Casey's Warriors (Bondmates) (27 page)

BOOK: Casey's Warriors (Bondmates)
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While Nast couldn’t feel her husband’s emotions—he was so totally shielded that it was like the other man wasn’t even there—he could easily read his embarrassment in his face. Trying to keep from laughing at the Matriarch unknowingly insulting her husband by exposing his anxiety, Nast struggled to keep his expression carefully blank. “I am sure it is not fear of me, Matriarch. He is probably afraid I’ll manage to charm you away from him. I do have a way with the ladies.”

That wasn’t entirely true, but her husband relaxed and Bonnie went from defensive to exasperated as Nast gave her a wink and a charming smile. “Men. No matter what galaxy you’re from you’re all nothing but trouble.”

Denod cleared his throat. “How may we assist you, Elder Master Sergeant?”

“I was wondering if the bonding ceremony between Lorn Adar and Casey Westfall has begun? I received word it would be happening today.”

Denod looked down at his wife and said in a low voice, “Do you remember how to do this?”

She swallowed then nodded and closed her eyes. “Okay, I’m looking through the general database, then going to the ship…hold on, I think I’m on the wrong ship. Okay, right one now. Looking through the logs, narrowing it down to the names of Lorn and Casey along with bonding. Got it. No, it hasn’t begun yet.”

“Can you tell me where Lorn is, Matriarch?”

Her eyes closed again and her small face tensed. “Yeah, gimme a sec. Okay, he’s on eight deck, sector sixty-five, room 266.”

“Security protocol,” her husband whispered.

“Oh, shit.” Her eyes flashed open, wide with panic. “Fuck, that was restricted information.”

“Do not worry, Elder Master Sergeant Nast has clearance. I would not have allowed you to make a mistake that would have led to a reprimand.”

To Nast’s surprise Bonnie grabbed her husband in a hug and buried her face against his chest. “I’ll never get this right.”

“You are doing fine.” Denod briefly caressed her back before pulling away and tilting his head in Nast’s direction. “Permissions.”

Once again she flushed then straightened her shoulders. “If you will give me one moment I’ll make sure you can get through the security points.”

“Thank you, Matriarch.”

A trace of humor went through Nast and he almost let out a sigh of relief as some of his normal emotions began to return. He didn’t know if it was because he was once again near Lorn, or if it was being near Casey, but either way he was grateful that he wouldn’t have to go to his blood brother feeling emotionally dead. This was a time for celebration, not worry, and Lorn would have worried about him.

He clung to that thread of humor and it grew as the bonded couple before him engaged in a battle of whispers while Denod walked his frustrated wife through how to access her crystal implants in order to give Nast the permissions he needed to move through the ship. She would hiss back that the Kadothian system was overly complicated, that she’d managed to run a Fortune 500 company—whatever that was—as an administrative assistant that had been better managed than the ‘hot mess’ she was trying to deal with now.

A few moments later she turned back to Nast with an overly bright smile. “There, done. I hope you enjoy the bonding ceremony.”

“I will. Thank you for your help, Matriarch.” He gave her a low bow and when he straightened her smile was now genuine.

“You are most welcome, Elder…um….”

“Just call me Nast, Matriarch. And thank you again. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to try to make it to the ceremony in time.”

Denod bowed in return, the thanks for Nast’s patience plain on his face. “Safe travels.”

Lifting his hand, Nast slowly made his way through the terminal, easily spotting the Earth brides and Matriarchs as he crossed through the ship. Not only were they mostly physically smaller than females of the Bel’Tan galaxy, they were also more expressive. They wore their emotions on their faces, in their movements, and Nast realized a smart Warrior didn’t need to have a bond with them to see what they were feeling. No doubt their bondmates would train them on how to hide their emotions and thoughts better, but he enjoyed being able to see this unguarded side of the females who would help rule his planet.

Laughter filled the air of the terminal, both male and female, and more than that there was a great deal of hope coming from the unbonded Kadothian males he passed. From the rumors swirling around the Bel’Tan galaxy he’d expected to find a ship full of broken men and crying women, but instead he found strong little females who obviously loved their men. Everywhere he looked he’d catch the women giving their males small touches, little looks and kisses that showed their love just as strong as if he could read their emotions. It shocked him even more to see how many multiple couples there were, Matriarchs walking and holding hands with both of her bondmates or just as often, arguing with them while the Kadothian men looked equal parts frustrated, amused, irritated, and in love.

He couldn’t help but choke back a laugh at the utterly confused expression on many of the men being scolded by their wives and his laughter escaped as he imagined Lorn in their position. His blood brother was so high-ranking, so smooth and cultured that he was rarely flustered by anyone or anything, but if Casey was like the Earth women he’d seen so far they didn’t hold back their opinion on things. The closer he got to where Lorn was getting ready for his bonding ceremony the more he wondered why such a dire picture was being painted of Earth women back in the Bel’Tan galaxy. These women weren’t the shrinking, scared, hysterical, and stupid women he’d been led to believe they were.

Something about the rumors versus the reality bothered him, but before he could question it further he came to the room where Lorn was getting ready. Two of his fathers stood guard outside and they both let out a shout of greeting when they saw him. Malin, Lorn’s sire, strode forward and caught Nast in a hard embrace.

“We did not know if you were going to make it. Thank the Lord of Life you did. Lorn will be very glad to have you here.”

Tegowl, a Healer, thumped Malin on the shoulder. “He is still regenerating, you idiot. Let him go before you mess up his shoulder.”

Nast tried to hold back a wheeze when Malin abruptly released him. “I was not going to let a little wound keep me from being here today.”

Both men examined him from head to foot and he had to fight the urge to fidget beneath their experienced gaze. Malin grunted and took a step back. “Lorn is inside. We did not tell him you were coming like you asked.”

Tegowl, always the most observant of Lorn’s fathers and the best at reading emotions, cocked his head to the side. “You are worried.”

For a moment he considered lying to the other men, but both were apt to beat his ass for the insult, bonding ceremony or not. “I have been concerned about Casey’s willingness to consider another bondmate. There are rumors floating among the Bel’Tan galaxy that the Earth females are rejecting most of the Kadothian males at an alarming rate. That the ship is besieged with suicide attempts because the females are too weak to even consider bonding more than one man. That they are selfish and will make poor Matriarchs.”

Malin shook his head. “We had heard those rumors as well and I am ashamed to admit we assumed they were true. Lady Elsin came here believing the whispers and she found out the hard way Casey is not at all how she thought she would be. Lorn’s bride may look non-threatening, but she is fierce.”

“Very fierce. I do not think I have ever seen a woman stand up to Elsin like Lorn’s bride did, not even Lady Yanush.” Laughing, Tegowl leaned against the doorway. “Casey is very young, but also a very strong female, as are most of the Earth women we have encountered. We have found the key to their acceptance of another bondmate in addition to their first husband is communication. These females like to think for themselves, and for the most part, they have been receptive to the truth. Of course there were a few that refused to accept multiple bondings, but they did not break their bonds with their husbands.”

Nast frowned. “I do not understand. On the way here the transport was filled with tales of men and Earth brides breaking bonds, or killing themselves, or refusing to touch their bondmates. Why would such lies be spread about them?”

Lowering his voice, Malin stepped forward and pressed his wrist, the tiny hiss of a communications blocker filling the air around them with barely audible electrical static. “These Earth women are powerful, perhaps the most powerful females we have ever encountered. Some of them have displayed an ability to kill and maim across great distances, without even seeing their opponents.”

“What?” Nast sucked in a deep breath. “How is that even possible?”

“We have no idea, but it has been done. Others have the ability to mind speak from across the galaxy and yet others can invade their bondmates’ dreams and speak to them as if they were standing before them in the flesh. There are even rumors that some of the brides can communicate with animals. It seems a full bonding awakens some sleeping part of their mind that controls their psychic powers, but it’s utterly random how they manifest. The Earth natives are like nothing we have ever encountered, but because of their shielding we have no idea how they are doing what they do, and neither do they. There is hope they may be the weapon we need to finally stop the Hive’s advance.”

Shocked, Nast put out a hand to steady himself on the wall. “You are talking about putting our Matriarchs into battle? Have you lost your mind?”

Tegowl stepped closer. “Lower your voice. There are elements of the Kadothian ruling class that do not like what they view as a challenge to their power. Houses are moving to try and secure an Earth female for their own, to get their men through the wormhole without the permission of the High Congress. Or to eliminate the Earth Matriarchs as a threat all together. There have been attempts on the Earth Matriarchs that have already returned to Kadothia. Two days ago, we caught a shuttle loaded with Earth females headed for the slave markets of Daouloon. All the women were rescued, and a few even found their bondmates, but most had their memory wiped before being returned to the surface.”

Tegowl added, “There is a rumor going around that the current ruling class want the Earth Matriarchs banned from holding high political positions until they’ve been assimilated. Meaning they fear the entire power base of Kadothia is about to shift, and there are some that would rather it remain as it is and will do anything to make that happen.”

“I will slay anyone who seeks to harm Casey,” Nast said in a harsh whisper as rage flooded him, mixing with his shock.

“Easy,” Tegowl crooned and a wave of relaxing energy came from the Healer. “This is not the time of the place for this discussion. All you need to focus on right now is to being there for Lorn on his bonding day.”

Feeling like an ass for harboring such anger, Nast tried to let it go. Bringing negative emotions to a bonding ceremony was bad luck of the worst kind. “Yes, you are correct. Tell me one thing, please. Do you think Casey will consider me for a second husband?”

Malin smiled, then gave him a gentle shove to the door. “Go, talk with my son and help him get ready. Though he will not admit it, he is very nervous.”

“Go, with our blessings,” Tegowl added. “The Lord of Life meant for you to be together, trust in His love.”

Nast nodded then took a deep breath and when the door opened he walked into the spacious room where Lorn was getting ready for his bonding ceremony. It struck him almost like a physical blow to feel the block against his mental connection with Lorn. He instinctively tried to get a read on his blood brother’s emotions and came up against an impossibly strong shield with only the tiniest of cracks remaining. While he knew of the strength of the Earth women’s shields in theory, to actually feel it from his blood brother left him shaken.

Dressed in his black dress armor embellished with his awards and accolades, Lorn was everything good and strong, a Kadothian man in his prime and Nast swallowed hard as he fought the urge to take the other man in his arms.

Before he could take another step Lorn turned and the wide smile on his face and the way his eyes lit up gave Nast hope. “You are here! I prayed you would make it out of medical in time.”

“You think I would let a little thing like some broken bones stop me?”

He walked forward, the brace holding his thigh bone together giving him the support he needed while the injury repaired itself. In two days he would be as good as new, but for right now he was as weak as a newborn babe as his body regenerated, but he wouldn’t have missed this for anything. Lorn strode across the room to him and embraced him tightly, each breathing the other in, and Nast smiled at the profound relief that made it past Lorn’s bride’s shields. The feeling of loving and being loved filled him, helping him ground himself and find his own inner strength.

“I heard about the attack,” Lorn said against his neck. “Thank the Lord of Life you survived.”

Nast closed his eyes and took another deep breath of Lorn’s scent, now deliciously mixed with Casey’s. He wanted to ask where she was, if he could see her, but he kept those selfish thoughts locked away. Today wasn’t about him, it was about Lorn and his bride, but oh how he craved just a moment in her presence.

They pulled apart and Lorn studied his face with a sorrowful expression. “I can hardly feel you.”

“No dark thoughts, blood brother. Not today.” He cupped Lorn’s cheek and wanted to kiss him as they always did when they returned to each other, but he hesitated. Lorn was no longer his to touch.

Smiling, Lorn leaned forward and placed a careful, soft kiss on his lips. Nast could taste Casey on the other man’s skin and he couldn’t help licking against the seam of Lorn’s mouth to taste her. Lorn obligingly parted his lips and Nast was soon drowning in their combined essence, his desire roaring to life as the primitive part of his mind demanded he find the woman that carried this tempting flavor, now.

With his heart thundering in his chest he broke away from Lorn and took an unsteady step back. “I am sorry. I should not have done that.”

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