell Lucas of your concerns about
Falco…not the Admiral?”

“I told the Admiral I had ‘concerns’ as you put
it the night she entered our quarters. The quarters are now always

“After the bombing?”

“You mean in medical?” She can’t see where this
is going.

“Yes, why tell Lucas?” Cassandra looks at
William, confused.

“Once I realized that the poisoning of Victoria
and the bombing were both aimed at me there was only one person I
could think of who could be responsible. Lucas was there, I told
him my concerns, asked him to look into it.”

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