Casey's Warriors (Bondmates) (23 page)

BOOK: Casey's Warriors (Bondmates)
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She smiled up at him in the mirror, scarcely able to believe she was really here, being held by the hottest man in the universe while he gazed at her as if she was the amazing thing. “I look like a munchkin standing next to you.”

“What is a munchkin?”

“It’s…it’s a character from a book. It basically means that I’m so small and you’re so big.”

He ducked his hips a bit and rubbed his erection against her back. “Yes, I am.”

She couldn’t help but laugh at his leering expression. “Okay, obviously men being proud of their penises is a universal thing.”

“But I have so much to be proud of,” he replied as his hands wandered towards her breasts.

Gently smacking his hands away, she gave him a scolding look. “I’m hungry.”

He sighed but released her with a longing expression. “I have a meal set out for you,
. I will cleanse then join you.”

They exchanged places in the bathroom and she found Lorn had made her a breakfast of some kind of blue stuff that tasted like pancakes and looked like mashed potatoes along with slices of what she assumed was a fruit. She couldn’t find anything to compare the taste to from her own world. It was kind of like a spicy peach dipped in honey, but not really. Thankfully her drink appeared to be plain water and she quickly drained the glass, not sure where to find more.

Nibbling on her breakfast, she looked around his living room area and went to one of the nearest paintings. It was framed in the same pale wood, or what she assumed was wood, as the end table near the couch. Wiggling her toes in the strangely plush carpet she studied the scene in the picture, wondering if it was an accurate depiction of Kadothia. The landscape appeared to be a view from a hilltop and the sky was a deep cobalt blue instead of the azure blue of Earth’s sky and the clouds were more golden than white. The trees looked nearly the same except the bark ranged from stark white to cream and they were curvier, almost like they’d been trained into sweeping shapes that linked together to form a lattice work and their leaves ranged from the traditional green to brilliant yellows and blues. Off in the distance, tall spires of a fairytale-like city went high into the sky and as she looked closer she realized it had graceful characteristics of Rivendel, the mythical home of the elves from the
Lord of the Rings
. Beyond that enormous sandstone cliffs and spires reached up high enough to disappear into the clouds.

She became aware of Lorn before he touched her, his affection and arousal making her tingle. When he slipped his arms around her she fed him the last bite of her fruit, enjoying the way he licked the juice from her fingertips with his talented tongue. It reminded her of the masterful way he’d licked at her pussy and tingles raced through her, awakening the arousal that never seemed to sleep around him.

“Thanks for breakfast.”

“It is my honor to prepare food for you, my bride.” His voice had taken on that growling purr he had when he was aroused, but she tried to ignore it because she wanted some answers before she lost herself in him again.

Pointing to the picture she asked, “Is that real or from an artist’s imagination?”

“Very real. That is the view from my home on Kadothia. From the back viewing deck of my bedroom to be exact.” Hope mixed with anxiety flooded her from Lorn before she sensed him semi-closing the link. “It will be your home as well if you bond with me.”

His strong arms tightened around her and she idly stroked his hand. “Is there someplace I can do some research? Like um, computers on my earth that I can do an Internet search on?”


“I want to figure some things out.”

“There are, but I would rather answer your questions. You can ask me anything and I will tell you the truth.”

“I know that.” She sighed and turned so she could look up at him. His hair shone like spun silver falling over his shoulders and she blinked in surprise. “Your hair is silver?”

“Does it displease you? I had to wear a disguise while on Earth to blend into your population.”

She laughed and ran her fingers through his long strands that now reminded her almost of Christmas tinsel. “No, it’s beautiful, but honey, trust me when I say you didn’t blend.”

Frown lines deepened around his kissable lips. “I did everything required to merge seamlessly with your people. Were my clothes incorrect? Did something about my appearance give me away? If it did I need to know so I can share it with our Scouts.”

Giggling she stroked his cheek, loving the velvety texture. “No, nothing like that. You’re just so fucking hot. There’s nothing you could have done to change that.”

He smiled at her and male pride tickled at her mind. “I am pleased you find me appealing.”

Taking a step back she examined him slowly from head to foot. His outfit consisted of a silky white shirt that hung loose on him, yet somehow managed to highlight his sculpted physique. A pair of black breeches encased his legs and what she thought of as his black shit kicker boots completed an outfit that was an odd mixture of pirate and rock star. The way his pants cupped the bulge of his erection made her mouth water.

When she met his gaze she grinned as she recognized the hungry gleam in his eyes. “I find you more than appealing. You’re so hot you make my ovaries explode.”

He gave her an alarmed look. “What?”

A giggle escaped at the sight of his wide eyes. “It means I can’t look at you without becoming turned on, without wanting to do wicked things with you.”

The predatory gleam in his eyes should have tipped her off, but she let out a startled scream as he scooped her up and tossed her gently on the couch. The odd material seemed to embrace her and she yelped when Lorn leapt like a cat and landed between her spread legs. Heat rushed through their bond and she moaned at the sensation, letting her head fall onto the back of the couch. God, the blast of desire was so intense, it was almost painful. She realized with a start she must also be feeling Lorn’s need. It was so different from hers, more…aggressive…hungry. Lord of Life, he was so hungry for her.

“This is what you do to me, Casey. All it takes is one look into your amazing eyes, one scent of your delicious nectar and it is all I can do to keep from falling on you like I am in rut.”

“What is rut?”

“It is the time, once a cycle, where a male Kadothian is fertile. Unlike your Earth men our sperm is inactive except for three days out of every cycle. During those three days I will want to couple with you over, and over again as the hormones will put me into a form of sexual frenzy.”

She blinked up at him, trying to imagine Lorn in a sexual frenzy and rather liking the idea. “Will I get pregnant? I mean I’m on a birth control shot…shit, how am I supposed to get another one? Do you have some kind of birth control that would work on me?”

Hurt flashed through his eyes and their bond. “You do not wish to have my children?”

“No, not that’s not it at all. I would just like to wait a bit, get to know you and stuff.”

His tight lips softened and he nodded. “I agree. We have many, many cycles ahead of us for having children. Though I must confess the thought of you swollen with my seed fills me with pleasure.”

It certainly did, she could feel that happiness mixed with a sexual need coming from him. With a soft smile she caressed his cheek, then his lips and her clit hardened as his desire stroked against her soul. Leaning forward, he captured her lips in a long, devastating kiss until she was moaning against him. When she reached between them and cupped his erection the blast of arousal from him would have knocked her off her feet if she wasn’t already lying down.

The sensation eased enough so she could breathe and she gaped at him. “No wonder men want to have sex all the time. It’s like a craving, an actual hurt.”

Sliding his hands beneath the bottom edge of her gown, he slowly pressed it up her thighs, revealing her body bit by bit. “I do hurt for you,
, but never feel like you have to mate with me. Because of the lack of bondable women on my planet, we are taught how to relieve ourselves and we have pleasure servants to take care of us. I had two myself.”

Shock raced through her and she stared at him before slapping his hands away from her. “What? You have some…some kind of woman to have sex with at home?”

His laughter enraged her and she tried to shove him off of her, but he easily pinned her to the couch with her robe hiked up around her thighs. “You have nothing to be jealous of. I dismissed them before I came to Earth. It is not like the relationships on your planet where there is affection involved; pleasure servants are…business? I cannot think of the right way to explain it.”

Anger threatened to explode and she seethed. “So you have whores waiting at home for you?”

Now it was his turn to get angry. “That is a disrespectful word. Pleasure servants are women trained to relieve a male’s need. It is nothing like I have with you but they are not morally poor women because of their profession.”

“They have sex for money!”

“Yes, they do. And we pay them because they are highly trained to have sex with Kadothian males without becoming attached in a romantic way. Casey, if I were to have intercourse with a woman who was not a pleasure worker I would be morally corrupt. It would not be fair to her to let her form an attachment when I could
love her. There is only one woman in the universe I was meant to love and that is you. Unlike some Kadothian males, none of my pleasure servants lived with me, and like I said, I canceled their contracts before I left. Why are you angry? Should I be angry you had sexual relations with another man before I met you?”

Guilt panged through her, even though she knew it was stupid. “That’s different.”

“How so? Because you tried to forge a romantic relationship with these men? I never had any feelings of love for my pleasure workers. Those men failed to win your heart because you were meant to love me, just like any attempt at a relationship I might have made would have failed because I was born to love you.”

At times like this she really wished she couldn’t feel his honesty, his sincerity, because it was easier to be pissed about this than understanding almost against her will. “Never again. Do you understand me, Lorn? I know you want me to screw half of Kadothia but if I ever see another woman touch you I will kick her ass and kill you.”

He grinned at her and she wanted to throttle him for his surge of pride. “But of course, my bride. If I ever need release that you are unwilling or unable to give me I will look to a pleasure ‘bot.”

“Pleasure ‘bot?” Narrowing her eyes at him, she shoved his shoulders. “So you’re going to have sex with a robot?”

His gaze went distant for a moment and she blinked hard as she watched his pupils expand and dilate quickly. “Not if I can help it. They are the equivalent of your earth sex toys. I would hope you would come to me before you used a dildo, but I would not be jealous of it.”

“What did you just do? Your eyes went all weird.”

“My pupils dilate as I accessed the Kadothian libraries.”


“I have crystal chips implanted in different portions of my brain. It not only helps to protect me from the Hive’s mental abilities but gives me access to knowledge and helps my body to repair itself.”

“Wow.” She touched her temple. “Will I get those?”

“If you bond with me, yes. If you choose to return to Earth, no.” He leaned closer and bent his head to lick at the shell of her ear, sending ripples of pleasure through her even as his determination filled her mind. “But I promise you, Casey, there isn’t a man or machine on your world that can give you the love and pleasure I can.”


Lorn drew in a deep breath of his bride’s arousal, letting the physical proof of her need fill his senses. Though he was trying as hard as he could to keep his shields in place, the intensity of his emotions made it difficult when all he wanted to do was surrender himself to her. He needed her more than anything he’d ever desired, knew she was his perfect mate, yet he didn’t know how to make her want to stay with him. He was asking her to choose between him and her family as well as her world and everything she’d ever known. He feared that he would lose. As if that wasn’t hard enough he was also asking her to consider at least partially bonding another man, something that hurt her deeply for reasons he couldn’t fully understand.

Near-panic filled him that if she left he would not only lose his soul mate, but Nast’s potential
as well. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind Casey had been made for both of them but he didn’t dare mention Nast again, at least not right now. His bride was skittish as it was, and her refusal to believe it was possible to love more than one man worried him deeply, even as it filled him with sorrow for Casey. What kind of planet did she live on where they were taught they could only love one person? It hurt his heart to imagine what it must have been like to be trained from such a young age that any kind of love except for the kind approved by her society was evil and immoral. Casey had such a generous heart and he could only pray he could somehow make her see that love in all of its forms was a blessing and that there was no limit to how much love her heart could hold. She deserved the kind of pleasure that could only come from having more than one husband.

But first, he needed to get her to accept him as her bondmate.

All those thoughts fled from his mind as she pressed her lush breasts against his chest with a wanton little moan, her need spinning through their psychic bond like a firestorm of pleasure.

Her purr as he licked at the sensitive skin behind her ear and down along her neck made him want to shove himself between her legs, to fuck her until she admitted she was his.

“God, Lorn,” she moaned out and thrust her breasts up against him. “You make me feel so good.”

Eager to pleasure his little bride, he cupped her soft mounds in his hands, squeezing gently and loving the feel of her lush body. The Lord of Life had truly gifted the women of Earth with bodies built for a man’s pleasure. Soft limbs to hold him, rounded thighs to wrap around his hips, and an endless supply of nectar for him to drink. His mouth watered but he held himself back, needing to build her arousal higher. Easing down his shields between them a bit more, he pushed his lust into her, groaning against her neck when she arched and cried out against him.

BOOK: Casey's Warriors (Bondmates)
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