Cassandra's Challenge (31 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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“I’ve engaged all security. Now tell me what
you’ve got Admiral!”

William takes the High Admiral through the
Regulian attack on Earth, specifically the attack on the
Chamberlains. Victoria’s kidnapping. All the Regulian
transmissions. Regulian attacks. The thread found in Victoria, the
Carinian thread with Regulian technology. The High Admiral listens
saying nothing.

“What you’re suggesting…”

“I’m not
anything, I’m point
out saying there is a high ranked Carinian traitor filtering
classified information to the Regulians on our fleet’s

“Zafar! Stand down!”

“Damn it Valerian!”

“Admiral! You should be reaching the Rodham
space station shortly. I suggest you take some leave.”

“No we won’t”

“No you won’t
, Admiral.” The High
Admiral’s voice is frigid.

“Be arriving at the Rodham space station. We are
nowhere near it.”

“Just where are you?” He gives him their present

“You’ve falsified your fleet’s location to High

“Yes sir, I changed the fleet’s course after the
last Regulian attack. So far they’ve been unable to locate us. The
space station has been informed to be on Alert Status 1.”

“I can bring you up on charges Admiral.” William
rubs the back of his neck.

“Do you remember in the academy that once a
month we’d have to play out a scenario of one kind or another?” The
High Admiral is listening.


“We decided to give them code names, so the
opposing team wouldn’t know what we were doing.”


“Do you remember PR25?”

“PR25? Fuck! You can’t possible think that’s
what this is!” Shocks apparent in Valerian’s voice.

“It doesn’t matter what
think. Someone,
high up thinks it. That’s why the Earth was attacked, why the
Regulians are so desperately attacking the fleet. They’ve been
promised something to make sure PR25 doesn’t happen. I have two
survivors from Earth on the Retribution, one with a thread in her
arm that’s been there for seven cycles. The Regulians continue to
attack, targeting the Sentinel. The transmission said ‘believed
being protected’, the Sentinel is from the House of Protection.”
William is silent letting the High Admiral think.

“What are you wanting to do?”

“I want the Dioscuri to replace the Retribution
on this tour, so we can head directly to Carina. That should draw
the fire away from the fleet and the Sentinel can then be repaired
at Rodham.”

“You realize what you’re asking. If I grant this
request you’ll never command another fleet.”


“You feel that’s strongly about this.”

“High Admiral, someone on Carina has conspired
with the Regulians to murdered seven billion people because they
feel threatened. Who else are they willing to sacrifice?”

“Fuck. I’ll authorize the Dioscuri to replace
the Retribution. I’ll let you know when to expect the

“On a secure line.”

“Yes Admiral a secure line. Stay in one piece
until then.”

“Yes, sir.” As the call ends Quinn looks at his
long time friend.

“Are you going to tell me what PR25 is? Or am I
a security risk too.”

“If I’d thought you were a risk you wouldn’t
have been in this room Quinn.” William sits down in his chair.

“PR25 is a scenario for what we would do if the
missing Princess of the House of Knowledge was ever to return. What
we would do. What the possible fall out would be for the existing
trustee’s family, the procedures to follow for her protection. What
would be needed to establish her legitimacy to the throne.”

“But we’ve already established that Victoria
isn’t who they are looking for.”

“She isn’t”

“Then who…” Quinn trails off. “You think its

its Cassandra.”

“Will, every member of the royal family has a
birth mark. You have a birth mark. Victoria doesn’t.”

“Cassandra does. Her mother had it. Her
grandmother had it. Her middle name is Qwes Quinn. Every woman on
the maternal side carries it. In the twenty-eight days she’s been
on this ship she’s not only learned how to fix our laser system
she’s learned the Regulian language. She was the smartest person on
Earth, according to Victoria.”

“If it’s true Will, you know what it means.”

“Yes I know.” Will looks his long time friend in
the eye. “Start getting all the Intel together the Dioscuri will
need. Do it quietly. I’ll be in quarters.”


Entering his ready room William hears laughter,
Cassandra’s laughter. The sound makes any sacrifice bearable.
Following the sound he finds his life mate laughing and his son

“So how much is that you owe me?”

“I don’t understand how you do it!” Lucas throws
his cards down in disgust.

“Superior female mind, Lucas. Superior female
mind.” Seeing William she forgets the card game. “You’re home.”
Walking over she wraps her arms around him. Hugging him she can
tell something’s off. “William?”

“Sounds like you’re beating the boy’s butt.”

“Soundly.” Lucas scowls. “I don’t know how she
does it. But after the first ten hands she’s been beating me all

“Did you rest?” He scans her face.

“Yes, Hutu brought a great second meal. They
finished Victoria’s room. She’s going to be so excited.” Cassandra
lets it go until they are alone.

“Good, so are you going to pay up or what

“Will you take a marker?”

William stares at the two. “How much does he owe
you?” The figure Lucas states amazes him. “Did you lose a

“A few.”

“In six hours?”


“Remind me to take you to Vargis.”


Later that evening, Cassandra props herself up
on William’s chest, running a hand along his cheek.

“What’s wrong?”



“What could be wrong? You’re safe in my arms.
Victoria comes home tomorrow.”

“But there’s something.”

“Just fleet business. Nothing for you to worry
about.” At her doubtful look William continues. “Really, it’s being

Cassandra doesn’t know what to make of what he’s
telling her but the fleet is his business she needs to trust he
knows what he’s doing.

“You’re okay?”

“I’m fine. Go to sleep, tomorrow Victoria comes


Chapter 8


“Aunt Cassie!” Cassandra is just entering the
ready room when Victoria comes bursting through the hatch.

“Hey there.” She catches Victoria in a hug
ignoring William’s look.

“How are you?”

“I’m good, getting better every day. Thank you

“No thanks needed. It was wonderful to have her.
I need to get going. I’ll talk to you later?”

“We will.” As the hatch closes she returns her
attention to Victoria. “So you had fun?”

“Yeah, but I missed you.”

“I missed you too. The Admiral has a surprise
for you.”

“He does?” She turns to him. “You do?”

“It’s not just my surprise.”

“Don’t let him fool you Tori, he did this

“What is it?”

“Come on we’ll show you.” Entering their private
quarters William puts his hands on Victoria’s shoulders pointing
her towards what was once a storage room.


“Turn the light on and look.” The look that
comes over her face is something he won’t soon to forget.

“It’s a bedroom! Is it mine?” Hopeful eyes look
up at him.

“It’s all yours.”

“Aunt Cassie?”

“All yours. Just yours.” Victoria launches
herself into William’s arms.

“Thank you! Thank you! This is awesome! Wait
until I tell Amina!” Wiggling down she runs into the room. Stepping
into his now empty arms Cassandra stretches up to give him a gentle

“I think she likes it.”

“I should have thought of it earlier.”

“No. It would have been too soon.”

“It would have kept you safe.”

“William…” She rests her cheek against his

“I need to get to the bridge. You’ll be okay
here, with Victoria?”

“We’ll be fine.”

“You’ll rest.” He tips her face up letting her
know it isn’t a question.

“I will.” Giving her a hard kiss he heads for
the hatch. Taking a calming breath Cassandra turns to enter Tori’s


Over the next several days they develop a
routine, the Admiral walks Victoria to class while Cassandra either
rests or reads from the library with Javiera walking her back. By
the end of the seventh day Cassandra is ready to go crazy. It’s
time to get things back to normal.

“You about ready Tori?”

“Just about.”

“Finish up while I tell the Admiral I’m walking
you to class.”

“You are?”

“I am.”

Walking into the ready room, William is at his
desk reading some documents, his face grim. Seeing her walk towards
him he smiles.

“You’re moving better.”

“I’m moving fine, so fine that I’m going to walk
Victoria to class.”

“You need...”

“I don’t need to rest it’s been over a week
William. I’m fine. I’m going to walk my niece to class.”

William knows he’s being so cautious is driving
her crazy.

“Trust me.”

“Okay, but…”

“I will rest if I need too.” With a kiss
goodbye, the Chamberlain women leave the Admiral in his ready


The corridors of the Retribution are buzzing
that Cassandra is walking Victoria to class. Ignoring it, she
concentrates on Victoria, they make it nearly to class before they
met up with Javiera and Amina.

“You’re moving!” Javiera hugs her.

“Yeah, I’m feeling really good.”

“That’s wonderful. Are you going to be heading
back to engineering soon?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about
that yet.”

“No rush. You need to make a full recovery
first.” The girls give them each a hug before they enter their
class. “Oh I wish I could stay and talk. I promised Pakar I’d meet
her on Deck J. Can we get together soon to catch up?”

“I’d really like that.” Separating the two
friends walk in opposite directions.


Cassandra lets her mind wander as she heads back
to quarters enjoying being mobile again. Stopping she finds herself
in front of their old quarters.

The damage from the bomb is still clearly
evident. Shards of metal protruded from the wall directly across
from a hatch that now sits half off its hinges. If she or Victoria
had been entering the room ….

Stepping inside she finds it totally demolished.
What the bomb hadn’t destroyed, fire had. The comm center where
they’d learned Regulian, the couch William had held her and the bed
where she and Tori slept all destroyed. Tuning to leave she finds
Tibullus in the hatchway.


“Not a very pretty site.”


“What are you doing here?”

“Seems I needed to see it. What’s new with

“She’s in the brig and will stay there until she
can be transported for trial.” He looks at her for a moment. “You
know, you’re something of a legend down there.”

“Me? Why?” Cassandra raises an shocked eyebrow
at him.

“You took Falco down. She’s a good six inches
taller with fifty pounds on you.”

“She pissed me off.” Tibullus eyes widen

“Remind me never too.”

“You already have.” Cassandra looks him in the
eye. “But at least you were just doing your job. A job…according to
the Admiral…you’re very good at.”

“I…thank you.”

“Don’t thank me, thank him. I’ve been learning
about the Carinian justice system. She’ll be tried on Carina? By a
Coalition jury?”


“Make sure it sticks Tibullus.”

“I will.” With that they part ways.


Entering their quarters Cassandra finds William
just ending a call.

“I thought you’d be on the bridge by now.” She
secures the hatch.

“I just have a few more calls to make then will
be heading out. It took you awhile to drop off Tori. Everything


“You should still rest.” Cassandra’s eyes flare
into his.

“I’m fine.”

“It’s hardly been more than a week.” The anger
in his voice surprises her.


“I need to finish making these calls.” Turning
to the comm he presses a button. Hearing the door to their quarters
close he sighs, he knows he should have handled that better but the
thought of how close he’d come to losing her, makes him want to
protect her even more.


On intercom, he turns in his chair, hearing the
connecting door open. He expects to see Cassandra walking out, just
not in a robe.

“So what’s the time line on those repairs?” He
raises an eyebrow as she walks towards him. While the report is
given Cassandra straddles his lap. Stunned he loses focus. Working
on his jacket, she runs her hands up his chest, softly kissing his

“Could you repeat that last part Captain?”
William finally says as she releases his lips.

As the Captain repeats, Cassandra’s eyes never
leave his, her busy hands moving down to release him from his
pants. Her hands gentle but firm in their movements. Her robe falls
to her waist revealing only skin.

“Captain, I’ll have to get back to you.” Quickly
disconnecting the call he groans as she rises above him.

“I mean to have you Admiral.” She lowers herself
onto his already thick shaft. Watching his eyes darken she takes in
more and more of him.

“It’s been so long William.” Leaning in she
takes his mouth in a kiss that leaves them both breathless.

William hasn’t had time to control his passion.
She’s overwhelmed him. Encircling her hips with his hands he
thrusts up into her, feeling her tightness close around him. He
sets a frantic pace, lost in the feel of her as the pressure builds
she wraps her arms around him, pulling him even closer.

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